The Strength of a Mother

Judges 5:7
“The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until that I Deborah arose, that I arose a mother in Israel.”

In the current times in which we live, it seems that the role of an at-home mother has been attacked. The feminists groups have attacked this role. The poor economy has forced ladies to work to help pay the bills. Sadly, the feminization of men has also attacked the at-home mother.

When I think of my mother, I have many wonderful thoughts. My mother was always at home when I was home. Though she taught in the Christian school I attended, she was always at home rearing her children whenever they were home.

My wife has been a great mother to my daughter. When my wife and I got married, we determined that she would not have an outside job so that she could stay at home and rear our children. God blessed us with one child, and though at times we had to tighten our belts financially so my wife could stay at home with our daughter, it has been well worth it. There have been several women who have questioned my wife’s decision to be an at-home mother, but I appreciate her stand and how she has had a great influence on our daughter.

The story of Deborah is a story about an at-home mother. What is interesting about this story is that you can see the strength that comes from a mother. When many consider being an at-home mother a weakness, the Scriptures show us that it is a strength. You will find in the story of Deborah several strengths that an at-home mother can give.

First, an at-home mother will give security to her household. It was the act of Deborah that delivered Israel from bondage. A mother being at home will give security to a child that nothing else can. It’s always interesting that most children run to their mother when they have been hurt. Why? Because of the security a mother gives. A mother may not have the physical strength of a man, but she can give security to the home like no other.

Second, an at-home mother will keep the household spiritual. Deborah’s action brought Israel back to God. A spiritual mother will impact her children for right in a great way. Many of my good character traits were instilled in me because of my mother. Mothers who are at home will keep the children from getting caught up in bad things.

Third, at-home mothers will help cultivate a child’s talent. You will find in the story of Deborah that she knew how to sing, and she got others to sing with her. Mothers who are at-home have a better chance of honing the talents of their children.

Finally, an at-home mother will rally a home greater than anyone else can. It was Deborah who rallied the troops of Israel, and it is a mother who can get a home rallied for good causes. A mother who has the right spirit can rally the family for right.

This devotional is not here to belittle a lady who has to work to help pay bills, but it is written to praise the army of at-home mothers who help their home to be what it should be. It is also written to stir your memory about your mother. Today would be a good day to call your mother and thank her for all she did for you. Furthermore, today would be a good day for every husband to thank his wife for being a good mother to their children. You won’t always have your mother on Earth, so while you do have her, I encourage you to appreciate all that she does and regularly thank her for her influence on your life.