No Day Like This Day

Joshua 10:14
“And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.”

The day in the verse above was an amazing day. Joshua and Israel were in pursuit of the five kings of the Amorites. As the day progressed, they had not captured all of the kings, but the battle was going well for God’s people. As the day began to come to an end, Joshua realized the need for more time to fight this battle. Realizing this need, he asked God to cause the sun to stand still until they won the battle. So the sun stood still at Joshua’s request, and Israel won a great battle.

The verse above said about that day, “And there was no day like that before it or after it…” This was a day like no other day because the LORD hearkened unto the voice of man; however, this day doesn’t have to be the only unique day. You can have a day like no other day if you will do the same thing that Joshua did. Let me show you what Joshua did to make that day like no other day.

First, he obeyed God. Sin can make your day like no other day, but the results won’t be as enjoyable as if you obeyed God. Obeying God is one of the most satisfying things you will do every day. To know that you have obeyed the One Who gave you that day will make that day like no other day. You have a choice to make today like no other day, but you must first start by obeying God.

Second, he made that day like no other day by trying to accomplish something. Every day can be a good day if you try to accomplish something. Accomplishment makes every day unique because each accomplishment brings a different quality to your day. You can make your days mundane by filling them with busyness, or you can make your days like no other day by accomplishing something.

Third, he made that day like no other day by doing something bigger than himself. The best way to make your day like no other day is to attempt something by faith that requires you to trust in the LORD. When you step out by faith to accomplish something greater than yourself and your faith has been placed in the LORD, you will find that the LORD will fight for you as He did for Joshua. Any day with the LORD will make that day like no other day. Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us, “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning…” The LORD can certainly make your day like no other day if you will trust Him by attempting something greater than yourself.

Fourth, he made that day like no other day by praying. The reason the LORD “hearkened unto the voice of a man” is because Joshua prayed. My friend, the only way today can be like no other day is by spending time with the LORD. Prayer changes things! Prayer is what turns the mundane into the miraculous. Prayer is what summons Heaven to action. Prayer is what activates the power of God in your life. Christian, you can make every day like no other day if you will start your day with prayer. Don’t embark upon the journey of each day without first spending time with the LORD.

Are you going to make today like no other day? Each day can be an exciting and unique day if you will make these four things a part of each day.