Don’t Avoid Mercy and Grace

Psalm 116:4-5
“Then called I upon the name of the LORD; O LORD, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful.”

Most of the trouble in which we find ourselves is our own fault. Certainly there are times when trouble comes our way that we have done nothing to cause it, but the majority of the time our troubles are self-inflicted. When this happens we tend to avoid running to God to ask for His help. The Devil whispers in our ear that we don’t deserve God’s help and that we shouldn’t bother Him with something that we caused. Though the Devil may be right in that we don’t deserve God’s help, that still shouldn’t keep us from going to God to ask Him for help.

The psalmist said in verse 3, “I found trouble and sorrow.” Notice, trouble and sorrow didn’t find the psalmist, but he found it. In other words, he is the one who caused his own trouble and sorrow. Yet, though he caused his own trouble and sorrow, he didn’t avoid the mercy and grace of God. He understood that God would be merciful and gracious if he would simply call upon Him. There are several things we learn about God in this psalm that will is helpful to us.

First, God’s ear is never deafened to His children. Verse 1 says, “I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.” God heard his voice when he found “trouble and sorrow.” We often think that God only hears us when we are good, but you must remember that God also hears you when you are bad. God is One Who will help us out of our troubles even when we are the ones who caused them.

Second, God has the tendency to listen intently for His children. Verse 2 says, “Because he hath inclined his ear unto me…” The word “inclined” means, having a tendency. God knows we are going to get ourselves in trouble, so He purposely is listening for our call. Do you understand what this means? God is anxious to help you out of your troubles even if you caused them. This should excite you. This should humble you that God is very gracious to help us, and wants to help us in all our troubles.

Third, God is willing to deliver us out of the troubles that our sin caused. Verse 3 says, “The sorrows of death compassed me…” Remember, according to Romans 6:23, sin causes death. God is saying that even though our sin has caused our troubles, He is still willing to deliver us from them. What an amazing God to deliver us when our own actions of sin have caused our troubles. Just because you have sinned does not mean God doesn’t want to help you. God wants to help you in your troubles even when your sins have caused them.

Friend, God is simply showing that His mercy and grace is available to you if you will call unto Him in your troubles. I don’t know what your troubles are, but don’t avoid the One Who can help you with them. If your sin caused your trouble, then you most certainly cannot get yourself out of the trouble. You need God to help you out of them. Don’t let the Devil steal God’s help from you. Don’t let your pride keep you from getting God’s help. No matter what your trouble is that you face today, call upon the LORD and ask for His deliverance. His grace and mercy is available if you will just ask.