What Bible College Can’t Do For You

What-Bible-College-Cant-Do-For-Youby: Allen Domelle

Getting a Bible college education after one graduates from high school is certainly stressed to our young people. By listening to the news media, one would think that a person without a college education will never amount to anything. Pastors and spiritual leaders often stress to their youth to go to college after they graduate. Bible college representatives visit churches every summer, and some throughout the year in search of young  people who are prospective students for their college.

There are certainly many good things a college can give a young person. Many people will meet their spouse at college. Many people will meet friends of a lifetime at Bible college. Bible college definitely gives people tools to help them in their attempt to serve the LORD with their lives. These are just some of the benefits to Bible college.

However, Bible college isn’t the end all to everything. Just because a person doesn’t attend a Bible college doesn’t mean they won’t do anything for God. Some of the men who have been used by God in the greatest of ways have no Bible college degree. D.L. Moody shook two continents for Christ without a Bible college degree. Curtis Hutson pastored a large church and then successfully led the Sword of the Lord paper for many years. My good friend, Dr. Darrell Cox, is not shy in telling you that he has no college education. These men weren’t against it, they just found out that God can still use you without a Bible college education.

This article is not an attempt to lessen the importance of a Bible college education, but it is a reminder that a college degree doesn’t give you some of the most important elements for Christian success. God does say in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” I believe it is highly important that Christians study the Word of God and life so they can better reach the lost for Christ.

As I’ve traveled this country from one end to another, I have found many people who have a college education yet they are still lacking. There are reasons for the lack, because a Bible college education is not meant to give you everything you need, instead it is to whet your appetite so that you will continue to learn the things you need to help you get closer to reaching the potential God has for you. There are ten definite things Bible college can’t do for you.

     1. Bible college can’t give you drive.

One of the things that separates the successful from the unsuccessful is their drive. Jude shows us we are to have a drive when he says in Jude 1:3 to “earnestly contend for the faith.” It takes drive for someone to continually contend for the faith. Paul reminded us in Corinthians about some people who had drive when he said, “I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)” (1 Corinthians 16:15) Even the drive of our Saviour was evident when it says, “And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:53) These and many more successfully reached many simply because they had drive.

2014 Teen ConventionBible college cannot put drive, ambition or willpower inside of you. There must be something in you that causes you to get up early and stay up late. There must be a drive within you to cause you keep going in the midst of attack. One of the reasons ministries flounder is because their leader has no drive. I’m not saying that those who have a struggling ministry have no drive, but I am saying that one of the reasons some have struggling ministries is because they have no drive to do something great for God. There must be something inside of you to desire to do something great for God. Bible college can’t place this inside you. You must see the need of the world and make it personal if you are going to have drive.

     2. Bible college can’t make you strive for excellence.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” This is a command for the Christian to strive for excellence. God expects no less than excellence from His children. If God’s work is the greatest work in the world, and it is, then we should never settle for second best.

One of the saddest things I see as I travel is how God’s work is done in a second-rate manner. When bulletins are filled with misspellings and special days and conferences are put on at the last minute, it is a slap in the face to God. Bible college cannot make you strive for excellence, but you should expect no less than excellence. I’m very thankful that God didn’t plan salvation the same way many Christians do His work. If He did, Jesus would have never made it to the cross. Though Bible college can have requirements of excellence for their students when writing essays and papers, they can’t expand that excellence into all other areas of life. It is up to the individual to understand that if it is worth doing, then do it right, and do it right the first time. Excellence is the standard for which every Christian should strive.

     3. Bible college can’t make you study when you leave.

God commands us in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” He again shows us the importance of study when He says, “Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” (1 Timothy 4:13)

Studying should be a lifelong work. Just because you have a college degree in hand does not mean that you know everything. In fact, I have found many people who have no college degree that have more education than those with a degree because they have not rested upon a piece of paper to carry them through the rest of life. The day you stop learning is the day you spiritually begin to lose influence. Every day you should strive to learn something from someone so that you can be a better servant of Christ. Whether it is through books, asking people questions or applying yourself to personal study, always continue the learning process in your life.

     4. Bible college can’t keep you faithful.

Proverbs 20:6 asks, “Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?” Bible college may give you information, but it can’t place faithfulness to the Word of God in your heart. Being faithful to truth and not to personalities and institutions is of paramount importance if you are going to die serving the LORD. We are commanded in Revelation 2:10, to be “faithful unto death.” This will only happen if you place your eyes on God and not let man become the focus or who you try to please.Salvationsites-websites

     5. Bible college can’t make you walk with God.

It is often said that one of the best places to backslide is in Bible college. This is sad, but true. Many Bible college students get so busy with their studies and ministries that they forget the most important thing to do is to daily walk with God. You will never have the blessings of God upon your life and ministry if you don’t walk with God. We are reminded of this in Psalm 91:1 when it says, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” All the education in the world won’t substitute for a walk with God. Your walk with God is only as consistent as your character. You show me what your walk with God is like and I will show you how much God will use you today and in the future.

     6. Bible college can’t force you to be honest.

Sadly, some of the most dishonest people I have met are Christians. Some of these people are Bible college graduates and others are leaders of ministries. Being honest is a command. God says, “Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.” (2 Corinthians 8:21) Christians should be the most honest people because they represent an honest God. College can’t make you honest, that is something you must decide to do. Honesty in the ministry is one of the greatest needs of our day. Being honest with what you say, how you treat the opposite gender and your dealings with each other are of the utmost importance to your testimony. A Christian or church that becomes dishonest will lose their good name and influence in their community and their world.

     7. Bible college can’t make you faithful to your spouse.

Many people meet their spouse at Bible college, but that doesn’t mean they will be faithful to them their entire life. Many Bible college students have destroyed their name because of infidelity. Let me remind you that adultery is still sin. Exodus 20:14 is still true when it says, “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Being faithful to your spouse is simply staying true to your word when you promised them you would “forsake all others.” If there is ever a time we need to be reminded of this, it is now!

     8. Bible college can’t give you a good work ethic.

A person’s work ethic will highly dictate the scope of their ministry. You show me someone with a poor work ethic and I will show you someone who will not do much in life. On the other hand, you show me someone who may not be the smartest, but they outwork everyone else, and I will show you someone who will build the greatest works. Great works are not built on talent. You will always find hard work is behind the scenes of every great work and life. Bible college can’t wake you up early every morning and make you work late at night for the rest of your life. Bible college can’t make you get up and go to work when you are tired or sick. That is totally dependent upon your work ethic. Ephesians 4:12 reminds us that the ministry takes work. How far you go in life will be highly dependent upon your work ethic.

     9. Bible college can’t organize you.

The Bible is filled with organization. God says in 1 Corinthians 14:40, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” Many churches struggle, or at best are hindered, not because of a lack of manpower, but because of a lack of organization. Many Christians struggle in their life, not because of a lack of education, but they struggle because they are disorganized. If you truly want God to increase your potential, then you must learn to be organized. Organize your days by having a daily schedule by which you live. Organize your finances by having a budget to dictate how you spend your money. Some of the greatest works I have seen are not great because of the leaders personality or charisma, but the leader is highly organized and God was able to use them in a greater way because of their organization. God can work when things are disorganized, but the greatest works of God are always done when there is organization.

     10. Bible college can’t make you care for people.

One of the saddest statements in the Scriptures is found in Psalm 142:4 when it says, “I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.” A Bible college may make a person fill out an activity report and go soul winning, but they cannot place caring for individuals in the heart of their students. David didn’t say in the verse above that no man came to see him, but he said that no man cared for his soul. Bible colleges often give a graduate a judgmental heart instead of a caring heart. This is no inditement of the college, but rather an inditement of the individual. Caring for people is one of the greatest keys to the ministry. Bible college can’t make a person care for the hurting in the hospital, care for the homeless, meet the needs of someone financially struggling or care for the fallen.

Caring for people will only come by being among the people. When Jesus was among the multitudes, he had compassion for them and cared for their needs. Having a caring heart is what makes the difference in an individual’s life. Jude 1:22 says, “And of some have compassion, making a difference:” When you care, you will have compassion. When you have compassion, you will make a difference.

Bible college is certainly a great tool to train young people for the ministry, but it cannot place these things in the heart of its students. These things are a choice every Christian must make if they want to have a great influence on their world. Whether or not you have a Bible college degree will not determine if God uses you, but the things mentioned in this article are most definitely are part of every person’s life whom God uses in a great way. Increase your usefulness to God by plugging these things into your life.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.

The Ignorance of Cult Calling

The-Ignorance-of-Cult-Callingby: Allen Domelle

One of the most common attacks that independent Baptists put up with from their detractors is that they are a cult or cultish. It never fails that someone who has an agenda to destroy a pastor, preacher or Baptist church they don’t like is they call it a cult or them a cult leader. It’s interesting that they don’t use Scriptures in their attacks, it is just their cop out to simply call them a cult because they don’t like them.

The word “cult” is a relatively new word that has only been used within the past century. It is interesting that when you look up the word “cult” in the 1828 Webster’s dictionary, it is nowhere to be found. The word “cult” was mainly introduced in the 1930’s by American sociologist Howard P. Becker as an expansion of German theologian Ernst Troeltsch. Though we don’t know much about these men, what we do know is that they did not believe in absolute truth. In fact, Ernst Troeltsch insisted that the Christian church re-examine its claims to absolute truth.

If there is no absolute truth, then Jesus Christ is the biggest liar that ever walked this Earth for He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) So, we must choose between trusting Jesus Christ or Ernst Troeltsch. If you put it to that test, I will always trust Jesus Christ. Yet, we allow Ernst Troeltsch to infiltrate our terminology by using the word “cult.”

It never fails that those who call us a cult do so because of our stand for the Scriptures. Their stance is a liberal one, so to make us sound bad they want to define us as a cult so they can justify their unscriptural stand. Sadly, their accusations against independent, fundamental Baptist churches as being a cult or cultish are nothing short of ignorant.

Faith-Baptist-Church_Margate-ADJust because we are “independent” Baptist does not make us a cult. We are independent because we believe each church should answer only to God. Ephesians 5:23 says, “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.” Notice, that Christ is the head of the church and not a board or a man. The reason we are independent is because the Bible teaches that every church is to only answer to God.

To call a church a cult because they are independent is unscriptural and ignorant. Independence doesn’t make a church a cult. If that is the case, then Microsoft is a cult because they are independent and answer to no national computer chain. Apple is a cult because they don’t answer to anyone else other than their CEO. If independence makes something a cult, then every independent grocery store is a cult because they don’t answer to Walmart, Albertsons or any other national grocery chain.

Just because a church is independent from a board does not make it a cult. In fact, it would make it a scriptural church. It would make it a church that has followed the model of the early church in the Book of Acts.

Just because Baptists have standards does not make them a cult. This is certainly one of the hot topics that most who call us a cult use. They don’t like it that a church would require them to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, run with a certain crowd of people and listen to a wholesome style of music if they are going to hold a leadership position in the church. This is simply a short list.

Standards by no means makes a church a cult. Look at this list of standards and tell me if you think this is a cult.

  • It is recommended that visitors dress conservatively and modestly;
  • No strapless, halter, bare midriff, sheer, or transparent clothing;
  • No strapless or “spaghetti” strap tops;
  • No skirts, dresses, or shorts that expose more than two inches above the knee;
  • No clothing that exposes the breast…or buttocks area;
  • No very tight, form-fitting attire;

I can see people rolling their eyes as they read this list of standards saying, “Ole Domelle is at it again.” I know, you think this is too tight. In fact, this list of standards would disqualify many so-called Baptist churches. However, this is not the list of standards from a Baptist church, but this is the list of visiting standards from the California Department of Corrections. It’s sad when their standards are higher than the average church. So, I ask you, are they a cult because they have standards?

If standards makes a place a cult, then the armed services are a cult because they require soldiers to dress a certain way for each occasion. They must have their dress uniform on when they go to formal events and their camouflage fatigues on when in the field. If dress standards make an organization or group a cult, then you better throw the armed services into that list of cults.

Just because someone has standards that are tighter or looser than mine does not make me or them a cult. I’m not justifying loose standards in any stretch of the imagination, but I’m simply trying to show that having dress standards does not make a person a cult leader or a church a cult.

Everyone has standards, it’s just that some have standards that are higher than others. You have standards because there are certain limits to which you will not go. That is your standard! In fact, whatever your dress standard is, it is going to be higher than someone else’s. Does that make you cultish? Of course not! Churches that acquire their standards from the Word of God are not a cult or cultish, rather they are being scriptural.

Just because Baptists allow someone to influence them does not make them a cult. Throughout the history of independent, fundamental Baptists, there have been men whom God has used in a great way. I think of men like J. Frank Norris and Jack Hyles. Both of these were used greatly in the United States. Because their ministries grew to great numbers, they had a positive and enormous affect on many Christians. Yet, because of the scope of their ministries, they also had those who became disgruntled with them. Many times these disgruntled people would say that J. Frank Norris and Jack Hyles were cult leaders. They had no grounds on which to base this, it was just an easy way of attacking these men because of their great influence.

If great influence makes someone a cult leader, then let’s start calling men like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy cult leaders. Just in this list of men you have people who were on the opposite sides of beliefs, but their influence didn’t make them a cult leader.

If Jesus was walking the Earth today and the Pharisees existed, and sadly they do but they just don’t call themselves that anymore, they would have said that Jesus was a cult leader. Jesus was a very influential person in His three years of ministry. Yet, his influence did not make Him a cult leader because great influence doesn’t mean someone is involved in a cult.

If influence is a sign of a cult, then let’s call Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Vince Lombardi and Babe Ruth cult leaders, because there are still many people today who love to follow what these men did when they played sports. Those who like to throw the word “cult” around because of someone’s influence are showing their ignorance because they themselves follow influential people.

Someone is not a cult because we disagree with them. Just because I leave a church with which I disagree doesn’t make that church a cult. That church may not stand where I would stand, but that does not make it a cult.

Just because I strongly disagree with a man of God doesn’t make him a cult leader. It’s so easy to say that a preacher with whom I disagree is a cult leader or is cultish because I disagree with him; however, what makes us the measuring guru of what is or what is not a cult. Just because I had a personal disagreement with a pastor doesn’t make him a cult.

Just because I strongly disagree with a previous pastor doesn’t make that church a cult. Many Christians who have left a church because of the pastor like to say that man was cultish in his leadership simply because they don’t like him or because he hurt them. Again, that doesn’t make him a cult or a cult leader.

Friend, it truly comes down to the fact that if we base everything upon the Word of God, then there is no cult. God doesn’t call them cult leaders or cults, He calls them “false prophets, false teachers” and “sects.” It is a whole lot harder to call someone whom I disagree with on their style of leadership a false prophet or false teacher because only God’s Word will determine this. When we take it out of our hands and let the Word of God determine whether a church is a sect or a preacher is a false prophet, at that point there is no argument.

So, the question comes down to this, what makes a preacher a false prophet or a church a sect? The Scriptures teach that anyone who preaches doctrine that is against God’s Word or a church that practices doctrines and scriptural traditions (2 Thessalonians 2:15; 3:6) that are contrary to the Word of God.

Just because a preacher is a topical preacher does not make him a cult leader. Just because a preacher is loud or silent does not make him a cult leader. Just because a church has higher standards than mine does not make them a cult. Just because a pastor or a church holds their staff, deacons, ministry workers and church leaders accountable for their lifestyle does not make them part of a cult. Let’s take the “cult” wording out of our vocabulary and let’s get back to letting the Word of God determine whether someone is a false preacher or teacher and whether a church is a sect.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.

What Will It Take

What-Will-It-Takeby: Allen Domelle

When I was a teenager, there was a young adult man in our church who at one time was the golden gloves boxing champion for the Hawaiian Islands. Not only was he a good boxer, but he also held a black belt in martial arts. As a teenage young man, it was not difficult to want to be around him for in my eyes he epitomized a manly man.

One day he offered to give me and a friend of mine some boxing and martial arts lessons if we were interested. Well, of course we were interested! Both of us asked him when we could start and where we would train. We were told to meet him in his garage, and that we did. Beyond just getting us in shape to fight, he began to teach us some beginning pointers of boxing. He taught us to keep our hands up so that we could keep from getting punched. He also taught us the art of the jab and looking for the opening to hit the opponent.

We were only into a few lessons when he had me and my friend fight each other. It wasn’t going to be a whole boxing match, he just wanted to see if we were picking up what he taught us and to see what kind of fight we had in us. When I first started fighting my friend, it was hard to get into it because I found it hard to try and hurt a friend. Well, he apparently didn’t feel the same way. He kept looking for an opening to hit me in the face, and he found it and hit me pretty hard. Up to that point I was jabbing him, but with no fire in my gut, but after he hit me hard it ignited a fire to start fighting for if I didn’t I would end up on the mat. It took that hit in the face to finally get me to fight.

There is an element in fundamentalism who won’t fight for anything. Their mantra is that they don’t want to get involved in anything that does not concern their local church. Though I am not for us getting involved in needless battles, I am for a standing up and fighting for truth. It seems that many in fundamentalism don’t seem to have a fire in their gut to stand up and fight for truth. They have cowered to the pressure of liberals to get along for the greater cause. While truth is attacked, I watch them silently sit down all the while pretending that they are fighting for truth.

Christianity-365-Banner-ADThe liberals would make you think that fighting among Christian brethren is only a modern day problem that is caused by eccentric fundamental Baptists. They want to paint those who stand for truth as hate mongers and the battle as fighting over semantics. They paint those who stand for the truth as people who are destroying Christianity.

My question to these people is, what about Paul calling Peter on the carpet? Peter was teaching that the Gentiles needed to be circumcised, and Paul disagreed. Paul said in Galatians 2:11, “But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed.” Paul was not afraid to make a public battle about truth being attacked.

Again, there are those who love to use the Apostle Paul as an example of a man who didn’t fight, but was concerned with only spreading the Gospel. Yet, they conveniently forget to mention the tension between Paul and Barnabas in Acts 15:39 where it says, “And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus;” This contention was not something that was a private matter, but it was public, and yes it was over opinion.

I am not calling for an all-out-war amongst the brethren, but I am saying that somewhere we must learn to stand and fight for truth. What scares me is that we are raising a generation of fundamentalist who believe that fighting or being controversial is an evil thing. There is a generation of young preachers who believe that we should be silent and not challenge those who publicly make an unscriptural stand.

Let me remind you of Jude 1:3 that says, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” If you are going to “contend for the faith,” then that means you are going to have to fight.

Shall we forget what Paul taught the young preacher Timothy? Paul told him in 1 Timothy 6:12, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” This was not a novice preacher saying this, but it was a veteran preacher teaching a younger preacher to fight when faith is attacked.

There are some who want us to think that Paul’s ministry was only about teaching the grace of God to the Christians and to the lost. While grace was certainly a part of his ministry, his ministry was also a ministry of defending the faith. Let’s not forget what Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:” Yes, Paul’s ministry was about preaching the grace of God, but it was also about standing and fighting for truth when it was attacked.

When it comes to fighting battles, I find there are several positions people take.

  • There are some who have no stomach for fighting and will make no stand at all. This crowd won’t fight for anything. It doesn’t matter how hard they get hit, they just don’t have it in them to fight.
  • There are some who choose to fight battles by being silent. This is not fighting a battle, this is allowing error to go unchallenged. This seems to be one of the greatest positions I see today, but look what this position has done for us. Because preachers are silent when truth is attacked, well known men, who are good men, have been emboldened in their change because people were silent. This silence is teaching a younger generation that the error being preached and taught on national platforms is okay. Silence is nothing more than cowardice, and those who are silent and won’t take a public stance have no right to bemoan the change going on amongst the brethren.
  • There are some who put their finger to the air to find out which side is going to win, then they jump on the bandwagon of what they feel is the winning side. This crowd has no backbone because their position is a populace position. They are no more than a Balaam looking for the filthy lucre of acceptance. It’s not about right and wrong, it’s about being accepted by the crowd. They don’t follow truth, they follow crowds.
  • There are some who were hurt in previous battles that don’t want to fight. The reason they were hurt is because they fought for a personality and not for truth. Truth is the only reason for which we should fight. If you fight for personalities you may end up on the wrong side, but if you fight for truth you will always end up on the right side.
  • There are some who feel you need to destroy the people who made the error. This crowd is most likely the crowd that has turned many off from standing for the truth. This crowd makes a battle personal with a personality instead of for truth. Those who are changing always use this crowd as their mantra to stop fighting.
  • There are some who believe you should deal with the error and try to salvage the person. This is the crowd in which I desire to be. I’m for standing for truth, but I’m not for destroying people who go into error. Yes, the battle against error will always involve a personality who is trumpeting error, but this crowd truly wants to salvage those in error. They don’t make the battle personal, but they will certainly stand up publicly for truth.

Friend, there comes a time when you must fight. When our faith is publicly attacked, then we must publicly stand. When the local church is being attacked, then we must fight! When the King James Bible is being attacked, we must fight! When soul winning is attacked, we must fight! When morality is being attacked, we must fight! When the heritage of our old paths are being attacked, then we must fight! Those old paths are the paths that made us who we are. We must not idly stand by in silence and let the faith be attacked.

If you can’t fight for the basics of the faith, then for what will you fight? If you’re not willing to be vocal when the King James Bible, the local church, soul winning and the old paths are under attack, then when will you take a public stand? What does a person have to do for you to take a public stand against error? I wonder what it will take for preachers to wake up. Are we going to have to lose another generation for you to fight? While the emerging church creeps into our “fundamental” ranks and destroys churches, are you going to be silent?

Where are the Nathan’s of our day who will stand up to the David’s and say, “Thou art the man” when truth is attacked? Where are the John the Baptist’s who will call out the Herod’s of our day who are committing spiritual adultery with liberals? Where are the Stephen’s of our day who as laymen will not be silent when liberalism creeps into our churches?

Preacher, are you going to have to lose your children to liberalism to get the fight inside of you? Are you going to have to lose someone personal before you fight? Are you like me who was pretending to fight until I got hit in the face? I know, you’ve loathed the battles of the previous generations, but you must understand that it was the public battles of previous generations that gave us what we have. It’s time men of God stop being silent and get a backbone to stand when truth is under attack.

No, I’m not for making public battles over personalities, but I am for fighting publicly for truth when error is publicly being pushed. If you won’t fight, then what will your grandchildren have when they are adults? We fight because there is another generation who needs to know that what we believe is worth fighting for. If we stay silent when truth is publicly attacked, then your grandchildren will have no choice than to become a part of the wrong crowd.

As the song says:

     Sound the battle cry! See, the foe is nigh;
     Raise the standard high for the Lord;
     Gird your armor on, stand firm every one;
     Rest your cause upon His holy Word.

     Strong to meet the foe, marching on we go,
     While our cause we know, must prevail;
     Shield and banner bright, gleaming in the light,
     Battling for the right we ne’er can fail.

If we don’t fight the battle for truth in our country and churches, our homes will be destroyed. It is a tragedy that we’ve already lost one generation, must we lose another? It is time to stop being silent. Silence has never won one battle or saved one generation. It has always been the minority of those who firmly stood alone for truth that have won every battle and have preserved truth for the next generation.

5 Guides for Decision Making

5-Guides-for-Decision-Makingby: Allen Domelle

Life is filled with decisions. Every day we make hundreds of decisions without even thinking about them. We start our day out deciding whether to get up immediately when the alarm clock goes off or to stay in bed until the snooze alarm wakes us. We decide what clothing we are going to wear for the day, how much are we going to eat for breakfast and what time should we leave for work. We make decisions throughout the day such as what route do we take to our destination, should we take the phone call or let it go to voicemail, do I need to handle this situation or deal with it later and many more as well. Life is filled with decisions that can literally make or break our future.

Though these decisions may seem trivial to some, what we don’t understand is that every decision always has an impact. It is frightening that many people make decisions without having anything to guide them as to whether or not they should do something. One bad decision can literally change your whole life, and to go into making decisions without a guide is dangerous if not ignorant.

Recently, I was helping a person with some decisions as to whether they should do something, and I told them there were five things that guide my decision making. These five guides literally make the decisions for me. They are like a flashlight in a dark night that shine the light on a dark path. If I allow these five guides to guide me, then they are like the heading indicator of a plane that guides me to the desired destination of where I want to be.

Christianity-365-Banner-ADI’ve watched many ministries make decisions that adversely affect them. They see something that seems to be popular, and they follow the fad not realizing that it will lead them to an undesirable destination. Pastors make decisions daily that literally influence the future of the youth of their church, and don’t realize that their decision will lead their youth down the wrong road when they become adults. Parents are just as guilty of making decisions that affect the immediate in a pleasant manner, but destroy the future of their home and children. You must have some guides to guide you when you make decisions so that you don’t make these mistakes. Let me show you five things that should guide every decision.

     1. Is it right or wrong?

This would seem like the easiest question to ask, but sadly many do not make decisions based on right or wrong. Many make decisions based upon convenience. Often a wrong decision is made because the right decision was inconvenient. Convenience should never make a decision; instead, right and wrong should be the justifiers of any decision. James 4:17 says, “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” When you know something is the right thing to do, then your decision is already made.

Years ago when I was a boy, my parents taught me this invaluable lesson. It was a Friday afternoon when they called me into the house to tell me about an opportunity about which I needed to make a decision. A family in our church had asked my parents if I could go to an amusement park with them on Sunday. That would mean I would miss church. My parents laid all the facts out and then told me that I needed to make a decision. That was a tough decision as a young nine-year-old boy. I had never been to an amusement park, but I also knew that I was supposed to be in church no matter what. After a few minutes of struggling with what to do, I told my parents I would not go because I needed to be in church. They told me that they had already informed this family that I would not go, but they wanted to use the opportunity to teach me that from that point and forward I should never consider something that is against God’s Word.

Balaam made that tragic mistake when he was approached the second time about going to curse the people of God. God had already told him not to go, but the opportunity it gave him seemed to be one that couldn’t be passed up. For the sake of convenience, he disobeyed God and did what he wanted only to see his life tragically end.

The Scriptures are filled with commandments of what we should and should not do. I’m not talking about things that might seem a bit cloudy, I’m talking about absolutes God has given. Whenever you are faced with a decision the very first thing you must ask yourself is, “Is it right or wrong?” That guide alone will help you to make at least half of your decisions. The right and wrong decisions should not be up for discussion because the Scriptures have already made the decision for you.

     2. What direction will it take me?

This is probably one of the most neglected guides in decision making. Every decision you make leads you in a certain direction. Often we make decisions that may not be wrong, but they start leading us down the wrong pathway of life. If you make a decision that leads you in the wrong direction, it will eventually lead to the wrong destination.

When you go to take a trip, you always use a map to help you get to the desired destination. When my wife and I got married, we traveled to all of our meetings together. She became my navigator. While I was driving she would read the map and tell me which direction I needed to turn on a highway or road. One wrong turn would get us lost and either delay us from getting to our destination or keep us from finding our desired destination.

Every decision you make has a destination. Psalm 119:35 says, “Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight.” You must always ask yourself where a decision will take you in the future. You want to make decisions that lead you down the “path of thy commandments.”

Let me give a classic directional decision some make. Should a church use screens instead of songbooks? This is interesting because there is nothing wrong with using screens; however, the destination it takes you will not be what God or you want. Do you realize that if you use screens for people to look at to sing songs that people will stop learning how to sing parts. When they sing from a songbook, there are notes for people to follow and they are learning how to sing parts whether or not they realize it. There is nothing wrong with singing from a screen, but it will take you in an adverse direction.

There are so many decisions that people make on a daily basis that have a wrong direction. You must consider the direction each decision takes, and only make the decision that takes you to a scriptural destination.

     3. How will it affect the next generation?

The next generation is always affected by the decisions this generation makes. One of the biggest problems we face today is that many in leadership are making decisions that are self-absorbed decisions that conveniently make things better for them but are adversely affecting the next generation. For instance, our government leaders seem to be on a spending spree and are not taking into consideration the debt that the next generation will have to pay. It’s sad, but many never consider the affects their decisions make on future generations.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says, “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” You are commanded to teach your children the right path, and your decisions are the object lessons from which your children learn.

One thing I always ask myself when I make a decisions is how will it affect the generation that follows. Will this decision cause them to have to clean up my mess or will they be able to take this decision and further the right this decision promotes? When you choose to divorce your spouse, you are adversely affecting the next generation. When you put your church into extreme debt, you are adversely affecting the next generation. When you choose to sin, you are adversely affecting the next generation. When you compromise a stance for the sake of political correctness, you are adversely affecting the next generation. With every decision you must consider how it will affect the generation that follows.

     4. Where will the next generation take this decision?

Often, a decision we make is not bad, but where the next generation will take it is bad. I’ve heard the statement throughout my life, “What we do in moderation our children will do in excess.” This is so very true! Just because you won’t take something a wrong direction doesn’t mean the next generation won’t. You must always consider that the next generation will take what you do to further extremes.

For instance, I believe a church would be wise to stay on the conservative side of music because if you don’t the next generation will have their country western and rock music in church. It’s not that what you are doing is wrong, but it’s where the next generation will take it. When you cut back on the soul-winning emphasis, you are causing the next generation to have no soul winning at all. You may ride the border on dress standards, but the next generation will break those borders and have indecent standards. You might cut out church services for Christmas and Thanksgiving, but the next generation will cut out Sunday night and Wednesday night services.

The next generation rarely meets up to the standards of the previous generation. This is why it’s important to have standards that keep you from the line of sin. If you skirt the line of sin, then the next generation will cross the line of sin. Judges 1:28 says, “And it came to pass, when Israel was strong, that they put the Canaanites to tribute, and did not utterly drive them out.” The present generation controlled the Canaanites, but the next generation served the gods of the Canaanites. You must always consider that the next generation will take your decisions further away from where you are, so only follow decisions that will not lead the next generation into sin.

     5. Is it good, better or best?

Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” With every decision there is a good, better or best. Your desire should be to make a decision that causes you to do the best. Never settle for second best or good, only accept the best.

When making decisions you need to ask yourself, “Is this best?” Not, “If it’s good or better.” God is not interested in good or better, but He’s interested in the best. It may be good or better to go to a certain Bible college, but is it best for you? It may be good or better for you to take a position, but is it best? It may be good or better to be an assistant pastor, but is it best when God’s called you to pastor? You should only want is best and NEVER settle for good or better.

I think of Joseph who made the decision not to have Mary killed when he found out she was pregnant. When you look at his decision, it was influenced by these five guides. By following these five guides he literally has influenced the world and eternity. Every decision you make will influence your world and the eternity of those whom you influence. Let these five guides help you in making decisions so that you can influence your world and their eternity for right.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.

Why You Need Battles

Why-You-Need-Battlesby: Allen Domelle

Battles, we all hate them. Yet, if you could only understand the benefits of battles you would see that they are not as bad as you think. Yes, there are casualties in battles, which nobody likes to see, but if you look beyond the battle and see the benefits that come from them, you can see why you need to go through them.

Throughout my lifetime, I have had my share of battles. Growing up in a preacher’s home placed me in battles that were not of my own choosing. I watched my parent’s battle low finances. I watched my father go through six church splits, and none of them seemed to be beneficial at the time. I can remember the last split my father went through, those who were instigating the battle actually came to me and wanted me to vote against my father. It was quite the ordeal.

Since entering into the ministry myself, I have had my own battles that I’ve had to endure and trust me, I have not asked for any of them. The personal attacks, lost friends, stress and sleepless nights have not been enjoyable. Yet, if you were to ask me if I would go through the battles again, I would answer affirmatively every time. Though I would not want to again face the hardships that each battle brought, I do want the results that each battle gave me.

When studying the Scriptures, you will find that battles come in many different forms. First, you will have to fight personal battles. Paul said in Romans 7:23, “But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.” Paul was showing the battle between the flesh and the Spirit. This battle is a lifelong battle.

Second, you will fight health battles. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” Paul asked God three times to remove a physical ailment that he suffered, but God responded to him by telling him that His “grace is sufficient.” In other words, the battle for some will be with their health.

Third, you will have personality conflicts. Acts 15:39 says, “And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus;” Paul and Barnabas fought with each other over a preference. One thought it was not good to bring Mark with them on their journeys while the other thought it would be beneficial. The result of this conflict caused them to separate from each other, and as far as the Scriptures show, these two men never joined up with each other again. Truly a sad story.

Fourth, you will have to fight battles of personal attacks. David says in Psalm 41:9, “Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.” This was certainly a great battle that David fought when he was personally attacked by Saul. David did nothing wrong. In fact, David was simply doing what he was supposed to do when Saul turned on him. Yet, some will find themselves having to fight battles of personal attacks.

Fifth, you will have to fight family battles. You see a family battle in 2 Samuel 15 when Absalom turned on David. David provided a good life for Absalom, but because Absalom didn’t like how his father handled the affair with his sister, he turned on him. This family battle is one of the most famous family conflicts in history. Sadly, family conflicts still exist today. As much as we try to avoid them, there are going to be disagreements between family members that can land you in a battle that you did not choose to fight. We all hope never to have family battles, but some will indeed face these battles.

Sixth, you will fight spiritual battles. What I mean by this is you will have to take a stand for truth at some time in your life. Jude 1:3 says, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” I find that many Christians try to avoid battles is in this area. Most Christians don’t have the stomach to fight compromise. You see compromise all around, but many will not fight it for the sake of getting along. Whether or not you like it, you are going to face this battle several times in your life.

Seventh, you will fight spiritual warfare battles. Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” This is certainly an offshoot of spiritual battles, but this battle is unseen. It is a warfare against Satan and his forces. Too many people don’t like to talk about this type of battle, but they are out there. You fight this battle everyday of your life. Though Satan’s ultimate battle is against God, by default you will fight this battle because you are a Christian.

Eighth, you will fight a battle to keep going. Jeremiah wanted to quit in Jeremiah 20:9 when he said, “Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.” Elijah wanted to quit in 1 Kings 19:4. It says, “But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.” Paul warned us that we would want to quit in 2 Thessalonians 3:13 when he says, “But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.” If you do anything for God, there are going to come times when you will have to fight and not quit.

Friend, whether or not you like it, you are going to face several of these battles in your lifetime. I have faced most of these battles in my own life, and I have watched Christians go through these same battles. Yet, one may ask, “Why do we need these battles?” Let me show you five reasons why you need battles in your life.


  1. They keep you Scriptural.

You will find that battles will cause you to run to the Scriptures. In every battle that I have faced I’ve run to the Scriptures to be sure I was right. When people attack me for my stance, I immediately run to the Scriptures to be sure that my stance is correct. When I’m attacked, I run to the Scriptures to be sure I’m acting properly and that my attitude is right. No matter what your battle is, God allows them to come into your life so that you will run to the Scriptures to find the answers for each battle. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:”

Your battle will cause you to seek an answer from the Word of God. Fighting over your own beliefs won’t be enough. You need an authority to back you, and that authority is the Word of God. Every time a battle comes your way, you should immediately run to the Scriptures to be sure that your enemies are not right in what they say about you. Every battle you face should cause you to know the Scriptures more, because you run to them to find the answers for your battle.

  2. They help to clean up your life.

Proverbs 27:19 says, “As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man.” It amazes me how the LORD shows me something in my life that I need to clean up through every battle I face. Battles put pressure upon you. Pressure always reveals the cracks that need to be fixed. Each battle should reveal something on which you need to work. It could be that there is a part of what your enemies are saying about you that is true. If it is true, then don’t let your pride cause you not to admit that you are wrong. God may have allowed you to face that battle so you can clean up that portion of your life.

At other times, you will find your weaknesses when you are alone pouring your heart out to God. I have found many of my weaknesses in battles while pouring my heart out to God. Often, when I’m going through battles, I will take long walks and talk out loud to God and tell Him how I’m feeling. When I say I tell Him how I’m feeling, trust me, I become very blunt with God. I’m always amazed what I find out about myself during these times. It is like God’s Holy Spirit forces me to look at myself. I’m always thankful for this step in a battle because God gives me a chance to correct something that is not right.

  3. They build a fire in you.

Jeremiah’s battle with quitting lit a fire in his heart. He fought the fire, but eventually the battle lit a fire that forced Jeremiah to keep on going and preaching the Word of God. Battles have a way of lighting a fire inside of you. Things that you would not fight before, you are now willing to start fighting. When the church in the Book of Acts was being persecuted, it lit a fire in them to go out and start churches all over the world. That fire eventually caused them to turn their world upside down for Christ. You will find many of the great works of history were the result of a battle. Though these who performed these great works did not seek the battles, when they came it caused a new fire to be lit inside of them to do more for Christ.

  4. They get you out of your comfort zone.

One of the greatest benefits I have received from battles is that they always get me out of my comfort zone. Everybody likes to stay within the boundaries in which they are comfortable. Battles have a way of forcing you to get outside of the boundaries of your comfort zone. It’s not saying that you are not presently doing anything for the LORD, it’s just that you are not willing to leave your comfort zone and do more.

Again, referring to the early church in the Book of Acts, they were very comfortable with building a large church in Jerusalem, yet that was not God’s plan for the church. God’s plan for the church was to bring the Gospel to the world. The persecution they faced forced many who would have never started a church to run for their lives and start a church wherever they fled.

You must be careful about avoiding battles because they are the stimuli that God uses to help you get out of your comfort zone. God knows when you need to do more for Him, and He will force you through a battle to get you out of your comfort zone. Many of the ministries I’ve started were started in battles. I would have never started these ministries on my own, but the battles forced me out of my comfort zone and caused me to do more for Christ. If a battle causes you to get out of your comfort zone, then that battle is good.

  5. They make you more soul conscious.

The most important benefit of battles is that they open your eyes to see the need of the world for Christ. Lamentations 3:48-51 says, “Mine eye runneth down with rivers of water for the destruction of the daughter of my people. Mine eye trickleth down, and ceaseth not, without any intermission, Till the Lord look down, and behold from heaven. Mine eye affecteth mine heart because of all the daughters of my city.” Every time I have gone through a battle, it has softened my heart and caused me to see the greater need for souls being saved.

Friend, you may not like the battles you face, but you must realize that battles are going to help you have a greater heart for souls. God says in Psalm 126:5-6, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” Yes, the battle may bring tears, but the joy of bearing fruit from the battles is always amazing. Think with me. If a battle causes you to get out of your comfort zone to do more for God, then that means that more souls will be saved. That then should remind you that battles are good for you because they help you to see more souls saved.

You have a choice, you can either run from the battles and become bitter, or you can accept the battles as God’s tool to make you better. Joseph did just that when he said in Genesis 50:20, “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” If you will accept the battles that God sends your way, then God can also use you “to save much people alive.” Every battle you face will make you a better person if you will yield to God and allow the fire He sends you through to be the refiners fire that will allow you to come forth as gold.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.

Don’t Let the Grinch Steal Your Christmas

Don't-Let-the-Grinch-Steal-Your-Christmasby: Allen Domelle

This is the favorite time of the year for most people. It’s a time when families get together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s a time when Sunday school classes have their Christmas parties and spend time together. It’s a time when families and friends enjoy exchanging gifts. It is truly one of the most giving times of the year.

With Christmas comes all the stories about Christmas that many people enjoy talking about. One of those stories is, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” It is a story about a bitter and grouchy creature who hates Christmas. He lives on a high mountain that overlooks the village of Whoville. At Christmastime, the Grinch hears the people of Whoville singing and laughing and having a good time together. Annoyed by the happy noises from the people during this time of year, the Grinch determines to stop Christmas. He disguised himself as Santa Claus and goes into Whoville and steals all the presents from the people. He couldn’t wait to get to the top of the mountain and dispose of all the presents he stole. He couldn’t wait to hear the people whine and mourn over losing their presents. Instead, when he gets back to where he lives, he shockingly hears the people singing joyful Christmas music. The joy of the people overwhelmed the Grinch so much that he realized Christmas was more than just presents, but it was a joyful spirit in the hearts of the people. The joy of the people caused the heart of the Grinch to grow so big that he determined to return the presents. As he returned the presents, he was surprised that the people of the village invited him to join them for the meal and festivities of Christmas.

Though this is a fairy tale, I find that Satan is like the Grinch, and he would love to steal your Christmas. He hates Christmas because it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the One he hates. I find that like the Grinch, Satan uses many things to steal your Christmas. In fact, let’s just call Satan the Grinch in this article. You can let Christmas be a time that is joyful, or you can let the Grinch steal your Christmas and be miserable. Let me point out to you several things that the Grinch would like to steal from your Christmas.

     1.  Don’t let the Grinch steal Christ from your Christmas.

We live in times when more and more places are trying to take Christ out of Christmas. You often see people post, “Merry X-Mas.” The Devil would love for you to take Christ out of Christmas. You must remember that the whole reason for Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is when we celebrate the fact that Jesus came to Earth so that He could die for the sins of mankind. There would be no Christmas if Christ was not born. Christmas is about Isaiah 9:6 when it says, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Christian, don’t let the whole reason of why we celebrate Christmas be forgotten. Remember that Christmas is about the Son of God being given to us as our Saviour. One of the things my family does every year on Christmas day is we read the portion of Scripture about the birth of Christ. We will read from Luke 2, and it doesn’t take long, but I believe that it is important that we don’t forget that Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus Christ.

     2.  Don’t let the Grinch of political correctness steal Christmas.

Along with people trying to take Christ out of Christmas, we have a politically correct crowd who truly have tried to take Christ out of Christmas by using the tool of political correctness. They say that we should be understanding of those who don’t believe like us, so we must be careful about not offending others with our Christmas displays and wording.

They now demand that we say, “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” I’m sorry, but Christmas is about Christ. If Christ offends people, then so be it. Let me remind you that America is a Christian nation. We are a nation that was founded upon the principles of God’s Word. Don’t let people shame you into saying, “Happy Holidays.” Make it a point when seeing people to say, “Merry Christmas.”

Furthermore, there is the attempt by Christ-haters to move Christ completely out of the public arena by removing nativity scenes from the public eye. I say that you should do what you can to display a nativity scene so all are reminded of the birth of Christ. Let us not let the grinches who hate Christ steal Christmas from our country.

     3.  Don’t let the Grinch steal the songs of Christmas.

One of the things I truly love about Christmas are the songs of Christmas. I love the songs of the birth of Christ. I love going to the stores and hearing, “Away in a Manger” and “Joy to the World.” Ephesians 5:19-20 says, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;” Let the songs of Christmas be played throughout the day in your home. One source of good Christian music that you can listen to online is KNVBC. Dr. Jack Trieber has worked hard at making this a radio station that plays wholesome Christian music. During the Christmas season they have a great assortment of godly Christmas music to which you can listen. Play the songs of Christmas and sing along. Let the songs of Christ be in your heart and mouth as you go throughout your Christmas season.

     4.  Don’t let the Grinch of bad attitudes steal your Christmas.

Christmas is supposed to be one of the most happiest times of the year, but I find that Christmas can bring out the worst attitudes in people. Romans 12:10 says, “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;” Don’t let the attitudes of others cause you to have a bad attitude. When others are having a bad day, be kind and make an effort to cheer their day with your good attitude. I have found that a good attitude can go a long way in helping others with their attitude. When others are curt, be kind. Be kind to the store clerk, you never know who they have dealt with before you. Be kind to those who are simply having a bad day. There is a reason God brought them across your path and that reason could be to help brighten their day.

     5.  Don’t let the Grinch of pettiness steal your Christmas.

We can get so petty during Christmastime. Romans 12:10 says, “…in honour preferring one another;” Learn to let others have their way. Don’t make Christmas all about you. If you want a miserable Christmas, then make everything during the Christmas season about you. When everything becomes about ourselves, we become very petty. Those little petty things will destroy a good spirit in Christmas. I often tell people that the greatest life is the life that lives for others. When you have a disagreement with someone, let it go and enjoy the people you are with. When someone breaks something on accident, don’t get all uptight about it. If you’re not careful, you will let things destroy relationships. Don’t let the trivial things of life destroy your enjoyment with family. Lay down the politics and family disagreements for a time and enjoy having time with those you love.

     6.  Don’t let the Grinch of greediness and selfishness steal your Christmas.

Christmas is supposed to be a time of giving. Don’t become so greedy and selfish that you only want people to give to you. Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” I believe it would be good to find a needy family or bus child and do something for them during the Christmas season. If you don’t know someone, then ask your pastor if he does and do something for others. How selfish we can be to want everyone to give us something and we never give anything to Christ for His birthday. The way you give to Christ is you give to those without. Matthew 25:45 says, “Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.” Set some monies aside to do something for Christ. It’s the least you can do for His birthday.

Furthermore, don’t be so selfish that you forget about those who are alone. This would be a good time of the year to visit those in nursing homes and hospitals. Don’t forget about the families who just moved to your church and have no one with whom they will spend time. Fill your Christmas season with lifting the spirit of those who are hurting or lonely. It may be that you call a missionary and wish them a merry Christmas, or invite a widow or widower over to your house so they don’t have to be alone. Don’t forget about the singles in your church who might have to be alone for Christmas.

     7.  Don’t let the Grinch of busy schedules steal your Christmas.

Don’t get so busy with the festivities of Christmas that you stop being spiritual. This year Christmas is on Wednesday. I encourage you to be in church for your midweek service. Make Christmas truly about Christ. How sad that you celebrate the birth of Christ, but don’t go to hear about Him during your midweek service.

Moreover, don’t get so busy with the affairs of Christmas that you pass up your daily time in the Scriptures and prayer. These must stay a priority in your life during the Christmas season. It would be sad if you backslid during the time of the year when society celebrates Christ.

Furthermore, make sure you take the time to enjoy the church Christmas parties. Most churches will have several times for their members to have time together with Christian brothers and sisters. It may be that your Sunday school class has a party, or maybe the pastor plans a time for a Christmas cantata. Be sure to attend these as it will help your Christmas to be more fulfilling.

Finally, my wife, daughter and I would like to personally wish you a Merry Christmas. We hope and pray that you have a wonderful spiritual Christmas season, and one that is filled with joy.

Merry Christmas!

Thanksgiving It’s More Than Turkey Day

Thanksgiving-It's-More-Than-Turkey-Dayby: Allen Domelle

It was August 1, 1620, one hundred and forty-two people, forty of which were Pilgrims, set sail across the Atlantic Ocean heading for Virginia on the Mayflower in search of religious freedom. These people had experienced religious persecution in England, and they desired to live in a land where they could freely serve God.

For several months these pilgrims sailed through storms and rough waters just so they could have the freedom of religion. Encountering a storm that blew them off course, they arrived further north in Plymouth, Massachusetts. On December 11, 1620, the Pilgrims stepped on the ground at Plymouth Rock.

Their attempt to settle was not without struggle. When they landed, William Bradford wrote in his journal that they found a cold, barren, desolate wilderness. They had no hotels to live in till they were established. There were no restaurants at which they could feed their families. They had no friends to greet them and to bring them to their homes, and there were no homes to live in to shelter them from the cold winter. The first winter they endured was very difficult due to the cold and the snow. These conditions made it hard to find food to eat. Half of the colonists died of either starvation, sickness or exposure.

In the spring of the new year, understanding that socialism would not work, they planted their crops, trapped animals and established the first colony as a free enterprise society, thereby rewarding those who worked the hardest. This free enterprise gave incentive to the people, for the more they produced the more bounty they would receive. By that fall, these colonists wanted to thank God for his bountiful blessings and protection throughout that year. This was the first unofficial thanksgiving. That first Thanksgiving Day was simply a time they set aside to thank God for His bountiful blessings and for bringing them through their struggles to experience religious and civil freedom.

Many years later on October 3, 1789, George Washington proclaimed a National Thanksgiving Day in honor of the new United States Constitution. He proclaimed Thursday, November 26, 1789, a day of “public thanksgiving and prayer” devoted to “the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be.” A Part of his proclamation reads:

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and—Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:”

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favor, able interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us…

Thanksgiving is more than just Turkey Day, as the liberals would like to call it. It is a day when Americans thank God for His blessings upon their lives for their hard work. Thanksgiving Day is a recognition of the price many people paid so that we could have the freedom to serve God. We must never forget what our forefathers went through for the founding of this great nation; a nation that was founded upon the premise to freely serve God.

On this Thanksgiving Day, let me encourage you to truly be thankful for God’s bountiful blessings. God commands in Psalm 105:1, “O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.” Take time before your meal and talk about the wondrous deeds that God performed for you this past year.

Remember Psalm 106:1 when it says, “Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” After talking about the blessings of God, take some time before the meal to thank God in prayer for His mercy towards you and your family, and this great country in which we live. Don’t get so wrapped up in the activities of the day that you don’t stop to thank God for His goodness, mercy and the blessings He has bestowed upon you. Make this Thanksgiving Day a true day of thanksgiving towards God.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Price of Freedom

The-Price-of-Freedomby: Allen Domelle

I love America and for what she has stood for over 200 years. America has always been the shining light, the beacon of freedom to the world. We are hated because we promote freedom, but when nations who hate us have had their freedoms taken away because of dictators, they always turn to America for help. We are the envy of nations because of our freedom. There is no doubt that the one thing for which America is known is her freedom.

One of the things that I love about America is our freedom. I love our freedom of speech. I love the fact that not only do patriotic Americans have freedom to stand up and speak their minds, but even those who detest everything that America is have that same freedom.

I love that we have the freedom to worship God in the manner that we choose. I may not agree with every religion, but we all have the choice to worship God in our own manner.

I love the fact that in America you have the freedom to excel. If you have the drive and determination, you can excel in any field.

I love that we have the freedom to express ourselves. Some choose to foolishly express themselves by burning the American flag, but I also have the freedom to say that flag burners should go live in a nation that they like.

I love that in America every American has the right to own and carry firearms. It’s not just a privilege to own firearms in America, but it is our right as an American citizen.

Freedom has been the desire of people for many generations. Many have given everything they had just to experience freedom. Freedom is what makes people swim 90 miles across shark infested waters just so they can have a taste of freedom. Freedom is what causes people to jump barbed wire fences, and swim across the Rio Grande. Freedom is what causes people to pay money so they can be stuffed in a tractor trailer just so they can come and have a taste of freedom. Freedom is what caused the pilgrims to risk life and health to sail across the Atlantic Ocean to America so they could have the freedom to worship God in the way of their own choosing. Freedom is a dream for many, but for those of us who are Americans it is not a dream, it is our reality.

But what is the price of freedom? Freedom is not cheap! Freedom always comes with a cost. The one thing I love more than anything else are the heroes who gave everything to help give our nation freedom or to keep her free.

It was December 1776, that American troops were not far from Trenton, New Jersey. The American revolutionary troops marched through snow, sleet and freezing rain till their shoes gave way, and they continued walking barefoot as they carried muskets and ammunition for the next battle. It was said that you could follow the American troops by the bloody footprints in the snow. Morale was low because of health issues and dying troops.

It was during this time that George Washington planned an attack against Trenton as three regiments of the Hessian army were situated in that town. George Washington knew the Hessians would be drunk because it was Christmas, and the Hessians were known to get drunk on this day. George Washington and the American troops attacked the drunken Hessian forces and won the battle. This victory spirited the troops and led to the winning of the American Revolution. Ultimately, 25,000 troops died because they believed in FREEDOM.

All 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence knew they were committing treason when they signed the petition. They signed this petition knowing full well that if they were captured they would be tortured and killed, but because freedom was not an option, they signed the Declaration of Independence. Most of these men who signed the declaration lost all that they had because they believed in freedom. Freedom is not cheap.

I look at the price of freedom, and I can see men and women who believed in freedom who paid a dear price.

  • World War I – 53,402 troops died for freedom.
  • World War II – 291,557 troops died for freedom.
  • Korean War – 33,686 troops died for freedom.
  • Vietnam War – 47,424 troops died for freedom.
  • War on Terror – 5,281 troops died for freedom.
  • Total Casualties all Wars – 848,163 troops died for freedom.

THESE ALL DIED FOR FREEDOM! These were men and women who loved freedom more than life. These were someone’s son or daughter, brother or sister, husband or wife, father or mother who died so that we could live in a free nation.

Freedom was paid by the body of patriots like Corporal Javier Alvarez. Outside a house of insurgents, and facing casualties, Cpl. Javier Alvarez moved toward the danger in November 2005. During that sprint, insurgents shot him three times in the leg. During treatment on his leg, more enemy fire came, so Alvarez grabbed his rifle and returned fire. At that point, Alvarez heard calls of an incoming grenade. He grabbed the grenade and threw it away saving six Marines and losing his hand in the process. He said, “I lifted up my arm to see what happened, and my hand was completely missing,” He said, “I didn’t mourn over my losses or injuries, I had a mission to accomplish. I had Marines I had to take care of.” Alvarez was awarded a Silver Star for his efforts.

Freedom was paid by the blood of patriots like Specialists Leslie H. Sabo Jr. It was May 10, 1970, in Se San, Cambodia. Spc. Leslie H. Sabo Jr. and his platoon were ambushed by a large enemy force. The 22-year-old rifleman from Ellwood City, Pa., charged the enemy position, killing several soldiers, and then attacked an enemy flanking force, drawing fire away from his comrades. As the enemy retreated, Sabo sprinted towards a wounded American soldier when a grenade landed nearby. Sabo picked it up and threw it, while shielding his comrade with his own body. The grenade blast badly injured Sabo, but he continued to charge the bunker. Crawling toward the enemy stronghold, Sabo was shot multiple times by automatic weapons fire. When he managed to reach the opening of the bunker, he tossed in a grenade, silencing all enemy fire. That same grenade also ended Sabo’s life. – He was awarded a Medal of Honor 41 years laters for his bravery and sacrifice for freedom.

You see, freedom is not free. Freedom costs some their limbs. Freedom costs some everything that they owned. Freedom costs some their family members.


  • So that American flags can be flown on our own property.
  • So that government cannot dictate that we can’t mention Christ on federal properties.
  • So that prayers could be made at public school football games.
  • So that firearms can be carried by every American.
  • So that one has a right to say sodomy is a sin, and not be charged with a hate crime.
  • So that Christians are not placed on a watch list of terrorists for practicing the Scriptures.
  • So that the 10 commandments could be in all federal court houses.
  • So that every American has a right to his own doctor without federally mandated plans.
  • So that Christians can go door-to-door and invite people to church without being challenged by police.
  • So that every American has a right to free speech.


  • So that we can pattern our country after Europe.
  • So that politicians and judges would make a mockery of our Constitution.
  • So that our freedoms can be slowly taken away by out of touch politicians.
  • So that future generations would not have the freedoms that we have today.

I lift up my hands and applaud those patriots who paid a dear price for freedom and I say, WELCOME HOME. But, I remind every American that all it takes to lose this freedom is for one generation to not pay the price to keep freedom alive!

Galatians 5:1 says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” As Christ challenged the church to “stand fast” with the liberty that salvation gives, may I challenge every American to stand fast in our liberty. Don’t let America be entangled again in the bondage of socialism or dictatorships. The blood of the patriots cries out for Americans to stand for liberty. Don’t let the scars of those who fought for our freedoms be banished by passive Americans who won’t pay the price, that same price that freedom demands, so that future generations know what America is truly about.

On this Veterans Day, don’t let the blood of patriots be shed in vain. Let those who gave their life so that we could be free be appreciated by honoring the cause for which they died: FREEDOM. Stand up to those who want to take our freedoms away and vote them out of office. Stand up for freedoms we have and use them to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone so that they can experience a true freedom that will never go away. Let the price of freedom be appreciated by using our freedoms to preach and teach the Book that gives ultimate freedom, the King James Bible. Honor the blood of patriots who fought to have freedom to worship by going to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night and midweek service. Many paid a dear price for freedom, determine not to let it go unappreciated.

Strengthening Your Marriage

Strengthening-Your-Marriageby: Allen Domelle

“For better, or for worse.” This is a part of the vows you made to your spouse when you got married. Most couples getting married truly don’t know what those words mean, but those who have been married for any length of time know exactly very well every marriage experiences times that are better and worse.

My grandparents were married for 72 years before my grandmother went to Heaven. This was a phenomenal feat to accomplish. One day I was talking to my grandfather about them being married for such a long time and simply commented how much I admired their love for each other. My grandfather responded to this comment by telling me their marriage wasn’t always easy. He told me about a rough patch they went through in their early years, but he said they made a vow to each other and to God, and they intended to keep their promise. I’m glad they did. Though their marriage was not perfect, because no marriage is perfect, they made it work by continually strengthening their marriage.

Your marriage is like your body, you must take time to strengthen it or it will eventually become weak and sickly. Sadly, many couples work hard to catch each other, but they don’t do anything to keep each other. Any marriage that is going to improve over time is going to have to strengthen itself. By nature, everything decays over time, but a marriage does not have to decay if the couple works on strengthening it. You have too much invested in your marriage to simply let it go.

One day I was reading Psalm 51, and I noticed that David was trying to strengthen his relationship with God. My mind immediately began to think of marriage and how the principles David used to strengthen his relationship with God can strengthen a marriage if they are applied. Let me show you nine things from Psalm 51 that will strengthen your marriage.

     1. Be merciful to each other.

David had just committed the horrible sin of adultery. Certainly, David must have felt horrible. The emptiness inside must have felt like a great canyon. He said to God in verse 1, “Have mercy upon me,…” He knew he needed God to be merciful to him in his time of weakness. He knew he deserved God’s judgment, but he asked God for His mercy.

There are going to be times when your spouse makes mistakes. It is in these times that you must be merciful to your spouse. Being merciful is simply not giving your spouse what they deserve. If your marriage is going to become stronger, then there is going to have to be a lot of mercy applied. Each spouse is going to make mistakes, and blowing up over those mistakes will not make it stronger. You must learn to be merciful and allow your spouse the space to make mistakes.

     2. Practice lovingkindness.

The second thing David asked God to do was to be merciful “according to thy lovingkindness:…” Lovingkindness is really a self-explanatory word. It is be loving and kind to the other person. David understood that God had every right to shut him out, but he asked God to be loving and kind to him as he put his life back together.

Any marriage that is going to be strengthened must have lovingkindness. In other words, a marriage needs each spouse to be kind to each other and to be loving to each other. Be kind and get your spouse that special thing they like. Men, be kind and buy your wife flowers on days when she doesn’t expect it. Ladies, go to the store and get your husband his favorite snack and leave it for him on his desk or in his lunchbox. Be loving to each other by leaving notes in special places to remind them you are praying for them and that you love them. A marriage is strengthened by practicing lovingkindness.

     3. Acknowledge your faults.

I believe one of the greatest reasons David received God’s mercy was because he acknowledged his sin. Verses 3-4 say, “For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.” You can see that David saw his sin and acknowledged it to God.

When you do wrong, immediately get it right. A marriage that carries grudges against each other will not last. There are going to be mistakes made in a marriage, but the sooner you acknowledge where your marriage lacks, the sooner you can fix it. To cover your eyes on the weakness of your marriage will only weaken it. When you see that your marriage has a fault, immediately work on fixing that problem. Don’t be guilty of covering your eyes to your weaknesses. You are only fooling yourself.

     4. Acknowledge your imperfections.

David understood that he was imperfect. Verse 5 says, “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Acknowledging his imperfections was one of the greatest steps he took in strengthening his relationship with God.

Don’t have the attitude that it’s always your spouse’s fault. Realize you are not perfect. Whenever something has happened in the home, don’t jump to the conclusion that your spouse is at fault. Let me ask you a question, when is the last time you acknowledged that you were wrong? Many times we think we have, but we haven’t. When you and your spouse are at odds, admit to your imperfections and don’t point theirs out. You can’t change them, but you can change yourself.

     5. Be truthful.

David said in verse 6, “Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts:…” David understood that he would never strengthen his relationship with God without being truthful. God desires us not just to be truthful on the surface, but also on the inside. In other words, God desires us to be transparent in our relationship with Him.

No relationship is strong without transparency. If a couple is not truthful with each other, then they are only weakening their relationship. Don’t ever hide things from your spouse. Both of you MUST be open with each other about everything. Deception weakens a relationship. If you’re truthful with each other, then your relationship will become stronger.

     6. Be positive in what you talk about.

David said in verse 8, “Make me to hear joy and gladness;…” David wanted to be positive in his relationship with God. He understood that negativity would weaken his relationship.

You will never strengthen your marriage by constantly being negative. You must develop a positive spirit in your home, and not allow it to go to the negative. Be careful about talking about people in a negative manner. Always find the positive. My mother used to tell me that if you can’t find anything good to say, then don’t say anything at all. That is a good principle by which to live in your marriage. Satan would love to let your marriage be wrapped around the negative. If everything you talk about is negative, then you will have a negative marriage. When you talk about each other, be positive. Be positive when you talk about people in general. When you talk about the LORD’s work, be positive. Let your conversations be positive, and you will find your home will be filled with joy and gladness.

     7. Overlook your spouse’s weakness.

David asked God in verse 9, “Hide thy face from my sins,…” He understood that a relationship that is going to get stronger must not always point out the weaknesses of each other. That is why David asked God to hide His face from his sins.

Be careful about always pointing out your spouse’s weaknesses. You are only hurting your relationship with them by doing this. If you would brag on their strengths, you would be surprised how they will try to work on their weaknesses. Trust me, they already know what their weaknesses are without you pointing them out. It’s not your job to try to change them, it’s your job to love them and work with them. Let God do the changing. If you see a glaring weakness in your spouse, then ask God to work on them in that area.

     8. Protect your spirit.

Part of David strengthening his relationship with God was by making sure his spirit was right. Verse 10 says, “…renew a right spirit within me.” Sin destroyed his spirit, and now to strengthen it he needed God to renew it.

There are many things in this world that can destroy the spirit of your home. Be careful about watching television programs and news stations that will destroy the spirit of your home. Be careful about spending time with negative people who will hurt the spirit of your marriage. Once the spirit of a marriage is damaged, it is hard to restore it. It’s not impossible, just difficult to restore it. The best thing you can do is protect your marriage from anything or anyone who will hurt the spirit of your marriage.

     9. Spend time with your spouse.

In David’s journey of strengthening his relationship with God, he asked God not to leave him. Verse 11 says, “Cast me not away from thy presence;…” David knew that the only way he could strengthen his relationship with God was by spending time with Him.

There is nothing like spending time with your spouse that will help to strengthen your marriage. You must purposely set time aside on a weekly basis to be with your spouse. I understand there are a few times when you won’t be able to have an alone time with your spouse, but those times must be few. Time alone with each other is when you build your relationship. A relationship can not get stronger if you are not together. Don’t get so busy that you never spend time with each other. Don’t get so busy with the children and their activities that you don’t have time alone with your spouse. Alone time with your spouse has to be a MUST.

Every marriage needs strengthening. If you are not doing things to strengthen your marriage, then you are doing things to weaken it. Having a stronger marriage will not happen by accident. It will only be accomplished by doing the things that strengthens marriages.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.

The Discernment Problem

by: Allen Domelle

“How did I not see it?” That is the question I’m often asked when someone finally comes to the realization that they can’t follow someone anymore. They question why they did not foresee someone’s demise. I have watched preachers and good Christian laypeople beat themselves up over their lack regarding insight to someone’s compromise. Let me simply say, you can’t cry over spilt milk, but you can sure learn from how the milk was spilt.

I may be in my mid 40’s, but I’m not a new kid on the block when it comes to the independent, fundamental Baptist movement. God blessed me by allowing me to grow up in an independent Baptist preacher’s home. Not only did God bless me with being born in an independent Baptist preacher’s home, but He also allowed me to be a member of many great independent Baptist churches. I was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, while my dad attended the Highland Park Baptist Church under the leadership of Dr. Lee Roberson. Though I was too young to realize Dr. Roberson’s leadership, I was able to befriend him in the latter years of his life, and his influence guided my parent’s belief system. God also allowed me to be under the leadership of Dr. Jack Hyles. Bro. Hyles was my pastor for close to thirteen years of my life. Those thirteen years covered, childhood, college days and also several years of ministry. These associations allowed me to be influenced by men who were the greatest opponents of compromise in their day. These men had great discernment in showing us the pathway to compromise.

In addition to being under these great independent, fundamental Baptist leaders, God allowed me and continues to allow me to be around an older generation who fought and continue to fight for Scriptural positions in the independent, fundamental Baptist movement. It has been my privilege to personally know men like Dr. Lee Roberson, Dr. Jack Hyles, Dr. Tom Malone, men who fought compromise and are now in Heaven. God’s has allowed me to be around men who are still alive whom I would consider great independent Baptist leaders. Men like, Dr. Bob Gray Sr., Dr. B.G. Buchanan, Dr. Jack Trieber, Dr. Larry May and many others. Though some of these men I have known on a small scale, others of these men I’ve known on a very personal level. I could go on, but that is not needed. God has been very good to allow me to have my discernment influenced by some great men.

Throughout the years, I have watched and studied good men who’ve compromised. From my childhood through today, I’ve watched men who I once looked up to become men with whom I could no longer associate. Compromise sets in, and their works and messages have become the very examples of what they used to preach against.

I think of a man whom I heard preach in Pastor’s School in Hammond, Indiana, as a young man. This man pastored an up and coming church in the 70’s. He had the ear of many fundamental Baptist, had a nationwide television program that replayed his Sunday morning services and was an example of God’s blessings on a church. Every Sunday morning my father and I watched his services and listened to him preach. I remember the Sunday when he announced that he wanted his college to become the Notre Dame of the Baptist. Great desire! The problem was what he did to get that to happen. Today, though this man is in Heaven, he led his church and many other men into compromise. If you were to walk on his college campus today, you would not know it was a Christian university.

I can think of a well-known evangelist from years ago who God used in a mighty way. In the early years of this man’s ministry he was known as a strong independent, fundamental Baptist evangelist. This evangelist became enamored with big crowds, and that desire to become big led to him yoking up with men of different faiths. His compromise continued to the point where towards the end of his public ministry he even said he didn’t know if there really was a literal Hell. Though this man saw scores of people saved, he turned many people into converts for liberal churches who won’t take a stand for the faith.

Today, there are men who are my contemporaries and older who have the ear of many young preachers, Christians and churches alike, who are compromising for the sake of crowds. These men are wordsmiths. They know how to word things in such a way that you will miss their compromising viewpoints unless you have a discerning ear. They are swaying many people into compromising ways, and are justifying their movements for the sake of unity and souls being saved.

If you are not careful, you will miss the indicators of compromise because of a lack of discernment. Though compromise is a problem, the biggest problem is a lack of discernment. There are several areas in which there is a discernment problem that should sound the alarm of compromise. What I’ve learned from men who had discernment and from those who have compromised is that there is a lack of discernment in six key areas.

First, there is a discernment problem in the area of music. Music is often one of the first areas a person changes when they start down the road of compromise. Ephesians 5:19 says, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;” The destination of music is the heart. When the heart begins to change, their music will change. It’s not that a person immediately goes to the contemporary Christian music arena, but the sound and the spirit of their music changes. Many times you won’t be able to put your finger on it, but you will know something is different. No, their music may not be sinful, but it has changed for the worse. Now, the sound of their music is more sensual than it used to be. Now, most of their music, if not all of it, comes from modern day CCM artists. When music begins to change, you would be wise to pay attention and see what else is changing.

Second, there is a discernment problem in dress standards. It always amazes me how dress standards always become an issue when compromise sets in. Those who compromise almost always want to call people legalists whose standards are tighter than theirs. When the standards are getting looser, it should alert you to watch for compromise. Why is it when a person leaves a good church that one of the first things they do is change their dress standards? The reason is because their compromising heart comes out. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” When a person changes their dress standards, they are simply showing that their heart has changed.

Third, there is a discernment problem in the use of terminology. Terminology identifies a person’s direction as much, if not more, than music and dress standards. When the children of Israel were in a civil war, their terminology determined what side they were on. Judges 12:6 says, “Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan:…” When a ministry’s terminology sounds more like the progressive church movement than an independent Baptist, they are changing.

Fourth, there is a discernment problem in determining direction. Many people lack the discernment of a person’s direction. Bro. Hyles told me over and over again that I need to determine a person’s direction to determine whether I should associate with them. If they are going the same direction I’m going, then associating with them is a good thing. On the other hand, if their direction is the opposite of mine even if they are positionally the same, I should not associate with them because their direction is different.

Fifth, there is a discernment problem in the perception of interpreting the Bible. The Bible has always been the source of every division. It all goes back to the Garden of Eden when Satan said, “Yea, hath God said,…” When people change their stance to look at the Scriptures from a critical standpoint instead of an authoritative standpoint, then you can be sure they are headed towards compromise.

Sixth, there is a discernment problem in a person’s associations. Amos 3:3 says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” If a person is willing to associate with evangelicals and liberals in their name dropping and book recommendations, then you can be assured they are headed towards compromise. When people are willing to get advice from liberals and take pictures with them to post on their social networking sites, then you can be assured they are headed towards compromise. Associations are a great indicator of where a person is going.


     1. A good study from the past will reveal the directions of today.

One of the biggest reasons people have no discernment is because they don’t study the paths of those who compromised in the past. Studying the past will help you to have discernment of a person’s direction today. If someone from the past walked down a certain pathway, then you can be assured if a person today is doing the same that they will end up in the same place. Ecclesiastes 11:3 says, “If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.” If you study the direction the spiritual trees from the past fell, then you will know when someone is headed towards compromise when they start leaning the same way.

     2. Loyalty, friendship and trust will blind the movements of compromise.

Your loyalty to an institution will blind you to their comprise. When you have been friends with someone and you trust them, then when they start saying certain things you know don’t sound right you will tend to give them a break in hopes that they will change what they said. Be careful! Don’t let your loyalty, friendship and trust blind you from wrong. If a person is wrong, then they are wrong. God says that “love covereth all sins.” (Proverbs 10:12) Don’t let your love for someone blind you from the movements of compromise that they are making.

     3. Don’t confuse evaluation with criticism.

People often won’t see compromise because they say they won’t listen to criticism. Let me make this clear, just because someone is evaluating a person’s stance does not mean they are being critical. Criticism is a personal attack, but evaluation is assessing their movements and stances. When a coach evaluates his players, he is not criticizing them. He is showing them their errors so they can correct them. If you don’t learn to evaluate people and what they are saying and doing, then you will succumb to compromise. Don’t let the liberals shame you into not evaluating them by accusing you of having a critical spirit.

     4. Don’t lose what your true focus.

One of the biggest culprits of compromise is a wrong focus. God shows us what our focus should be upon in Jude 1:3 when He says, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Notice, the focus is on the faith. Many fall into compromise because they make the Gospel the focus and not the faith. When the Gospel is the focus, then they will say it doesn’t matter what we do to get people saved as long as they get saved. That is not true! God is concerned with the vehicle of truth. If you focus on the faith, then you don’t have to worry about getting the Gospel to people for the Gospel is part of the faith. If you will contend for the faith, then you will contend for the Gospel. Furthermore, don’t make size your focus. The size of a church should never indicate success, for we know that God is the One Who gives the increase. (1 Corinthians 3:7)

     5. Don’t mistake apparent success for blessing.

Many a man has ridden the momentum of his past and we mistook it as present blessing. A man’s demise may take place while his ministry seems to be on the rise. Just because the carcass on the side of the road is growing doesn’t mean it’s a blessing; it could mean that it is dying. You must always remember that what a man is reaping today is because of yesterday’s work and stand. Where a man stands today will only be revealed in the future. Instead of looking at their church growth, you should look at where he stands. Listen to what he is saying. Don’t be so enamored with his apparent success that you forget to look at where he stands.

Compromise is not a new thing. Throughout the history of the world there have been good people who have compromised. The biggest reason people succumb to compromise is because they have a lack of discernment to identify the indicators of compromise. Work on the areas of discernment we discussed in this article, and you will find you have a better chance of avoiding the spilt milk of being lured into someone’s compromising ways.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.