My friend, you must remember that your life is a war. Every day that you face is a battle of that war. Every aspect of life has its own front in the war, and you are the general. As a Christian, you must remember that you are not the sole commander but you have a Superior, The Commander-in-Chief. You, as the general, are given the sole responsibility to carry out his Written Orders in each battle on every front of the war. This is an enormous responsibility.
The war of life is the most brutal war ever to be recorded. Your enemies are numerous and their weapons are strong. Among the strongest of your enemies are the armies of the world, lust, sin and destruction. These terrible armies are led by a fierce pair of leaders called Flesh and Self. These two are not brilliant on their own accord, but they are extremely familiar with your inner operations and most secret strategies. This makes Self and Flesh the two military figures quite worthy of your upmost attention and prowess. Your enemies take no prisoners and spare none as they clash with you day by day. The stakes are high in this fight; therefore, you need counselors who will be at your aid and stand by your side in the midst of the war.
“Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.“ Proverbs 11:14
When I was just about to start Bible college, I was convinced that I did not need to meet with the home room counselors that the college required each student to meet with every week. Soon after I resolved inwardly that I did not need these counselors; the Lord promptly showed me my error in the Book of Proverbs, as time and time again, I came across verses like the one above. Life is a difficult thing, and it should not be faced alone. God has given you godly people who are veterans in the war. These veterans could, and probably would act as mentors and counselors if we would humble ourselves enough to ask them. During my time in college, I developed a system that I used for every aspect of my life. The system was as follows…
Commander and Chief – GOD
His Written Orders (Bible) where to be obeyed without questions at all times and in every situation without fail.
Veto Counselors – Pastor and Parents
I had mentally given veto power to these counselors in every decision that I made. If their counsel came inside the boundaries of my Written Orders, it would automatically veto my own ideas and strategies.
Confidential Board of Advisors – College Staff
This consisted of all men, since I am a man, and in my mind they formed an entire board of advisors who were just under my veto counselors. These, at the time, were the Dean of Academics, the Dean of Men and the Vice President. I felt free to confide in them concerning personal matters, spiritual matters and academic matters. I would heed their advice always unless the strategy was overruled by a veto counselor.
Fellow Officers – Good friends with the same pursuit
These were not counselors, but encouragers. I had five different men whom I allowed into this inner circle of my strategy. Each of these men were older than I and pursuing the same thing in life that I was. This was not a “click” friend group, but merely a group of men whom I could count on for encouragement when I needed it. These men were my peers, my encouragers and not my counselors.
*Never put a peer in a position of veto counselor or confidential advisor. These positions in your counsel ought to be held by authorities in your life.
Before you laugh and call it “overboard,” I can assure you that each person in the system above has in some way helped me avoid tragedy in life. I have reaped the benefits of their years of experience. This all may seem a little complicated, but we are in a complicated war called, “Life.” Find a system of counselors that works for you. You cannot face this war alone. You need counsel!
Jonathan Painter
Youth Pastor
Lincoln Baptist Church
Lincoln, NE