We Believe

We-Believeby: Jason Williams

One of the major issues dividing America today is the issue of homosexuality. Unfortunately, on this issue the church is far too silent by allowing ourselves to be painted as hateful bigots when nothing is further from the truth.

The real question is not what do you and I think about homosexuality, the real question is what does God think about sin?

What society has done is it made homosexuality a separate issue from other sin. The Bible makes it clear that Christ died for all sin, and that sin is not placed in separate compartments in God’s eyes.  This is what man has done, we have made homosexuality different than lust, envy, adultery or fornication. But all four of these sins are the Same. They are sexual perversions of what God intended to be a beautiful and wonderful gift for mankind. This isn’t a new problem because this goes all the way back to ancient times and places where man (not God) named their towns after their sins.

The truth is, the real issue is pride. The Bible makes it very clear in Proverbs 16:18 that “pride goeth before destruction and an haughty spirit before a fall.” In fact, on the list of things that the Bible says God hates, pride is number one.

This is where we all have to be very careful. It is just as wrong for me to be proud of the fact that I don’t struggle with something as it is for someone else to be proud of what they struggle with.

Therein lies the real problem today. Pride. When you name your events after a sin, you are shaking your fist at the One Who loves you, hand fashioned you, and died for you. The One Who stands waiting with arms wide open wanting to welcome you into His love and His mercy, but it’s pride that stands in the way. We take pride in our perversions and demand that they be accepted by God. This is no different than if we had a parade for liars and demanded that God accept our lies.

See Satan has tried to force on us that evil is good and good is evil.  He even wants to change our words like marriage.

Young-Preachers-of-AmericaMany words are changing, but I want to focus on one word, and that word is “Marriage.” Just last month the U.S. Supreme Court ignored the Constitution, overstepped the wishes of the people and decided that the word “marriage” can be changed. Herein lies the problem, our government did not create marriage, God did; therefore, they have no more authority to define marriage than you or I do. You see a word is only as powerful as what it describes, and marriage defines a union instituted by God Himself. In fact, the very first words uttered in history by man are spoken immediately following the creation of this union.

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” (Genesis 2:21-24 KJV)

God created marriage and we cannot change it. While our Supreme Court can ignore the wishes of the people, while our legislators can claim they are changing marriage, while our president can force his will on us in this “free society” and demand that we “evolve” our viewpoint on the word like he did, and while we can be punished for disagreeing with them, nothing changes. Marriage is from God, so marriage, like God, will not change regardless of what we say. Simply put, all our words together cannot undo what God in one word defined, and nobody or word is more powerful than that.

We believe that all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

We believe that while we (humanity) was in sin, Christ died for the world.

We believe that homosexuality is a sin just like lying is a sin.

We believe that the only thing that stands between a sinner and Saviour is pride.

Jason Williams
Assistant Pastor
High Street Baptist Church
Columbus, OH