Get to Labour

Proverbs 14:23
“In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.”

There is a difference between working and labouring. Many people go to work every day, but not everyone who goes to work labours. Labouring is an exertion of physical strength through work. In other words, the person who labours gives all of their physical and mental strength while they work. God says, “In all labour there is profit…” The Scriptures show the many rewards of the labourer.

First, labour profits position. Proverbs 12:24 says, “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule…” It is always amazing how those who labour tend to be the ones who move up the positional ranks; they are the ones who tend to hold the leadership positions. The best way to get a promotion in your line of work is to work harder than anyone else. Your labour will be noticed and rewarded by those who are in charge of promotion.

Second, labour helps you please God. Exodus 20:9 says, “Six days shalt thou labour…” God would have never placed this on the list of the commandments if it didn’t please Him for someone to labour. You can’t be lazy and please God. God is pleased by the individual who exerts themselves in their line of work. You will always find that those who are at peace with God are those who tend to labour.

Third, labour helps you sleep better. Ecclesiastes 5:12 says, “The sleep of a labouring man is sweet…” I have found that the best medicine for insomnia is a hard day of labour. The person who totally exhausts themselves through labour has no difficulty sleeping at night. If you are having difficulties sleeping, try doing some physical labour and you will find your insomnia will turn into a sweet nights rest.

Fourth, labour helps you financially. Proverbs 28:19 says, “He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread…” Nobody has tilled land without labour. This verse doesn’t take into account your spending habits, but it does say that you will have “plenty of bread.” A labouring person doesn’t just put their time in on the job, but they usually are the person who volunteers to work overtime. You will find that the harder you labour, the more money you will have.

Fifth, labour keeps you out of trouble. Proverbs 28:19 continues to say, “…but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough.” Society could rid itself of the trouble that people get themselves into by making them labour. One reason I stayed out of trouble as a youth is because I worked hard. I didn’t have the energy to get into mischief because I was too tired from my labour. You will stay away from trouble by putting in six days of labour, and by going to church on Sunday.

Sixth, labour gives you a good heritage. Revelation 14:13 says that the works of the labourer “do follow them.” One of the best heritages you can leave your children is that you laboured. When you are in Heaven, your children should fondly remember how hard you laboured to give them what they have.

Friend, many people work, but few people labour. If you will develop a labouring characteristic in the physical realm, it will pass over to the spiritual realm. Decide to be the person who doesn’t just show up for work, but be the Christian who labours while you are working.