1 Corinthians 5:11
“But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.”
Just because someone is a Christian doesn’t mean that it is fine for you to be in company with them. There are people in every walk of life who are good and bad. Just because a person is saved doesn’t mean that they are living the life they should be living. God shows us a list of people with whom we should not keep company.
The first type of person to avoid is the fornicator. This is a person who is living an immoral life. This is not a person who messes up one time, but this is a person who is commonly enjoying physical pleasures outside of the boundaries of marriage. The Scriptures make it clear that the bed is undefiled in marriage, which means a person who practices fornication is a person whose lifestyle will, in time, defile you.
The covetous is the second type of person to avoid. This is talking about someone who is eager for gain. This person is never happy with what they have. Avoid this type of person for they will hurt your enjoyment in life and your personal finances.
The idolator is the third type of person to avoid. This is not just talking about worshipping idols, but rather avoid those who place anyone or anything above God. If there are people who make a man of God their focus of service, then you are to avoid them. Idolatry is wrong even when the person you are serving is a man of God. God is the only One we should serve.
A railer is a person who constantly tears down others. God wants you to avoid this type of person. It is not our business to know all the filth about another person’s life. Be careful about spending time with those who constantly tear down other Christians. You will become a gossip if you spend time with a railer.
The drunkard is the next person who should be avoided. Alcohol is still the Devil’s juice. The Christian is to completely avoid being around those who are willing to get drunk. That means the person who is willing to have one glass of alcohol is willing to get drunk. Avoid them! Simply put, if someone orders an alcoholic drink while you are with them, let them know that you are going to leave if they choose to drink it.
The extortioner is the last person you should avoid. This person is willing to get gain by destroying others. This person is completely out for themselves. It doesn’t matter if they are extorting money or influence, you are to avoid the type of person who will do anything to gain position or money.
Friend, remember that bad company corrupts good people. You may be a good person, but if you associate with those who are bad, then their actions will eventually rub off on you. I have seen many good people corrupted because they are not willing to separate from other Christians. Let me ask you, is your company good company? Never be afraid to distance yourself from those who have adopted corrupting lifestyles. It will not only save you from heartache, but it will save your family from being influenced by their lifestyle.