Age Isn’t Everything

Job 15:10
“With us are both the grayheaded and very aged men, much elder than thy father.”

I was very young when I started out in evangelism. I had barely made it through my twentieth year of life when I stepped out by faith into full-time evangelism. Because I was so young, one of the hardest things I had to overcome was the age barrier with those who were elderly, especially among the fraternity of preachers.

Now that I am in the middle years of life, I have the opportunity to help young men get started in the ministry. One of the common complaints I get from these young men is that they have a difficulty getting through the age barrier. It’s as if the aged believe that a youth has nothing to teach them.

From my childhood I have learned to respect the aged. My parents always taught me to give up my seat to the aged. They taught me to address the aged properly by never addressing them by their first name. They also taught me to listen when in the presence of the aged so that I could learn from them. I’m thankful that they taught me these things for they have been very helpful to my advancement in life.

However, age doesn’t always mean a person is wise or someone to whom I should listen. The friends of Job used their age and gray hairs as a defense of their attack against him. It was as if this was the golden grail of wisdom, and that he should listen to them because they were simply older than he. Yet, when I continue reading in the Book of Job, I find that it wasn’t the aged person who had the right answers, but a younger man who respected the aged enough to let them speak first before he finally spoke on God’s behalf.

Just because a person has age does not mean that you should follow their advice. There are many heathens who have age. Does that mean that we should forget everything the Scriptures teach to follow their wicked advice? Certainly not! Just because a person has age does not mean they are a wise person. Just because a person has age does not mean that is worthy of a person being followed. Age is in no way a determining factor of whether someone’s advice should be followed.

The determining factor on whether you should follow someone is whether they follow the Scriptures. The Scriptures are always the determining factor of right and wrong. Just because someone has inhabited this earth for many years does not mean they know more than God.

Furthermore, age doesn’t always mean someone has common sense. One of the most disturbing things I find in our day is the lack of common sense. Common sense will help someone go a long way in life. Certainly someone with age should have more common sense because they have lived longer, but that isn’t always the case.

This devotional is in no way a condemnation to the aged, but it is a caution to use age as the determining factor of whether you should listen to one’s advice. Always remember the Scriptures are the final authority. If the aged don’t follow the Scriptures, then the aged should not be followed. Yes, you should respect the aged and give them a hearing when they have walked in the pathway of the Scriptures, but don’t think that age always makes them right.

Moreover, the aged person needs to give youth a break. I can certainly understand an aged person desiring respect, but respect goes both ways. Don’t belittle a person just because they are young. Give them a break and allow them the opportunity to do God’s will for their life. Don’t treat the youth as if they have no knowledge. Always remember that everyone is your teacher, this includes a youthful person who follows the Scriptures.