Coffee Mugs!

by: Bette Owens

“….be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.” – 2 Timothy 2:21

I love big coffee mugs. I have several different ones. I have some that have our church name on them. I also have one with a cute teddy bear on it that my secret sister gave me. It is so cute! I have one from my son’s church in Bulgaria. I have mugs that match my dishes. Coffee mugs come in all sizes and designs. My coffee mug is the vessel I use to serve me my coffee. Your body is the vessel God uses to serve Him, to bring honour and glory to Him.


Maybe I’m just picky, but I do not like to drink out of a mug that is cracked or chipped. I also do not like to drink out of a dirty mug. I definitely like to drink from a full mug, full of good coffee.

What kind of vessel are you? Are you cracked or chipped? Do you feel like you have been tossed around and dropped one too many times? Is this old world hitting you hard? I do not like drinking from a chipped coffee mug. No matter how much I try to avoid it, the chip always seems to be right there by my lip as I am trying to get a sip of coffee.

Recently I got a new set of dishes with some really nice coffee mugs. The very next day my daughter chipped one of the mugs getting it out of the dishwasher. I tried drinking out of that mug several times, but it was not going to work. My husband saved the piece that chipped off and glued it back in place. Now you can still see where it was chipped, but the cup is more usable. You know, living in this old world can cause us to mess up many times and even cause us to get some chips, but God takes the glue of His Word, and as we yield to the Holy Spirit, He fixes and makes us usable again. We all have some damage, but God can fix us and continue to use us. Oh, the chip is still noticeable, but we don’t have to dwell on the chip or crack. We have to choose to allow God to use us despite the damage, and mold us into what He wants. We do not have to allow the flaws in our lives to slow us down or to make us think we are unusable. We need to go to the Lord and allow Him to fix us.

Maybe you are not cracked or chipped, but you just aren’t clean. Have you ever gotten your coffee mug out of the dishwasher and it was not clean? I cannot stand to run the dishwasher and then pull out a dirty dish. That makes me very upset. The dishes are supposed to be clean. No one likes to drink out of a dirty coffee mug. What about us as Christians? We are supposed to be clean. We aren’t supposed to have any slime or the crusty stuff of the world on us. We are supposed to be living close to the Lord, living holy and clean lives. The only way we can live holy and clean lives is to daily yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him through His Word to clean us up. It is not unusual to have several loads of dishes to wash each day, but sometimes one load has to be ran over again because the dishes did not get clean the first time. The same thing is true in our Christian lives. There are days we have to continually run to God and be rewashed. Washing is a daily thing we must do. Run to God’s Word and let Him clean you up.


I like my coffee mug full. Now some people may like pouring only a half cup of coffee at a time, but not me, I want a full cup. As Christians, we need to be filled up by Christ. In the Christian life, being half-full doesn’t work. We have to go to God’s Word constantly to be full. We have to pray and communicate with God. We have to allow the Holy Spirit to fill us and keep us filled.

The song, “Fill My Cup Lord” keeps running through my mind right now. The chorus goes like this:

Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up, Lord!

Come and quench this thirsting of my soul.

Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more.

Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole.

I know coffee mugs come in all sizes and shapes, all with different decorations. Some cups are so pretty, but sometimes those decorative or funny mugs aren’t too practical. Maybe the cup is too small and won’t hold enough. Sometimes they have funny little handles that are hard to grasp and hold. Sometimes the paint on them will just rub off as they are being used. What about us as Christians, are we practical or are we just a decoration? Will we hold up with use or are we just pretty to look at? How strong is our faith? Is our faith strong or does it just look good, and when the pressure of life comes, we just fall apart? Many of these decorative mugs are seasonal, such as holiday mugs We get them out at Christmas or Thanksgiving, then we pack them away until next year.

What about us, are we seasonal or everyday Christians? Do we just go to church every week, do a few good works, and say all the right things on the outside but really don’t want to be used anymore than that? We are supposed to “….be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.” I am not talking about the people who go to church just on Christmas and Easter. We can attend church each week and still be a “seasonal” Christian, only serving the Lord when we see fit, when we feel like it, or when there’s an activity going on that we happen to like. We shouldn’t just be weekly Christians, but we should be everyday Christians. We should be like the mugs sitting in the front row of the cupboard, ready to be taken down and used. The next time you drink a cup of coffee think of yourself. Are you ready to be filled and used as a faithful, clean and available vessel for our Lord Jesus Christ?

Bette Owens
Pastor’s wife
Westside Baptist Church
Pacifica, CA

What’s New

by: Jennifer Petticoffer

Do you want to be “bedazzled,” “flabbergasted,” “bowled over” and “blown away” every time you read a new book, magazine article, blog, or devotional? Then you’re not alone. I love magazines, Christian publications, books, and online idea websites.


Sometimes we as Christian ladies can fall into the trap of “information overload or hoarding.” Out of a heart of thirsting for God, we become addicted to the process of obtaining volumes of information and ideas. We fall into the trap of admiring anyone of any religious background who says something “new” that causes us to gasp. I placed quotation marks around the “new” because there is really nothing “new” under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 says, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.

I have tried to re-train my brain to screen each catchy book title or beautiful book jacket and look beyond to the truth and Scriptures presented. I want to glean ideas that are very helpful without “morphing” into the image of the author’s picture on the back flap of the book!

I love cookbooks, recipes, decorating magazines and picture books. I have THOUSANDS of recipes that I have never cooked, but when the publishers send me a FREE offer for a new cookbook, I can’t wait to send a reply and order! Sound familiar? Well, several years ago I made a decision – no more cookbooks for myself until I cook at least ONE recipe from each of the cookbooks I have on my shelf! That will be…NEVER! So sad, no more hoarding, I mean collecting…I now can avoid being nominated for reality TV.

God can use books, articles, and magazines to help us grow, but the greatest teacher we have is the Holy Spirit of God and our Holy Bible. This is where the great teachers and preachers go for the truths to pass along to us, so why don’t we just go to these sources too?

I’ve given myself this challenge. Instead of buying every book off the shelves or at that interests me, I look at the titles, the introductory pages, the chapter titles, etc., and get an idea of what I need in my Christian life, and then I get my own answers! Yes! Save your money, send it to the missionaries, put it in the offering, and then ask God for wisdom and answers especially for your world.


Why don’t we do the same thing with our Christian books? Let’s pass some along to new Christians, quit buying every “new” publication until we apply at least one truth to our lives from each book, magazine or newsletter, that we already own.

I’ve learned that if I will apply one truth from each sermon I hear my spiritual challenge “plate” is VERY full. I have become wary of reading new books unless I have a willing heart and mind to know what material I need and what material will go into the “information overload” file.

Let’s stop asking, “What’s new?”, and start asking, “What old thing am I not DOING that I can start DOING?”

Jennifer Petticoffer
Texas Baptist College
Longview, TX

Bringing Down Your Contentment Level

by: Sandy Domelle

The past several Sunday nights at our church we have seen short videos of missions trips that our church people and college students from Texas Baptist College took in January. They encouraged the college young people to go on one of four trips. They could choose between, Panama, Africa, Haiti and the Philippines. God blessed in great ways with each trip, and our church family has enjoyed watching the videos of what they were able to do and accomplish in each country. The exciting part is hearing the reports of the souls saved, the help that they were to the missionaries, and knowing that they will return to a few of the same places next year to continue helping these people.


When watching the videos I couldn’t help but think of my days on the mission field with my family. As a teenage girl, going to the Philippines left a lasting impression on my life. Let me say this, I’m so thankful that my parents took me to the mission field for the last couple of years of high school. Far too often I hear of people who won’t follow God’s calling in their life UNTIL their children are out of their high school years. Why is it that God takes a back seat when it comes to our children? Why is it that Uncle Sam can have higher priority than God? You say, Uncle Sam? Yes, many of our military continually uproot their families to go from country to country because that’s where they will serve next. Sometimes they have options, but they often don’t. Yet, most of them have developed a lifestyle of going where they are being sent with no questions asked. It bothers me that our Christian families are becoming so watered down that when God calls, we prefer to haggle with God about the where, when, and how. Where is your faith?  Do you not know that maybe God is taking you to a place for the future of your children? It’s become such a burden of mine because I know I would not be what I am today without the experience of giving up a self-centered teenage life to go to a people who didn’t have the Gospel, some areas where we went never saw a white person, they didn’t have much, yet lived so content!

Most of the countries the college students went to were poverty stricken, yet the people are the happiest people, you see the biggest smiles, and you see contentment for what they have. I remember visiting our church people in the Philippines and how the poorest household would still welcome you in as if it was the greatest honor. They’d feed us what little they had, and their openness to the Gospel was almost insatiable.

How could I visit people who lived in a cemetery and they be so happy? How could I visit the leper colony and they too be so happy? We had people who lived among the garbage heaps outside of town, they too were happy! You know what I learned? Contentment comes with accepting what God has given us, not in what we do not have. Those people didn’t often know what they were missing because they weren’t out looking for the bigger or better. They were content with what they had.


The thing you notice with most people is that they always want more! They want the bigger and better things of life because they see what every one else around them has. As parents we often try to teach our children to be happy with what they have, yet as adults we don’t follow the same advice. We constantly think we will be happier if we just had certain things. We try to justify the need of having something that we say we can use for the Lord, but it’s truly to gratify ourselves and what we want.

Many of us just need to bring our contentment level down. You are content when you have “things,” but when you have to give up something or it’s given away, you no longer have the joy and you gripe and complain that you want more.  Is your contentment level to high to attain?

Have you noticed how much women will spend on themselves? I know ladies who feel they need to buy new clothes continually, have to go get manicures and pedicures, spend lots of money on their hair and facials, have to have brand name items, brand name purses and shoes, etc. All of those things are nice, and we all feel good about ourselves when we are looking nice. Are they sinful or wrong? Not in the right circumstance. But, if it comes down to it, it’s not worth having marital problems because you can’t quit spending. I’ve talked to many ladies whose marriage is on the rocks because their husband can’t work anymore hours than he does, but he has a wife who spends so much on herself that they are in major debt. We don’t have to constantly spend to look great for our husbands. Learn to live a simple life of contentment that doesn’t have to have things or that is always wishing and wanting more!

Recently we made a big move and intentionally downsized. God gave us a wonderful house and I love it! As we prepared to move, I knew I had to downsize, so I started getting rid of things. In getting rid of things, I got a little too happy in cleaning out stuff that I got rid of things that I now need. The first few weeks I was frustrated by not having a few specific things, and one was something that I often used in the kitchen. It is a relatively cheap item, but we decided we wouldn’t spend on extra things now as we recouped from the move. Do you know that I griped to God many times about that crazy thing. One morning I was having my devotions and I felt so guilty about how many things I learned to give up and found a way around in the Philippines, and yet I was unable to wrap my mind around that here. After getting my contentment back on track, I asked God if He would let me find this item on sale for a steal of a deal or at a yard sale. Do you know, when I quit complaining about what I did not have, God replaced that item. A lady at church who I really don’t know well yet said that she knew we just moved and wanted to get me a small house warming gift, and God laid it on her heart for that specific item! How many times does God hold back on blessings and things from our life because we refuse to be content?

Philippians 4:11 says, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Being content “in whatsoever state” we are in means when the good times come, when the bad times come, when the financially stable times come and when the financially unstable times come. Contentment comes when you are willing to accept what you have, the situation you are in, and with that which God has chosen to give you. You may wish for more, you may want for more, but your contentment level is higher than what you need. How often do you want to buy one of your parents something for a birthday or holiday and they say they don’t need anything. You become a little frustrated because you want to show you love them and care for them. What they are telling us is they are content. When we are truly content, we aren’t always wanting more.

Put Away the Score Cards

Put-Away-the-Score-CardsPUT AWAY THE SCORE CARDS
by: Jennifer Petticoffer

You’re in the doctor’s office. The waiting room is packed. You quietly survey the room.  You pick up a magazine – it’s a five-year-old Newsweek, well you forgot what happened that year anyway.  You flip through the worn pages, look over the top and see…a number “7.” Yes, she would have been a number “10” if she had touched up the dark roots showing on her blond head – you feel better because you just had your hair done.

Oh, next to her is a number “5”, she must be at least twenty-five pounds overweight – you just lost two pounds and your Wii Fit tells you you’re doing great!  Oh no, a number “9”, she has the purse you wanted to buy on QVC the other day! She even bought the matching shoes! She has definitely topped your Buxton bag.

Hey lady! (that includes me) Put away the score cards! Life is not a contest. As my mom would say every morning as I was leaving for school, “This is not a beauty contest! You’re going to school to learn something!” I wish I could take all of the primping hours I used in jr. high and high school and put it to doing something really constructive, like prayer, piano practice, or making a gum wrapper chain. How many “beauty contest winners” are there in life? Not many. There are only so many beauty pageants and even fewer winners. I heard of a Miss Turkey Leg pageant, now there’s one…

I have caught myself comparing myself to others in every area of my life, even the spiritual ones, like soul winning, Bible study, and serving the Lord. Hey! Why do we do this? We are basically selfish, I’m the queen of that. We take everything and put it in a self-centered perspective. How about the Lord’s perspective?

God loves all of His children equally, he doesn’t love us any less than others. Isn’t that great? He doesn’t love us any more than others either! God doesn’t judge by comparison. He judges on our response to the truth he gives to us and our own progress and potential. That’s great!

I have a photo of my sister with a group of Chinese ladies she works with at the English school. If you saw the picture you’d say, “What beautiful ladies!” or “Each one is different and has their own charming qualities!” I believe they would say the same thing about you!

When we meet another person, no matter what their age, looks, or background, why don’t we think, “There’s a perfect creation of God. They are precious to God, and they need to be precious to me.” Meekness is meeting every human on level ground. Humility is knowing our level ground is nothing compared to God’s holiness.


Let’s put the scorecards away and just love people and give ourselves a break from this “dog-eat-dog” world philosophy of grading the outward appearance.

2 Corinthians 10:12-18

“For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you. For we stretch not ourselves beyond our measure, as though we reached not unto you: for we are come as far as to you also in preaching the gospel of Christ: Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men’s labours; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly, To preach the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man’s line of things made ready to our hand. But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.”

Standing Alone

by: Bette Owens

“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:” Ephesians 6:13-17


My husband has often said, “God never uses anyone except they first learn to stand alone.” Now, he wasn’t saying anyone should stand apart from God, but stand alone in the world with God. We wanted our children to be used of God, and this would not happen unless we directed them to stand alone with God. But, how could we direct our children to do this unless we as parents could stand alone with God?

Everyone stands for something. The question is, for whom or what are you standing? There is a difference between standing for truth and standing for error. No human being is truth. God’s Word is the Truth on which we need to stand. We need to stand up for truth even if it means standing alone. Many times our family or a member of our family has had to stand alone. Was it easy? No! I can remember thinking, “Why us, why are we alone, why can’t anyone else take a stand?” I remember praying for my children and begging God to protect them and keep them from getting bitter, because standing alone means that sometimes you are different. I prayed for them to understand that we cannot compromise the truth of God’s Word. I remember sitting down with them and explaining that we have to follow God and His Word. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or says, it only matters what is right according to the Bible. We stressed that the Bible is our guide book, and that It is the only Truth we need to follow.

Now that the years have gone by, and the many times we have had to stand alone on the Truth are past, I am so glad for each time that we took a stand, even if it was lonely. As we look back, God was there guiding us every step of the way. We were never really alone, He was there with us. I can now see how good it was for my children, and that by watching their parents they learned to stand. When the situation looked and seemed impossible to us, it gave them strength and taught them some very valuable lessons. I can see how it has helped every one of my children to stand alone when necessary, now that they are grown. Perhaps they may not have been able to do this if they had not seen their dad and mom take a stand when they were growing up. They learned to stand alone, because as a family we at times had to stand apart even from those who on the surface seemed to be good Christians. Our loyalty lies in Jesus Christ, not in any man. We had to take a stand on the King James Bible, soul winning, separation, sin, our dating standards, child rearing, schooling and the list can go on. It wasn’t only a stand against the world, but sometimes it was in opposition to other Christians. We had to stand for what is right, no matter who thought we were wrong. God’s Word is always right.

I can now look back and say, “I Praise God for letting us take a stand for Him.” I know that it has strengthened our sons who are on the mission field. When they feel all alone, they know they aren’t, God is with them. My daughters that are pastor’s wives and serving in the church have to stand alone in many areas because they know what is right. As a child they saw and experienced that it is always best to stand for what is right, even if it means standing alone. It never hurt them one time, but instead it helped them.

We have been able to look back at others who did not stand for Truth and see how it has spiritually weakened or destroyed them and their families. All you need is the Word of God and a firm stand on It’s Truths. God’s Word is our only protection. There are many areas where we have had to teach our children to stand alone. At the time, it seemed to others that the areas weren’t that big of a deal. Others felt it wouldn’t hurt to work on Sunday once in awhile. They even made the comment that God would understand. We never let our children work on Sunday or Wednesdays. If we had special meetings during the week, they would have to take off work. People told us, “They will never be able to get a job, and if they did, they wouldn’t keep it.” My children never had a hard time getting a job or getting off for the things of God. When they worked, they worked hard and their employers had no problem giving them time off for church. They could see by their life that church wasn’t just an excuse to get off, but actually helped to make them better employees. There were times when our children had to take a stand and not go places with other Christians in the church, and sometimes it was the pastor’s children they couldn’t hang around. This was not because our children were better than them, but it was because the things they would be doing would not please God.

Was it always easy taking a stand? No, but it was always the right thing to do. We had to take a stand because we knew it was right and God always blessed. As we took a stand, the way became easier, and as time went on, God blessed us for taking a stand for Truth. It isn’t always easy to stand alone, but God uses those who stand alone with Him. The closer we get to Him and the more we follow His Word, the more strength He gives us to stand alone with Him. The blessings far outweigh the discomforts of standing alone. “…having done all, to stand. Stand…”

Mrs. Bette Owens
Pastor’s wife
Westside Baptist Church
Pacifica, CA

Meditation, A Matter of the Heart

Meditation-A-Matter-of-the-HeartMEDITATION, A MATTER OF THE HEART
by: Sandy Domelle

No, I’m not going middle-eastern religion on you. One of the first thoughts that comes to our mind when we hear the word “meditate” is seeing people sit with their legs crossed making weird noises. When someone talks of meditation we normally tune them out because we just aren’t interested in it.


In the Bible you will find that God often uses meditation with our words. Psalm 19:14 says, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” You can see that before the words are spoken, the heart meditated on whatever words were going to be said.

Again it says in Psalm 49:3, “My mouth shall speak of wisdom; and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.” How often have you ever thought about something so much that you couldn’t wait to tell someone? That is what this verse is teaching. When you meditate, you will speak what meditation taught you.

The word “meditate” means: “to contemplate, think, consider, ponder or mull something over.” In other words, when a person meditates, they are actually thinking about the matters of their heart. You quietly sit there and mull over something you heard in the day, and before long you start repeating what you thought about. That is what God is talking about in Matthew 12:34 when He says, “…for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Whatever you think about (meditate on) eventually comes out in the form of words.

Ladies, this is why it is so important to have the right thoughts because we won’t say things unless we’ve thought on them and meditated on them, then it comes out. You hear gossip, then you think about it, and before long you start repeating what you heard. You hear something bad about someone, and you start to think about it. Before long your thoughts turn into destructive words as you tell someone else what you have been thinking. Do you think Christ would be thrilled with those words?

God gives us the things we should think about in Philippians 4:8 when He says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” You can imagine that if your thoughts were only on the things from this verse, then the words you say would only be words that would build and not destroy. Let me give you some suggestions about this thought.

1. Don’t allow yourself to think on things about others that you would not want them to think on about you.

As ladies we can hear things and not let them rest even in our minds. Men tend to forgive and quickly forget, but we know the saying that women forgive but they don’t forget is probably truer than we’d like it to be. We should always be quick to give someone else the benefit of the doubt. You would hope that others would do that for you, so do the same for them.

2. Control your conversations with others so that your conversations don’t become a time of gossip.

Again, as ladies we have a tendency to “share” our concern for others. Recently, I was talking with someone who asked where the fine line is in saying something you don’t mean as gossip and actually doing the gossiping. That is such a fine line because our concern can always lead to “sharing” more than needs to be shared. I just read a quote the other day that fits this so well. “A tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. Be careful with your words!” Gossip is something you don’t want others to meditate on about you, so don’t do it to them.

3. Be sure to read your Bible on a daily basis.

I talk often about the importance of your walk with God, reading your Bible and praying.  Nothing will help you meditate on the things of the Lord more than meditating on His Word. I have a better chance of doing right and staying in God’s will the more I stay in His Word. His Word will guide you, convict you and keep you close to Him.

4. Take one verse each day and dwell on what it says.

So often I will claim a verse when I know I’m not really grasping the whole truth and meditate on it throughout the day. I find that the more I meditate on it throughout the day, and the more I allow the Holy Spirit to work on me about the verse, the more I feel I learn from it.

5. Ask God to control your thought life.

As humans we gravitate to the negative quicker than we do the positive. If I want to have right thoughts throughout the day, then I have to pray and ask God to help me to think on the good things in life.

6. Don’t allow yourself to say anything of which Philippians 4:8 would not approve.

7. Purposely find good in every person and situation, and dwell on that good.

I have to admit, there are some people in my life that aren’t my favorite people with which to spend time. I’ve learned that with some of those people I must find the good in them. I know, sometimes it’s very hard to find the good in someone, but there is good in everyone. I have known a certain lady for many years, and every time I see her the first thing she does is tell me about how horrible her life is going. There are times I can’t wait to get away from her because she’s so down on life. But, I can tell you that she’s a master at a few different things I don’t know how to do, and if I can eventually get her focused on those things I learn so much from her. There are going to be times in your life when you will go through very hard situations. I can tell you by experience that there is good in those times if you look hard enough. Decide you will dwell on the positive and not on the negative of others.

Let me encourage you to take that word “meditate” and really think on the words you say loudly or softly. You know there are times when we talk without saying words. Our actions can speak louder than our words. I want my words to be full of wisdom and the meditation of my heart to be understanding as Psalm 49:3 says, but to accomplish this I have to purpose in my heart to meditate on God’s Word.

A Passionate Prayer Life

passionate_prayer_lifeA PASSIONATE PRAYER LIFE
by: Sandy Domelle

1 Samuel 1:1 – 2:11

I have always loved studying the women of the Bible. Recently the Sunday school lessons at our church have been on several different women in the Bible. I love digging into the lives of these women because by their actions they set the example of what I need to be. In some cases, I learn from their great characteristics, and in others I learn by seeing the mess they made of their life and how careful I need to be in doing right. Time after time you see how their actions and decisions affected their family’s lives for generations.

One of my favorite women of the Bible is Hannah. When you look at many of the great men in the Bible and of today, many of them have come from homes where they had a godly mother who influenced them for right. I think that’s why it’s so very important that we

as women are in our Bibles and praying like we should. We are the Holy Spirit of the home, and we influence our families strongly in every area. I want to be very careful to be influencing for the right and not for what is easy or what I prefer over what God’s will is for us. Hannah was a godly mother.

When we read about Hannah’s life, we see that she could not have a child and desperately wanted one. This was something that she wanted so much that her heart was grieved to the point that she wept and went without eating. This was something that obviously consumed her. Her husband, Elkanah, had a second wife whose name was Peninnah, and we see in verse 2 that she had children. As we read verses 6-7, we see that Hannah lived with an adversary who provoked her because she couldn’t have a child. “And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the Lord had shut up her womb. And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat.” The word “adversary” is single, and many believe her adversary to be Peninnah. I can’t imagine how hard it was for Hannah to live in the same household, day after day, and seeing Peninnah’s children about, seeing how she dealt with her children, seeing her loving on her children. This had to be part of what grieved Hannah. Deep inside of her, she felt the need to have a child of her own.

You can’t help but think that Hannah might have had that woman’s intuition that we seem to have that she was to have a child, so her desire is what pushed her to keep begging God for a child. I love that she put action to her desire. She was so intent on having this child that the Bible says she wept sore at the temple. She knew if she wanted a child, the only One Who could give it to her was God. She was so intent in her prayer, so consumed and wrapped up in her prayer, that Eli the priest thought she was drunk. Hannah vowed to God that if He gave her a man child, she would give him back to the Lord. In verse 11 it says, “And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.”

God heard her and gave her a son, Samuel, and she kept her promise to give him back to the Lord. There are so many truths that can be learned through this story, but the one thing that stands out the most to me is Hannah’s passionate prayer life. Do you have something you need answered today? We all know we have a great God Who can answer any prayer we have, but sometimes He wants to see how badly we want it.

Here’s a few things I learned from Hannah’s passionate prayer life.

1. Pray specifically! She knew exactly what she wanted, and she prayed exactly for that. She didn’t get sidetracked, she was consumed by it. When you read 1 Samuel 1:11, we see that even though God knew everything about her, she still was specific in asking Him, “if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid,” She wanted to tell Him about her closed womb, and was specific in telling Him her affliction. Yes, God knew about it, but she was reminding Him. She then asked the Lord, “and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid,” She knew that there were many people with needs and sorrows, but this prayer request was so important to her she wanted God to remember her and not forget her. She was also very specific in asking for a son, “but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child,” She didn’t ask for a daughter, but a son whom she could give back to Him, “then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.” How specific are you in your prayer life?

One thing I’ve learned in the past few years is to be more specific with my prayers. As a parent, we can have a child come and ask us for something they think they need. Sometimes that need may seem very frivolous to us and they may ask flippantly at first. But, the more specific they are in telling us why they need it, the more important we see it is to them, and even see more of the need of why it will benefit them, the more apt we are to help meet this need. I want to go to God and be so detailed and specific with Him that as I pour my heart out to Him, He understands and sees my need. I’m presenting a detailed case before Him.

2. Pray Persistently! Hannah was persistent in her prayer life. I can say that most of my prayers I don’t feel are answered immediately. Many of them take time. I’m like most women, we aren’t very patient, and we are always trying to speed things along in our day. The benefit of praying persistently about something is that it grows us. With our daughter, I don’t always give in to something she may want. But, when she persistently comes to me about it, I am more apt to give in because she is persistent, and I see how much it means to her.

When I am tempted to give up on something I am praying about, I always tell myself the answer is around the corner. I love that saying, God’s answers are rarely early, never late, but ALWAYS on time.  In our family we’ve prayed for other family members for years to get saved. I think often of how many of them may not be in Heaven had we all quit praying and not been persistent with the Saviour. How sad it will be when we get to Heaven and find out that there were many answers to prayer we could’ve had if we had just been persistent.

3. Pray Believing! I believe there is power in prayer! I know I personally cannot see answers to prayer unless I believe God can and will do it. The verse I choose to use as my life verse is Luke 1:37, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” As humans, we often look at the things we are praying for and can’t figure out how in the world they can be answered. It’s not up to what we think, but up to the One Who can do far more than we can ask or think. Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” There are days when I have to claim every verse I can think of, there are days I feel that I just don’t understand. But, when I lean on different Scriptures like, Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” I realize I have to keep believing God will come through even when I don’t understand. Hannah prayed until she got an answer from God. She believed God could and would answer her. I’m sure there were times when she looked at Peninnah’s children and wondered if God was going to answer her prayer. She just had to keep believing that God was going to hear her. Do you believe God can and will answer your prayers?

Here are some additional things that I learned from Hannah’s life.

Praise God for answers to prayer! Once she received the answer to her prayer, she didn’t forget about God until the next time she needed something. Hannah praised Him in chapter 2:1-10. Be sure that when you see answers to prayer you praise God and thank Him for what He’s done. Don’t be afraid to share with others what God has done for you! There’s no greater way to encourage others to keep praying than to share your answers to prayer. I love hearing how God answered someone else’s prayer. There’s an excitement in hearing what God has done that motivates me to keep praying and waiting to see what God will do with what I am praying about.

Don’t be selfish! Hannah wasn’t selfish with what God gave her. She made a vow to God that she would give Samuel back to Him and she followed through. Because she did this and followed God’s will for her life, God used her to produce the greatest prophet in the Bible, Samuel, who was known as the “king maker.” Samuel anointed both kings, Saul & David, and from David’s lineage came Jesus. You can’t help but see the blessings that came to Hannah for following through. Not only did God bless her with Samuel, but if you look in 1 Samuel 2:21, “And the Lord visited Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters. And the child Samuel grew before the Lord.” God did bless her with more than what she could’ve asked.

Do you have some prayers you need answered? Do you desire to see God work through your prayers? I encourage you, read through the life of Hannah, claim the things above and get passionate with your prayer life!

Oh No, Not Another Proverbs 31 Article!

By: Bette Owens

How many times have we tried to be the “SUPER MOM?” Yet, end up frustrated, yelling and snapping at everyone. The world of being a good wife and mother is no different from any other area of our Christian life. The reason we feel frustrated is because we are frustrated. There is not one area in our lives that we don’t need God’s Word to change us and His strength to help us live our lives.

I have read many articles on the Proverbs 31 woman, and to tell you the truth, I get tired of them. It seems as I read them, I always fail to do everything perfectly right. God’s Word is not just a repair manual. Fix this part, do this activity a little differently, add this ingredient; is that really what Proverbs 31 is all about? God’s Word has a 100% guarantee; if we follow the instructions, we will get the results. The instructions I understand from His Word are to seek Him daily and let Him work through me and change or repair me.

When I read Proverbs 31, I see a woman who fears the Lord. A woman who has a lot of wisdom from spending time in the Bible. She is a woman with a strong work ethic, and a lot of character. A woman with this kind of character has to have a close walk with God. A woman with this kind of character will have a husband who sees his wife as a woman who fears the Lord. She will look beautiful to him because of her commitment to the Lord. We have a very bad tendency to get this all backwards.

We make a list of all the things that the Proverbs 31 woman did and we try to do them. Then, we add other requirements that sound good to us. After all, the Proverbs 31 woman is a “SUPER MOM.” She works so hard, her house is always spotless and her family is “perfect.” Let’s not add to God’s Word.

Does this list sound familiar?

Her house is never dusty.
You can eat off her floors.
She does all the housework herself while her children play on the Wii.
Her children never fight.
Her children are never rude.
Her children are all straight “A” students.
Her hair is always fixed perfectly and she never has a hair out of place.
She never makes a bad decision.
She is a Sunday school teacher, nursery worker, helps at school and volunteers for everything.
She stays up late and gets up early.
She does everything and never even needs help (she doesn’t really need her husband).

No wonder we snap and feel frustrated! Do you remember reading about Mary and Martha? I wonder if one of them had a list like this? We need to tear up this list and grab our Bibles. If we are spending time in His Word and in prayer, sitting at His feet and letting Him work through us, our lives will reflect what we read in Proverbs 31. It is not doing these things that make us a Proverbs 31 woman. It is a right heart, it is a walk with God. There are many unsaved and ungodly women who accomplish many things on this list, and some even strive to do this list and more, but they are not Proverbs 31 women.

In Proverbs 31:30 it says, “…but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.” We become a Proverbs 31 woman by loving the Lord and serving Him. It’s not a list of things we do, but it is Him that puts these qualities in our lives. Can’t you see it is Him working through us? We just need to get to know Him. Without Him these things don’t mean anything. When we get this in the right order, God first, then all these things we are supposed to be and do, He makes possible. He gives us the wisdom and strength to be the wife and mother He wants us to be.

Did God tell us about this amazing woman in Proverbs 31 so that we would strive to be like her? No! Perhaps, if we walk with God, have godly wisdom and love Him, the result will be a Proverbs 31 woman. Proverbs 31 doesn’t say who can build, make or accomplish a virtuous woman. It says, “Who can find…” You can find yourself being one if you walk with Him, love Him and seek His wisdom.

Proverbs 31:30-31 says, “Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.”

Bette Owens
Pastor’s wife
Westside Baptist Church
Pacifica, CA