And the Prisoners Heard Them

Acts 16:25
“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.”

Have you ever had one of them days when you tried to do right but everything seemed to go wrong? That is what happened to Paul and Silas. They went to a place outside of Macedonia to speak to a group of ladies who assembled to pray. While they were speaking, a young girl possessed with a devil continued to mock and disrupt them. Through God’s power, Paul cast the devil out of her. This young girl had brought her masters much money through her divination, and now that they saw their hopes of making money off her were gone, they were very upset. This caused them to stir up the people of the city against Paul and Silas to the point that the magistrates came and arrested them and took them to prison.

For serving the LORD, Paul and Silas sat bound in prison. Certainly, their day had not gone as planned, but instead of griping and whining about what happened, they sang praises unto God at midnight. Through God’s powerful workings, these men had an opportunity to witness to the guard and their fellow prisoners.

Imagine if Paul and Silas had complained and griped about their situation, do you think that prison guard would have been saved? Do you think the prisoners around them would have listened to them talk about the LORD? I think not! Their attitude in times of adversity gave them an opportunity to witness to those who before probably would not have listened.

Let me remind you that you never know who is watching you and who is listening to what you are saying. So often we show a bad attitude when we are having a bad day not realizing that we could be forfeiting the right to witness to those who are watching. It is in times of adversity when your testimony is validated. What you do in times of adversity truly dictates whether you will be able to witness to certain people. A good attitude in times of adversity allows you to witness to people who normally would not listen.

Moreover, all around you are people who are bound with their own adversity. Paul and Silas were not the only one’s in prison. You must realize that God most likely sent your adversity your way so that you could be a testimony to those who are going through the same adversity. Friend, let me remind you that around you are many people who are bound with their own adversity and you could help relieve their bondage. If your attitude is wrong, you will never be able to help them. Those around you in adversity need to see that there is a way they can get victory through adverse circumstances, and that way is through the power of God.

Furthermore, your attitude through adversity allows you to reach your captors. Paul and Silas were able to reach their captors because they kept a good attitude through adversity. Yes, it would be easy to get upset at those who are seemingly causing your adversity, but you must remember they are broken people who need to see that serving Christ is the way to overcome all adversity.

Let me ask you, what is your attitude as you endure adversity? Your attitude is important to reaching those around you. There are many people who are prisoners of their own adversity, and your attitude through your adversity just may be the thing that will allow you to reach them. I challenge you to watch your attitude, especially when you’re having a bad day. Though it may be easy to be short with people and gripe about your situation, that will not allow you to reach others. Keep a good attitude at all times and God will allow you to reach others through your adversity.


Proverbs 11:13
“A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.”

One of the greatest evils in life is that of talebearing. Talebearing destroys lives and reputations. When you checkout at the grocery store, you see magazines that are given to talebearing. These magazines do not care if what they are saying is true, the only thing they care about is selling a magazine at the expense of the one whom they put on their cover.

The word “talebearer” means, “a hawker or traveling chapman.” In other words, a talebearer peddles tales for the sake of profit. This profit isn’t always financial, but in many cases it’s about looking as if you are “in the know” about certain people.

God never talks highly of a talebearer. Every time God talks of a talebearer in Scriptures it is in a negative connotation. God does not like talebearing. Let me point out several things about a talebearer so as to caution you from listening to their tales.

First, just because a talebearer says it is true does not make it true. I am not a fan of most news reporters. I have watched them take portions of truth and report a whole story about someone to turn public opinion against them. As wicked as this is, talebearers are no different. Many talebearers don’t tell the whole truth. Many times they tell what they want you to know leaving out portions of the story that are important to the truth. You would be wise to err on the side of believing in the one who the tale is about than believing the talebearer.

Second, talebearers cannot be trusted. You may enjoy the tales they tell you because they are not about you, but one day they will tell tales about you. God says the talebearer reveals secrets. They don’t care who they tell the secret about as long as they have a secret to bear. Right now it may be about someone else, but eventually they will talk about you. Your association with talebearers should be little to none.

Third, what a talebearer tells you is not your business. Even if what they tell you is first-hand information, they learned that in the strictest of confidence, which means it is none of your business. If it is your business to know about what the talebearer is trying to tell you, then God would have brought it your way. Christian, you have enough to take care of without having to involve yourself in something that is not your business.

Fourth, talebearers are time wasters. Think of the time you could use for good that you used listening to a talebearer. You could live your life constantly gathering dirt from talebearers, but what is that going to profit you? A talebearer’s tale is going to waste your time, so don’t give them your time to waste.

Let this devotional be a friendly reminder to avoid talebearing and talebearers. There are so many more things you can do in life that are productive for the cause of Christ. If you will learn to stop the talebearer from telling you tales, then you will find they will stop bothering you. Instead of listening to the talebearer, let your mind be filled with good and spend your time trying to build people.

Seeing With Another Spirit

Seeing-with-Another-Spiritby: Dr. Steve Heidenreich

One morning during my personal Bible study, I came across a man in the Bible named Caleb. He is one of my favorite Bible characters because he’s one man who just didn’t go along with the crowd. There was something that made him different from the rest and it was that he had another spirit about him.

We have all heard that Moses was to send twelve spies to survey the land of Canaan. When they returned they were divided in what they saw. Ten of the spies compared themselves like grasshoppers when they saw the giants, great walls of the city and the great obstacles that was before them. Two of the spies came back and saw the greatness of God. We need to be careful how we view what God has given us to do. Like the ten spies, if we’re not careful, we will lead the next-generation into a wilderness of wandering and cause them to waste their lives.

I’m concerned how we show the land of the ministry to our young people today. Those of us in the ministry better be careful that we do not bring back a bad and evil report of what God wants to do in His ministry. We are rearing a generation who cannot handle hardness. Hardness is not abuse, but it is a building block for what God is preparing for us in the future. Like the children of Israel, many in the ministry are causing young people to murmur and have a desire to turn back and rebel against what God wants them to do. All of this happens when we come back with the evil report of the ministry. We all know and understand that the land of the ministry is full of obstacles, giants and great walls, but we also know there is a great God Who helps us conquer them.

Revival Fires March AdThere are basically two results that happen when an evil report is brought back from the land of the ministry. One is that our young people will wonder through life aimlessly and not be able to accomplish anything. It will cause many to waste the opportunities that God has given them.

The other result is to end up living around those who have wandered and wasted their life. It is very difficult to watch those you love, and in whom have invested your life, spend their time murmuring, complaining, wanting to turn back and then rebel against God’s plan for there lives. Thank God there are many like Caleb who have another spirit about them. There was something different about Caleb when compared with those around him. You see, Caleb didn’t go along with the crowd in that day because he had another spirit. May God raise up some Calebs with another spirit about the land of the ministry.

There are several things that we need to teach our young people about what we see in Caleb’s life that gave him another spirit.

First of all, they need to have another spirit that believes the Word of God. We are living in a time when many are leading our young people to question the Word of God. With the help of the media and Hollywood, we are seeing the authority of God’s Word being destroyed. We are seeing a people trying to change it for their way of leading our young people to a lifestyle of ungodliness. When people around Caleb were murmuring complaining and turning back against what God promised, Caleb had another spirit about him that needs to be passed on to our young people.

Secondly, they need another spirit to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. The world is beginning to put pressure on the ministry, and as a result we are producing people who are halfhearted, lukewarm and caving in on their convictions and standards. Caleb was a man who was committed, meaning that he was all-out for God.

Thirdly, they need another spirit that focuses on God for the victory. Our young people are becoming a generation that is being bombarded with technology so that they are beginning to rely on technology for their path to success. Caleb didn’t depend upon his own ability, he depended upon God’s ability.

Lastly, they need another spirit that will give God all the glory. In a day when many people are singing the praises of men and following them no matter what they believe or do, we need young men with another spirit. One of the reasons the ministry has lost its appeal is because it has been focused on men. How much is God mentioned in the ministry that has been given to you. In this portion of Scripture, Caleb is mentioning God over and over. We need to praise God more than man so that He receives the glory.

When there are people with another spirit in the land of the ministry, young people never forget the promises and power of God that never changes. When people have another spirit, they will see that the places God sends them to are never impossible.

The danger of not seeing it the way God sees it is that many will lose their faith in the purpose of God, their faith in the promises of God and lose faith in the presence of God.

Which way do you see the land of the ministry?

Dr. Steve Heidenreich

Come From God

John 3:2
“The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.”

A visitor came to Jesus at night to ask Him a question. This visitor was not an unknown person, but a religious leader of his day. This man was Nicodemus. The question came in the form of a statement when he said, “…we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.” It is very interesting that Nicodemus knew that Jesus came from God. He understood that nobody could do the miracles that Jesus did without coming from God.

In the very next chapter a very similar story happened. Jesus was at Jacob’s well, and a woman from Samaria came to draw water. The disciples were gone, and Jesus said to the woman, “Give me to drink.” She was amazed that a Jew would ask a Samaritan for water because the Jews would not talk to the Samaritans. Through the discourse that Jesus had with this woman, He revealed this woman’s sin of adultery to her. When Jesus exposed her sin she said, “Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.” This is amazing because Jesus never one time told her who He was. Yet, she perceived something different in Him.

In both of these stories Jesus did not have to tell who He was. In both cases these people quickly understood that He was from God. What was it that caused them to know that He was from God? In the first story Nicodemus recognized that He was from God because of the miracles that Jesus performed. Nobody could do these miracles except “God be with him.” In the second story it was that Jesus proclaimed the truth without fear of what would happen. These two things caused them to know that Jesus was from God.

This world is in desperate need of people who are come from God. Churches need pastors who are come from God. Sunday school classes need teachers who are come from God. Christian schools need teachers and professors who are come from God. Children need parents who are come from God. Cities and neighborhoods need Christians who are come from God. Nations need preachers who are come from God. The greatest need this world has are people who are come from God.

What is it that will happen when someone comes from God? The miraculous will happen when someone is come from God. When someone is come from God, you will see God doing great things through them. They won’t have to brag on themselves to tell everyone how great they are, for their works will reveal that God is with them. What is it that will show that someone is come from God? When people reveal truths that change lives, they will know you are come from God.

Friend, these things won’t happen with a five minute reading of the Scriptures every day. It won’t happen when you only spend a few minutes in prayer every day. No, the only way you will get the truths from the Scriptures you need to change lives is to live in the Scriptures. The only way you will see God perform the miraculous through your life is by spending much time in prayer with Him. God said this in Mark 9:29 when He says, “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.”

Do people say about you that you are come from God? No, you are not Jesus, but He promised you can do greater works than He. Those greater works will not happen if you don’t spend much time in the Scriptures and in prayer. There are people whom God leads across your path on a daily basis who need you to be a person who is come from God. I challenge you to take this truth and let it motivate you to spend so much time with God that people will say about you that you are come from God.

Great Time with Dr. Gray at Maranatha Baptist Church in Bethany OK

O'Daniel14This week I have the privilege of being with the great people at Maranatha Baptist Church in Bethany, Oklahoma. I am privileged to be able to share the pulpit in each service with Dr. Bob Gray, Sr. In Sunday school I taught a lesson on marriage and in the morning service Dr. Gray preached a great sermon on “Longsuffering.” It’s amazing how the LORD took both sermons and put them together to feed His people. The altars were filled as many were making decisions for Christ.

I feel like I’m in the presence of greatness this week. Bro. Charley O’Daniel has pastored this church for 33 years. Then, Dr. Bob Gray Sr. pastored the Longview Baptist Temple, my home church, for 29 years. There is something to say about longevity. Both of these men are able to talk about the blessings of God and what He did through their ministries because they stayed. They didn’t just stay, but they have strongly stood for the old paths and not wavered or looked for growth or new paths. You will never see the greatest blessings of God without longevity and faithfulness to the old paths.

The services will continue through the rest of the week. Come hear Dr. Bob Gray Sr. and myself on Monday and Tuesday night at 7pm if you are in the area.

Getting Along with Others

Luke 17:3
“Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.”

Getting along with others is not always an easy task. With differences in personalities, opinions and techniques, getting along with others can be one of the hardest things a person will do, especially with those with whom interact on a daily basis. Jesus taught the disciples a lesson on how to get along with others, and He gave them six things they must do to accomplish this.

First, be careful with how you treat people. The very first thing that Jesus said to the disciples was, “Take heed to yourselves…” Jesus was trying to get the disciples to learn to look at their own actions before looking at the actions of others. I have always found that I will have an easier time getting along with others if I will look at what I can correct in myself instead of looking at how to correct others. The biggest problem you have is not another, but it is yourself. This first key is imperative to getting along with everyone.

Second, don’t always assume others did wrong. Again, “Take heed to yourselves…” In other words, if you look at your own actions before accusing others, you will find yourself having an easier time getting along. When a wrong has happened, immediately assume that you did the wrong instead of accusing someone else. You will have a hard time getting along with others if you always assume they did the wrong when a wrong occurred.

Third, don’t assume the intentions of others. When you take heed to yourself, you will stop assuming others intentions. It is so easy to fall into the trap of judging the intentions of others, but you don’t know their intentions, so stop trying to judge why another person did something. Believe in the good of people instead of the bad.

Fourth, correct with an attitude to forgive. Even when you must correct someone, you must do so with an intent to forgive. The key to the verse above is forgiveness. If your correction is given with no intention to forgive, then your correction will cause strife.

Fifth, don’t put a limit on forgiveness. One of the most important things you can do is never give up on people. This is why you must not put a limit on forgiveness. Aren’t you glad God doesn’t put a limit on how many times He will forgive you? Then you must not put a limit on how many times you will forgive another. Forgiveness is a belief that they will do better. Always believe that others will turn their actions around, and you will find it will not be hard to forgive.

Sixth, don’t hold people to your expectations. The word “trespass” means to miss the mark. In other words, if you’re going to get along with another, then when they miss the mark that you have set for them you must be willing to forgive. I have found the best way to accomplish this is not to expect others to live according to my expectations. My expectations are selfish and are not the measuring stick by which others should be measured. God set the measuring stick by which we should live, so stop trying to force others to live according to your expectations.

These six principles are important to getting along with others. Whether it is in your marriage, home, church, workplace or surroundings, these six principles will help you to get along with others in each of these places. Don’t be a person with whom it is hard to get along. Life is too short to constantly being at odds with others, so work at getting along.


Luke 9:51
“And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem,”

One of the main ingredients to the success of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ was that He was focused. It says in the verse above, “…he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem,” What was so special about going to Jerusalem? It was that He knew He would die for the sins of the world in Jerusalem. That was the whole reason He came to Earth, and that was why He was focused.

The word “focus” means, the center of interest or activity. In other words, everything Jesus did centered around Him dying on the cross for the sins of the world. If something came His direction that would have been a good thing to do, but it wouldn’t center around Him paying for our sins, then He would not get involved. The focus of our Saviour is one of the main reasons He succeeded in His earthly ministry, and the main reason you and I can go to Heaven.

A person without focus is a person who is going nowhere. When I ran track in high school, we were trained to keep our eyes on the finish line. We were to be focused on where we were going. We were told that if we turned our head that we would get of course. Over and over again we were drilled about staying focused on the finish line. The finish line was where we were going.

Are you truly focused on what God wants you to do? A preacher who is not focused on his calling is a preacher who will one day find himself out of the ministry. A Christian who is not focused on winning souls will find themselves involved in activities that are meaningless. A church that is not focused is a church that will start useless ministries that have nothing to do with winning the lost to Jesus Christ.

Friend, focus is the key to keeping sin from ruining your life. When you get focused on what God wants you to do, then you will find that sin’s lure will not be great. One of the biggest reasons people step into sin is because they lose their focus. It’s not that they are bad people, they simply lost focus of what they were supposed to do. Saul lost his focus and went into sin. David lost his focus and committed adultery. Samson lost his focus and hobnobbed with the enemy. If you don’t want sin to ruin your life, then you need to stay focused on the souls of men.

Christian, be careful that you don’t allow the noise of the world to distract you from your focus. Keep your eye on what you are supposed to do. Don’t let your trials cause you to lose focus. When going through trials it is easy to lose focus of why God has left you on this Earth, but you must continue to stay focused on the souls of men. Furthermore, you must not let good things pull you away from your focus. There are many things with which you can involve yourself, but you must never allow yourself to be involved with things that pull you away from your focus.

The best way to look at this is to look at a bicycle wheel. Your focus is the hub of the wheel, and every spoke comes from that hub. Everything you do must come from the hub or the focus of your life. If what you do is not attached to the hub, then you are losing focus. Regularly look at everything you do and make sure that you are not losing focus. Be sure that everything you do is connected to the hub of reaching the lost for Jesus Christ. That should be your focus of life. Staying focused will not be easy, but if it is achieved it will help you to succeed as a Christian.

Fixing the Broken

Luke 4:18
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,”

You will notice that everyone whom Jesus went after were in some way or another broken. It is interesting the Jesus didn’t go to those who had everything together, but only to those who seemed to be living a life of hopelessness. His whole ministry was about trying to fix the broken.

Look at those whom Jesus went after. He went after the poor to give them the good news that they can be rich in spirit. He sought the brokenhearted to give them hope to heal their wounds. He worked to help those who had been captive by sin. He helped those who were blinded by life, and he found those who were for some reason bruised in life and gave them the hope that they could be freed from the bruise of sin. What a fulfilling ministry Jesus had in trying to fix the broken.

We would be wise to pattern our ministries after Jesus. Instead of trying to find those who have it all together, we would be wise to find those who truly need help. I have watched pastors and church members alike get excited when someone who seems to have everything together joins their church. Yet, you never hear people get excited when someone joins the church whose life seems to be in ruins.

Friend, let me remind you that a good church is not a museum where we praise the people who are so “great,” but church is an emergency room full of Christians trying to fix those who are broken in life. Yes, those who are broken certainly bring their problems with them, but the joy of seeing a life turned around is exciting and fulfilling. If a church is going to be what God wants it to be, then they will go after the broken.

Moreover, let me also remind you that when you go after the broken you will have to deal with their baggage of sin. When you bring in the broken, you will have to help put their life together. As a Christian we must not fall for Satan’s trap of looking down on those who are broken. We must remember that many of us were there at one point ourselves, and if we are honest with ourselves, we still have areas in our own life that are broken. Don’t bemoan those coming into the church who have broken lives, for that is what God wants His church to go after.

Furthermore, you will find that God’s power comes to those who seek the broken. The verse above says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to…” God’s power does not fall on those who are seeking to fill their church with those who have no problems, but He fills the Christian who tries to fix the broken with power to help those who are broken.

Christian, the church that God is interested in is the church that is actively pursuing the broken. If your church is not actively pursuing the broken, then I would reconsider where you attend. You want to be in a church in which God is interested, and that church is the church that is an emergency room that is open to fix those who are broken.

A Country Void of Leadership

A-Country-Void-of-Leadershipby: Allen Domelle

The past few days the Ukrainian crisis has flooded the headlines of every news agency. The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, sent his troops and took the city of Crimea and seemingly is threatening to invade Ukraine. Though Putin has insisted that he is not going to invade Ukraine, it is hard to believe a man who seems bent on reuniting the USSR.

While Russian troops are standing on Ukraine soil, President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, have tried to use a war of words hoping it will strike fear in the heart of the Russian president and cause him to take a step back. The problem is that the Russian president doesn’t fear what President Obama says because Mr. Obama has yet to back up any forceful words when it comes to foreign policy.

There is a reason the world does not fear President Obama. Why should the world fear a president who never follows through on his threats? You can threaten that you are going to do something, but if you are going to put the threat out there, then you better back it up with action. A threat is only as strong as the action.

Mr. Putin has not forgotten the red line Mr. Obama laid down if the Syrian president used chemical weapons. Mr. Putin remembers very well President Obama promising military response if chemical weapons were used, and he remembers what Obama did once it was discovered chemical weapons were used.

Mr. Putin remembers Barack Obama’s ridicule of Mitt Romney during the last presidential debate when he said, “A few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia…the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” Why should he fear anything President Obama says when it is obvious that Obama doesn’t consider Russia a valid threat?

Mr. Putin remembers John Kerry’s statement at the Democratic National Convention when he ridiculed Mitt Romney by saying, “He’s even blurted out the preposterous notion that Russia is our ‘number one geopolitical foe.’ Folks: Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from Alaska; Mitt Romney talks like he’s only seen Russia by watching Rocky IV.”

Mr. Putin remembers President Obama promising President Medvedev, “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” Mr. Obama may be able to spin what he said to the news media, but Putin knows that there has been a void of leadership in the United States for the past five years.

While President Obama thinks that everyone will cower when he says there will be “consequences” if these renegade leaders cross the line, the rest of us roll our eyes and remember the “consequences” line before and the lack of action after the line was crossed. Saying you are going to do something and not backing it up is not leadership.

Leadership is doing what you say you are going to do. Matthew 5:37 says, “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” True leaders say what they mean, and they follow up their words with action. Leaders are not strong because they say something, they are strong because they back up what they say with action.

You might remember when Solomon became king of Israel that he told Shimei, “And the king sent and called for Shimei, and said unto him, Build thee an house in Jerusalem, and dwell there, and go not forth thence any whither.” (1 Kings 2:36) Shimei didn’t believe Solomon would truly kill him if he left the borders of his home and challenged him when he left his home to retrieve two servants that ran away. However, Solomon was not void of leadership, but he followed through with his threat and had Shimei killed when he crossed the “red line.”

The problem America faces today is that we are a nation void of leadership. We are a nation who has a man who carries the title of “President of the United States,” but isn’t filling the role for which he was elected.

Alan Colmes, a Fox News contributor, asked what Mitt Romney would do differently than President Obama. Though we don’t know what he would do differently because he is not president, Mr. Colmes is missing the point in that this would have never happened had Mr. Obama exhibited leadership and stood behind his “red line” and “consequences” threats to previous leaders. Mr. Putin would have thought twice before he sent his troops into Crimea if President Obama displayed strong leadership.

Christian, one of the key elements of leadership is following through with what you say you will do. Whether you are a business leader, church leader or parent in the home, if you say you are going to do something, then you better do it. Leadership is never easy, and leaving the position of leadership void only weakens a business, church or home where the leader is absent. Until Mr. Obama becomes a president where his “yea” is “yea” and his “nay” is “nay,” then he will continue to face rogue leaders who don’t believe him and who will put our nation’s security at risk. Leaders who don’t follow up with what they say are leaving their position void.

Whenever you choose leaders, be sure you choose leaders who follow through with what they say. Whether the leader is a pastor or someone you are voting into office, always be sure that they don’t leave their position void. If politicians are not present when it is time to vote, then don’t vote for them because they have left their position void. If a pastor doesn’t follow through with what he preaches from the pulpit, then you would be wise to find a pastor who considers his position important enough to follow through on what he says. Leadership cannot be absent, but they must follow through with what they say or they will hurt those whom they are supposed to protect.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.

Prayer Requests Update for Karie Owens and Ezequiel Rivera

Owens RecoveryPRAISE THE LORD!

I received word late yesterday that Karie Owens successfully made it through surgery. The doctors feel they have corrected the problem and believe that she will make a full recovery. She is tired, and according to the doctors, it will take some time for her to recover to full strength.

The surgery for Bro. Ezequiel Rivera was also a success. The pain around his neck and left shoulder is gone along with the numbness and tingling in his left arm. He will be under observation for a day due to his blood pressure, and then will be released to go home.

Please continue to pray for both that they will have a full recovery and that they will be able to serve the LORD to their full physical capacity.