Making Blessings a Blessing

Zechariah 10:1
“Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.”

Asking for rain during the rainy season is an unusual command. God told His people that during the latter rain they were to ask Him for more rain. He was teaching them not to wait until the blessings dried up before they ask Him for more blessings.

There is a far deeper truth in this verse that will be missed if we stopped there. For the rain to come, then there must be “bright clouds” and showers to make the grass grow. God was not only teaching that we must ask for blessings before they are dried up, but He was also teaching that blessings come through hardship and work. Let me show you what it takes to make blessings a blessing.

First, you must have prayer to get God’s blessings. It says in the verse above, “Ask ye the LORD…” God commands us to ask Him for blessings. I heard a preacher once say that we are not to ask God for blessings. That is not true! God has blessings for you, but He will not give them to you until you ask Him for them. You should not wait until your blessings dry up, but you should ask Him for blessings while you are being blessed. You’ll notice God told them to ask for rain “in the time of the latter rain.” You should not feel bad asking God to bless you while you are being blessed because God commands you to do that. You may experience some of God’s blessings without prayer, but God has many more blessings for you if you will just ask Him even while you are being blessed.

Second, you can’t have blessings without storms. Before you ever experience the blessings, you must experience the storms. Notice it says, “…so the LORD shall make bright clouds,…” “Bright clouds” is talking about lightening. Lightening happens in thunderstorms. You must understand that when God sends storms your way, He is preparing you to receive a blessing. Many Christians want the blessing without the storms, but the storms are part of how the blessings come. You may not enjoy the storms you endure, but you must realize they are part of the process in which blessings come.

Third, you can’t have blessings without cloudy days. God says, “…and give them showers of rain,…” Rain does not come on sunny days, but rain comes on cloudy days. Friend, every day can’t be a sunny day. Blessings would not be a blessing if you had them all the time. What makes a blessing a blessing is that it is something that you’ve not had for awhile. The sun seems to always shine brighter after a cloudy day. Don’t despair in the cloudy days, for God has blessings on the way.

Fourth, you can’t have blessings without work. You will notice that the storms and cloudy days caused the grass of the field to grow. If the grass grows, then someone has to mow the grass. Always remember that God’s blessings are not entitlements, but they are given so more work can be done for Him. Blessings always produce more work to be done. Don’t complain about the work that has to be done, for that is part of the blessing.

So, you really want blessings? If you do, then you must not complain when the days are cloudy and the storms are raging. If you want blessings, then you must get yourself ready to do work, for they always require work. The work that blessings produce are not bad, for work always puts food on the table. Let me encourage you to not complain about or run from the storms and cloudy days. Realize that blessings are on the way. Furthermore, don’t complain about the work the blessings produced, for that is all a part of what makes a blessing a blessing.

Don’t Let the Dream Die

Don't-Let-the-Dream-Dieby: Johnny Esposito


I am in America and we just concluded the Missions’ Conference at Pacific Baptist Church. As most of you know, my brother Pastor Joe, is still in a coma. He is in dire need of a miracle!


Many of you, in fact, thousands, from around the world have been praying.


While none of us know WHAT the future holds, we rest assured in the fact, that we know WHO holds the future. JESUS still sits on His throne, working out the fulfillment of His eternal purpose!

We know; we don’t think, we don’t hope, but we KNOW that “all things” work together for our good and for His glory, and in this we rest.

On the last Sunday morning and evening of the Missions’ Conference, I preached a two-part message from ACTS 16:1-5 entitled “Don’t Let the Dream Die.”

I thought I would include a few thoughts from the message that would help you to know how to pray for the church as you pray for the family:


The dream started in North Chicago in the early 1980s. Joe was a bus captain and had been for quite sometime. At the time, the vast majority of his riders were Hispanic children. One day, Joe started noticing Asian children hanging out on or near his bus route.

He later told me, that these were a people who it seemed as if  “No man cared for their souls.” I can remember Joe and I talking about the possibility of him starting a new route to reach into this community of Cambodian families who had fled the communist regime of Pol Pot.

Joe started the route, he loved the people, and he started learning the language. At the time, he lived with my wife and me, and I can remember listening as the tapes played of the Cambodian language down in our basement thinking, “Wow, now that’s a difficult language.”

Joe felt the desire and burden to go to Cambodia to reach these people; a people who no man cared for their soul. Regrettably, or possibly the sovereignty of God, Cambodia was considered a “closed” country at the time. Of course, we now know that no country is “closed” to God, but at the time, at least for many in the Independent Baptist community, Cambodia was closed!

What a “coincidence,” for those of you who believe in coincidences–I don’t, but for those of you who do–my brother soon found out that over 40,000 Cambodians who had fled the communist regime in Cambodia had moved to our hometown of Long Beach, California. More Cambodians lived in Long Beach, California than anywhere else in the world outside of Cambodia and Thailand.

The vision that started in a small neighborhood in North Chicago, had now expanded to the Cambodian people of Long Beach.

My brother decided to plant a church in Long Beach. It was called, Cambodian Baptist Church. My brother Joe loved the Asian people, especially the Cambodians. He often referred to himself as an “egg: yellow (Asian) on the inside and white (Caucasian) on the outside.”

God blessed, and the church grew as did the vision!

After many years, Cambodian Baptist Church changed their name to Pacific Baptist Church. The church became ethnically diverse. Before long, Pacific Baptist Church had a thriving Spanish ministry, as well as a Filipino ministry.

The vision that started in a small neighborhood in North Chicago, had now expanded to Long Beach and surrounding areas and to many different ethnic groups!

About eight years ago, one of our assistant pastors, Dave Board, resigned from PBC and left for the harvest fields of Cambodia. He eventually came back, and my brother and Dave Board prayerfully started Team Cambodia and sent a team to Cambodia. God is doing a miraculous work there in Cambodia with the team headed by Dave Board.

The vision that started in a small neighborhood in North Chicago, had now expanded to Cambodia.

A year or two later, one of my brother’s former bus kids from that Asian route in North Chicago, a Hmong young man named Jay Chang, was recruited by my brother with another couple from the midwest to start a team in Thailand.

The vision that started in a small neighborhood in North Chicago, had now expanded to Long Beach, Cambodia, and Thailand.

It wasn’t too long later before through another “coincidence,” that God laid the country of communist Laos on my brothers heart. We sent Koumaly and Darath Thongdy, along with two single girls to this “closed” country. My wife and I would join them about 18 months later.

The vision that started in a small neighborhood in North Chicago, had now expanded to Long Beach, Cambodia, Thailand, and to communist Laos!

Right about the same time that we were preparing to send a team to Laos, my brother got the vision for planting more churches in California. The first church plant was in the East Los Angeles area. Being that this area was predominately Hispanic in it’s makeup, we naturally thought it would be primarily a Hispanic congregation. What we did not know, here’s another one of those “coincidences,” that the area where the church would be planted had more Chinese living than anywhere else in America.

We started a Chinese ministry, and by God’s grace began to reach Chinese folks. Little by little, the vision expanded. Over the past year or so, my brother became burdened for the 1.3 billion people in China. Some of the last words my brother said just prior to being rushed to the hospital, on the first night of our missions’ conference, which just so happened to be emphasizing China, were “China or Bust.”

My brother had his stroke on the first night of our missions’ conference. This conference had China as its main emphasis. Two missionaries from China were brought in along with Dave Board (missionary in Cambodia) and me (missionary in Laos).

My brother and I were supposed to have a meeting during the conference about the future of our team in Laos, and China was definitely going to be discussed!

The vision that started in a small neighborhood in North Chicago, had now expanded to Long Beach, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and to the entire 10/40 Window, but specifically China!

“Where there is no vision the people perish”

While you pray for Pastor Joe Esposito, while you pray for the family, while you pray for the PBC family, you must stay the course.

Don’t let the dream die!!!

Johnny Esposito
Missionary to the 10/40 Window

True Source of Success

Psalm 127:1
“Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”

If I were to tell you I have one ingredient that guarantees success, you would certainly be interested. If I were to market this ingredient and patent it so that none could steal it, there is no doubt that I would become a wealthy individual. There is no doubt that there would be skeptics with this type of a claim, but if it worked, it would be hard to criticize.

There is a true source of success. This true source of success is not a thing, but the true source of success is a Person. That Person is the LORD. In the verse above, God shows us that without Him we will fail. You may be able to succeed to a degree, but your true source of complete success can only be found in the LORD. There are several areas in which God shows us where we will succeed with Him.

First, your house will not stand if the LORD is not the foundation upon which you build. It says, “Except the LORD build the house,…” In other words, He must be the foundation of all you do. Everything must start with Him. Whether that house is the home, a business, church or a person’s life, success will not be achieved without making Him the foundation of all you do. In other words, everything must be built around Him. The LORD can’t be an addition. He must be the foundation.

Second, your labor will not succeed without the LORD being the source of it. You will never accomplish what you should or could without the LORD’s help. Too often we are all guilty of running into a project, then in the middle of the project we ask for the LORD’s help. With the LORD’s help you can make your time of labor more productive if you will ask Him at the beginning.

Third, safety can only be completely achieved with the LORD. Parents, you can try to keep your children safe from the dangers of this world, but you will only succeed if the LORD is the safeguard of your children. You can’t always be there for them, but He can. When you begin a trip in the car, ask the LORD to be the One Who keeps you safe. At night before you go to sleep, the LORD is the One Who can keep you and yours safe. All safety is of the LORD, and without Him you will not have the peace of mind that you desire.

Fourth, your sleep will not be restful without the LORD. Verse 2 says, “…he giveth his beloved sleep.” The best sleeping pill you can take is the LORD. If you’re having trouble getting rest at night, then ask the LORD to help you sleep. Every night before I put my head on the pillow, I always whisper a prayer to the LORD to give me the rest my body needs. You can wake up refreshed if you will ask the LORD for rest.

Fifth, your family will only be blessed through the LORD. If you want to make the most of your family, then build your family upon the LORD. This is where the greatest memories will be built. When your whole family serves the LORD together, that is when you find the recipe for a successful family.

Before you start anything, make the LORD the foundation upon which you build. He is the source of true success. Yes, you may experience a little success without Him, but your success will not reach its potential without Him.

Turning Judgment

Zephaniah 2:3
“Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD’S anger.”

“We will take care of this when we get home.” This was the phrase my parents used when, as a child, I did something wrong in public. Instead of punishing me for what I did in the public setting, they waited till we got home to take care of the situation. From the time they said these words to the time we got home it seemed like an eternity. Throughout the whole time, I was making all kinds of deals with God so that I could avoid being punished. Of course, the punishment was needed, and God knew I needed the punishment.

God does give us a way to avoid His judgment. In the verse above, God was speaking to Judah, and told them that if they would do two things, they could be hid in the day of His anger. In other words, God would not let His judgment fall on them. Three simple steps is all they had to do, and they could avoid the judgment of God.

The first step they were to take was to seek the LORD. In other words, stop running to their own devices and men, and start trying to get God’s attention. Just like I prayed when I was a child, you are to seek the LORD’s presence. How can you find the LORD? He tells us in Jeremiah 29:13 when He says, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” In other words, put your whole heart into trying to find the LORD and you will find Him. Let your whole attention be placed upon Him. This is the first step needed to turn God’s judgment in your life.

The second step they were to take was to seek righteousness. Righteousness is simply doing right acts. In other words, stop doing wrong, and start doing right. This sounds so simple, but that is how easy it is to turn God’s judgment. Doing right acts will certainly get God’s attention. You will never turn His judgment if you continue to do the wrong that caused Him to send it.

The third step they were to take was to seek meekness. Meekness is simply power under control. In other words, God was telling them that just because they had the power to do wrong, they were not to do it. They were to keep themselves under control. God often calls this temperance in the Scriptures. Just because you can do wrong and get away with it doesn’t give you the right to do it. You must learn to be meek and keep your power under control.

These three steps sound so simple, and they are, but what you learn from history is that Judah didn’t follow these three steps and ended up facing God’s judgment. Friend, don’t be so stubborn as to not follow these three steps. Don’t be so haughty as to think that God would never judge you. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have done for God, if you do wrong He will judge you. The only way to turn the judgment of God is to follow these three steps. Then, and only then, will you see God turn His judgment into mercy. Then, and only then, will you find the judgment of God will miss you.

By the way, if these three steps will turn God’s judgment, then these three steps will keep you from ever facing His judgment. You can avoid the whole process if you will make these three things a regular part of your daily life. These three steps will keep you and God in good fellowship with each other.

Strengthening Your Marriage

Strengthening-Your-Marriageby: Allen Domelle

“For better, or for worse.” This is a part of the vows you made to your spouse when you got married. Most couples getting married truly don’t know what those words mean, but those who have been married for any length of time know exactly very well every marriage experiences times that are better and worse.

My grandparents were married for 72 years before my grandmother went to Heaven. This was a phenomenal feat to accomplish. One day I was talking to my grandfather about them being married for such a long time and simply commented how much I admired their love for each other. My grandfather responded to this comment by telling me their marriage wasn’t always easy. He told me about a rough patch they went through in their early years, but he said they made a vow to each other and to God, and they intended to keep their promise. I’m glad they did. Though their marriage was not perfect, because no marriage is perfect, they made it work by continually strengthening their marriage.

Your marriage is like your body, you must take time to strengthen it or it will eventually become weak and sickly. Sadly, many couples work hard to catch each other, but they don’t do anything to keep each other. Any marriage that is going to improve over time is going to have to strengthen itself. By nature, everything decays over time, but a marriage does not have to decay if the couple works on strengthening it. You have too much invested in your marriage to simply let it go.

One day I was reading Psalm 51, and I noticed that David was trying to strengthen his relationship with God. My mind immediately began to think of marriage and how the principles David used to strengthen his relationship with God can strengthen a marriage if they are applied. Let me show you nine things from Psalm 51 that will strengthen your marriage.

     1. Be merciful to each other.

David had just committed the horrible sin of adultery. Certainly, David must have felt horrible. The emptiness inside must have felt like a great canyon. He said to God in verse 1, “Have mercy upon me,…” He knew he needed God to be merciful to him in his time of weakness. He knew he deserved God’s judgment, but he asked God for His mercy.

There are going to be times when your spouse makes mistakes. It is in these times that you must be merciful to your spouse. Being merciful is simply not giving your spouse what they deserve. If your marriage is going to become stronger, then there is going to have to be a lot of mercy applied. Each spouse is going to make mistakes, and blowing up over those mistakes will not make it stronger. You must learn to be merciful and allow your spouse the space to make mistakes.

     2. Practice lovingkindness.

The second thing David asked God to do was to be merciful “according to thy lovingkindness:…” Lovingkindness is really a self-explanatory word. It is be loving and kind to the other person. David understood that God had every right to shut him out, but he asked God to be loving and kind to him as he put his life back together.

Any marriage that is going to be strengthened must have lovingkindness. In other words, a marriage needs each spouse to be kind to each other and to be loving to each other. Be kind and get your spouse that special thing they like. Men, be kind and buy your wife flowers on days when she doesn’t expect it. Ladies, go to the store and get your husband his favorite snack and leave it for him on his desk or in his lunchbox. Be loving to each other by leaving notes in special places to remind them you are praying for them and that you love them. A marriage is strengthened by practicing lovingkindness.

     3. Acknowledge your faults.

I believe one of the greatest reasons David received God’s mercy was because he acknowledged his sin. Verses 3-4 say, “For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.” You can see that David saw his sin and acknowledged it to God.

When you do wrong, immediately get it right. A marriage that carries grudges against each other will not last. There are going to be mistakes made in a marriage, but the sooner you acknowledge where your marriage lacks, the sooner you can fix it. To cover your eyes on the weakness of your marriage will only weaken it. When you see that your marriage has a fault, immediately work on fixing that problem. Don’t be guilty of covering your eyes to your weaknesses. You are only fooling yourself.

     4. Acknowledge your imperfections.

David understood that he was imperfect. Verse 5 says, “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Acknowledging his imperfections was one of the greatest steps he took in strengthening his relationship with God.

Don’t have the attitude that it’s always your spouse’s fault. Realize you are not perfect. Whenever something has happened in the home, don’t jump to the conclusion that your spouse is at fault. Let me ask you a question, when is the last time you acknowledged that you were wrong? Many times we think we have, but we haven’t. When you and your spouse are at odds, admit to your imperfections and don’t point theirs out. You can’t change them, but you can change yourself.

     5. Be truthful.

David said in verse 6, “Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts:…” David understood that he would never strengthen his relationship with God without being truthful. God desires us not just to be truthful on the surface, but also on the inside. In other words, God desires us to be transparent in our relationship with Him.

No relationship is strong without transparency. If a couple is not truthful with each other, then they are only weakening their relationship. Don’t ever hide things from your spouse. Both of you MUST be open with each other about everything. Deception weakens a relationship. If you’re truthful with each other, then your relationship will become stronger.

     6. Be positive in what you talk about.

David said in verse 8, “Make me to hear joy and gladness;…” David wanted to be positive in his relationship with God. He understood that negativity would weaken his relationship.

You will never strengthen your marriage by constantly being negative. You must develop a positive spirit in your home, and not allow it to go to the negative. Be careful about talking about people in a negative manner. Always find the positive. My mother used to tell me that if you can’t find anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all. That is a good principle by which to live in your marriage. Satan would love to let your marriage be wrapped around the negative. If everything you talk about is negative, then you will have a negative marriage. When you talk about each other, be positive. Be positive when you talk about people in general. When you talk about the LORD’s work, be positive. Let your conversations be positive, and you will find your home will be filled with joy and gladness.

     7. Overlook your spouse’s weakness.

David asked God in verse 9, “Hide thy face from my sins,…” He understood that a relationship that is going to get stronger must not always point out the weaknesses of each other. That is why David asked God to hide His face from his sins.

Be careful about always pointing out your spouse’s weaknesses. You are only hurting your relationship with them by doing this. If you would brag on their strengths, you would be surprised how they will try to work on their weaknesses. Trust me, they already know what their weaknesses are without you pointing them out. It’s not your job to try to change them, it’s your job to love them and work with them. Let God do the changing. If you see a glaring weakness in your spouse, then ask God to work on them in that area.

     8. Protect your spirit.

Part of David strengthening his relationship with God was by making sure his spirit was right. Verse 10 says, “…renew a right spirit within me.” Sin destroyed his spirit, and now to strengthen it he needed God to renew it.

There are many things in this world that can destroy the spirit of your home. Be careful about watching television programs and news stations that will destroy the spirit of your home. Be careful about spending time with negative people who will hurt the spirit of your marriage. Once the spirit of a marriage is damaged, it is hard to restore it. It’s not impossible, just difficult to restore it. The best thing you can do is protect your marriage from anything or anyone who will hurt the spirit of your marriage.

     9. Spend time with your spouse.

In David’s journey of strengthening his relationship with God, he asked God not to leave him. Verse 11 says, “Cast me not away from thy presence;…” David knew that the only way he could strengthen his relationship with God was by spending time with Him.

There is nothing like spending time with your spouse that will help to strengthen your marriage. You must purposely set time aside on a weekly basis to be with your spouse. I understand there are a few times when you won’t be able to have an alone time with your spouse, but those times must be few. Time alone with each other is when you build your relationship. A relationship can not get stronger if you are not together. Don’t get so busy that you never spend time with each other. Don’t get so busy with the children and their activities that you don’t have time alone with your spouse. Alone time with your spouse has to be a MUST.

Every marriage needs strengthening. If you are not doing things to strengthen your marriage, then you are doing things to weaken it. Having a stronger marriage will not happen by accident. It will only be accomplished by doing the things that strengthens marriages.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.

What is Good?

Micah 6:8
“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?”

The Christian life is not as complex as some make it. You will find that God makes the Christian life one that anyone can live. He does not require of anyone something that He doesn’t require of all. God made the Christian life such that even a child can be successful in living it.

This is the case with doing good. We often have an obscure look at what is good, and our viewpoint of good is defined by what affects us. On the other hand, God gives us a clear definition of what is good. In the verse above, God says there are three things of which good is comprised.

First, if you’re going to do good, then you must be just. Being just is truly being the same in all areas of life. For instance, being just is treating everyone the same. That would mean that you’re going to treat the poor the same way you would treat the rich. It means that you treat the lowly the same way you would treat the esteemed. It means you treat the fallen the same way you would treat the righteous. It means you treat the castaway the same way you would treat the popular. If you’re going to be good, then you must learn to treat everyone the same.

Being just also means your dealings are the same with all. In other words, you don’t take advantage of one because they have more money. It means that you are fair in all your business dealings. It means you make sure that how you conduct business is right, and that you don’t take advantage of anyone. If you’re going to be good, then you must be just in all your business dealings. God should be pleased with how you conduct business in every situation.

Second, if you’re going to do good, then you must love mercy. If you love mercy, then you will practice mercy. I’m amazed of the Pharisaical attitude of many Christians. We will accept our loved ones who have fallen, but someone else who has done something “horribly wrong” is never considered accepted among the brethren. I ask you, are you merciful to those who have fallen? Certainly, someone may have hurt you deeply, but if you’re going to be good, then you must be merciful to that person and allow them a chance to get right with you. God is merciful to us and will pardon our iniquity if we ask Him, and you should be willing to pardon those who have wronged you if they ask for forgiveness.

Third, if you’re going to do good, then you must be humble. Friend, we all need to see that we are not as good as we think we are. There is nothing of ourselves of which we should glory. We will never be good until we get a proper perspective of ourselves. Until we come to the point where we are humble, then good cannot come from our lives.

I ask you, are you good? Do you treat everyone the same? Does God approve of your business dealings? Are you willing to give everyone a second chance including those who have deeply hurt you? Is your perspective of yourself one that God would approve? This is what it takes to do good. You must constantly work at improving yourself in all of these areas. You will find that if you can conquer these three areas in your life, that you will be successful as a Christian.

God Doesn’t Want to Be Lord

Hosea 2:16
“And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali.”

The relationship between Hosea and his wife was strained at best. God told Hosea to go and marry a wife of whoredoms, and he obeyed. Their relationship was strained, not because Hosea didn’t love his wife, but because she wanted to leave him to go back to her wicked lifestyle. Hosea’s wife didn’t look at her marriage in an endearing manner, but she looked at her relationship as a bondage that kept her from doing what she wanted to do.

God used this marriage to show His people what He was willing to go through just to have an endearing relationship with them. In the verse above, God told Israel that their sins sent them into bondage, but that one day He would re-establish a relationship with them so that they would call Him “Ishi” and not “Baali.” “Ishi” means, “husband,” and “Baali” means “master or lord.” In other words, God didn’t want to be their lord, but He wanted to have a delightful relationship with them. God didn’t want His people to feel that they were in bondage in their relationship with Him; instead, He wanted them to see it as a relationship that was treasured and filled with love.

Christian, God wants a close relationship with you. God doesn’t want you to feel that you have to serve Him, but that you get to serve Him. Many Christians serve God out of obligation, which makes Him their lord. There is certainly nothing wrong with God being your lord, but that is not the relationship He wants with you. He doesn’t want you to look at Him as a ruler or master who makes you do something. He wants to have a relationship with you that is cherished and enjoyed.

Let me illustrate. When two people first get married, they enjoy doing things for each other. Their love for each other is innocent, and hasn’t been tried by each others weaknesses. Yet, you will find many times people get to the point in their relationship where they have to do things for their spouse because that is their obligation. It is their birthday, so you have to buy them a card or get them a gift. It is your anniversary, so you have to get your spouse a box of chocolates or buy flowers for your wife. Then, there are relationships where a couple doesn’t do these things because they have to, but they do them because they want to. This relationship has moved from a “Baali” relationship to a “Ishi” relationship.

Friend, let me ask you, are you serving God because you have to or because you want to? Do you look forward to going to church, or do you do it out of obligation? Is your time in the Scriptures a penance that you must do to feel spiritual, or is it a time to which you look forward because you get to spend time with God? Do you go soul winning or serve in a church ministry out of obligation, or is it a part of your life that you enjoy and would never want to have it taken away?

When you move beyond God being your lord, and your service to Him is out of obligation, then you will find the things of God will not be bitter. Only one thing causes you to look at God as your lord, and that is sin. When sin is removed, and I’m not just talking about “big” sin, I’m talking about any sin, then that is when your relationship will move to an endearing relationship. Don’t let sin take the joy away from your relationship with God. Let your relationship be one that is cherished and one where you can call God, “Ishi.”

Positive Relationships

Daniel 1:17
“As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.”

Unless you are a hermit who lives in a cave, your daily life is filled with relationships. Most people have no idea how many relationships they have. A relationship isn’t always with a person. A relationship is a connection. That means anything you connect with is a relationship. For instance, if you frequent a website on a regular basis, then you have a relationship with that website. If you listen to a radio show on a regular basis, then you have a relationship with that show. I know this may sound strange, but anything you connect with is a relationship.

The dangerous thing about relationships is that they influence us for better or worse. When you go to a website, you are allowing it to influence you. When you listen to a radio or television show on a regular basis, you are allowing it to influence you. Most of the time we only think of relationships with people, and these are important, but we must also consider the influence of the other relationships we have in our lives.

Daniel narrowed down the relationships in his life. It was no mistake that Daniel became a great Christian. When you look at his relationships, he had very few in which he chose to engage. Yes, there were other relationships in his life with which he had no control, but the relationships over which he had control were both positive and spiritual.

The two main relationships in Daniel’s life were God and his relationships with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. The primary relationship of his life was with God. You will see in the Scriptures that Daniel spent personal time with God three times a day. This was the most influential part of his life. After his relationship with God, he only allowed personal relationships with those who were spiritual. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were spiritual young men with whom Daniel spent time. These four men were motivated and encouraged to do right because they all allowed their chief relationship to be with God.

It is important that you make sure every relationship you have starts with God. God should be the common denominator you have with any other relationship. When you base every relationship on God, then you will have positive relationships in life.

Furthermore, you should only allow other relationships in your life that have a positive influence on your spiritual life. Your personal friends should not be weak Christians, instead they should be strong Christians who motivate you to do right. Your inanimate relationships, such as the internet and radio, should only be relationships that stir you to do more for God.

Let me ask you, are your relationships pushing you closer to God? Do your relationships put pressure on you to stand for right? Is every relationship in your life one that Daniel would have? Take an inventory of every relationship you have and be sure they are pushing you towards God and right. If there is one relationship that is weak, you need to get rid of it for it will influence you for wrong. Every relationship should be spiritual and positive, and every relationship should have God as the common denominator.

A Home-Builder

A-Home-Builderby: Sandy Domelle

Most likely the one who is going to build the home more than anyone else is the wife. She’s home more often and is usually the caregiver to the children. The wife is like the Holy Spirit of the home. She works in the background to care for each member, she comforts and tends to the needs of each one in the home. When we think of our home, we have to remember that a home is people and not an edifice. We live in a generation that is more wrapped up in our houses, what they look like, how big they are, decorating them, keeping the yards beautiful, etc and we don’t concentrate on those who live inside the house. What is the value of the house if those inside are destroyed? What is the value of the house if the lives of your children are not built? What is the value of the house if the marriage relationship is broken? Proverbs 14:1 says, “Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.” If we are going to build our home we need to take on the mindset of the wise woman and be a home-builder. Here are some ways that we can work on this.

   1. She focuses on her home and not the homes of others.

It’s so easy to focus in on someone else’s flaws or problems before we take a look at our own. You, as the wife and mother of the home, know what your areas of weakness are, concentrate on fixing those areas. Start with making sure you are the right kind of wife in the home. Are you meeting your husband’s physical, mental, and spiritual needs? If not, write down the area you need to work on and make it your top priority to fix that area. If our foundation/marriage is weak, the house will eventually crumble.

After you look at your role as the wife in the home, take a look at your role as a mother. Some of you know your children are wild and unruly whether at home, church, school or in public. That is one area you need to work on. Some of you know that being scheduled is a problem for your family or maybe it’s being on time, work on that.  When we look at it as a whole, we want to strive to have a home that runs efficiently and in order. The way we obtain that is by being a wise woman who concentrates on HER home and not someone else’s.

   2. She stays home. 

You can’t build your home if you are never home to work on it. Many women these days work to help support the family. You may have to work each day, but when you are home, be home. Too many times we schedule so many things to do that we don’t have time to just be home as a family. I look at families that feel they have to give their children every opportunity in the world so they are running around after school to games, music lessons, etc and by the time they get home at night it’s time for bed. When you look at the old days, you see that the strength found in so many homes came from having family time each night. They had time to eat dinner together, have family time and devotions together. You may say, our work schedule doesn’t allow us all to be home at one time for dinner or devotions before bed. If you as the mom can do these things with the children, you are still pulling your home together.

Another thing to think about too is that when you are home, be home in your mind. Don’t be on the phone, email, internet or needing to text people. When I say be home, be home! That one-on-one time grows your children. They are with teachers, babysitters and others all day long. It is your job to fulfill Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” As mothers in the home it’s our duty to help train our children. We can’t do that if we are never home.

   3. She doesn’t pick her family apart.

This is one area of which we have to be so careful. Remember, we are training our children. They won’t always get it the first time, and they may not always understand immediately. The more we work with them, the more we can change their flaws. I think of a friend that every time I spend time with her she is talking to me but has her ear to her children and constantly interrupts me to get after her kids. It’s a very frustrating conversation for me because I can’t tell if she’s heard anything I’ve said, and her children are very frustrated because all she is doing is yelling at them. Training our children is teaching them. So many moms don’t want to take the time, or they say they don’t have the time, to be patient and sit down and talk out the flaws they see in their children. If I notice our daughter, Caitlyn, is struggling in an area, we sit down and talk about it. I don’t yell at her to change it, or constantly yell at her to stop it. If I have to say it more than once, obviously, it’s something that needs some one-on-one explaining and teaching from me.

Not only do we tend to pick at our children, but we do the same thing with our husbands.  Don’t be constantly picking at him and his flaws. When you constantly are on someone about their flaws all you do is put a wall up. Walls are hard to tear down. There are just as many flaws in you as those that you are pointing out in your husband. I want a strong relationship with my husband and daughter. The way I know to keep our home strong is to praise their strengths. Anyone who is praised enough strives to be better in their life. If you have a child you are frustrated with and can’t get through to them with your yelling or arguing, try spending a day praising them for every little thing you can see. I promise that child will seem different in your eyes by the end of the day.

   4. She repairs things that are broken.

Yes, I have a busy husband like many of you. If anything is going to break, it always breaks when he is away. I have had to learn to fix my share of things over several years of marriage. If I don’t fix things sometimes he doesn’t have the time to immediately fix them. If some things are not fixed immediately it leads to more problems. The same is so in your home. If you know there is an area that is broken and you don’t fix it, it can lead to more problems.

As the wife, there are times too when I can’t fix a problem, but I can bandage it until the repairman can care for it. I think sometimes we, as mom, cannot totally fix a problem. Yet, we are there to bandage it so that the problem doesn’t spread further before our husband or the Lord can step in. Some of you have experienced a wayward child. You may have tried to do all you could and may have put bandages on your child. You and your husband tried to be loving, supportive and did all you could. Now, it is up to the Lord to step in to repair them. Sometimes the repairs are minimal but sometimes the repairs can take a long time and cost a lot. I have found that the more attentive that I can possibly be to see any signs of a problem and fix them before they turn into a problem, the better off I am. If we are attentive, we can save ourselves from huge damages. The problem is that most parents are so busy working and caring for things that their children are sitting home by themselves and the problems sneak in unaware.

Be aware in your marriage. Be attentive in your marriage. A good marriage needs time and love to nurture it and to grow. If your marriage seems to have a few rough edges work at repairing those areas. Sometimes it’s just that you all are staying so busy with work and the things of the Lord that you are suffering because of no personal time. Find time every week so that you and your hubby have some “alone time.” Strive to keep your marriage strong! Remember your marriage is the foundation of your home.

   5. She keeps her home clean.

Do you know that a clean home breeds comfort? I have heard kids talk about hanging out at someone else’s home because their mom isn’t a clean housekeeper. How embarrassing it would be to have your children speak of you in such a way. My mom taught me as a young girl that the moment my feet were pulling out of my bed to make it. That’s one less thing to do for the day. My hubby jokes that if he has to get up in the night at all, the bed is remade. Cleaning the home shouldn’t take long if you stay on top of it. Many times you just need a little organization, and it will take you a long way.

I do believe in lists but I like a simple list of things. There are some people who go way out in their organizational lists, I can’t have too many lists or I feel overwhelmed. Since my teenage years, I have always been one who loves to have the basic list that I can look at and check things off.

With my home, I try to put the major things all on different days so that I’m not overwhelmed with one full day of cleaning. I like to split it up so that I feel my home is clean all week long. There are some basics I do each day to make the house feel clean. I run the vacuum, tidy up each room as far as the clutter sitting around, and make sure the house smells warm and inviting, etc. The main things like dusting, laundry, or scouring down the bathrooms are all done on different days of the week. The things that I do on a daily basis have become my regular routine.

We are more likely to follow through on things if we have developed a routine in our day. You need to develop a routine that works best for you. I do the dishes as soon as we are done eating. That way when I’m done and have tidied up the kitchen I can sit and relax. If I know the dishes haven’t been done and anyone pops by, then I feel I have an untidy kitchen. To me, the kitchen must be clean 24/7.

Let me emphasize this too, don’t just keep the main room or rooms of the house clean because that’s what people see. Your family sees your whole house every day. I believe if you have poor housekeeping skills they pass off to your children. If you want your daughters to grow up to be good housewives, then you need to teach them by example. When we have a clean and organized home we have a peaceful environment that everyone wants to come home to.

   6. She walks with God.

Proverbs 14:2 says, “He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the Lord; but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.” You must make sure you have a personal time with the Lord each day. We are not going to be what our family needs if we are not what we need to be spiritually. My heart’s desire is to be the wife, mother and Christian that I need to be. I cannot be what I need to be for my husband if I am not walking with God. My husband doesn’t need a whiner, nagger, ungrateful, selfish wife. Intentionally, we are not these things, but when we haven’t walked with God and the tasks of the day hit us full force or we have a trial or burden that hits us and causes us to dwell on the negatives, we become these things.

   7. She watches her mouth.

Let me share a few verses with you.

Matthew 12:36, “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.”

Proverbs 21:23, “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.”

Proverbs 13:3, “He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.”

Proverbs18:7, “A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.”

Psalms 34:13, “Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.”

There are many, many verses in the Bible that talk about our mouth, tongue and the way we speak. I think every lady has to be so careful with her tongue. By nature we love to socialize, and when we socialize we develop friendships. With friendships we can become too familiar with people who we talk openly about things in our lives that we rarely share with most people. We have to be careful that what we talk about is ALWAYS pleasing to the Lord.

Our words can hurt others deeply. They can offend, and they can run people off. When you tell someone something in private, it rarely stays private. If you know something that shouldn’t be talked about, then don’t bring it up! If you know something that will hurt someone else, don’t talk about it and don’t share it as a prayer request as a way to “help” the situation.

Do you know that when you don’t agree with someone or something that you don’t have to share that opinion with others? If you feel you must, sit back and take a deep look at yourself, you may be the trouble maker in most problems. The best way to get control of your mouth is to memorize the Scriptures, and I would suggest starting with the ones listed above. You say, “Wow, you are pretty blunt on this issue!” Yes, because it’s so hard to see lives hurt and scarred by someone’s mouth. What you say may not mean anything to you the next day, week, month or year, but it could change the rest of someone else’s life.

Building a home takes being a home builder. You may not be able to do all of these things immediately, but you can start working on these things one by one. Make it your goal to be a home builder.

A Second Chance God

Ezekiel 36:36
“Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that I the LORD build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the LORD have spoken it, and I will do it.”

When I was in school, the type of curriculum that we used allowed us to get a second chance at correcting our mistakes. If we got it wrong the first time, then we could go back to our seat and correct what we got wrong. The purpose of the second chance was so that we could learn what we did wrong so that we wouldn’t do it again.

God is a second chance God. The verse above says, “I the LORD build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate:…” In other words, God was saying that He was giving these people a second chance to do right. Their sins ruined their country, but He wanted to rebuild the places that sin ruined.

I find in this verse the importance of a second chance. Maybe you are a person whose life has been ruined by sin. Let me encourage you that God is willing to give you a second chance. Certainly, the Devil is telling you that you could never be used again, but he is lying to you. Throughout the Scriptures God gave people a second chance. If God gave David a second chance, then He will give you a second chance. If God gave Peter a second chance, then He will give you a second chance. If God gave Jonah a second chance, then He will give you a second chance. Always remember that the character of God is to give people a second chance, and that includes you.

Let me add to this thought by saying if God is willing to give people a second chance, then you should be willing to give people a second chance. Don’t be guilty of doing the Devil’s work by kicking people when they are down. Take up the work of God and give people a second chance.

Furthermore, when you take God’s offer of a second chance, realize that it is not going to come back quickly. God is going to have to rebuild your life. In order to rebuild your life, He must remove the wastes that sin has left. Rebuilding is never a quick process. First, there is a tearing down of that which sin built. Second, there is a removing of the wastes that were torn down. Third, there must be time to rebuild your life. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you’re not immediately back to where you want to be. Give God a chance to rebuild you.

Moreover, if you are going to be rebuilt, then you must plant yourself in the Word of God so It can grow you where sin left you desolate. You will ruin your second chance if you don’t spend much time in the Word of God allowing It to get It’s roots into your heart. Friend, only God’s Word can cleanse and rebuild you. Spend time reading, memorizing and meditating on God’s Word, as it is His Word that rebuilds and plants your life.

Don’t ever believe that you have gone so deep into sin that God can’t rebuild your life. If you are saved, and God has not taken you to Heaven, then God still has a plan for your life. It will take some time for Him to rebuild, but He can use you. I challenge you to take God up on His offer to give you a second chance and let Him rebuild what sin has torn down. Once He has rebuilt you, then learn from the first time and don’t make the same mistakes that led to your destruction.