All Scripture

2 Timothy 3:16
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

There is a reprobate thought process among certain people that the Old Testament is no longer relevant for today. It is always interesting that the crowd who espouses this heresy is the same crowd who seems to dress, talk and identify with worldly living. This crowd who says the Old Testament teachings are no longer valid today want us to believe that the New Testament is the only text by which we are to live.

However, when you look at the verse above, you quickly realize that you will never be a complete Christian without all of the Scriptures. The verse above says, “All scripture is given…” It continues to say, “…and is profitable for…” Notice that it didn’t say, “The New Testament scripture is profitable.” The reason it didn’t say this is because you will never become who or what God wants you to be without reading all of the Scriptures and applying all of them to your daily living.

Look at how “all scripture” is profitable to your life. It is profitable to learn doctrine. In other words, if you only use the New Testament, you will miss doctrine that helps you to ward off false teachings and doctrine. “All scripture” is profitable for rebuking those who go wayward. In other words, worldliness is the definite destination of those who refuse to follow “all scripture.” Without “all scripture,” you will never receive the correction needed to live the victorious Christian life. “All scripture” is also needed to receive God’s interaction for righteous living. In other words, you will never live a holy life if you only adhere to part of the Scriptures. “All scripture” is needed for the Christian to be who God means for them to be.

Christian, there is a result of following “all scripture.” Verse 16 says, “That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” In other words, you will be an unbalanced Christian without following all of the Scriptures. It is reading and applying all of the Scriptures that helps you to mature into who you are supposed to be.

My friend, let me encourage you to read all of the Scriptures. Don’t allow yourself to fall into the trap of only reading the New Testament. I understand that there are parts of the Old Testament that are not easy or enjoyable to read, but you are missing out on necessary instructions from God that will make you into the Christian you need to be. Reading part of the Scriptures is like trying to drive a car without a steering wheel; it won’t work. You need all of the Scriptures to get to the destination where God originally intended for you to get when He placed you on this Earth.

Furthermore, beware of any preacher or teacher who espouses the fallacy that the Old Testament is no longer valid in our present day. Reading all of the Scriptures has nothing to do with law or grace, but it has everything to do with obeying the Word of God. When God commands us to “study” the Scriptures in 2 Timothy 2:15, He is showing us that He expects us to study everything from Genesis to Revelation. My friend, you will never become who you are supposed to be without “all scripture.” If you study and apply “all scripture,” your life will mirror God’s purpose.