Laborers Together

1 Corinthians 3:9
“For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.”

One of the common challenges in any organization is keeping everyone working together. The church is no different. In fact, in the church it can be harder to get people to work together because you are trying to do a holy work with sinful people.

The church of Corinth seemed to have this problem as Paul addressed them about laboring together. These people were squabbling over who should get the credit for someone being saved. To deal with this subject, Paul showed them several things about laboring together.

First, it takes a team for work to be done. You will notice that Paul planted and Apollos watered. Again, they were to labor together. God is not looking for superstars in His work. Instead, God is looking for people who are willing to work together as a team. You often hear that their is no “I” in team. It is everyone working together that makes a team work.

Second, every person is important to teamwork. You will notice that Paul put the emphasis on one person planting and another watering. He said, we are labourers together…” Every person has to understand that whatever their role may be, it is important to the work of God being accomplished. Whether you are a greeter in the church, worker in the nursery, janitor, bus mechanic, song leader, choir member or Sunday school teacher, each role is important to the work of God being accomplished. The pastor cannot do all of these, in fact, he is a role player along with you. Whatever your role is in your church, it is important.

Third, it takes work to accomplish God’s work. If you are going to labor together, then that means there is work to be done. Labor is part of work. No church will ever be able to reach their community without its members understanding that it takes work. Working with people takes work. Soul winning and visiting bus routes takes work. A church with people sitting in the pews watching the pastor do everything is a church that will not reach people. If you are wanting your church to be a country club, then it will never reach the lost for Christ. It takes labor for the lost to be reached.

Fourth, wherever there is work there is friction. You will have to be careful that while you are working together that you don’t allow the friction of work to cause strife. This is one of the hardest things to do. If we’re not careful, we will start attacking each other and lose our focus of reaching the lost for Jesus Christ. Always remember there is going to be tension whenever there is work being done, but don’t let the tension turn into strife.

Fifth, keep your focus upon the One Who gives the increase. When you start putting your focus upon man, you will immediately start having strife with each other. The way to be laborers together and not laborers apart is to stay focused on the God Who gives the increase. God is ultimately Who we are serving. Don’t lose that focus.

Don’t get caught up in the fray of trying to receive credit for everything. Realize we are a team, and teams take the credit together. Don’t try to be the superstar Christian, instead be the Christian who is a teammate working for Christ. This will keep you from experiencing strife as you labor.