The Abraham Principle

Genesis 12:1
“Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:”

We often look at the life of Abraham and see the blessings upon his life, but we overlook the actions he had to take to get those blessings. We want the results of Abraham’s blessings without having to implement the recipe it takes to get them. You never get the result without the recipe. The Abraham principle must be applied if we want God to bless us in a great way. Let me show you the Abraham principle and what it means.

First, the Abraham principle is total obedience to God by faith. God told Abraham to leave his country and family to go to a land where he would be made a great country. You will never have the blessings of the Abraham principle without stepping out by faith. Faith in God through obedience and trusting in His promises is the catalyst to implementing the Abraham principle. If you are not willing to obey God by faith, then you will never see the blessing this principle brings. Obeying God always requires faith. Without faith you will never be able to experience the blessings of God.

Second, the Abraham principle requires separation. This is one of the hard things with which many people struggle. You will notice that Abraham had to leave his kindred and father’s house. He was leaving his family for forever. You will never be able to see God’s richest blessings on your life until you are willing to leave the security of home. For instance, many college students won’t leave the church where they went to college because of the security of its blessings. Friend, if you are not willing to leave where you grew up or where you attended college to go where God wants you to serve, then you will never see the blessings the Abraham principle gives. It only comes by separation from your securities.

Third, the Abraham principle requires total focus upon God. Abraham had no one to focus upon other than God. God was the only One Whom he could follow. If you must follow man to serve God, then you will never experience the blessings of the Abraham principle. There is nothing wrong with admiring men whom God used in a great way, but you must put your total focus upon God if you want Him to use you. People today seem to struggle with having their eyes solely upon the LORD. It seems they must have a man whom they can see and touch in order to serve God. This is not serving God but man. It takes total faith in God to keep your eyes solely upon Him. Anything less than this will keep you from experiencing the blessings of the Abraham principle.

What is the result of following the Abraham principle? The results are God will bless you greatly. God made of Abraham a great nation. God blessed his name. God made him the source of blessings for others. God promised protection from the enemy. All this came from Abraham obeying God by faith and being willing to sacrifice all for God’s sake.

If you will follow the Abraham principle, then you will see God’s blessings upon your ministry so that you can help others. The whole purpose of the blessings from this principle is so that you can be a greater help to others. All the Earth was blessed because of Abraham, and God will not bless your world until you follow the Abraham principle.

Friend, there are people depending upon you to follow the Abraham principle so they can receive from God what they need. Are you willing to follow that principle? It is only when you are willing to lose yourself for God’s sake that His blessings will be experienced in your life so you can help others. Anyone who has been used greatly by God has had to follow this principle.