Psalm 90:12
“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”
Everybody has the same amount of time each day and every week, yet some tend to get more done with their time than others. There is a simple reason for this, and that is that some maximize the time they have and others don’t. It all comes down to what you do with your time.
The verse above says, “…teach us to number our days…” The reason the psalmist said this is because he mentions in verse 10, “The days of our years are threescore years and ten…” He understood that life is short, and you only have so much time on this Earth to accomplish something worthwhile. If you are going to accomplish something worthwhile, you are going to have to number your days. What does it mean to number your days?
First, numbering your days means you should live by schedule. One of the definitions of the word “number” is “appointed.” In other words, you should have appointed times that you do things. You will never maximize the time you have each day without having a schedule by which you live. A schedule keeps you from wasting time. Those who live without schedule are those who unknowingly waste a lot of time. You will never realize how much time you waste until you start living by a schedule. I would challenge you to try scheduling your day for the next couple of weeks and see how much you accomplish during that time. I am confident that you will find at the end of that time that you will discover you have accomplished more than you have in a long time. You will never maximize your time without a schedule.
Second, numbering your days means to prepare ahead. Another definition of the word “number” is “to prepare.” One of the reasons many people lose time in their day is because they are unprepared. Preparation is a time saver and stress reliever. Preparation will never be done if you don’t learn to live by schedule. A schedule demands that you start preparing ahead. Living by the last minute is simply saying that what you are doing is not important enough to prepare. Is it not interesting that we plan for that which we consider important? Mind telling me, if life is short and you want to maximize your time, why don’t you realize the importance of planning for everything? My friend, life can become much more enjoyable if you will learn to prepare by planning ahead. It simply takes the wisdom to stop and look at what is coming up, and plan for it before it comes. You will discover that you have better ideas and more ways to accomplish things if you learn to plan ahead because you have time to cultivate ideas in your mind.
Third, numbering your days means to live your life in such a manner that you don’t have regrets. Sin will rob you of time that you could have used for something more profitable. Sin is one of the greatest time-wasters and life-robbers. Many people who chose to do something wrong live to regret that time. You will never have to look back in regret if you don’t choose to do something that is regrettable, and sin is always a regrettable act. Don’t waste your time on sin; it will always bring you to the point of regret.
Are you numbering your days? You only have so much time to do something on this Earth; eternity is not that far away. With this in mind, make the most of your time by numbering your days, and you will find the time you spent on this Earth will have been maximized with accomplishments.