You’re Not Liked

Hebrews 11:26
“Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.”

Moses learned the hard way that if you are going to serve Christ that you will not always be liked. He was reared in the palace of Egypt by the daughter of Pharaoh. He had every opportunity to forsake his Jewish lifestyle and embrace the lifestyle of Egypt, but he did not do that. He even thought one time that he could make everyone like him when he defended Israelite men from being beaten by an Egyptian master, but he quickly found out that even his own people were not really fond of him. It didn’t matter what Moses did, he learned that it was not him whom people did not like, but it was Who he represented that caused people not to like him. He came to a point in his life when he threw away his desire to be liked by the world and accepted the reproach of Jesus Christ.

Too many preachers are changing what they believe for the sake of being liked by the world. It amazes me how preachers forsake their standards so they can be liked, but they soon find out that it is not their standards that cause people not to like them, it is Who they represent that causes the world not to like them.

Churches have become more worldly in an attempt to be more liked by the world. We have seen churches bring rock music into their services so they can be liked. We have watched churches become casual in their attire so they can be liked by the world. We have observed churches adopt worldly activities and lifestyles for the opportunity of being liked by the world, but in every instance they world continues not to like the church. Why? Because the world doesn’t like Christ.

Christians continually change their beliefs and standards to be liked and accepted by the world, but they quickly find out the world does not like them. Christians have adopted worldly philosophies and language just so they can be accepted by the world, but they find out the world still does not like them even after they conform. If you look at what Christians do today to be liked and accepted by the world compared to those of yesteryear, you would find there have been drastic changes to no avail.

Let me make it clear that there is nothing you can do to ever get the world to accept you as a Christian. The world didn’t accept Christ when He was on this Earth, so why do you think they will accept Him and His philosophy while He is in Heaven? The world is at enmity with Christ, and there is nothing you can do to EVER be accepted by the world if you represent Christ.

God says in the verse above that you have a choice to make. You can accept the reproach of Christ as the greatest treasure you have, or you can attempt to be liked and accepted by the world to no avail. Always remember that the day you accepted Christ, you became the enemy of the world. You can fight the reproach of Christ or you can accept it. Your ability to reach the world for Jesus Christ will never be realized until you accept Christ’s reproach as the greatest of riches. Stop trying to be liked by the world! You can change until you look like the world, but the world will never like you for it does not like the Christ Who dwells in you. Always remember that it is all about Christ, and that it doesn’t matter how much you try to become like the world they will never accept you because you are His representative.

Ten Percenters

Ten-Percentersby: Keith Phemister

I have read the story of the healing of the ten lepers countless times. It makes for great study and meditation. Recently, while digesting some of the truths from this text, I realized that this one who differed from the majority represented the vast minority of Christians. For one, out of ten lepers who were healed, he is the only one who got assurance. He is the one who heard the Master say, “thy faith hath made thee whole.” Now to be sure, the others came the same way this one did. They exhibited the same faith as this one leper who broke away and came to Jesus. I strongly believe all ten were made whole by the same means: their faith. But, this one in the minority got something more than the nine! Although he was a Samaritan, no less, he separated from the 90% and came and thanked Jesus.

Hey, when a real miracle takes place in our lives and we realize it fully, it seems the most normal thing in the world would be to run to the one who performed the miracle and offer thanks! This Samaritan realized it; maybe because it was not supposed to happen to him. This man is an example of the “ten percenters.” Our Lord seems amazed that out of ten lepers who were cleansed, only one would return and offer thanks.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I do not want to be included in the 90% of people to whom Jesus stands in amazement of their behavior after being cleansed and made whole. I want to be one of the ten percenters.

What is the difference between the Samaritan and the other nine lepers? One word leaps out and grabs my fundamental neck to most of our shame. The word is S-e-l-f-i-s-h-n-e-s-s! There it is! One word separates the ten percenters from the ninety percenters. These nine lepers were different than that one, and it seems to have broken our Lord’s heart. “Where are the Nine?” he asks. I think he expected that more would be there to offer a thankful gesture. What a sad exclamation from our Lord’s lips that befalls too many of us. We need to realize that a person who is selfish before he is saved will tend to be selfish after he is saved. Just think of it though! Isn’t the real reason we get saved because we are thinking of ourselves?

Selfishness is clothed and concealed in self worship. By definition, selfishness regards one’s own interest chiefly or solely; influenced in actions by a view to private advantage. These ten men could be characterized in their worship as a worship of self or a worship of Christ. Sadly, nine of the ten chose to worship self over Christ. But thanks be unto God for the ten percenters.

There is no one quite so discontented as the individual who is full of themselves. We are to be “filled with the Spirit.” Reality tells me that most of us are filled with ourselves. Selfishness breeds discontent and discontent breeds emptiness. So what exactly does selfishness look like? Well, let me briefly share three areas for you and me.

First, selfishness shows itself in unfaithfulness! The Bible says it, “… a faithful man who can find.” Most men will proclaim their own goodness, but God is not looking for talented people, He is looking for faithful people! Now, why are faithful people so hard to find? Yes sir and Yes ma’am—they are unfaithful. We have unfaithful people making up our churches today because we have selfish people in our churches today. But thanks be to God for the “ten percenters”.

Secondly, selfishness shows itself in greed. Okay, another word may be more appropriate: materialism. Greed is take-take instead of give-give. Why oh why are we having such a problem with our people in the support of missionaries? Missionaries are being forced off the field of service because of selfishness.

Hudson Taylor wrote about traveling on a Chinese junk boat. He had witnessed to a man, but he rejected Christ. Later in the day, that man fell overboard and Taylor jumped in after him, but no one else joined him in the rescue effort. Shortly, he saw a fishing boat and called for help, but they wanted money. Upon bartering for all the money Taylor had, the fisherman then joined in the effort to rescue the man. In a minute or so, they found him—dead. Too late! I am afraid we are just like the fisherman. We are more concerned about the almighty dollar than the souls away from the Almighty God. Where are the “ten percenters?”

Lastly, as referenced here in our text, selfishness shows itself in unthankfulness. One out of the ten showed thanks to a Saviour and healer. Unthankful people are selfish people! Once again, that makes up most of us.

This led me to the conclusion that I truly would like to be a part of the “ten percenters!” May the Lord help me and you to do just that!

Keith Phemister
Faith Baptist Church
Nashua, NH

Exhorting One Another

Hebrews 3:13
“But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”

The verse above commands the Christian to “exhort one another daily.” The word “exhort” means to strongly encourage or urge someone to do something. You will notice that this command that God gives the Christian is not to be done only once a week, but it is to be done on a daily basis.

The context of the verse above comes from the wanderings of the children of Israel in the wilderness. God infers that the children of Israel missed going into the Promised Land the first time because they were not exhorting each other. Instead of encouraging others to go to the Promised Land, they were discouraging them and telling each other that they should go back to Egypt. This resulted in the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness for forty years.

You certainly would not want to be one who discourages your brother or sister in Christ. You should desire to be an exhorter. Christians should want to be around you because you have an exhorting or encouraging spirit. There are three areas where you are to exhort others.

First, exhort others to do right. Verse 8 shows us that instead of encouraging others to avoid temptation, the children of Israel were discouraging them from doing right. You should be a cheerleader for right. You should be one who applauds those who are trying to stay away from temptation. It is your responsibility as a Christian to exhort other Christians not to yield to temptation. When someone is struggling with sin, encourage them to keep doing right. Sometimes all it takes is just a friendly word that someone is doing a good job in staying away from the sin they have fought. Be an encourager to those who desire to do right.

Second, exhort people to learn the way of the LORD. In verse 10, the children of Israel erred because they didn’t know God’s way. One way to exhort others to learn the way of the LORD is to encourage them to be in the Sunday school hour and the church services. If you see someone struggling in their faithfulness to church, encourage them to come by telling them that you missed them. You should also be an encourager to study the Word of God. If you are a teacher or preacher, the truths you present should be so well prepared that the listener would want to go home and study the Scriptures more.

Third, exhort people to keep going when they want to quit. Verse 12 talks about the children of Israel “departing from the living God.” When you see someone is a bit discouraged, do something to help pick up their spirit. I have found a note or a phone call to those who are struggling can do a lot to help them to keep going. You may not know what to say, but you can keep encouraging people to never quit.

Are you an exhorter? Do people feel encouraged because they have been in your presence? Always do your best to encourage others around you. Dr. Jack Hyles used to close his radio broadcast out by saying, “Be good to everyone, because everyone is having a tough time.” This should be the motto by which you live.

Follow the Leader

1 Timothy 6:11
“But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.”

Do you remember as a child playing the game, “Follow the Leader?” Whoever was chosen as the leader would go wherever they wanted, and the followers followed every action and step the leader took.

Following the leader in life can be dangerous. Even good people can be led into destructive places and actions. Yet, God tells us to follow the leader in six areas of our life. If we follow the leader in each of these areas, we will end up in a good destination.

In your actions, follow the leader of righteousness. The word “righteousness” means, “righteous acts.” In other words, if you’re going to copy any actions, make sure the only actions you copy are righteous ones. It’s sad that many people tend to copy the idiosyncrasies of people when they should be copying the righteous acts they perform. I have watched preacher boys copy the mannerisms of their favorite preachers, and though this is not bad in itself, it would be better to follow their righteous acts. Instead of following the mannerisms of your parents, preacher, church leaders and people whom you respect, you would be wiser to follow after their righteous acts.

In your character, follow the leader of godliness. The word “godliness” means, “God likeness.” Your character should remind people of God. Every Christian should have godly integrity. The character of Jesus Christ was one that He did right in spite of persecution or the crowd. This is the type of character you should desire to have.

In your beliefs, follow the leader of faith. Be careful about blindly following people into false doctrine. Many people foolishly follow the faith of a man, when they should let the Scriptures determine their faith. Always base everything you believe on the Scriptures. Let the Scriptures be your basis of your faith.

In the treatment of others, follow the leader of love. Love is an amazing leader. Love will cause you to look past the situation or dress of someone. Love will cause you to stand with someone when all others forsake them. No matter how others treat you, be sure you return love back to them.

In unsettling circumstances, follow the leader of patience. Be patient with every situation. Don’t be so quick to give up on people. Don’t be one who is impatient and doesn’t wait on God. Patience should be the leader you follow with every circumstance you face in life.

Finally, follow the leader of self-control. Meekness is power under control. Don’t always have to show your power. Learn to keep yourself under control. Just because you have the power to do something to those you’re over doesn’t mean you should do it. Be patient with people and practice self-control. When others wrong you, practice meekness and let God take care of the situation. Though you may have the power to destroy a person, keep your power under control and give the situation to God.

Following the leader in life can be dangerous. Let these six leaders be the one’s you choose to follow. They will always lead you in the right direction, and you will never regret following them.

Lowering the Standard of Excellence

Lowering-the-Standard-of-Excellenceby: Allen Domelle

On Friday, December 6, ABC News Chief White House Correspondent, Jonathan Karl asked Jay Carney, the President’s Press Secretary, if they considered a “Mission Accomplished.”

Karl asked, “In terms of the goals you set for this moment, in terms of the website being functional for the vast majority of users, is it Mission Accomplished?”

Carney tried to ignore the question by saying that there were vast improvements to the website and that they have passed “an important milestone in that effort.”

Karl continued to press Carney for a solid answer by asking, “Very clearly, in terms of the goal that you set for this moment in time, is it Mission Accomplished?”

Carney finally replied by saying, “That phrase is not one that I would employ. We were able to make the necessary improvements to the website so that the vast majority of Americans who use the website can have an experience in which the website functions effectively. It does not mean, as I said in November and October, it does not mean that there will be no problems with the website going forward. That does not even occur on the most highly functional private sector website. What it does mean is that we have made significant progress. We have made the improvements to the system that we hoped we could, and then more work continues.”

What is sad about this statement is that 1 in 10 Americans who signed up for Obamacare will not have insurance come January 1, 2014. I question, is that “significant progress?” Has America become a nation of mediocrity instead of excellence. To accept a website function “effectively” and not completely functional is mediocrity. Satisfied with “significant progress” is not excellence. Has this President lowered the standard of excellence that America has always strived to achieve? What a tragedy that this President has lowered the standard of excellence all to keep his chief legislative achievement with his namesake in tact.

No nation should ever accept mediocrity. Every person who holds office should be held to the level of excellence. Anything less than excellence should be unacceptable. We don’t elect public officials so that we can have a mediocre nation.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 says, “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” God expects us to do our best in everything. Like my mother used to tell me, you may not have much money, but you can always do the best with what you have.

Americans should not accept anything less than excellence from our public officials. We should never lower the standard of excellence to mediocrity. To settle for mediocrity should cause every American to call their representatives and demand better.

Furthermore, as a Christian you should never settle for mediocrity. God expects you to do the best with what you have. As a parent, you should never accept mediocrity from your children. As an employee, you should always strive for excellence on the job. As a Christian, you should strive for excellence in all that you do for Christ. Anything less than our best is unacceptable. Don’t ever be guilty of lowering the standard of excellence to mediocrity. Always keep the standard of excellence the goal for what you strive. If you don’t meet it, then raise your efforts to achieve excellence.

Allen Domelle is the editor of the Old Paths Journal which is more than just a Christian’s publication. It is an excellent place to learn how today’s headlines will forge tomorrow’s laws and statutes. Keep yourself in tune with what is happening around the world, as well as in your own backyard with our daily updates and devotionals.

Making the Gospel Effective

1 Thessalonians 1:5
“For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.”

The need of the world is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As wicked as the world is, and as troubled as our days may be, the answer for every problem this world faces is the Gospel. It’s the Gospel that changes lives. It’s the Gospel that changes churches. It’s the Gospel that turned the world upside down. Certainly, the greatest need of today is the Gospel.

Yet, as I look at the verse above, I realize that the Gospel can become more effective. In other words, the Gospel can have a greater impact on those who hear it if we follow God’s advice on how to administer it.

If the Gospel is going to be effective, then you must first tell it to people. God says, “For our gospel came not unto you in word only…” In other words, they had to tell the Gospel to others. The Gospel does no one any good if they don’t hear it. Certainly, the answer for those who are lost is the Gospel of Christ, but the Gospel cannot do its work unless it is heard. That means you must be the deliverer of the Gospel. You need to tell others the Gospel if it is going to do its work in the heart of the sinner. A silent Gospel is powerless. A hushed Gospel is ineffective. A quiet Gospel is useless. Someone must be the mouthpiece for the Gospel, and that someone is you. The Gospel of Christ cannot affect those whom you pass on a daily basis unless you share It with them. You must determine to be the mouthpiece who delivers the Gospel in word.

If the Gospel is going to be effective, then you must deliver it with power. In other words, when delivering the Gospel to people, don’t just repeat the Gospel, but add energy to your words. Be excited about giving the Gospel to people. People can see when what you are talking about is robotic or if it is coming from your heart. When it comes from your heart, there will be a passion and energy in your delivery. The Gospel becomes more effective when you deliver it with a power or passion because of what it has done in your life.

If the Gospel is going to be effective, then you must deliver it with the help of the Holy Ghost. Who better to help explain the Gospel than the Holy Ghost? All you can do is speak to the ears, but the Holy Ghost will speak to the heart. Before you give out the Gospel, ask the Holy Ghost to help you deliver It. Ask Him to be the mouthpiece to the heart of the individual to whom you are speaking.

Finally, if the Gospel is going to be effective, then you must deliver it with authority. God says that the Gospel needs to be delivered in “much assurance.” In other words, don’t deliver it with a question in the tone of your voice, but deliver it with authority. Understand that you have the truth, and you know the truth, and deliver it with the authority that what you have is absolutely true.

The Gospel is powerful, but it becomes more effective when you add these things to its delivery. I challenge you to take these things and add them to your delivery the next time you talk to someone about their soul.

I’m Praying for You

Colossians 1:9
“For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;”

Have you ever had someone tell you that they are praying for you? Throughout the years of my ministry, there are probably no words more comforting to me than to hear that someone is praying for me. I realize that the more people pray for me the more God has an opportunity to use me.

In the verse above, Paul said that he was praying for the Christians in Colosse. He then goes on to tell them how he was praying for them. What he told them regarding how he prayed for them is truly an outline to show Christians how to pray for others. Let me show you what these verses teach us about how to pray for others.

First, pray that people will know the Word of God. Notice it says, “…that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will…” The will of God is found in the Scriptures. When praying for people, pray that they will learn how they are to live the Christian life through God’s Word. Pray that God will give them an understanding of His Word as they read It.

Second, pray that people will walk pleasing to God. Paul said in verse 10, “That he might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…” As you go through your daily prayer list, ask God to help those you pray for to stay away from sin. Daily ask God to protect them from the moment of temptation. Too many people are falling into sin, and I believe part of that is because there are not enough people praying that God will lead people away from temptation.

Third, pray that people will be fruitful in their endeavors. Verse 10 continues to say, “…being fruitful in every good work…” I want you to notice the words, “good work.” Don’t pray for God to bless a person who is not doing a good work, but anything that is good you should pray that God would help them to be fruitful in those works. Ask God to help them to be fruitful in the workplace and in their spiritual life.

Fourth, pray that God will increase a person’s knowledge of God. Verse 10 continues, “…and increasing in the knowledge of God;” Ask God to teach them more about Him on a daily basis. Whether you are praying for your children, family member, pastor or church member, what better thing to pray than to ask God to teach them more about Him.

Fifth, pray that God will strengthen people. Verse 11 says, “Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power…” Yes, pray for people to have God’s power on their life. Imagine what would happen if everyone prayed for each other to have God’s power. The thought of what could happen is astounding. Ask God to empower them to do the works they are doing for Him that day. Ask God to empower them in their marriages and home life. Ask God to empower them in their daily walk. An empowered Christian will certainly have a great influence on those around them.

The next time you receive a prayer sheet in your church to pray for others, let these five things guide you in praying for others. When you go through your personal prayer list, pray that God will help those on the list in these five areas. Furthermore, when you pray for yourself, ask God to help you in these five areas. This is a spiritual way to pray, for it is the Scriptural way to pray. You now have no need to fear the next time you say to someone, “I’m praying for you,” for you have learned how the Scriptures teach you to pray for others.

Don’t Let the Grinch Steal Your Christmas

Don't-Let-the-Grinch-Steal-Your-Christmasby: Allen Domelle

This is the favorite time of the year for most people. It’s a time when families get together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s a time when Sunday school classes have their Christmas parties and spend time together. It’s a time when families and friends enjoy exchanging gifts. It is truly one of the most giving times of the year.

With Christmas comes all the stories about Christmas that many people enjoy talking about. One of those stories is, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” It is a story about a bitter and grouchy creature who hates Christmas. He lives on a high mountain that overlooks the village of Whoville. At Christmastime, the Grinch hears the people of Whoville singing and laughing and having a good time together. Annoyed by the happy noises from the people during this time of year, the Grinch determines to stop Christmas. He disguised himself as Santa Claus and goes into Whoville and steals all the presents from the people. He couldn’t wait to get to the top of the mountain and dispose of all the presents he stole. He couldn’t wait to hear the people whine and mourn over losing their presents. Instead, when he gets back to where he lives, he shockingly hears the people singing joyful Christmas music. The joy of the people overwhelmed the Grinch so much that he realized Christmas was more than just presents, but it was a joyful spirit in the hearts of the people. The joy of the people caused the heart of the Grinch to grow so big that he determined to return the presents. As he returned the presents, he was surprised that the people of the village invited him to join them for the meal and festivities of Christmas.

Though this is a fairy tale, I find that Satan is like the Grinch, and he would love to steal your Christmas. He hates Christmas because it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the One he hates. I find that like the Grinch, Satan uses many things to steal your Christmas. In fact, let’s just call Satan the Grinch in this article. You can let Christmas be a time that is joyful, or you can let the Grinch steal your Christmas and be miserable. Let me point out to you several things that the Grinch would like to steal from your Christmas.

     1.  Don’t let the Grinch steal Christ from your Christmas.

We live in times when more and more places are trying to take Christ out of Christmas. You often see people post, “Merry X-Mas.” The Devil would love for you to take Christ out of Christmas. You must remember that the whole reason for Christmas is the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is when we celebrate the fact that Jesus came to Earth so that He could die for the sins of mankind. There would be no Christmas if Christ was not born. Christmas is about Isaiah 9:6 when it says, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Christian, don’t let the whole reason of why we celebrate Christmas be forgotten. Remember that Christmas is about the Son of God being given to us as our Saviour. One of the things my family does every year on Christmas day is we read the portion of Scripture about the birth of Christ. We will read from Luke 2, and it doesn’t take long, but I believe that it is important that we don’t forget that Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus Christ.

     2.  Don’t let the Grinch of political correctness steal Christmas.

Along with people trying to take Christ out of Christmas, we have a politically correct crowd who truly have tried to take Christ out of Christmas by using the tool of political correctness. They say that we should be understanding of those who don’t believe like us, so we must be careful about not offending others with our Christmas displays and wording.

They now demand that we say, “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” I’m sorry, but Christmas is about Christ. If Christ offends people, then so be it. Let me remind you that America is a Christian nation. We are a nation that was founded upon the principles of God’s Word. Don’t let people shame you into saying, “Happy Holidays.” Make it a point when seeing people to say, “Merry Christmas.”

Furthermore, there is the attempt by Christ-haters to move Christ completely out of the public arena by removing nativity scenes from the public eye. I say that you should do what you can to display a nativity scene so all are reminded of the birth of Christ. Let us not let the grinches who hate Christ steal Christmas from our country.

     3.  Don’t let the Grinch steal the songs of Christmas.

One of the things I truly love about Christmas are the songs of Christmas. I love the songs of the birth of Christ. I love going to the stores and hearing, “Away in a Manger” and “Joy to the World.” Ephesians 5:19-20 says, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;” Let the songs of Christmas be played throughout the day in your home. One source of good Christian music that you can listen to online is KNVBC. Dr. Jack Trieber has worked hard at making this a radio station that plays wholesome Christian music. During the Christmas season they have a great assortment of godly Christmas music to which you can listen. Play the songs of Christmas and sing along. Let the songs of Christ be in your heart and mouth as you go throughout your Christmas season.

     4.  Don’t let the Grinch of bad attitudes steal your Christmas.

Christmas is supposed to be one of the most happiest times of the year, but I find that Christmas can bring out the worst attitudes in people. Romans 12:10 says, “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;” Don’t let the attitudes of others cause you to have a bad attitude. When others are having a bad day, be kind and make an effort to cheer their day with your good attitude. I have found that a good attitude can go a long way in helping others with their attitude. When others are curt, be kind. Be kind to the store clerk, you never know who they have dealt with before you. Be kind to those who are simply having a bad day. There is a reason God brought them across your path and that reason could be to help brighten their day.

     5.  Don’t let the Grinch of pettiness steal your Christmas.

We can get so petty during Christmastime. Romans 12:10 says, “…in honour preferring one another;” Learn to let others have their way. Don’t make Christmas all about you. If you want a miserable Christmas, then make everything during the Christmas season about you. When everything becomes about ourselves, we become very petty. Those little petty things will destroy a good spirit in Christmas. I often tell people that the greatest life is the life that lives for others. When you have a disagreement with someone, let it go and enjoy the people you are with. When someone breaks something on accident, don’t get all uptight about it. If you’re not careful, you will let things destroy relationships. Don’t let the trivial things of life destroy your enjoyment with family. Lay down the politics and family disagreements for a time and enjoy having time with those you love.

     6.  Don’t let the Grinch of greediness and selfishness steal your Christmas.

Christmas is supposed to be a time of giving. Don’t become so greedy and selfish that you only want people to give to you. Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” I believe it would be good to find a needy family or bus child and do something for them during the Christmas season. If you don’t know someone, then ask your pastor if he does and do something for others. How selfish we can be to want everyone to give us something and we never give anything to Christ for His birthday. The way you give to Christ is you give to those without. Matthew 25:45 says, “Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.” Set some monies aside to do something for Christ. It’s the least you can do for His birthday.

Furthermore, don’t be so selfish that you forget about those who are alone. This would be a good time of the year to visit those in nursing homes and hospitals. Don’t forget about the families who just moved to your church and have no one with whom they will spend time. Fill your Christmas season with lifting the spirit of those who are hurting or lonely. It may be that you call a missionary and wish them a merry Christmas, or invite a widow or widower over to your house so they don’t have to be alone. Don’t forget about the singles in your church who might have to be alone for Christmas.

     7.  Don’t let the Grinch of busy schedules steal your Christmas.

Don’t get so busy with the festivities of Christmas that you stop being spiritual. This year Christmas is on Wednesday. I encourage you to be in church for your midweek service. Make Christmas truly about Christ. How sad that you celebrate the birth of Christ, but don’t go to hear about Him during your midweek service.

Moreover, don’t get so busy with the affairs of Christmas that you pass up your daily time in the Scriptures and prayer. These must stay a priority in your life during the Christmas season. It would be sad if you backslid during the time of the year when society celebrates Christ.

Furthermore, make sure you take the time to enjoy the church Christmas parties. Most churches will have several times for their members to have time together with Christian brothers and sisters. It may be that your Sunday school class has a party, or maybe the pastor plans a time for a Christmas cantata. Be sure to attend these as it will help your Christmas to be more fulfilling.

Finally, my wife, daughter and I would like to personally wish you a Merry Christmas. We hope and pray that you have a wonderful spiritual Christmas season, and one that is filled with joy.

Merry Christmas!

What It Takes for Salvation

Ephesians 2:8-9
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”

The greatest day of anyone’s life should be the day they got saved. That day for me happened on June 21, 1973. As a young boy, my mother showed me how to get saved after family devotions. That night I received Christ as my personal Saviour, and my life was forever changed. No, I was not living what the world would call a wicked life, but the destination of my eternity changed from Hell to Heaven.

One may wonder what this salvation is all about. Let’s face it, there are many religions that teach different ways to get to Heaven. This is not true! There is only one way to get to Heaven, and that way is found in the Scriptures.

Once a person gets saved, I have found that many people will often doubt their salvation because they just don’t completely understand what salvation is all about. If a person truly understands what it takes to get saved, then they will never doubt their salvation. People doubt their salvation because after they get saved the Devil tries to get them to pay penance for their salvation, but their penance has already been paid at Calvary. Let me explain what it takes for a person to get saved.

First, it takes God’s grace for a person to get saved. God said, “For by grace are ye saved…” Grace is the free and unmerited favor of God. You didn’t deserve salvation, and there is nothing you can do to ever deserve it. Salvation only happens because of God’s grace.

Second, it takes your faith in Jesus Christ to get saved. The verse above says, “…ye are saved through faith…” Faith is putting your trust in that which you cannot see. It did not say through works, but through faith. It did not say through your church or church ordinances, but through faith. It takes faith that only Jesus Christ can save you in order to be saved.

Third, salvation has nothing to do with you. Notice it says, “…not of yourselves…” Friend, you did nothing to get yourself saved, and you can do nothing to keep yourself saved. One must always remember that salvation comes only because of God.

Fourth, salvation is a gift from God. Verse 9 says, “Not of works…” Works can’t save you, and works can’t keep you saved. This is where doubt comes in. Though you believe salvation is a free gift, somewhere we get the idea I have to be good to stay saved. This is not true! Salvation did not happen because of works, and salvation cannot be kept because of works. It all happens because of the grace of God.

If a person will understand these things, then they will never doubt their salvation. Understanding what it takes for salvation brings an assurance that your salvation is secure. Always remember that works has NOTHING to do with salvation; therefore, you can’t keep your salvation through works. Salvation is completely grace based. Once you understand this truth, then you will understand the security of your salvation.

Who Are You Serving?

Galatians 1:10
“For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.”

One of the common battles fought throughout the ages is making sure Christians keep their eyes on God and not on man. As humans, we tend to need flesh and blood to touch and see to help us serve someone or a cause. The problem with that is that the Christian life is to be lived through faith. You serve God completely by faith; therefore, if you must see something or someone to serve God you will fail.

The Galatians struggled with who they served. Paul addressed this problem throughout the whole Book of Galatians. He asked them in the verse above, “For do I now persuade men, or God?…” He understood they struggled with serving God by faith. Because of their struggle, they had their eyes on man. You will find out in the Book of Galatians that if you serve man, you are setting yourself up for several things.

First, you are setting yourself up for compromise. Paul asked them in Galatians 3:1, “Who hath bewitched you?” They got their eyes off God and placed them on man, and that caused them to compromise the faith. Any Christian who must have their eyes on man will compromise if that man compromises.

Second, you are setting yourself up for disobedience. Paul continued in Galatians 3:1 by saying, “…that ye should not obey the truth…” Notice, because they were “bewitched,” they ended up disobeying God’s Word. You will never completely obey God’s Word if you follow man.

Third, you are setting yourself up for a lack of growth. Galatians 3:3 shows us that the Galatians were not perfected in the faith. Why? Because they followed man. Man will never be able to help you grow as a Christian to the degree that God wants you to grow. Immaturity in the Christian life is a result of following man.

Fourth, you are setting yourself up for a lack of motivation. Galatians 4:13 shows us that Paul was motivated by the Gospel and not by a man. Here is one of the greatest problems with following man. If that man is not there to pump you up, then who is going to stir you to serve God? If you keep your eyes on God, you will find it is not hard to be stirred on a daily basis.

Fifth, by following man you are setting yourself up to be intolerant of the truth. Paul asked them in Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” You will find when you follow man, if someone says anything against that man, even if it is truth, you will get upset at the bearer of truth. Only God has the edge on truth. When you keep your eyes on God, you will never despise truth because God is truth.

I ask you, who are you serving? I hope you are truly serving God. Too many Christians set themselves up for these five things when they follow man. You may not intentionally do this, but it’s so easy to do so, especially when you are in the ministry of a man whom God is greatly using. I encourage you to continually fight your flesh and surrender yourself to God’s leadership. Always keep your eyes on God, and these five areas will never be an issue for you.