Keep the Ball Rolling

Isaiah 55:6
“Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:”

My father-in-law, Dr. Steve Heidenreich, and I were having a conversation about the ministry and how the LORD was blessing it. In the middle of the conversation he made a statement that everyone should heed. He said, “If you ever get the ball rolling, do whatever you can to keep it rolling.” He said, “It is harder to get the ball rolling again than to keep it rolling.”

I believe this advice that my father-in-law gave is the same principle that God is teaching in the verse above. God said, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found,…” Apparently, the LORD had already been found out. They had already found the LORD, and God was admonishing them to keep it going while they had Him.

It is always easy to take something for granted while you have it. When you start taking something for granted, that is when you let up on what it took to get it going. Whenever you get the ball rolling in any area of life, you need to keep doing what you did to keep it rolling.

If you get the ball rolling in your ministry, then keep it going. One mistake many people make is they look at how God is blessing their ministry, then they let up thinking those blessings will keep coming. If you are a pastor who has the ball rolling in your church, then keep doing what you’ve always done to keep it rolling. If you are a ministry worker who has a thriving ministry, then keep pushing forward and don’t let up. While you have it going, you need to keep doing what it took to get it going.

If you get the ball rolling in a relationship, then don’t let up. Having a successful relationship is never easy work. When you have a successful relationship, then you need to keep doing what it took to make it successful. If your marriage is going well, then keep doing what you’ve always done to keep the marriage going well. If you have a great parent/child relationship, then keep doing what you’ve always done to have that relationship. If you have a great relationship in some other area, then don’t let up in working on that relationship, but keep the ball rolling.

If you get the ball rolling with God’s blessings on your life, then do whatever you have to do to keep them coming. God was specifically pointing this out in the verse above. If God starts blessing you, then keep doing what it took to get His blessings. If God is working through your life, then don’t change anything, just keep doing what you’ve been doing over and over again.

Complacency is one of the greatest factors that will stop the ball from rolling forward. You must always guard against complacency, and always realize the privilege of having the LORD’s blessings. I have watched many churches, marriages, relationships and Christians become complacent. They lost the momentum of God’s blessings, never to see them again. Don’t let this happen to you. Treat complacency like a plague, and avoid it. Keep your momentum going forward and don’t let anything slow it down. If you lose the momentum that you had, you may never again see the LORD’s blessings as you once did.