Position Is Not Excused

Leviticus 4:22
“When a ruler hath sinned, and done somewhat through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD his God concerning things which should not be done, and is guilty;”

It is interesting that one of the first people God deals with about sin is the ruler. Before God deals with the common person, He deals with those in charge. The reason God deals with those in charge is because they must not think their position excuses them from sin. They must not think that they can do things and get away with it just because they have a position.

In my lifetime, I have watched many leaders live as if they are above the laws that they are to enforce. I have watched political leaders think they can lie, cheat and intimidate those whom they lead and think they can get away with it. I have watched pastors and spiritual leaders act in ways that are not becoming of their position. Likewise, parents must realize that they are not above the rules by which they expect their children to live. Position does not excuse you from the laws that you are to enforce, rather, if anything, leaders should hold themselves to a higher standard than to what they hold their followers. As a leader, you must always remember that your position does not place you above the rules. Every leader, no matter what area it may be in, is to live by the same rules that the follower is to obey.

Moreover, those in position are just as fallible as those whom they lead. If you are not careful, you will think your position will keep you from falling into sin, and that just isn’t true. Every leader must be very careful that they realize they are still human. They must realize that a position does not take away their fallibility. This is why leaders must live by the same rules they expect their followers to live by. If they don’t, then they will find themselves falling into sin like others have. Your humanity does not change because you are a leader.

Furthermore, when a leader sins, they need to face their guilt just like a follower. Admitting your wrong does not make you a weaker leader; rather, it strengthens you as a person and as a leader. Nothing frustrates followers more than leaders who won’t admit when they have done wrong. If you are a leader and you do wrong, then don’t make others force you to admit your wrong, instead, be the first to step up and admit it.

Finally, position does not mean you shouldn’t be punished. We must always remember there are consequences to sin. Leaders are not above those consequences. When King David sinned, he faced the consequences of his sin. When King Saul sinned, he had to face the consequences for his sin. God did not excuse the consequences just because they had a position. The sooner you face the consequences for your sin, the sooner you can move on and help those whom you lead.

To hold a position is a privilege, and the greater the position the greater the consequences to your sin. If you will always keep in mind that you are human, and that no position excuses you from the consequences of sin, then you will have a better chance of avoiding sin. Only those who take their position for granted and think they are above the rules end up falling into sin. Whatever your position may be, always keep in mind that position is never an excuse to do wrong.

Ashley Heidenreich Update

Ashley Aug 24 UpdatePlease continue to pray for Ashley Heidenreich. Ashley’s mother gave us an update that her platelet count is still dropping. The next 72 hours are crucial that she doesn’t start bleeding inside. Please pray this doesn’t happen. Ashley’s condition is serious enough that her doctor flew back early from her vacation when she was informed that Ashley gums had been bleeding. If her platelet count continues to drop, they may have to give her a blood transfusion. Thank you for your prayers, emails and texts of support. Please pray that her condition will turn for the better.

An Empty Feeling

Exodus 33:3
“Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst of thee; for thou art a stiffnecked people: lest I consume thee in the way.”

To have something, and then to lose it must leave the emptiest feeling. To know the joy and fulfillment of experiencing one’s presence, and then to know that they will no longer be with you is a terrible feeling. Several times in the Scriptures I see where someone experienced the presence of God and then lost it. Each time it left an empty feeling.

In the verse above, God told the children of Israel that He would no longer “go up in the midst of thee.” Imagine what the children of Israel must have felt. They saw God work in their midst in the land of Egypt. They saw God deliver them from Pharaoh’s hand. They saw God part the Red Sea and go before them. They saw God send manna from Heaven every day. They knew what it was like to have the presence of God. Yet, God said He would no longer be in their presence. Oh, the emptiness this left. This emptiness was there all because of sin.

I think of Samson who knew what it was like to have the presence of God. From his birth, Samson had God’s mighty power upon his life. He was set apart by God to deliver the children of Israel from the Philistines. He felt God’s presence working in his life several times as he defeated Israel’s greatest enemy. He knew the satisfying feeling that God’s presence gave. Yet, because he never dealt with his sin, he lost the presence, and the emptiness that it left must have been great.

I think of Saul who in the beginning years of his reign experienced the presence of God. He experienced God’s presence in such a manner that he prophesied when others could not. He knew what it was like to have God’s presence. Yet, one act of disobedience left him without the presence of God. One act of sin left an emptiness that he never got back.

We could talk of the disciples on the road to Emmaus who knew God’s presence, and in a moment it was gone. We could talk of Judas Iscariot who experienced that presence, and in an act of greed he lost it. To have the presence of God, and then lose it because of sin can leave an empty feeling.

Friend, don’t ever take for granted God’s presence in your life. No, you will never lose your salvation, but you can lose that sweet power of God on your life. If you know what it’s like to have God work through you, I implore you not to take that presence for granted.

Always realize that it only takes one act of sin to lose the presence of Almighty God. No, you won’t lose your salvation, but you will lose the sweet power of God on your life. To know what it’s like to have God’s power, and then for there to be that emptiness of the absence of God’s power is a terrible feeling.

Before you ever choose to sin, ask yourself if you are willing to lose the presence of God’s power in your life. God is not obligated to empower you again, so don’t do something that would cause you to lose His sweet power. I encourage you today to be sure that there is nothing between you and the Saviour. If there is, remove it so you don’t lose His presence in your life. Don’t ever give God a reason to say that He will no longer be in your midst. Always live your life so that God will want to be in your midst because you make Him feel welcome.

The Power of a Word

The-Power-of-a-Wordby: Jason Williams

We hear a lot of words these days. The average person says over seven thousand words each and every day. Add to that all the words we hear from our family, those at our jobs, the television, radio, and all the people talking around us, and we hear over fifty thousand words each and every day. With all of those words, it’s difficult to understand the importance and power every word we say has. Words are powerful. Words can start wars and make peace, they can build up or destroy. I think Solomon summed it up best when he said. “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” Proverbs 25:11) In other words, a word is powerful, and when the right word is spoken at the right time it is a beautiful thing.

Words, like everything else, are changing daily. Consider the word gnarly. When my dad was young, gnarly meant “twisted.” When I was young, it meant “awesome.” Today, it means “dangerous or rough.” In less than fifty years, one word changed in meaning three times. We could go on and on with many words that have changed in meaning since the 1950’s.

Though words are changing, I want to focus on one word and that word is “marriage.” Last month the U.S. Supreme Court ignored the Constitution, overstepped the wishes of the people and decided that the word “marriage” can be changed. Herein lies the problem, our government did not create marriage, God did; therefore, they have no more authority to define marriage than you or I do. A word is only as powerful as what it describes, and marriage defines a union instituted by God Himself. In fact, the very first words uttered in history by man are spoken immediately following the creation of this union.

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 2:21-24)

God created marriage, and we cannot change it. While our Supreme Court can ignore the wishes of the people, while our legislators can claim they are changing marriage, while our President can force his will on us in this “free society” and demand that we “evolve “ our viewpoint on marriage like he did, and while we can be punished for disagreeing with them, nothing changes. Marriage is from God! Marriage, like God, will not change regardless of what we say. Simply put, all our words together cannot undo what God defined in one word, and no one word is more powerful than that.

Jason Williams
Assistant Pastor
High Street Baptist Church
Columbus, OH

Wearying the Man of God

Exodus 18:13
“And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses sat to judge the people: and the people stood by Moses from the morning unto the evening.”

Moses found himself in the same trap that many pastors are in today. Moses had become the spokesperson for God to the children of Israel. The mistake the children of Israel made was that they didn’t pray to God like Moses did. Instead, they stood in a line to get advice from Moses. According to the Scriptures, this line was so long that Moses advised the people from “morning unto the evening.” It is no wonder that Moses’ temper was so short. Anybody who would have to deal with judging people this long on a daily basis would become frustrated.

What is interesting is that Moses didn’t go to the top of Mt. Sinai to get answers from God about the issues these people needed solved. No, Moses had to study the Scriptures that they had and spend time daily in prayer to get the wisdom from God with which to help these people. These people were literally wearing Moses out when they could have solved many of their issues by going to God themselves and learn His wisdom regarding their situation.

One of the most troubling things I see in churches today is how the people weary their man of God. Don’t get me wrong, the ministry is all about people, but I watch people needlessly wear the man of God out with questions that they could have answered themselves if they would go to God. Let me make this clear, I am not against you going to your pastor to get advice regarding situations that you face in your life, but I am against you going to him before you go to God.

Many Christians today have made their pastor their god. They’re pastor probably gives the same advice as God would give, but before they go to God, Christians run to their pastor. Before you ever go to your pastor to get his advice on your situation, I believe there are some things you should do so that you can keep from expending your man of God.

First, daily study the Scriptures to find God’s wisdom concerning your situation. I have found in my own life that God oftentimes gives me wisdom about a situation I am going to face before I face it. When God gives me His wisdom concerning situations, I write them down in a journal and keep them for later. If you will keep a journal of your daily Scripture reading and what you’ve learned, you will find much of the advice you need has already been given to you.

Second, go to God in prayer and ask Him for His advice concerning your situation. I know this sounds very simple, but sadly most people have never even prayed about their situation before they run to their pastor for advice. God has the wisdom for you, but He will not give it to you until you ask Him for it in prayer.

Third, listen to the weekly sermons of your pastor. Most of the time you will find God has already given you the wisdom you needed in the preaching time. This is why it is critical for you to listen intently to every sermon that is preached. You may not need the content of the sermon today, but you will need it sometime down the road. Listen to sermons and take notes so that you can use the godly advice from the sermon in your time of need.

Once you have taken these three steps, and if God has not shown you what to do in your situation, then go to your pastor for his advice. You will find that you can keep from wearying your pastor if you will let God show His advice to you through your personal time with Him. Yes, it is good to go to your pastor for advice, but be sure you go to God before you go to your pastor.

Who Are You Serving?

Exodus 1:17
“But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.”

As a Christian, you must never lose sight of Whom you are serving. We often hear how we are to be loyal to authority, and I agree to this to an extent, but we must determine to which authority we are to be loyal. If we follow the wrong authority, then we could easily find ourselves following them into compromise or sin.

One of the best stories to show us which authority to follow is the story of the midwives. The midwives worked directly for Pharaoh. Because the children of Israel were growing so rapidly in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh called the midwives in and told them that every time a male child was born that they were to kill the baby. You must understand that these midwives probably had worked for Pharaoh for many years. They had developed a loyalty to this man. Yet, he asked them to do something that was against God’s Word. Because Pharaoh asked them to do something that was against God’s Word, they “did not as the king of Egypt commanded them.” This disobedience to the king of Egypt put their lives in jeopardy, but they feared God more than they feared Pharaoh. They realized that God was their highest authority, and they must serve the higher authority. This action resulted in God blessing the midwives.

Christian, you must determine whom you are serving. I know we often say that we are serving God, but are we? I hear Christians often say they are serving God, but I watch them follow people straight into compromise or sin. I’ve watched people sit and listen to preachers preach heresy, and never change churches. I’ve watched people stay in a church that has compromised hoping to save the church. Though it’s been years since the church started their compromise, these Christians have stayed in the midst of compromise and are still trying to change it.

Friend, keep your eyes on God, for it is He Whom we are to serve. When any authority asks you to do something different than what God’s Word teaches, then you ought to obey God. Your loyalty should never be to a man or an institution, for you are not supposed to be serving them, but you are to be serving God.

One may ask, “How long do we stay in a place that is compromising?” When you hear a preacher preach something that is in direct contradiction to the Word of God, then you must go to him with a right attitude and discuss his position. If he made a misstatement, then allow him to be human. However, if he explains it’s a misstatement but continues to teach or preach something that contradicts God’s Word, then you must leave. These midwives did not wait to see if Pharaoh would change his stance, they immediately did right. Likewise, your action to truth should be an immediate action. You should never allow yourself to linger in a place of compromise.

If you are going to successfully live the Christian life, then you must determine to truly make Christ the One Whom you serve. Yes, you should follow and obey authority, but you must let your loyalty be to God and not man. Loyalty to man will always lead to compromise; whereas, loyalty to God will keep your eyes focused on the truths of the Word of God. God’s blessings on your life will only continue if you serve Him no matter what the cost may be.

Missionary’s Daughter, Ashley Heidenriech, Needs Prayer

Ashley_JPPlease pray for Ashley Heidenreich, the daughter of Missionary Sam Heidenreich and my niece. The Heidenreich’s are missionaries to the Philippines. Ashley has contracted Dengue Fever and she is in a very critical stage. Bro. Sam Heidenreich told me early this morning that her fever is coming and going and that her platelet count is very low. The doctor told them that they have to be careful because this strain of fever can cause her to bleed inside. The next 48 hours are critical. Please pray that God will intervene and heal this young lady.

Getting Right with God

Genesis 35:1
“And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there: and make there an altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother.”

At some time or another you will have to get right with God. We often feel that getting right with God only has to do with those who fall into what we call “deep” sin; however, all sin is “deep” sin. All sin is bad. Anytime we sin we must get right with God. Just like Jacob had to get right with God to receive God’s blessings; likewise, you must get right with God if you want God to bless you. I find there were seven steps Jacob took to get right with God that every person who wants to be right with God must take.

First, you must change your direction. Notice, Jacob decided to “go up.” If he was going up, then that means his life must have been headed downward. Your direction ultimately determines your destination. Anytime a person does wrong, they are headed downward. You will never get right with God until you make the decision to change your life. You will never get right with God until you decide to change your direction to an upward motion. In other words, change your actions to right actions.

Second, you must go to church. Bethel is symbolic of church. “Bethel” means, “house of God.” I have always found when a person wants to get right with God, they will have no issue with going to church. They won’t just go to church for one service, but they start attending all services. You will never get right with God until you make church a regular part of your life.

Third, you must use the altar. Jacob set up an altar once he got to Bethel. Once you change your direction and start going to church, you need to start using the altar. There are two altars you must use if you want to get right with God. The first altar is the church altar. I find those who won’t go to the altar have a pride issue, and a person will never get right with God until pride is removed. The second altar is the personal altar. In other words, you must spend time daily with God in the Scriptures and prayer.

Fourth, get rid of your gods. Part of the reason a person sins is because they have allowed gods in their life. A god is anything that gets between you and God. In other words, your sin is your god. Get rid of it if you want to be right with God.

Fifth, you need to change your actions if you want to be right with God. Verse 2 talks about Jacob being clean. You must clean up what you do if you are going to get right with God. You can make a decision to get right, but you truly get right when you stop doing what is wrong.

Sixth, change your appearance. It’s interesting that they changed their garments when they got right. A person who gets right with God will have no issue about dressing the way God says to dress. If you want to be right with God, you will have no problem looking the way God wants you to look.

Seventh, bury your sinful past. In verse 4, Jacob buried the gods under a tree. You will never truly be right with God when you continue to praise your sinful past. Bury your past and don’t bring it up again. There is nothing praiseworthy or talk-worthy about your past. You sinful past is wrong, and you need to bury it.

If you want to get right with God about your past, then you must follow these steps. You will find if you miss one step that you will struggle with staying right with God. I challenge you to follow these steps with every sin you have. You will find these steps can help you to overcome your sin for good.

Tempted of God

Genesis 22:1
“And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.”

A strange statement is made in the verse above when it says, “that God did tempt Abraham,…” When you think of temptation, you normally equate it with Satan and your flesh. We rarely, if ever, equate temptation with God. Yet, God tempted Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his only son.

You must understand that there is a difference between God tempting us and Satan tempting us. Satan tempts us to do wrong, while God tempts us to do right. Satan tempts our flesh, while God tempts our faith. Satan tempts us to destroy us, while God tempts us to build us. Satan’s temptation always leads to heartache, while God’s temptation always leads to fulfillment. Satan’s temptation destroys our potential, while God’s temptation increases our potential.

Temptation doesn’t always have to deal with sin. In fact, God tells us that He will not tempt us with sin in James 1:13 when He says, “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:” James 1:2 shows us that there are different types of temptations when He says, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;” So, you must understand that the Scriptures do not teach that God doesn’t tempt us, but that He doesn’t tempt us to do wrong.

So, what is the purpose of God’s temptation? James 1:3-4 shows us that purpose when it says, “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” God’s purpose for tempting us is to grow our patience and faith so that we can be a more complete Christian. The purpose of God’s temptation is to get us to do more right than what we are doing now. God tempts us to step out on that which we normally would not do so that our influence and faith will reach more people for Him.

Friend, is God tempting you? You can always discern God’s temptation because it has nothing to do with your flesh. You will find that when God tempts you, your flesh will want nothing to do with it. Abraham didn’t want to sacrifice his only son, and that was how he was able to discern that it was God’s temptation. When God tempts you, your flesh will immediately step in and tell you that you shouldn’t do it because it is foolish. Yet, God’s temptation is trying to grow your faith.

Furthermore, just like you must yield to the temptation of the flesh to sin, you must yield to God’s temptation if you are going to grow your faith. You must always remember that God has never tempted you to hurt you, but his temptation will always bring greater joy and fulfillment. God’s desire is that you will become a Christian who is “perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” In other words, God is simply trying to make you the type of Christian who doesn’t lack in any area of your life.

Yes, God can tempt you, and when He tempts you, you should yield to His temptation. God is trying to lure you into doing more good so He can bless you more. Certainly, it takes faith to trust God’s temptation, but God has never led you to wrong in the past, and He certainly isn’t going to start leading you to wrong today. I challenge you to accept God’s temptation and see what great work He has in store for you.


ProfilingWhat Does the Bible Say about Profiling?
by: Allen Domelle

My daughter and I went to a sporting goods store a few weeks ago to purchase some sporting goods supplies that I wanted. I was standing at the cash register, and in front of me was a young man approximately in his early 20’s. His hat was on crooked. His pants were hanging down his backside. He had tattoos all up and down his arms and some on his neck. He had long straggly hair, and looked very unkempt. As I waited for him to get done, I heard him ask the cashier for 2 boxes of 9mm ammunition. I immediately looked back at his appearance and thought to myself, what is he going to do with this ammunition? Because of the way he was dressed, my thoughts led me to believe that he probably was not using the ammunition for good. Yes, I profiled this young man.

As bad as some may think this is, I can guarantee that everyone is guilty of profiling. We have heard much about how bad it is to profile someone because of their appearance. I contend that everyone profiles. For instance, any good parent will tell their children to stay away from the “bad side of town.” Hold it, you’re profiling. How often has a parent said, “Don’t let me catch you hanging around that person.” Again, you’re profiling. We profile everyday. When you see a Rottweiler or a Pit Bull running loose on the streets, are you going to let your two-year-old go and pet the dog? Of course not! Hold it, you’re profiling again. When you see young people hanging around a car in gangster clothes, are you quick to go and spend time with them? No, you will go out of your way to avoid them. Again, you’re profiling. We could go on and on with examples of how people profile every day of their life.

The fact is, profiling is a part of human nature. Profiling is the self-preservation part of a human being. God gave that to us to keep us from getting into danger. It is completely impossible to live and not profile. Even those who trumpet that profiling is wrong are guilty of it. The fact of the matter is, that is how we stay out of trouble. Profiling keeps us from hurting ourselves. Profiling keeps a person from getting into a wrong crowd. God gave us the sense to profile so that we won’t get into sin.

Moreover, do you realize that God profiles? Matthew 7:15-17 says, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.” Judging someone by their fruit is no different than profiling. Look at Luke 6:43-44 which says, “For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. For every tree is known by his own fruit.” In other words, God says every time we look at a tree and say that it is a certain fruit, we are profiling that tree. God didn’t stop there. He said just like a tree is known by its fruit, so every person is known by their fruit. The fruit is the clothing of a tree. If the tree doesn’t want to be known as a certain type of tree, then it needs to stop bringing forth that type of fruit.

The answer to profiling is not to chastise people for doing it, but to get people to change the way they dress and live. If you don’t want people to think you’re a bad person, then stop wearing the clothing of those who do bad. If you don’t want people to think you’re in a gang, then stop wearing gang clothing. It’s as simple as that. It’s amazing that people don’t get upset about someone positively profiling them, they only get upset when someone profiles them in a negative manner.

I’ve learned one thing about life, if you don’t dress like you’re doing wrong, then you won’t be profiled as someone who does wrong. I’ve had many people think I worked for the FBI or the police because of the way I dress. The short hair, white shirt and tie is a dead giveaway as a law enforcement officer. I’ve never had someone question the validity of my claim to be a preacher, because I look like a preacher. The reason is because I have dressed in a manner that allows them to profile me in a positive manner.

Furthermore, if you don’t want someone to consider you to be a liberal preacher or Christian, then stop looking and acting like them. If you drop liberal preacher’s names all the time to give credence to what you say, then we are naturally going to profile you as a liberal. If you let down your dress standards and start allowing young people to hold hands and kiss, then we are going to profile that you have compromised. If you start letting the dresses on ladies to be tight, short and trendy, then don’t be surprised when you’re profiled as a compromiser. When you’re music starts sounding like a Country and Western concert in your church services, then don’t be upset with us when we profile you as having gone liberal. When you cancel your Sunday school and Wednesday night services for home groups, then don’t get upset when we profile you as leaving the old-time religion. It’s not our fault, we are only profiling the fruit.

Let me encourage you not to let the politically correct police influence you into their ignorance. Profiling is self-preservation. God gave us that sense to keep us from danger. Instead, dress right, look right, do right and be in the right place and you will never have to worry that someone may be thinking wrong about you.