Position Is Not Excused

Leviticus 4:22
“When a ruler hath sinned, and done somewhat through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD his God concerning things which should not be done, and is guilty;”

It is interesting that one of the first people God deals with about sin is the ruler. Before God deals with the common person, He deals with those in charge. The reason God deals with those in charge is because they must not think their position excuses them from sin. They must not think that they can do things and get away with it just because they have a position.

In my lifetime, I have watched many leaders live as if they are above the laws that they are to enforce. I have watched political leaders think they can lie, cheat and intimidate those whom they lead and think they can get away with it. I have watched pastors and spiritual leaders act in ways that are not becoming of their position. Likewise, parents must realize that they are not above the rules by which they expect their children to live. Position does not excuse you from the laws that you are to enforce, rather, if anything, leaders should hold themselves to a higher standard than to what they hold their followers. As a leader, you must always remember that your position does not place you above the rules. Every leader, no matter what area it may be in, is to live by the same rules that the follower is to obey.

Moreover, those in position are just as fallible as those whom they lead. If you are not careful, you will think your position will keep you from falling into sin, and that just isn’t true. Every leader must be very careful that they realize they are still human. They must realize that a position does not take away their fallibility. This is why leaders must live by the same rules they expect their followers to live by. If they don’t, then they will find themselves falling into sin like others have. Your humanity does not change because you are a leader.

Furthermore, when a leader sins, they need to face their guilt just like a follower. Admitting your wrong does not make you a weaker leader; rather, it strengthens you as a person and as a leader. Nothing frustrates followers more than leaders who won’t admit when they have done wrong. If you are a leader and you do wrong, then don’t make others force you to admit your wrong, instead, be the first to step up and admit it.

Finally, position does not mean you shouldn’t be punished. We must always remember there are consequences to sin. Leaders are not above those consequences. When King David sinned, he faced the consequences of his sin. When King Saul sinned, he had to face the consequences for his sin. God did not excuse the consequences just because they had a position. The sooner you face the consequences for your sin, the sooner you can move on and help those whom you lead.

To hold a position is a privilege, and the greater the position the greater the consequences to your sin. If you will always keep in mind that you are human, and that no position excuses you from the consequences of sin, then you will have a better chance of avoiding sin. Only those who take their position for granted and think they are above the rules end up falling into sin. Whatever your position may be, always keep in mind that position is never an excuse to do wrong.