Sheltered Into Indifference

Shelteredby: Dr. Allen Domelle

Numbers 32:16-17
“And they came near unto him, and said, We will build sheepfolds here for our cattle, and cities for our little ones: But we ourselves will go ready armed before the children of Israel, until we have brought them unto their place: and our little ones shall dwell in the fenced cities because of the inhabitants of the land.”

A great mistake was made by the two and a half tribes in that they wanted their families to stay on this side of Jordan instead of crossing over and experiencing the victories themselves. What these men didn’t understand was that even though they were sheltering their families, they were lulling them to become indifferent towards the things of God. Their wives and children needed the struggle and battles as much as they did. Without experiencing the hand of the LORD firsthand, they would become indifferent towards God and more fervent towards the world.

Many Christian parents make this same mistake today. I have watched many parents stay in the battle for the LORD, but keep their children at home only to shelter them into indifference. I thank God for my father who involved me in the ministry as a teenager. It was during those years of seeing the battles and victories firsthand that created an appetite in my young heart to want God to do greater things in my life. There are a few reasons you need to involve your children in the frontline of the battle.

First, your children need to experience the victories firsthand. Hearing what the LORD is doing and seeing what He is doing are two different things. Many good young people have become indifferent towards the LORD because they never experienced the victories, they only heard about them. Your children will never have a fire for God unless they see these victories firsthand.

Texas-IBSSecond, children need to see faith work firsthand. It is not good enough to hear how faith works; your children need to see that faith in God pays big. I watched my parents step out on faith many times, and I saw how God honored their faith. Seeing their faith firsthand placed an appetite in my heart to want God to do something with my faith. Your children will never know how to live by faith if you shelter them from it by giving them everything they want. Children need to see that God will honor their faith if they will get involved in His work. It will create an appetite in their hearts to do greater things for the LORD when they become an adult.

Third, children need to see God working firsthand. The greatest reason you need to bring your children over your spiritual Jordan is that they need to see God defeat the giants and knock down the great walls for themselves. Sheltering children from the work of the LORD creates an indifferent heart towards God because they believe that the great works are only for previous generations and not for them. When your children come over your spiritual Jordan and are involved firsthand, they will be able to say they saw the LORD work.

Friend, don’t let your children sit on the sidelines while you are serving the LORD. Get them involved so they can see firsthand what God can do. If you don’t, you will cause their heart to become indifferent towards God’s work. The only way to keep this indifference from happening is to involve them in God’s work so they can experience His power firsthand.