God’s Priority List

God's-Priority-Listby: Dr. Bruce Goddard

When Abraham negotiated for the pardon of Sodom, the conditions did not include a first-class website, beautiful buildings, or the creation of a Dave Ramsey-pleasing family budget. The factor that made the difference between the destruction or salvation of Sodom was ten righteous people. The great need in Sodom was to turn people to righteousness.

When Daniel spoke of those who would shine as the stars forever and ever, he talked about turning people to righteousness.

Sure sounds like soul winning and preaching on holiness is high on God’s priority list.

Solomon talked about his own nation one day getting away from God and being under the judgement and wrath of God; and the promise of deliverance to come. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, the requirement for the people was to humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from their wicked ways.

Call to GloryAt many preacher’s conferences, there is much about the use of websites, contemporary music, P.A. systems, and first-class buildings, but what about preaching on simple old-fashioned holiness? People hate the fact that America is not as great a nation today as it was before the invention of the internet. During the days in which America saw great awakenings and great revivals, when America was great, most of its preachers were poorly educated, poorly paid, and the church buildings were anything but first-class. Preachers of today need to focus on turning people to righteousness through soul winning and preaching, and on establishing standards and convictions of decency and holiness.

Websites or righteousness?

Reaching businessmen or the fatherless and widows?

Preachers or CEO’s?

Maybe someone has messed with our priorities.

Dr. Bruce Goddard
Faith Baptist Church
Wildomar, CA