Bringing Down the Walls with Unfeigned Faith

Bringing-Down-the-Wallsby: Emily Carstens and Mitchell Haley

Wednesday came too fast for most people. It was a day to learn new things, but also a day to end the 2014 National Old Paths Conference. Split sessions were from nine until eleven. The ladies session once again was privileged to hear from Mrs. Buchanan. She taught miniature lessons during the question and answer session that took place during the first hour of the ladies split sessions. She backed up what the preachers during the week have been saying that advice is good to get, but the best advice is from the Bible. The teen ladies ensemble sang, “Jesus is coming soon.”

In the men’s session at nine, Bro. Buchanan taught on having a “Wartime Lifestyle.” There are three battles that a Christian will face. The first type of battle is for family. The second is battling for the church. Thirdly, Christians will battle for their heart. He gave five points to having the wartime lifestyle. First, one must be willing to sacrifice willingly. Second, when separation must happen, separate nobly. Thirdly, submit willingly. Next, one must surrender unconditionally. Last, one must unquestionably obey God.

Gray IIStill in the men’s session, a college men’s quartet sang the song, “When God Dips His Love in my Heart.” Dr. Gray proceeded to teach pastors how to take advantage of the different outreaches each church could have. He did this by describing the different Saturday ministries the Longview Baptist Temple participates in each week.

At ten, in the ladies session, both Mrs. Domelle and Mrs. Gray taught a lesson. Mrs. Domelle spoke on her favorite Bible character, Hannah, the mother of Samuel. Mrs. Domelle gave pointers about having a better prayer life. First of all, pray specifically. Next, pray persistently. Next, one must pray believing that God will answer the prayer. Next, a person’s prayer life should never cease. Last of all, one should pray fervently. After Mrs. Domelle spoke, Mrs. Gray spoke about the subject, “Have you Prepared yourself for the Storms.” She emphasized that storms will come, but God is in control every step of the way.

At eleven everyone came back together into the auditorium for the final morning session of the conference. The Texas IBS chorale sang two songs, “Embrace the Cross” and “There Is.” After they sang, Bro. Domelle came up to teach a lesson on Developing the Personal Touch with people.” He gave eight points starting with walking slowly through a crowd and ending with always pointing people back to Jesus.

Mens QuartetThe evening service was full of excitement for the final night of preaching. The LBT choir opened the service with “Amazing Grace.” After the first congregational, Dr. Gray called all the men down for one final time of prayer to beg God to speak to them. Pastor Greg Clark and Pastor David Owens both were asked to pray for the meeting. It was very evident after the time of prayer that God was about to do something special.

Bro. Domelle preached first on “Bringing the Walls Down.” He gave six points to use to bring down the walls in each city as well as in each life of each person present. First of all, crossing over is a must. Second, one must be there. Third, walk around your city and go soul winning. Next, show your support for the preacher by shouting every one in a while. Do not give up. Lastly, God’s presence has to be with you if God is going to do something. He challenged the church and delegates to leave the conference and with God’s help bring down the walls of their city. After Bro. Domelle’s sermon an invitation was held and the altars were filled with Christians making a commitment to help bring down the walls of their city.

The Texas IBS chorale sang again. They sang “Psalm 139,” The Resurrection Morn,” and a special request of “There Is “ again. Dr. Gray came to the pulpit to use what voice he had left to preach the Word. His and Bro. Domelle’s sermon tied in together.

DomelleDr. Gray preached on having “Unfeigned faith.” He explained that we can only have unfeigned faith if our faith is evident and not hidden. First of all, unfeigned faith has to start somewhere. Secondly, unfeigned faith must be grounded in the Scriptures. He emphasized having children read their Bible starting when they are young. Lastly, unfeigned faith will help someone overcome shortcomings. He stressed the importance of Christians being transparent in their Christian life and not to put on a show. Another altar call was held and people flooded the altar even before the altar call was given.

Everyone is already looking forward to the National 2015 Old Paths Conference. A special VIP registration was held after the service for people who wanted to register for next year’s conference. It was evident by those registering for next year and the spirit of the people after the conference that God moved in the hearts and many were looking forward to next year. Hope to see you there on March 23-25, 2015.