When Little is Much

When Little is Much

2 Kings 5:2
“And the Syrians had gone out by companies, and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid; and she waited on Naaman’s wife.”

We don’t know her name. We don’t know her parents. We really don’t know her age. We’ve assumed that she was a young girl because she waited on Naaman’s wife, but we really don’t know her name. What we do know is that she was of little stature, but she did a great deed.

Her master was Naaman, a captain in the Syrian army. She was taken captive and served this man’s wife for several years. Though Naaman was a man of stature, his stature didn’t keep him from carrying the deadly disease of leprosy. This disease was a death sentence in these days. Yet, though this little maid could have wished Naaman had died, instead she gave the suggestion that he go see Elisha for she knew that God could heal him. This maid of little stature did a great deed.

There are many who think they are too little to make any impact on people and society. Yet, when I study the Scriptures and history, I often find that it is not the great people who do great things, rather, it is those who are little and have nothing to offer that end up doing the great things. This little maid took what she had and used it, and God did something great with what she offered. Let me show you some things from this story when little can become much.

First, a little kindness can do much good. This little maid didn’t have to do much to influence Naaman, she simply showed a little kindness. I have found that a little kindness will go a long way in influencing people. It doesn’t take much to be kind to people. Every day you should be kind to those with whom you come in contact. Giving people a friendly smile when you see them can do much good. Being friendly to everyone, including the grumpy person, can do much good for someone who is having a rough day. Helping someone with something when they seem overwhelmed can do much good in helping you be able to lead them to Christ, or in helping them through their problems. It only takes a little kindness to do much good.

Second, a little caring can do much good. This little maid had no reason to care about Naaman because he was her master. She could have wished he died, and she could have kept silent and he would have died, but a little caring on her behalf helped him see healing in his life. Every day you should care for people. You never know what a visit when someone is sick will do. You never know what giving someone a little money to help them will do for their situation. Every Christian should be a caring person. You may not be able to care for them in a great way, but you can care for people to the extent that they will let you. A little caring will do much for the sake of Christ.

Christian, you may only have little that you can offer, but if you will take the little that you have and give it, then God can make much from it. Don’t ever think that the little you have cannot make a difference. When everyone gives the little that they have, then much will be accomplished. You may not have much, but take whatever intelligence, effort, strength and knowledge you have to use it to the best of your ability. Decide today that you will start doing the best with the little that you have to offer and you will find that God will take it and do much good through it.