Reclaiming Old Paths for Another Generation

Reclaiming-Old-Pathsby: Emily Carstens and Mitchell Haley

Tuesday started off in a teaching mode. The nine o’clock session was opened with a lively congregational. Dr. Gray then came up to remind the congregation of what God spoke to hearts about the night before. He reminded the crowd of the importance of being “One of Them.” The Victory Trio sang, “Is Anything Too Hard For God?” posing the question as well as reinforcing the truth. After another congregational, Bro. Martinez sang an uplifting song, “He Ransomed Me.”

Dr. Gray then came up to teach a lesson on, “Developing a Morality Mindset.” He emphasized that the purity of heart will show as purity on the outside of a Christian. He went through seven steps to develop that mindset. First, one must realize his depravity. Next, he must insulate himself with morals. Next, he must realize the boundaries he keeps in relation to his struggles. Fourth, he must develop this mindset through the failures of others. Next, one must deal with the first thought so there will not be a second thought. A person must also learn to develop his morality mindset through associations and the right kind of activity. He closed out by saying that the more godly the activity is, the more moral a person will become.

Evangelist Allen Domelle preaching to a great crowd

Right after Dr. Gray, Bro. Domelle taught a lesson on “Developing Your Discernment Skills.” He gave five words that will help a person develop his discernment skills. First is terminology, or the words people use. Next, are the associations a person keeps. Third, is a Scriptural stance taken. Next is music. And last of all, are references or who people promote.

From ten until twelve, split sessions were held with the men remaining in the auditorium and the ladies meeting in the fellowship hall. The Longview Baptist Temple teen ladies ensemble sang, “Sweet Jesus” before Mrs. Buchanan spoke to the ladies on the subject, “Some Things I’ve Learned in Forty-Five Years in the Ministry.”

Through jokes and serious illustrations, she taught the ladies many different lessons that she has learned during her time in the ministry, such as being thankful for trials and learning to do right no matter what others are doing.

In the men’s session, Bro. Domelle spoke first on the subject, “Not being the One.” Taken from Luke 9:62, Bro. Domelle emphasized that being wrong minded will cause one to go the wrong direction and to have the wrong kind of preparation. He relayed seven kinds of problems that can cause someone to turn back: marriage problems, moral problems, ministry problems, money problems, methodology problems, motive problems, and mental problems. He taught to avoid being that kind of person one must know what he believes. He must know his weaknesses. He must be honest with his spouse. Lastly, he must find someone from whom he can get help.

Bro. Alvin Martinez blessing the crowd in song

After singing, “Without the Blood,” Bro. Martinez then spoke about “The Benefits of Godly Music.” He explained first that godly music promotes holy living. Next, godly music will set someone’s spirit right. Thirdly, godly music will remind us of Heavenly music. Godly music will convict someone. Last of all, godly music will heal the weary.

Bro. Buchanan spoke last during the men’s split sessions on, “The Emerging Church.” His message was to warn the pastors of the growing group of people who believe in the kingdom of God, in a universal church, and in a one-world government. He described their message that they do not believe that Jesus is coming to judge the wicked, that Hell was invented by the Pharisee, and that there is no need for the blood of Jesus. Bro. Buchanan also described the citizens of this emerging church. They believe most people are already part of it, that one can opt out of Heaven, that all races and religions encompass it, and that everybody can be a winner.

Tuesday night was opened up by the LBT choir singing and inspiring song, “To Rescue a Sinner Like Me” reminding the congregation that no matter how good one thinks himself to be, Jesus still came to die for every sinner. The men once again came down to pray for God’s power on the service with Bro. Scott Thomas, pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Kilgore, Texas, starting off the prayer and Dr. Bob Gray Sr. finishing it up.

The Joy Trio then came up and sang two songs, “Only the Redeemed” and the “We Shall See Him Medley.” After a congregational, Bro. Martinez sang, “I Sing Because” and “Faces” eliciting “Amen’s” across the auditorium.

Bro. Buchanan then preached his second and final evening message for this conference entitled, “Reproducing Reproducers.” He emphasized in the sermon that God meant for every creature to reproduce after its kind to fill the earth. In the same way, Christians need to reproduce by going soul winning so that way the world can be replenished with soul winning Christians. An altar call was held, and many people responded by going to the altar and yielding to the Holy Spirit conviction.

Pastor Gray II having a time of fellowship with delegate

Bro. Martinez came up again to sing, “At Calvary” and “Five Rows Back.” He urged the congregation to never lose the wonder of their salvation. Bro. Domelle then came up and preached, “Another Generation.” He expressed his concern about America raising a generation that does not know God because the current generation is starting to back up on their standards and easing up. He gave six points illustrating his message. First, he said that there is nothing wrong with the old paths. Next, he reminded that the old paths made us who we are. Third of all, the old paths are not a technology but rather a faith, doctrine, and practice. Next, Christians should stop copying and start seeking. Fifth, Christians need to separate themselves from those who criticize and minimize the old paths. Lastly, Christians need to work the old paths. He ended his sermon with two questions that need to be asked: what are you doing with the old paths and why?

People started to move to the altar before the prayer was even started. It was evident that God spoke to many people about sticking to the old paths so that the next generation will know what God has done and stick to the old paths themselves. After reminders about the Wednesday morning sessions and a little change from this morning’s sessions, Bro. Martinez came up to sing one more song entitled, “I’m Still not Over That I’m Under the Blood,” ending the night with many “Amen’s.”