Two Culprits of Sin

Jeremiah 4:14
“O Jerusalem, wash thine heart from wickedness, that thou mayest be saved. How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee?”

Trying to find the source of a problem is always the key to determining what to fix. When you try to fix a mechanical problem in your car, the mechanic will let the symptoms guide him to the source of the problem. Once you find the source of the problem, you can fix it so the car can run properly.

Likewise, when dealing with sin, you need to get to the source of the problem so you can fix it. Too often we try to deal with the symptoms when what we need to correct is the source. You can remove all the symptoms of sin from your life, and this will certainly help, but you will not correct your problem if you don’t get to the source.

In the verse above, God shows us the two culprits that are the sources of sin. He described some of their symptoms in the previous verses, but He got down to the source of their sin in this verse. If you will deal with both of these culprits and fix them, then you can fix many of the problems in your life.

The first culprit of sin is your thought life. Notice it says, “How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee?” Being vain is showing an excessively high opinion of one’s self. When a person is vain, they are conceited, they are obsessed with themselves, everything must revolve around them and they are very arrogant. In other words, being vain is being filled with pride. Proud thoughts are always the beginning of all sin. That is why God said in 1 Chronicles 7:14, that the first thing we must do to have revival is to “humble” ourselves. Pride is always the source of all sin. I don’t care what your other symptom may be, it all comes down to pride. Pride always leads to more sin. You will never overcome sin until you get a proper perspective of yourself.

The second culprit of sin is your heart. God says, “…wash thine heart from wickedness,…” Your heart is wicked, and you will never overcome sin until you admit it. Friend, you can lie to yourself about how good you are, but that is your pride stepping in and keeping you from dealing with your heart. One of the greatest reasons we never have victory over sin is because we have a hard time admitting the wickedness of our heart.

When you come to the point in life when you are tired of your sin, then you must truly admit your pride and heart are the culprits of your sin. When you can tell God that you are filled with pride and that you are truly a wicked person, then that is when God will step in to help you overcome your sin. You may not think that admitting these things is that big of a deal, but God says it is. Look at 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Confession is the key that puts God into action to help you overcome sin.

Whatever sin you face today, the source of that sin is your pride and heart. You can remove all the symptoms of sin, but until you deal with your pride and heart you will continue to go back to your sin. I challenge you to come to grips with your pride and wicked heart so you can overcome every sin with which you struggle.

Keep the Ball Rolling

Isaiah 55:6
“Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:”

My father-in-law, Dr. Steve Heidenreich, and I were having a conversation about the ministry and how the LORD was blessing it. In the middle of the conversation he made a statement that everyone should heed. He said, “If you ever get the ball rolling, do whatever you can to keep it rolling.” He said, “It is harder to get the ball rolling again than to keep it rolling.”

I believe this advice that my father-in-law gave is the same principle that God is teaching in the verse above. God said, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found,…” Apparently, the LORD had already been found out. They had already found the LORD, and God was admonishing them to keep it going while they had Him.

It is always easy to take something for granted while you have it. When you start taking something for granted, that is when you let up on what it took to get it going. Whenever you get the ball rolling in any area of life, you need to keep doing what you did to keep it rolling.

If you get the ball rolling in your ministry, then keep it going. One mistake many people make is they look at how God is blessing their ministry, then they let up thinking those blessings will keep coming. If you are a pastor who has the ball rolling in your church, then keep doing what you’ve always done to keep it rolling. If you are a ministry worker who has a thriving ministry, then keep pushing forward and don’t let up. While you have it going, you need to keep doing what it took to get it going.

If you get the ball rolling in a relationship, then don’t let up. Having a successful relationship is never easy work. When you have a successful relationship, then you need to keep doing what it took to make it successful. If your marriage is going well, then keep doing what you’ve always done to keep the marriage going well. If you have a great parent/child relationship, then keep doing what you’ve always done to have that relationship. If you have a great relationship in some other area, then don’t let up in working on that relationship, but keep the ball rolling.

If you get the ball rolling with God’s blessings on your life, then do whatever you have to do to keep them coming. God was specifically pointing this out in the verse above. If God starts blessing you, then keep doing what it took to get His blessings. If God is working through your life, then don’t change anything, just keep doing what you’ve been doing over and over again.

Complacency is one of the greatest factors that will stop the ball from rolling forward. You must always guard against complacency, and always realize the privilege of having the LORD’s blessings. I have watched many churches, marriages, relationships and Christians become complacent. They lost the momentum of God’s blessings, never to see them again. Don’t let this happen to you. Treat complacency like a plague, and avoid it. Keep your momentum going forward and don’t let anything slow it down. If you lose the momentum that you had, you may never again see the LORD’s blessings as you once did.

Hungry and Thirsty; There is an Answer

Isaiah 44:3
“For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring:”

Thirsty and Hungry are defined as feeling a need to drink or eat something. There is nothing like trying to fill the hunger and thirst pains. Hunger pains will drive people to do things they normally would not do. I think of Cain who returned from hunting and smelt his brother’s pottage. He was so hungry that he gave up the birthright to fill the hunger pains. The children of Israel were so thirsty in the wilderness that they murmured against God and Moses, and even thought of killing Moses because they were thirsty. The need to fill the appetite for hunger and thirst is great.

Hunger and thirst isn’t only a desire for food and water, but it can also be placed on objects or humans. Throughout the Scriptures God shows us that we should be thirsty for His presence. We should hunger for righteousness and His Words. The problem is that because we are sinners, our flesh will also hunger and thirst for things of this world. There is a difference between a hunger and thirst for spiritual and fleshly things. The flesh can never be filled, while the hunger and thirst for God can.

Christian, when you start hungering and thirsting for the things of this world, you will find that they may give temporal satisfaction, but they will leave you hungry and thirsty again. Hebrews 11:25 says, “Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;” Sin and the flesh will only fill the hunger and thirst pains for a short season, then afterwards you will be hungry again.

I’m reminded of the prodigal son who left his father to live a riotous life. He thought he could prove to his father that the world would fill his appetite, and that he would never need his father again. Sadly, this young man found out that the world and the flesh can only temporarily fill you. He found himself hungry and wanting to eat the slop that the pigs ate. That is exactly how the flesh will leave you.

On the other hand, we have God’s promise that He will fill our thirst and hunger if we trust Him. In the verse above God says, “For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty,…” Psalm 81:10 says, “…open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.” Matthew 5:6 says, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” God is the answer to your hunger and thirst. Instead of running to the world to fill those pains, you should run to God and let Him fill them.

Christian, it doesn’t matter what your need is today, God is the only One Who can fill your need. Stop running after the world, and realize that God can fill your need. Run to His Word and you’ll find your hunger and thirst will be filled. Run to His life, and you’ll find that living the Christian life will satisfy. Seek for righteousness, and you’ll find God will fill that hunger and thirst. Your answer is not the world; your answer is God. Don’t believe the lies the world has to offer. Only trust God, and you will find the answer for your hunger and thirst is Jesus Christ.

Government Shutdown

Government-ShutdownWHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR YOU?
by: Allen Domelle

I woke up this morning to drive to the airport to find out that the world did not come to an end. The stars were still shining as I drove to the airport. The roads had not crumbled when I pulled my car out of the garage. The TSA agents were still working at the airport as I checked in for my flight. The air was still breathable as I walked from my car to the terminal. In fact, as I drove to the airport the highways seemed busier than normal with truckers carrying freight. If you listened to the news reports, you would think the government shutdown would cause the United States to crumble.

As I sat in airports yesterday, I heard the heightened pitch of the news reporters voice talking about the government shutdown as if it’s the apocalypse. President Obama said, “A shutdown will have a very real economic impact on real people, right away,” Really? Senator Reid refused to sit down with Republicans in a conference to hammer out a deal like any business does in negotiations. As soon at the shutdown happened, both Democrats and Republicans were pointing fingers on who’s to blame.

What affect will the government shutdown have?

I certainly feel for those workers who will be affected, but what is amazing is they say they will send “non-essential” workers home. If they’re non-essential, then why are they working? If you’re a government worker who was sent home, then they are telling you that you have no job security because you are non-essential.

  • The shutdown means that federal parks and monuments will be closed.
  • 94 percent of the EPA employees will be sent home. HMMM, non-essential? Just asking.
  • 87 percent of Commerce workers will be sent home.
  • 80 percent of Treasury workers will be sent home.
  • 50 percent of Defense workers will be sent home.
  • 15 percent of Justice workers will be sent home.
  • IRS audit appointments would be canceled, but taxes would still have to be paid.
  • Social Security checks will still be mailed, Medicare and unemployment benefits would keep coming and food stamps would still be issued.
  • Mail will still be delivered.
  • Federal meat inspections will continue as usual.

In essence, the departments that stay open during a shutdown will be those that are directly related to our national security and public safety. So, what they’re saying with this shutdown is that the government is actually going to do what it was originally intended to do. They’re saying that the government is too big to be sending non-essential workers home.

What is sad is how those who represent the American people don’t conduct business like a business. If the average business conducted itself like Senator Reid is running the Senate, they would go out of business. Why not sit down and discuss line by line the differences each has with each other? I’m not rejoicing in those who will go home without a paycheck, but it simply goes to show that if a shutdown sends non-essential employees home, then it has gotten too big.

What does the government shutdown mean for you?

What we have learned from the government shutdown is that Philippians 4:19 is very relevant when it says, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” If you listen to President Obama and his news cohorts, you would think the government is the one who supplies our needs. Christian, you must realize that God is still in control and that He will supply your needs whether the government is running or whether it is shut down. Philippians 4:19 is relevant in good times and bad.

Let this government shutdown be a lesson to you that God is the One Who truly supplies our needs and not the federal government. Will the government shutdown really affect us? I can’t say and neither can an economist, because we don’t know the future. What I do know is that God will continue to supply my needs and yours like He has your whole life. So don’t fret, just keep trusting God.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.

And Hezekiah Prayed

Isaiah 37:15
“And Hezekiah prayed unto the LORD, saying,”

The greatest weapon the Christian has in their arsenal is prayer. There are many things God gives us to make it through the Christian life successfully, but prayer is the atomic bomb in the Christian’s arsenal. Prayer is the one weapon that causes Hell to tremble when used. Prayer is the only weapon we have that can defeat Satan.

Hezekiah, in my opinion, was the third greatest king in the Scriptures. When he took over the throne, Judah was is spiritual disarray. God used Hezekiah to bring about one of the greatest revivals in history. One of the keys to Hezekiah’s success was his prayer life. It says in the verse above, “And Hezekiah prayed…” This prayer came after threats of invasion from the king of Assyria. When others trembled and even crumbled under his threats, Hezekiah understood that prayer was his only hope. It was the prayer of Hezekiah that defeated this king. It was the prayer of Hezekiah that sprung Heaven into action. It was the prayer of Hezekiah that made the strong weak. It was the prayer of Hezekiah that turned strong threats into a joke. What was it about Hezekiah’s prayer that made it so powerful?

First, it was immediate. Hezekiah didn’t wait until he tried everything else. No, his first action was to pray. Too many times we fall into the trap of trying to work everything out before we try prayer. Christian, you must get yourself into the habit of making prayer your immediate action. Don’t run to everyone else to get help before you run to God. Prayer wasn’t an afterthought to Hezekiah, it was his immediate reaction. Make prayer your reaction to every situation.

Second, it was simple. Hezekiah didn’t try to show his eloquence in the prayer, instead he prayed in a simple manner. Friend, you must understand that God is not interested in the eloquence of the prayer; He is simply interested in you praying. The eloquence of a prayer does not grab God’s attention. The Scriptures teach that we are to come to God as a child. How does a child come? They come in simplicity. You may not be able to eloquently word your prayer, but God is not interested in your eloquence. He is interested in your prayer.

Third, it was honest. Hezekiah didn’t hold anything back when he prayed to God. I’m afraid we often treat God as we treat fellow humans and become dishonest in our presentation of our prayer to God. You must remember that God knows your heart and situation, and dishonesty in your prayer is certainly not going to motivate God to answer it. When you pray, be bluntly honest with God for that is the type of prayer He desires.

Fourth, it was filled with complete trust and faith. Hezekiah prayed with a trust that God would rescue him and a faith that God would not fail him. Have complete trust in God when you pray. Don’t pray and try to work it out yourself. Pray and trust God. Have the type of faith that believes God will answer your prayer.

What you face today may seem as big to you as the threats that came to Hezekiah. If you want the same results that Hezekiah got, then pray. Make your prayers immediate and simple, and be sure they are filled with honesty, trust and faith. God will answer your prayers when they are filled with these elements.