Great Start to Revival in Hixson, TN

Cape2014On Saturday, I flew into Huntsville, Alabama, and rented a car to drive to Hixson, TN, as that was the only flight that could get me there in time to preach a youth rally for Pastor Steve Cape and the Hillside Baptist Church of Hixson, TN. There were several churches represented with the auditorium full. The youth enjoyed the barbecue and activities that the church provided.

After several activities, I got up and preached to a group of young people who were very receptive to old paths preaching. I showed how Eve listened to a voice she never knew over a God Who loved her. I told the teenagers Cape20141that this story happens over and over again today when teenagers and adults alike will listen to someone who has done nothing for them over their parents, pastor and God who has done everything for them. When the invitation was given, the altars were full with young people getting things right with God. The invitation continued as pastors and youth pastors gathered their groups together around the auditorium and they prayed together to let God be the voice to which they would listen. God gave us 2 saved and 3 surrendering to full-time service in this invitation.

This morning started the revival meeting with the church. The presence of the Holy Spirit was evident from Sunday school throughout the morning service. I preached on The Key to Finishing. When the invitation was given, there were many people at the altars with 2 more accepting Christ as Saviour. Tears were being wiped from faces as God did a work in each individuals heart.

Cape20142What is very evident is that people truly want old paths preaching. Preaching that is not afraid to name sin, but also preaching that will be the healing balm of Gilead. The old paths have worked since the beginning, and they still work today. They are not just for the old, but it is very evident that the youth of today still desire the old paths.

If you are in the Hixson, TN area for the next couple of days, come be a part of this great meeting. The services will start at 7pm Monday and Tuesday evening. We would love to see you there.Cape20143 Cape20144