Calling to Remembrance

Recap of 2016 Old Paths Conference
by: Allen Domelle

Calling to RemembranceThe 2016 National Old Paths Conference is over, and the reports that we are receiving from those who attended are encouraging. The theme of this year’s conference was, The Jesus Model. Every sermon and lesson taught reminded those attending that the model Jesus left in the Scriptures is still relevant to today’s society, and it still works for those who choose to work that model.

2 Timothy 1:6 says, “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.” I truly believe the Holy Spirit stirred the hearts of each person. They were stirred by the Spirit-led singing of Bro. Alvin Martinez, Longview Baptist Church choir and singing groups. The Texas Independent Baptist Seminary and Schools ensemble were a great part of this year’s conference singing powerful songs that prepared the hearts of those attending for the preaching to come. The Holy Spirit also inspired and convicted each person through the preaching of God’s Word.

It started on Monday evening with a challenge to be a soul winner. Each person was reminded that God has Divine Appointments everywhere if they would simply slow down and listen to the guiding voice of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Bruce Goddard followed up with a reminder of the importance the local church and its impact on individual lives.

Tuesday night was truly a life-changing night. The Holy Spirit convicted the hearts of all through Dr. Goddard’s sermon that reminded us that the problem is not what we can’t do in the old paths, the problem is the relationship we have with God. It was evident through the invitation that the Holy Spirit moved as people continued to walk the aisles for over 45 minutes. Many spiritual victories were seen in this invitation. Dr. B.G. Buchanan followed up with reminding the listener not to waste the grace of God. What a powerful one-two punch!

Wednesday night it seemed that God sealed the decisions with a stirring message on the importance of the Christian doing God’s work in the power of His Spirit and not in the power of the flesh. Dr. Bob Gray II followed that sermon by preaching a powerful message reminding the listener that the message can be right, but the spirit can be wrong, resulting in people hating the old paths. He showed from the Scriptures that if the message and the spirit of the messenger is right, the listeners will see Christ and not the person delivering the message. Again, the Holy Spirit moved in the invitation, and many of God’s people were challenged to go back home and continue walking and proclaiming the old paths without apology.

Texas-IBSThe day sessions, in both the ladies and men’s sessions, were instructional and challenging. The men were reminded and taught how to start and organize a Sunday school, how to keep soul winning alive, and how to continue walking the old paths for fifty years. The men walked away challenged that the Jesus Model still works.

Each lady enjoyed hearing Mrs. Tammy Goddard, Mrs. Sarita Buchanan, Mrs. Jennifer Petticoffer, Mrs. Cheryl Zinn, Mrs. Kelly Gray, and Mrs. Sandy Domelle teach on, Don’t Put the Key to your Happiness in Someone Else’s Pocket. The ladies learned how to be happy through life’s changes. They learned that the main key to keeping their desires right is found in the Word of God. The ladies were certainly stirred to be careful with the keys God has given them in life.

Since the conference, many have called or texted to thank us for the conference. Some of the words that were said about the conference were:








I am reminded of Isaiah 58:12 that says, “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.” The true results of this conference will be seen by how the paths are restored by those who attended. I would like to encourage every person who attended to remember that though your heart may have been stirred, now the real test will be seen by what you do with what God has given you. Don’t allow the seeds of the truths given die because you are home. The souls of many whom you influence or will influence are dependent upon what you do with these truths. If you continually remember the challenge from each lesson or sermon, you will find that reminder will continue to stir you to employ what you learned through the Holy Spirit’s power.

Let me invite you to plan now to attend the 2017 Old Paths Conference. The dates of the conference will be, March 20-22, 2017. We look forward to seeing what the LORD will do once again next year.