In Times of Trouble, I Trusted

Psalm 31:14
“But I trusted in thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my God.”

David faced many hardship and battles through His life. The attacks he faced from within and from without were numerous. The one constant that kept David going through these times was that He trusted in the LORD. He said in verse 9, “Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble…” Yet, when we come down to the verse above he said, “But I trusted in thee, O LORD…” This was the key to his making it through the rough times.

David said in verse 10, when grief was his only encouragement, he trusted in the LORD. In the same verse when weakness was his only strength, he trusted in the LORD. In verse 11, when disappointment was his only encouragement, he trusted in the LORD. In verse 12, when loneliness was his only friend, he trusted in the LORD. In verse 13, when slander was the only good word he heard, he trusted in the LORD. The only thing that got him through his times of trouble was that he trusted in the LORD. What does it mean to trust the LORD?

First, trust means that you will rely on His timing. Verse 15 says, “My times are in thy hand…” When life’s only gift seems to be trouble, you are going to have to trust that the LORD’s timing is correct. I’ve often said, the LORD is never late, He is rarely early, but He is always on time. Throughout every hardship I’ve faced, I have always seen the LORD come through at the right time. Trust means that you understand that the LORD’s timing is always right. You may not feel like He is going to come through, but your “times” must be placed in His hand.

Second, trust means that you will trust His presence. Verse 16 says, “Make thy face to shine upon thy servant…” There is only one way you are going to get God’s face to shine upon you, and that is by spending time in the closet of prayer. David didn’t run to man in his time of trouble, but he ran to the closet of prayer and trusted the presence of God. Stop running to everyone else and telling your problems to them, but run to God in prayer and pour your heart out to Him. In times of trouble, let your actions mirror the words of the old song, I Must Tell Jesus.

Third, trust means that you will trust His reputation. Verse 17 says, “Let me not be ashamed, O LORD; for I have called upon thee…” David didn’t run to all that he had done throughout the past to make it through troubles, but he trusted that the God Who promised to be there for him would come through as He did in the past. My friend, you are going to have to trust the LORD’s reputation. He has never forsaken anyone in the past, and He is not about ready to start with you now. He promised that He would always be there for you in your time of trouble, so trust the LORD’s reputation and realize He has always been there and will continue to be there.

Fourth, trust means that you will trust His vindication. Verse 18 says, “Let the lying lips be put to silence…” When your troubles come from others, you are going to have to trust that the LORD will take care of the battle for you. God says that vengeance belongs to Him, so trust His Word that He will vindicate you in His timing. Christian, I don’t know what you are facing, but I do know the only way you are going to make it is through trusting the LORD.