Lockdown: Teen Conviction 2013

Teen-Convention13-Ngt-2By: Emily Carstens & Joshua C. Rarrick

Today is the second day of the nineteenth annual teen convention at Longview Baptist Temple in Longview, Texas. Speakers so far have included great names, such as Dr. Bob Gray II, Dr. Allen Domelle, and the “Beloved” Tim Forgy. With tonight being the final night that Alvin Martinez would be able to attend, he and his daughter, Brooke, performed several songs, touching every heart in the building. The messages and music have definitely hit home with both the youth and their leaders and pastors who have brought them to attend.

Churches from as far as Nebraska, Georgia, and California have been represented this year. The young people have been touched by each message that has been delivered so far, and if the influence of the preaching they hear over the course of this event reaches beyond the walls of the auditorium, America could see a generation rise up and bring revival to our churches.

Forgy13Tim Forgy brought the message in the 9:30 AM meeting on Tuesday, and using the well known story of Adam and Eve partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, he drove home his message hard. Building on the foundation laid by Pastor Bob Gray II from the night before, regarding enemies that haunt future generations, Bro. Forgy illustrated how eating of forbidden fruit does not bring benefits, but only death.

As the service came to a close, the altar was flooded with young people vowing to remove the things in their lives that should not be there. They placed slips of paper with their decisions written on them in the fence to signify the publicity of their choices. The honesty and sincerity was evident in many of the youth’s faces as they returned to their seats. If only adults would be so repentant when confronted with sin in their lives, we might see a true revival across this country.

Emily Carstens is on the scene to give us more in depth insight as to exactly what is happening behind the scenes of the convention:

Decisions13The 9:00 service came bright and early, a little too early for some people. The delegates were offered a noisemaker, a teenage favorite, as they entered the building. The service started off with Bro. Bob singing a few choruses. The LBT teen ladies group sang, “Jesus is Coming Soon” reminding the crowd that Jesus could come back at any time.

The morning contest involved bobbing for marshmallows in a bowl of water while the person is blindfolded. A lady from each team went first, and the guys, who had to use the same marshmallows as the girls, bravely represented their team. After the contest, the youth workers were dismissed to the youth workers session in the Fellowship Hall with Bro. Domelle, while the teenagers stayed in the auditorium for a wonderful message from Bro. Forgy.

Domelle teaching TC13In the youth workers session, Bro. Domelle emphasized that to have a stable youth group and to turn out teenagers who are all they can be for God, several things are needed. He started out by saying that if teenagers in the youth group do not turn out for God, the youth pastor should accept the blame.

Bro. Domelle, first of all, said that the youth group needs a stable leader. They also need a spiritual leader. He pointed out that the youth pastor should support the decisions of the teenager’s parents. He shared that the youth group needs a challenge. Also, the youth group needs to be pure. Another item that the youth group needs to have for success is involvement. Last of all, the youth pastor needs to have a vision for the youth department. He ended with this question, “What’s the Purpose?”

Domelle preaching TC13The youth workers rejoined the teenagers in the auditorium for the 10:30 service. The Teen Ensemble opened up with singing, “Ain’t God Good,” which pushed the crowd to reminisce about how good God really is. In this service Bro. Domelle spoke to the teenagers about, “Changing Their World.”  He said that if they wanted the world to be changed, then they must first change their own little world. Rallies and petitions do not change worlds, but standing for right will. Bro. Domelle stated that there are three things that a Christian teenager, or any Christian for that matter, needs to do to change their world.

They must first believe in God’s way, which is better than any other way. Also, they cannot be concerned with what the populace thinks and that they will probably end up standing alone. Last of all, they must be willing to do right at all cost.

gray singing tc13The 7:00 service started off with the LBT Teen Ensemble backing up the Gray II family singing, “God Wants to hear You Sing.” The very singing of the song brought tears to the eyes of many people, including the singers. The contest for the service involved duct tape and many balloons, getting the crowd very much involved with the contest. Bro. Bob then led the crowd in a few choruses. The TBC Chorale sang, “Tho It’s Midnight,” followed by the Men of Revival singing, “God on the Mountain.”

Bro. Bob preaching a powerful sermon on, “What Does Your Donkey See?” Using the story of Balaam and his talking donkey, Bro. Bob correlated how that teenagers act just like Balaam did. He illustrated how teenagers will beat up on their leaders with their words and actions.

Bro. Bob stated there would be no conflict with the leader if the teenagers would just obey the Bible. He also pointed out that their donkeys have carried them all this way safely. He said that temporary hurt is better than permanent death. Last of all, just like Balaam’s donkey, their donkeys are willing to take the beating until they see the Lord.

gray tcpreaching 2ndMany decisions were made before the sermon was even halfway over. By the invitation time, the altar was flooded with teenagers and even youth workers, and the fence was littered with decision slips. Bro. Alvin Martinez ended out the service singing several songs, ending with a song about God’s mercy toward sinners.

NaQuisha Monmouth of Tyler, Texas has allowed us to share her story and the decision she has made this year. She is a faithful bus rider at LBT and recently graduated high school. She was moved by God during the evening service to make a decision concerning her mom. By NaQuisha’s testimony, her mom essentially raised her and her brother by herself. She made a decision to treat her mom better and to stop verbally beating her mom. She has decided to make her relationship with her mom the best it can be. She called her mom after the service and apologized for what she had been doing.

martinez tc13Many more decisions were made and will be made. Please pray that God will continue working in people’s lives, and that when God moves on their heart they will respond and make the decision needed.