What Will You Do When They’re Coming Home?

What-Will-You-Do-When-They're-Coming-Homeby: Jonathan Painter

“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” Galatians 6:1

It happens in youth departments across America every day, people decide to go their own way and turn their backs on their parents, their church, and their God. Undoubtedly it is a daily struggle that young people deal with as their closest friends fall away from that code of living that is considered righteous by biblical standards. We mourn in our hearts as we watch our wayward comrades fall prey to the pulling influence of this present world. You have a choice to make. Will you follow your friends into the world, or will you stay true to God and to all that is Holy? You must ask yourself, what will I do?

Hopefully, in such a situation this will only be the first time you ask yourself this question. It is very possible, if not probable, that after your wayward friend has had their season in sin, you may very well see them again in Sunday school, in teen church, and out soul winning. Again you must ask yourself, “What will I do?”

Overcoming-Average-Coming-SoonThe verse above is very plain, when one of your comrades has fallen we need to leave the door open for restoration. Don’t try to “pal around” with them while they are in the world, but don’t turn up your nose to them when they are coming back. When they come home it is time to befriend them once again and let them know that they are welcome back at home. I am afraid that far too often we are reluctant to let somebody come home again because we are afraid of becoming “contaminated”. What will you do? Your reaction to someone’s return from their worldly plight could determine the fate of their restoration.

In closing, let me emphasize the fact that we are still commanded to separate from this world, and that if one of our friends goes out into the world to live its sinful lifestyles, we are not go out into the world and try to get them. Do not go where they go and hang out with them on a worldly terrace in the name of trying to restore them. In doing so, you would simply be setting yourself up for a fall; however, pray for them, and when they come back embrace them, engage in spiritual activities with them and make them feel totally welcome when they come back home. What will you do when they’re coming home?

Jonathan Painter
Youth Pastor
Lincoln Baptist Church
Lincoln, Nebraska