Are Thou Not From Everlasting

Habakkuk 1:12
“Art thou not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, thou hast ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.”

As Habakkuk testified of the coming judgment of God upon Israel, he paused for a moment to tell of the greatness of God.  He posed a question as a statement about the beginnings of God when he says, “Art thou not from everlasting…” Yes, he was reminding the children of Israel that the LORD God is not just a god Who has come around lately, but He is a God Who has always been in existence. He was testifying of the Deity of God.

As a Christian, you can rejoice in the fact that God is an everlasting God. The comfort and confidence this should bring to you should be tremendous. It should have such an impact on your life that you should never again question God or the lifestyle that He commands you to live. Let me give you some thoughts about God being an everlasting God.

First, nothing is new to God. Whatever problem you face on a daily basis, God knows how to handle that problem. Whatever trial you are going through at the present moment is not something that God has not seen before. Whatever heartache you may be experiencing is not something that God has not helped others with in the past. To say that God is from everlasting is more than the mind can truly comprehend. It should comfort the believer to know that no matter what they face, they have a God Who can help them through it. You don’t have to face your problems alone. Instead of going to those who have a beginning with your problems, you should go to the One Who is from everlasting, for He has seen this problem before and knows how to help you no matter how unique your problem may be.

Second, God is not going to run out on you. Because God is from everlasting, that means He is not a storefront shop that sells you something today and is gone tomorrow when you need help with the product. Friend, if God commands you to do something, you can be assured that He will be there when you need Him. God is not a fly-by-night god Who commands you to step out by faith and won’t be around when you step out. No, when you step out by faith, you will find that God will be there for you to help you through whatever faith has brought your way.

Third, because God is from everlasting that means He is in control. When you look at the world system, you can sometimes think that everything is falling apart. I’m glad that I serve a God Who is in control. God’s plan is working out, and you simply need to rest in the confidence that you are a part of God’s plan. Everything that is happening in this world is bringing us to the point when God is going to come back and rapture the saved to Heaven. You need not fret about the world system, God is from everlasting and it is all part of His plan to prepare the world for His coming.

Christian, stop for a bit and think about what an everlasting God truly means to your life. You will find that as you meditate on this thought it will bring a comfort and confidence to help you face every situation in your life. There is no need to be stressed out in life when your God is from everlasting. He is in control, and you don’t need to worry or fret for He will help you through your problems if you will simply yield to His guiding hand.