Shining Your Light

Mark 4:21
“And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick?”

When the power goes out in your house, immediately the scramble starts to find the closet or drawers where you’ve stored your candles. You light the candles and strategically place them in positions that will give the most light to the house. The purpose for lighting and placing the candles where they are is so that everyone in the house can see in the darkness.

Imagine the power going down, and you go to the drawer to get a candle to light. Once you light the candle, you find a bushel basket and place the candle under that basket. Some in the house would wonder why you are hiding the light, for that light could be used to help everyone in the house to see. Your response to those who are clamoring for the light is that it’s not your gift to let the candle light burn so all can have light. Maybe your response is that you are too afraid for people to see the light you’ve lighted. Maybe you are embarrassed to let others see your light because your candle isn’t what they expected. All of these excuses would be foolish because you have the light that those in the house need.

God says in Matthew 5:14, “Ye are the light of the world.” Inside of every Christian is the light of God that the world needs to get out of the darkness of sin. God reminds us how foolish it would be not to share our light by saying, “Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick?” The light inside of you was not placed there for you to hide, but it is placed there for you to shine to the world.

Christian, you must realize that the world is in darkness. Just like you are seeking a candle to light in your house when the power goes out, the world is seeking for a light to help them see in their dark world. You must not let the Devil trick you into believing that the world does not want to see the light. They do! They are in darkness, and many are seeking for someone like you to shine the light.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter how old the candle is, or how fancy the candle may be, the world simply needs the light. Friend, you may think you are not the best candle to shine the light, but you must realize that the light is needed, and you have the light shining inside of you. You may not be the best deliverer of the light, but as long as the light is lit inside of you, the light will shine by itself. All you need to do is tell people about Jesus, and He will make sure the light shines.

Furthermore, don’t let your foolish excuses keep you from letting your light shine. Hiding your light under the bushel of fear is only keeping people from having the answer to their darkness. You must do what you can to make sure your light brightly shines. Sin, selfishness and carelessness will dim the light that needs to shine. Make sure you remove these things from your life so that your light can brightly shine.

The world is living in darkness. They were born in a power failure, and one glimpse of the light can certainly help them to see what they are missing. I encourage you to let your light shine. Shine your light to every person whose path you come across for all they need is for someone to show them the light. Yes, some will reject the light, but move on and find those who are searching for a light. In your pathway today will be someone seeking for a light. Be sure that you shine your light by telling them about the Light of the word, Jesus Christ. Someone is waiting for you to tell them how to get out of the darkness of sin. Don’t hide your light, but let it brightly shine and ask God to lead you to that one who is seeking the Light.