God is Too Good

Heather Cape UpdateYesterday, Heather Cape went to have another WADA test procedure done to see if the doctors could perform the surgery to remove the seizure infected area from her brain. The same procedure was done about two months ago, but it was inconclusive because of her seizure activity that day.

The Cape’s have been praying for over 20 years for the LORD to intervene in Heather’s situation. Many prayers from her family, church and friends have been given to the LORD asking for His intervention. It seems as though God interceded yesterday. This is the text I received from the family this morning:

“SHE CAN TALK AND SING!!!!! Which means her speech has switched over to the right side of the brain!!!!!  PRAISE GOD!!!!!!! SHE IS A CANDIDATE FOR BRAIN SURGERY…by going through the artery in the neck they were able to get the medicine to the left side only, and she continued talking and she sang!!! She sang for the doctors, “Rejoice in the LORD, He makes no mistakes!!!” We are beside ourselves, GOD IS SO GOOD!!” When Heather began to count and sing, the doctor raised his fist in the air and said, “YES!!!”

The family wanted to stress the magnitude of this miracle. For 97% of people, speech is controlled by the left side of the brain…that’s where Heather’s was before. God made our brain with the left side controlling our speech, so a true miracle has happened for Heather! The left side of her brain is completely diseased, but He moved her speech to the opposite side of the brain, too wonderful to comprehend!

The next step is to meet with the brain surgeon. They are not sure yet when it will be, but we will keep everyone informed. If this surgery is successful, Heather will possibly have NO more seizures. As Heather’s sister put it, “God is too Good!” Heather, Bro. Cape, his wife, daughter and doctors still need much prayer over the next few weeks as big decisions will have to be made and the surgery date is set.