Responding to Opposition

Nehemiah 4:1
“But it came to pass, that when Sanballat heard that we builded the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews.”

Nehemiah learned early on in the rebuilding of the wall that everybody would not be thrilled with his work for the LORD. The enemies threw every type of opposition their way, but they continued building the wall until it was finished. The opposition he faced is the same opposition any Christian faces when they serve the LORD, and his response to their opposition is the same response you must have when opposition comes your way.

First, don’t be concerned with their claims of your irrelevancy. If Nehemiah and the Jews were so irrelevant, then why were they addressing them? Their claims of irrelevancy are false because if what you are doing is irrelevant, then they would not even address what you are doing. Don’t listen to their claims, but keep doing what you are supposed to do.

Second, don’t let criticism get you off focus. Nehemiah had to purposely keep his focus when the opposition came. When opposition comes your way, always remember what you are doing is more important than addressing the opposition. Always remember Who you are serving is more worthy of obedience than their demands. Also, don’t let their criticism take your focus away from whom you are fighting: Satan. Staying focused will be a chore in itself.

Third, don’t change how you are building just because of opposition. They desperately wanted Nehemiah to change how he was building the walls, but he kept on building them the same way he was told to build them. You must never change your methods just because of criticism. Part of the goal of opposition is to get you to change. Keep doing what you are supposed to do the way God told you to do it in spite of any opposition.

Fourth, when opposition comes, don’t negotiate with the enemy. They wanted Nehemiah to come down and negotiate a deal, but he would not. There is nothing to negotiate with truth. Truth is right whether or not the opposition agrees with it. Always remember that negotiating truth should never be considered. You are to do right even if the opposition doesn’t like what you are doing and how you are doing it.

Fifth, don’t quit until you are finished. One of the things I love about Nehemiah is that he kept on building until the wall was finished. You will not be finished in the Christian life until God takes you to Heaven. Always remember that it doesn’t matter how long you have served the LORD, if you quit at any point, then the opposition will use that to invalidate what you have done even if what you did was right. You must determine that you are not going to quit building the wall until the LORD comes.

Friend, you must expect opposition to come if you are serving the LORD. Satan is not pleased that you have chosen to serve the LORD, and he will do everything in his power to stop you. Remember these five pieces of advice when opposition comes. It will help you to finish what you start and finish the way you started. Ignore the opposition and stay focused on the LORD and His will for your life and you will finish building your wall for Him.