Get Into the Publishing Business

Deuteronomy 32:3
“Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God.”

Several years ago, I started publishing books that I wrote. The purpose of publishing these books was to get the information out to the public that I felt would be helpful and would build them into stronger Christians. If I never published these books, many of the people who were helped by the information I published would have never received the help they needed.

However, I was in the publishing business well before I ever published one book. The publishing business I was in was in publishing the name of Christ to a lost and dying world. At the age of 7, I started the publishing business by telling my friend how to get saved. Since that time, I have made it my life to publish the name of Christ.

Moses said in the verse above, “…I will publish the name of the LORD…” More than he wanted to build a legacy for himself, he desired to publish the name of the LORD. He understood the greatness of God, and he understood that it was his responsibility to publish His name.

Satan has been in the publishing business ever since he was kicked out of Heaven. He is publishing the false narrative that the LORD’s life is not worth living. Today, he uses Hollywood, the entertainment world, false preachers, and sadly, many backslidden Christians. Satan is all about publishing his false narrative that salvation is not worth having and living for the LORD never pays. Unfortunately, he has been very successful in his publishing business.

Christians need to get into the publishing business. They need to get into the business of publishing the name of Christ everywhere they go. There are too many today who are publishing political names when there is only one name that should be published, and that name is Jesus. Acts 4:12 reminds us, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Friend, politicians will not save a soul or this nation, but the name of Jesus will. A preacher’s name will not save one person, but the name of Jesus is the only hope that any nation has.

What are you to publish? The verse above says to publish the “…greatness unto our God.” Everywhere you go, you should tell people about the greatness of your God. Tell them that He is great enough to save them from their sin. Tell them that He is great enough to help them with every problem in life. Tell them He is great enough to solve every difficulty they encounter. Yes, the name of Jesus is a name that we should publish everywhere because His name is great.

I ask, how much have you published God’s name lately? May I remind you that the news media is not going to use its air time to publish the greatness of God, but it is your duty to publish His greatness. There will be people who will never hear about God’s greatness if you don’t publish it. I want to challenge you to make it your daily goal to publish the greatness of God. Use every opportunity to tell others of the greatness of God. It is your responsibility to be in the business of publishing the name of Christ. All it takes to get into this business is to open your mouth.