Does James 2 Promote Works Salvation?


I have heard James chapter 2 preached, that if a person is really saved they would do works. I am confused about it because the Bible also says, “For by grace are yes saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast.” I know for sure that I am saved, but I also know, no good thing dwelleth in me, and I am capable of not living for God, and not doing any works for Him. But I know that I am still saved, eternally. What am I not getting here? I don’t understand James 2.




This is a good question as many misunderstand this portion of Scripture. James is talking about an outward justification and not the inward justification that saves us. Let me explain. When you got saved others could not see the change that happened on the inside. Even though others did not see the change on the inside, the change did occur. The only way others can see that you have changed is how you live. James was dealing with people who were saved, but were not living like they were saved. He was simply trying to show that though you may be justified by God through the shed blood of Christ, but you will only be justified with mankind through your works. Works will not save you from sin, but they will prove to man that you are saved.

I hope this answers your question.

Bro. Domelle