The Faithless Life

The-Faithless-LifeExodus 32:1
“And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron, and said unto him, Up, make us gods, which shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him.”

The Christian life is a life of faith. It takes faith to get saved and it takes faith to live the Christian life. A Christian who lives a faithless life will find themselves struggling in many areas. Israel is evidence that the faithless life leads to many struggles. Moses had not been up in the mount very long before Israel quickly turned from God to gods all because they lived a faithless life. You find several results from the story above of what happens to those who live a faithless life.

First, those who live a faithless life will tend to have their eyes on man. It is amazing how many Christians must have their eyes on a man for guidance. The life of faith will point your eyes towards God. You cannot see God without living a life of faith. Those who live by sight are short sighted and will only follow man. The danger of following man is that man changes, and when they change you will change. You must not allow yourself to live a life following man. You must live your life by keeping your eyes on God so that your faith is strengthened.

Second, those who live a faithless life will have no patience with God. Wasn’t it amazing how quickly the children of Israel turned from God to other gods? This happened because they were not living the life of faith. You will find that the life of faith is very patient with God. Those who live the faithless life become quickly discouraged when God doesn’t work according to their timeline. The life of faith realizes that God will come through in the right time like He has always done. Don’t let your lack of faith cause you to quickly lose patience with God.

odaniel_maranatha-baptist-churchThird, those who live a faithless life will base decisions off the flesh. Israel’s decision making was based off what they felt was right. Your flesh will lead you into many hurtful decisions because the flesh always bases its decision on what it feels is right. Your flesh should have no part in your decision making. You must base every decision on the Word of God. This only happens in a life lived by faith.

Fourth, those who live a faithless life will have a worldly identity. The children of Israel quickly started dressing like the world, acting like the world and listening to music like the world. Their identity quickly became like the nations around them. When you live a faithless life, you will start looking to identify more with the world than you do with Christ. You will certainly have your excuses and explanations of how what you’re doing is not bad or sinful, but being accepted by the world will be your greatest desire.

Friend, only the life of faith will keep these things from becoming a part of your life. Stay in God’s Word and obey It by faith. Realize that the life of faith is your preventative medicine from allowing these harmful things to become a part of your life. If you will keep your eyes on God, then the life of faith will be quite simple to live.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.