Hearing the Voice of God

Numbers 7:89
“And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregation to speak with him, then he heard the voice of one speaking unto him from off the mercy seat that was upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubims: and he spake unto him.”

One of the characters in the Scriptures whom I admire the most and truly want to emulate is Moses. Nobody in the Scriptures knew God face to face like Moses. The verse above is one of those instances where he conversed with God. It was after the dedication of the altar that he went into the tabernacle when he heard the audible voice of the LORD. What a time that must have been to not only be in the place where the LORD’s presence was, but also to hear the audible voice of God.

We may not hear the audible voice of the LORD, but He still speaks today if the Christian will stop and listen. Christian, you should desire to not only be in the place where the LORD’s presence is, but you should also desire to hear the voice of the LORD. If you are going to hear the voice of the LORD, several things must be present in your life.

First, there must be a dedicated altar. Verse 88 says, “…This was the dedication of the altar…” You will never hear the voice of the LORD if you don’t have a place where you go to speak to Him. Let me ask you, where is the place where you spend time with God? In Matthew 6:6, the Scriptures talks about entering into “your closet” to pray. God still speaks to the Christian today, but He cannot speak if you don’t have a time when you go to speak to Him.

Second, there must be sacrifice. Before Moses entered into the tabernacle, the people had sacrificed their money, time and energy on the altar. What do you sacrifice to speak to God? The Christian who hears the voice of the LORD is the Christian who has sacrificed their desires, time and self to spend time with Him at the altar of prayer. It will take a time of sacrifice at the altar of prayer to hear the voice of the LORD in your life.

Third, there must be a desire to communicate. Moses went into the tabernacle to “speak with him.” Do you have a sincere desire to speak to the LORD? God won’t force Himself upon you. James 4:8 makes it clear that we must take the first step towards God with a desire to communicate with Him before He reciprocates by stepping towards us. If there is no desire, there will be no communication.

Fourth, there must be an ear to hear. Moses “heard the voice of one speaking unto him from off the mercy seat.” Are you listening for God to speak? You will never hear His voice until you silence the voices around you. Turn off the phones, computers and everything that has a voice and get alone with the LORD and just listen. My friend, God often speaks to His children, but they don’t hear because they have too many other voices speaking at the same time. You need a time of quietness if you want the LORD to speak.

Fifth, there must be a heart to obey. Every time the LORD spake to Moses he obeyed. The LORD knew that He wasn’t wasting His time speaking to Moses because he always obeyed. The best way to hear the LORD’s voice in your life is to obey when He speaks. If you have an obedient spirit, you will find that the LORD will gladly speak to you because He delights in the spirit of obedience.