The Power of Proper Terminology

The-Power-of-Proper-TerminologySATAN’S CHOSEN BATTLEGROUND
by: Allen Domelle

The power of one word can literally change the meaning of what is said. If one word is misunderstood, then that one word can cause irreparable damage. One of the most common examples of the power of a word is when former President Bill Clinton made his defense by saying, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

It seems that every generation changes the terminology of a word. One word that has good meaning in one country can carry a bad meaning in another. It all depends on the regional terminology of a word. What you say can make or break an interview. What you say can make or break a sale. What you say can make or break whether someone accepts Christ as Saviour. You can never underestimate the power of a word.

God makes much of words in the Scriptures. For instance, the phrase, “word of the LORD” is mentioned 258 times in the Scriptures. The phrase, “my word” is mentioned 15 times in the Scriptures. The word “word” is used 699 times in the Scriptures. God says in Proverbs 30:5, “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.” Notice, the power that God places on “every word” in the Scriptures. Jesus emphasized the power of a word in Matthew 4:4 when He says to Satan, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” How we use words is very important to every part of our life.

Satan knows the power of a word. That is why he has chosen to change wording as his battleground. He knows that if he can get us to use a modern terminology over what God wants us to use, then he has changed the paradigm. Once the paradigm is changed, then he starts the negotiating process to get us to compromise.

Let me use two illustrations to show you my point. Satan said to Eve in the garden of Eden, “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” (Genesis 3:1) You will notice that Satan questioned God’s Word. By questioning God’s Word, he was able to get Eve to change the wording or terminology of what God said. When she changed God’s wording, then Satan had grounds to have a dialogue on what was right and wrong. If God’s exact wording was used, there would have been no reason for a dialogue.

When Jesus fasted in the desert for forty days and nights, Satan tempted Him by trying to change the meaning of the Scriptures. In each case Jesus corrected the definition of those Scriptures by quoting Scripture in their proper context or terminology. Jesus understood that if the terminology changed, then the dialogue begins.

One of the biggest reasons Christianity is in the mess that it’s in is because we have accepted liberal terminology instead of scriptural terminology. Most of the battles we face in society today would not exist if we stuck to scriptural terminology. Let me show you some examples.

Sexuality would not be a battle if we would stick to God’s terminology. When God created mankind, He made us male and female. I want you to notice God never says that He created heterosexuals or homosexual. God simply made man and woman. God makes it clear that a man is to “leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;” (Mark 10:7) As long as we stick to God’s terminology there is no battle over the definition of marriage or if being a homosexual is an alternative lifestyle. God makes it clear in the Scriptures that any other practice outside the boundaries of marriage between a man and woman is wrong. In fact, God calls those who commit intimate acts with the same sex, sodomites. Four times in the Scriptures God uses the word “sodomites” in describing the sinful lifestyle that we call homosexuality. If we would stick to God’s terminology, there would be no battle today over the definition of marriage. The battle happened because we accepted man’s terminology over God’s terminology, which gives them grounds to ask us to sit at the table to negotiate the true meaning. There is no negotiating on this subject if we stick to God’s terminology of sodomites.

The battle of the Word of God would not exist if we used God’s terminology. No where in the Scriptures do you find God using the word “Bible” to describe the Scriptures. Instead, God used the word “scriptures” 53 times. “Scriptures” carries a more powerful meaning than Bible. 49 times God uses the phrase, “Word of God” to describe His Word. No where in the Scriptures will you see God use the word, “originals” or “Bible.” That is liberal terminology to get us to question whether we actually have God’s Word today. If we use God’s terminology of Scriptures or Word of God to describe His Word, then there would be no battle of the validity of the Word of God.

The battle of abortion would not exist today if we used God’s terminology. God never says a lady is pregnant; instead, God says a lady is “with child.” There is a big difference between being “pregnant” and being “with child.” There is no life in the word “pregnant.” That is why there is a battle over when life starts. That is why proponents of abortion say that abortion is not murder. They can say this because their is no insinuation of life. Yet, if you say a lady is “with child,” then that says there is life. God’s terminology is much stronger and better than man’s terminology.

The battle over purity would not be as great if we used God’s terminology. The world wants to use the phrases, “extra-marital affair, pre-marital sex” or “affair.” Yes, all of these sound bad, but let’s compare them to God’s terminology of “adultery” or “fornication.” God simply calls a person who practices intimacy outside of their marriage an adulterer. That carries more weight to the thought process of the wickedness of this sin. Calling a young person a “fornicator” because they had intimacy outside of marriage will cause many a young person to think twice before committing the wicked act.

Nearly every battle we face in today’s society is because we have accepted the world’s terminology. You may think I’m nitpicking, but God’s Word is always stronger than man’s word. You must always remember that man’s wording will always water down sin and make it sound like it’s not as bad. If you want to stop the dialogue, then use God’s wording. Let me give you a few thoughts to think about.

 1. God’s terminology does not change.

One of the great things about using God’s terminology is that you will never have to wonder what God said. Hebrews 13:5 says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” What God called something a thousand years ago is still called the same thing today. God doesn’t change terminology just to appease a politically correct society. God doesn’t change terminology because He understands the power in His terminology.

 2. God’s terminology carries more conviction than man’s terminology.

The heart of man is evil. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” If man’s heart is evil, then when man changes a definition he is not going to make it stronger, but he is going to make it weaker. God’s terminology will cleanse more lives than man’s terminology. Psalm 119:9 says, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.” God’s Word changes because it convicts. Conviction will bring a change.

 3. You must retrain your mind to use God’s terminology.

One of the hardest things you will do is to change your thinking to use God’s terminology. Since God convicted me about this subject, I have tried hard to use His terminology, but I will tell you it has not been easy. I challenge you for the next month to purposely focus on using God’s terminology. Use God’s terminology of Scriptures when you are talking about His Word. Don’t call people “Gay” or “Homosexual” or any slang term; instead, use Scriptural terminology and call them sodomites. Every time you find terminology in the Scripture that is different than what we use today, I challenge you to use the Scriptural terminology.

 4. God’s terminology never antiquates.

Psalm 12:7 says, “Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” God’s Word will always be the same for every generation. Not only is God’s terminology the same for every generation, but His terminology is relevant for every generation. What was correct terminology in the past may not be correct terminology today when it comes to man’s terminology; however, God’s terminology is always relevant and properly understood.

5. God’s terminology deters more people from sin.

There is more power in God’s terminology than in man’s. Imagine the difference between a youth saying they had premarital sex and saying they are a fornicator. Certainly God’s terminology would deter a teenager more because of the stain it would bring upon their name. Imagine an adult calling themselves an adulterer instead of saying they had an affair. God’s terminology will deter more people from adultery than modern day terminology. Imagine a doctor telling a lady who wants to abort her pregnancy explaining to her that she is with child and not just pregnant. Being with child carries more of an impact of life and ending it than just using modern day terminology.

Friend, this may seem foreign to most, but until we get back to using Scriptural terminology, we will continue to have to fight unnecessary battles. Don’t just read this and throw it aside, but rather take the admonition and get back to using Scriptural terminology. If we use God’s terminology, it will keep us away from Satan’s bargaining table of compromise; thus, it will keep us away from sin.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.