Unworthy Visitors

Hebrews 11:38
“(Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.”

An amazing list is compiled in Hebrews 11 of people who were willing to give their all for the sake of following God’s faith and commands. The verse above says that “the world was not worthy” of these people. God didn’t just say they were good Christians, but He said that the world was not worthy of them.

As you read the verses describing what these people endured, your faith should be challenged to do more than it is doing at the present. These people were willing to give their lives, suffer persecution and be abandoned in the wilderness to die of starvation or by the attack of wild animals. There are several things about these people that caused the world not to be worthy of them.

First, their faith was unwavering. These people didn’t put limits as to how far they would serve the LORD. These people were willing to give their lives for the LORD’s sake. They didn’t conform to the world; rather, they were willing to be isolated and rejected by those around them for the sake of the faith. Too many Christians don’t have an unwavering faith that is willing to stand alone in the world. Many Christians can’t even stand for right among the religious crowd, much less the world. You will never become a person who the world is not worthy of your presence if your faith wavers at the pressure the world puts on you to conform. Only those who stand against the pressures of conformity will make a difference in their world.

Second, their commitment had no limits. These people were willing to give their lives for the LORD’s sake. Let me ask you, when does your commitment for right stop? At the first sign of criticism, many stop standing so they can be accepted. At the first sign of resistance, many Christians forsake what they always believed so that they don’t have to endure the consequences. Your faith will never make an impact on this world if you don’t have the commitment to endure any consequence for the sake of truth.

Third, their character was spotless. It wasn’t that these people were sinless, but they grew in their faith to the point where they were willing to sacrifice the comforts of the world for God’s will. Let me ask you; what is your Christian character like? Do you struggle to give up worldly pleasures because you enjoy them too much? You will never influence the world for right until you come to the point where the world’s allurement is distasteful. Your faith must be more important to you than anything the world has to offer.

Fourth, their vision for rewards was eternal. Verse 39 says, “And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:” These people didn’t have to see God come through for them to continue to serve Him; instead, they were willing to live their entire life without reward because they understood they would be rewarded in Heaven. You will never be put into the classification of these people if you quit because you don’t see reward. Your faith must be focused on eternal rewards if you are going to make this world unworthy of your presence.

Is the world worthy of you? You will never make the world unworthy of your presence if your desire for the world is greater than these four areas.