Turning Liabilities into Assets

Galatians 1:23
“But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.”

Every person has assets and liabilities. One of the greatest accomplishments you will achieve in life will be to make your assets greater than your liabilities. Because of sin, our liabilities not only hamper us with the ability to help others, but if you will work on your assets then you will be able to overshadow the liabilities in your life.

Paul certainly had some liabilities in his life. His greatest liability was that before he got saved he killed Christians. The churches in Judaea heard that he was coming. They had never seen his face, but they knew that he was coming to visit them. They had heard that the one who used to destroy people who preached the faith was now preaching the faith. The one who had killed many for telling others about the faith was telling others what the faith did in his life. He obviously made his assets greater than his liabilities.

If you are going to turn your liabilities into assets, then you cannot allow the liabilities to dictate what you do with the rest of your life. The Devil is good at reminding us of our liabilities. Just because you have done something in the past does not mean that you can’t do something in the future. The liabilities of the past will only be a small chapter in your life if you will live the rest of your life serving God. Don’t let your liability to be the last chapter in your life. You can’t change that chapter of your life, but you don’t have to allow that chapter of your life to define who you are.

Second, use your liabilities to build your assets. Paul was not afraid to tell what he did for the purpose of showing what the power of God can do. You may not be able to rewrite the liability chapter of your life, but you can use that liability to show the power of God working through you. David turned his liability into an asset when he was used to pen Psalm 51. Samson was able to turn his liabilities into assets when he got right with God and finished his life with the greatest spiritual victory he had ever seen. You can run from your liability, or you can use it to show what God can do through the lives of others.

Third, be careful not to turn your assets into liabilities. The most powerful tool Paul had was his testimony. If he had messed up at the end of his life, then the asset of his liability would have been turned back into a liability. You have got to be so guarded with your life. Be careful with what you do in private because it will eventually become public and either become an asset or a liability. All it takes is one moment of indiscretion for a life that is an asset to become a liability. One bad decision will turn your assets into liabilities. Be careful to walk circumspectly so that your assets don’t become liabilities.

Friend, others will measure your life by your assets and liabilities. If you were to die today, for what would you be remembered? Make it your life’s goal to let your assets be the thing for which you are remembered. Ask God daily to keep you from that moment of temptation and sin that would cause you to become a liability. Spend your life helping others turn their life around and you will be able to turn your liabilities into assets.