Genesis 31:37
“Whereas thou hast searched all my stuff, what hast thou found of all thy household stuff? set it here before my brethren and thy brethren, that they may judge betwixt us both.”
Jacob found himself in a very precarious situation. His father-in-law accused him of stealing his gods and insinuated that he had taken cattle. This was no light accusation. Though we know Jacob’s character had marks of deceit, he seemed to grow out of it after he got married. His name was on the line with this accusation. Jacob did the right thing by going straight to the source of the accusation and told him to either put up or shut up.
Accusations are easily said by those who do not like you. It is easy to say someone did something, because they hope that you won’t challenge them with proof. The problem with accusations is that they can damage someone’s name for a long time. Accusations must be dealt with, and they must be dealt with in a proper manner. Let me give you several thoughts on how to handle accusations.
First, don’t repeat hearsay. One of the biggest things that helps accusations to spread is to tell someone else something you heard. Spreading hearsay is gossip. The Scriptures say, “Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people…” (Leviticus 19:16) Anytime you take hearsay and tell someone else, you are in direct disobedience to God’s Word. Learn to avoid using hearsay in conversations.
Second, just because someone says it does not make it true. Again, one of the common mistakes many make is that they think because someone they trust tells them something that it makes it true. You must learn that anybody can have an agenda. Even if it is true, they should not be talking to you about it. That is something they should be dealing with in a scriptural manner.
Third, always go to the source of accusations to stop them. One of the things this generation has lost is going to someone who started the accusation about you and asking them where they got their information and why they saying this about you. I have found that this is the best way to stop accusations. You will find that your direct approach will catch most people completely off-guard.
Fourth, don’t respond by spreading accusations yourself. Just because someone said something about you does not give you the right to do the same about them. Just because someone else has lowered their character by spreading accusations does not give you the right to do the same. Become the type of person who does not get into the accusation business.
Fifth, keep your Christian testimony at all cost. It is easy to get into the flesh when it comes to accusations. Don’t do it! Always remember that you stand before God for your actions, and that is why you must keep your Christian testimony at all times. Yes, you need to have a direct approach when dealing with accusation, but you must keep your Christian testimony as well. Always remember that time always reveals truth, so if you will keep your Christian testimony time will vindicate you.