A Call for Common Sense

A-Call-for-Common-Senseby: Allen Domelle

In the wake of the riots in Baltimore, there needs to be a call for common sense. Never in my lifetime have I seen such a void of common sense from leaders and news commentators. It is not hard to see that much of what happened in Baltimore could have been averted had the leaders involved used some common sense.

I was watching some of the news coverage on Fox News, when Shepherd Smith kept on insinuating that these people were looting and destroying the city because they were frustrated from the years of “mistreatment” by their local police and politicians. When others tried to help Smith out of his misguided and ignorant statements, he continued on his rant that these riots were caused by years of mistreatment. No, it is the empty mentality that Mr. Smith exhibited that has contributed to these types of acts.

The lack of leadership given by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was atrocious. For a leader to stand while her city was about to be destroyed by thugs and say, “…we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well…”  is unconscionable. What was she thinking? Giving space for people to break laws, put lives in danger and allow thugs to break into stores and burn down a city is negligence.

There needs to be a call for common sense when it comes to authorities dealing with crime. Just because there may have been injustices in the past does not mean that we allow crime to go on today. Giving people space to destroy is ludicrous. It is time that the race rhetoric is set aside and leaders start using common sense in decision making. Common sense says that police must be given the authority to deal with criminal behavior. Romans 13:4 says, “For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” Common sense tells us that when the police don’t have the authority to make an arrest when people are breaking crimes, then the chaos that happened in Baltimore will happen every time. Whoever gave the police the order to stand down doesn’t have the common sense to lead and should lose their job.

Moreover, there needs to be a call for common sense in reporting. Instead of news reporters like Shepherd Smith ramping up the rhetoric based off one interview, he should have simply reported that criminals were running the streets. Proverbs 26:4 says, “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.” Stop giving the criminals the time they want on national television. There were innocent victims who lost their livelihoods because criminals looted stores and burnt businesses down. These people had nothing to do with the supposed reason they were rioting. Any reporter giving credence to these actions has no business being in front of the American people.

Westside Baptist ChurchFurthermore, there needs to be a call for common sense in dealing with mistreatment and injustice. Burning down businesses, looting stored, injuring policemen and running the streets is not how you let your grievance be heard. These actions silence the message of injustice. Violence is not the voice of reason. You don’t break the law to show how others are breaking laws. There is no justification to the actions that happened on Monday night. If people want things to change in their neighborhood, then stop voting the same people in who have contributed to the injustice for all these years. Stop voting people in who choose their party of their citizens. Let your voice be heard in a peaceful manner instead of silencing your message with violence.

Moreover, there needs to be a call for common sense on how to get out of poverty. If those young people are taught to work hard for what they get, then you will find them leaving the life of crime for making money. God says, “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” (2 Thessalonians 3:10) The entitlement mentality only contributes to more nights of chaos like we saw in Baltimore. When people work hard for what they get, they are less likely to burn down a business that they worked to build.

I’m all for justice when crime has been committed. Certainly, if a crime was committed that caused Freddie Gray to lose his life, then those who committed the crime should be held accountable no matter who they are. However, blaming the unruly actions of thugs on what happened to Mr. Gray is senseless. People with common sense don’t act this way. Even the family of Mr. Gray begged people not to use their son as a cause for thuggery. If those in leadership and news coverage will once again start using common sense instead of rhetoric and irresponsible coverage, then we will see fewer incidents like we saw in Baltimore on Monday night.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.