Walking Wisely

Psalm 101:2
“I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.”

The potential of your future will be determined by the way that you walk. A person who is careless in their daily walk will be a person who will do things that will severely limit their potential. On the other hand, a person who walks wisely and is careful with what they do in their daily walk will find their future a blessed one with increased potential. The psalm above gives us four characteristics of those who walk wisely.

First, the person who walks wisely protects their alone time. The verse above says, “I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.” What you do when you are alone is truly the indicator of your character. Many times we judge people by what they do in public, but God looks at what a person does when they are alone. You are only as good of a Christian as you are when you are alone. You must be very careful when you are alone. The Devil has destroyed many people in their alone time. If you want the LORD to richly bless your future then you must carefully protect everything you do when you are alone.

Second, the person who walks wisely will protect what they see. Verse 3 says, “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes…” If you want a blessed conscience, you must protect what you allow your eyes to see. All it takes to corrupt a clean conscience is to see one bad image. Be careful with what you allow yourself to see on television or the internet. The Devil is a master at throwing the wrong image in front of you to cause you to ponder immoral acts. Protect what you see and your conscience will stay pure.

Third, the person who walks wisely will protect their associations. Verse 4 says, “I will not know a wicked person.” God asked in Galatians 5:7, “Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” It is always a “who” that destroys people. Your associations have to be right if you are going to stay faithful to the LORD to the end of life. Many good people have been corrupted by wrong associations. It is always better to have a few friends who do right than many friends who will pull you away from the ways of the LORD. Solomon learned this lesson the hard way, and you are no different.

Fourth, the person who walks wisely will protect their conversations. Verse 5 says, “Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off…” I heard a wise person once say that shallow people talk about people and wise people talk about ideas. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the hearsay about people. Protect your conversations. Protect them from off-color jokes or conversations that are unbecoming to a Christian. Protect your conversations from the wrong words. What you say is a revelation of what is going on in your heart. Protecting your conversations will help you to ward off the wrong associations.

Walking wisely is not done by accident. These four areas of your life must be protected if you are going to successfully walk in the wise way your whole life. Protect these areas and you will protect your future potential.