Dr. Steve Heidenreich Update – May 29, 2014

Heidenreich1Bro. Heidenreich has been home from the hospital since Tuesday night. He went back to the doctor this morning for a procedure and is doing better. He’s eating and has rested really well since he’s been home. He goes back to the doctor on June 9th for prep for another surgery, then the actual surgery will be on June 12th.  He will have more stones lasered at this time. They are predicting 6-8 weeks of treatment that will force him to go in and out of the hospital to have surgical procedures to his kidneys. He will be home bound during this time and has had to cancel all meetings during this time period. Please pray that God touches Bro. Heidenreich’s body and heals him, and that his finances will be provided to meet monthly obligations and medical bills.

We appreciate all of your love and concern. If you would like to contact Bro. Heidenreich, you may send a note through the contact page of the Old Paths Journal and we will be sure that he receives them. Thanks again for your prayers.