Ruling Your House Well

1 Chronicles 9:11
“And Azariah the son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the ruler of the house of God;”

In 1 Corinthians 6:19, the Scriptures teach us that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. This means that every time you see an analogy in the Scriptures about the temple, you can apply that to your personal life. In the verse above it says that Azariah was the “ruler of the house of God.” If you are going to be a successful Christian, then you are going to have to rule your house, or body, well. In order to rule the temple well, God set up different things to allow the temple to be what it should be. Each of these areas are important in your life if you are going to rule your house well.

First, you must use your body to serve the LORD if you are going to rule your house well. Verse 13 says, they were “very able men for the work of the service of the house of God.” God saved you and kept you on this Earth to serve Him. Every part about your being is to help you serve Him better. Even what you would consider your physical limitations, these were given to you to better help serve the LORD. If you’re going to serve the LORD well, then you are going to have to set yourself apart to serve Him.

Second, you must protect what your eyes see if you’re going to rule your house well. God set up porters to protect who came in and out of the temple. The porters were keepers of the doors. God says in Matthew 6:22, “The light of the body is the eye:…” I liken the eyes to the doors of your temple. You must be careful that you don’t allow your eyes to see anything that would corrupt you. The psalmist said in Psalm 101:3, “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:…” Protect what you allow through the doors of your eyes, for they will influence what you think and do.

Third, you must protect whom you let influence you. In verse 19, God set up men to protect the gates. The gates are whom you allow into your life from the outside. Whom you allow into your life will influence what you become. Yes, you can be friendly to all, but you don’t have to be friends to all. Only allow those who are godly inside the gates of your life.

Fourth, you must protect your finances if you are going to rule your house well. In verse 26, God set up men who were over the treasuries. Your finances play a big role in what you do for God. Don’t allow yourself to get into huge debt. Debt will control your life. I have watched many people drop out of church because they have to work extra jobs to pay their debts. Ruling your finances will help you to rule your house.

Fifth, you must protect your personal time with God if you are going to be successful in ruling your house. God said these men were to keep their charge every morning. This is the time you spend with God. Protect that early morning time with God and make sure nothing takes it from you. It’s very easy to let your early morning time with God slip. Protect it so you can keep the sweet smell of God’s presence on your life as described in verse 30.

Friend, you are the one who is ultimately responsible for ruling your own house. Yes, this can apply to your household, but keeping your own house, your life, protected is going to take work. Watch these five areas and don’t let them slip. These five areas are areas where the Devil will constantly try to destroy you.

When a Christian Has the Blues

When-a-Christian-Has-the-Bluesby: Dr. Bob Gray Sr.

Have you ever had the “blues?”  Have you ever wondered why you feel close to God at times, yet, at other times you feel so far from Him? If you are married, are there times when you feel close to your spouse, yet there are other times you feel the two of you do not get along at all? Do you sometimes have trouble in your relationships with other people?

You have not changed your habits, your schedule or your lifestyle in any way, yet you do not feel as close to God as you used to feel. Sometimes when you read your Bible, you feel like It is a love letter from Heaven; yet, sometimes you feel you cannot receive anything from the Bible. Sometimes you feel that prayer is fellowship with the King of kings; other times, you feel that you cannot reach Heaven. You are the same person, you are doing the same things, and you have the same God. Yet, you feel things are not always the same. I am not talking about sin; I am talking about times when you feel less zealous, less attentive, or less affectionate.

People in the Bible suffered the same lows and highs we suffer. Take, for example, Elijah.  After he had a high of praying down fire from Heaven and defeating the prophets of Baal, he suffered a low time. He became discouraged, sat under a juniper tree, and declared he was the only person left who was following God. Elijah challenged King Ahab, but then he ran from Jezebel, Ahab’s wife.

Jeremiah, the great prophet of tears and compassion, also suffered low times. He prayed for Israel and wept for her as no other man had done; yet, the day came when he drew back and decided to quit.  He had lost his burden, his compassion and his enthusiasm. He even wished he had never been born.

Paul, the great missionary, had low times. He wrote the book of Colossians and Galatians, warning the Jews about returning to their former religious rituals. Then he had a low time and took a Jewish vow and shaved his own head.

John Mark was traveling with Paul on one of the great missionary journeys. At Pamphylia, he lost his nerve, became homesick, and turned back. James and John decided one day that they wanted the main seats in the Kingdom.

I was working my way through Bible college, paying my tuition, and the tuition of my four children in the Christian school. I went to work one day, and there was a padlock on the door. I took my paycheck to the bank, and the banker laughed at me. He said, “Haven’t you read the paper? Your company went bankrupt.” The check was not worth the paper it was written on! How could such a thing happen to me? I decided either I could sit and cry, waiting for Ed McMahon to ring my doorbell and give me $1 million, or I could grab my snow shovel and earn some money shoveling snow. That day I earned $175 shoveling snow!

This feeling is as normal as breathing. It is necessary, because life is made that way. Christians are half human and half spirit. A man’s eternality is found in his spirit, and his natural man is found in the flesh. The spirit has unending energy is eternal. The spirit is power; it causes you to go to the heavenlies, to feel you are with Christ and He is with you. Yet, you are still trapped by your flesh and the limitations of time. You have energy on the inside that wants to do so much, but you can only go as far as your flesh allows you to go.

Everyone has low times. These low times do not come to you because you are wicked. It is not caused by not being right with God. Sometimes, the flesh and the material things of this world cannot keep up with your spirit. The spirit is flying high, and the flesh cannot keep up. Your spirit will always have the lead, but sometimes you have to slow down so your flesh can catch up with your spirit.

Sometimes, I preach on Heaven and feel so happy—almost as if I were actually there. At other times I preach on Heaven, but I feel nothing. If I have low times, then I will appreciate the high times more.

Physical appetites also have peaks and valleys. Sometimes you crave a certain food, but other times you have no desire for that food. At times your affection increases, but at other times it wanes. At times your interests’ peak, and at other times they wane.

You inhabit a changing body, yet you have the Holy Spirit Who does not change.  Part of you is thrilled by the things of God, yet part of you is thrilled by the things of this world. This combination causes both valleys and peaks in every area of life. However, if you have no valleys, you cannot have peaks. If you have no lows, then you cannot have highs. You will never enjoy the highs if you do not have lows. After you suffer a cloudy day with its blustery winds, sleet, and snow, you will truly enjoy the next sunny day.

This could be compared to a person who has suffered a physical problem. For example, a stroke. His spirit is alive, but his flesh will not allow him to do what he wants to do.

These feelings are perfectly normal.

When you hammer a nail, there are two motions involved: you must pull the hammer back, and then you must strike forward with the hammer. You cannot keep hitting with the hammer without first pulling back. The more you pull back, the more force is delivered when the hammer hits.

If your car has ever been stuck in the mud or snow, you probably know you cannot escape by simply stepping on the accelerator and spinning your wheels. If you do that, you will tear up your transmission. The best way to loosen your car from the mud or snow is to rock it back and forth. The more you move back and forth, the easier it will be to release your car. When you use a saw, you must move it back and forth. When you chop wood, you must go back with the ax before you can chop down with it.

Likewise, you spend your life pulling back and pushing forward. When you feel blue, you should rock back and forth with your feelings; do not wallow in the mud. These feelings do not cause you to be a bad person. You are trapped by the flesh, and these feelings are normal. Realize, also, that these feelings are normal for other people. Men, if your wife is crying, do not become angry and accuse her of being backslidden. These feelings are a part of the normal cycle of life. They are not an indication that you are not right with God.

These feelings are necessary for success. 

The drawing back times are necessary to success. You must spend some time alone, away from the crowd. You need to meditate, and spend time alone with God. You must walk alone in the woods and let the tears flow.

Maybe you are the type of person who must have the television or radio on in each room of the house. You do this because you do not want to be alone. However, you are running from the very thing that will bring you success. You must spend time meditating and thinking. You must take time to allow God to speak to your heart.

These feelings are not sinful by themselves.

These feelings of being blue, or sad, are not a sin unless you commit sin when you are feeling blue. If you quit going to church or serving God, if you become angry at God when you are blue, then you are sinning.

My wife has so many physical problems. There have been times when she has just sat down and cried, saying that she cannot take another step. This does not mean she is not a good Christian.

Jeremiah reached his limit and decided to quit. If he had continued to quit, then he would have sinned. However, he realized he had a burning in his bones, which was the Word of God. He had to keep on going.

Do not make decisions during the blue times.

You must realize that, when you have these blue feelings, you are not at your best. It is not sin, but you are not at your best. Therefore, you must not make decisions during these times. When your husband hurts you with his words, sit down and cry, but do not decide to divorce him. Your boss may hurt you, but that is not the time to quit your job. Your best decisions are made before and after the blue times. Everyone has down Sundays or Mondays. Everyone has down soul-winning times; however, this is not the time to quit or make decisions. It is not the time to quit the bus route, nor is it the time to quit the church. When Peter backslid, he followed Jesus from far away and may have been sitting on the back row, but he was still in church

You are never called to preach during the times when you have quit reading your Bible or praying. You will not be called to preach during those times when you quit soul winning. When you are backslidden, you will not be called to do anything. Your best decisions are made on the mountaintop.

Seek counsel from someone who is on a high.

When you need advice, you should not seek advice from someone who is down. Find someone who is shouting and walking with God. Seek counsel from your pastor.

Keep reading your Bible, even if you think you are not getting anything out of It. There is power in the Bible. Stay in It, and God will speak to your heart.

When you are down, be a “put on.”

In two different places in the Bible, God tells us to “put on” the new man. A hypocrite is not the church member who gets drunk on Saturday night and then puts on a white shirt and tie to go to church on Sunday morning. The real hypocrite is the person who is saved on the inside, but does not look like it on the outside. Even though you do not feel like going to church and serving God, “put on” the new man, and pretend you want to do so.

Be with people who are on topside.

When you are down, being with people who are on topside will make a difference for you. Do not be around people who are down, because they will drag you down more.

One day, I was sitting in an airport in West Virginia. The pilot could not start the engine. They told us that if it did not start soon, we would not be able to leave the airport before three o’clock in the afternoon. That meant I would not be able to make it back to Longview in time for the evening service.

Several businessmen started getting upset, and they yelled at the lady at the counter, even though she could not do anything about the situation. She was very frustrated. I walked up to her and told her I had good news for her. I told her how to be saved. I turned around and told the businessmen they had complained long enough, and I had something that would solve their grouchy attitude. They suddenly felt led to use the restroom!  While they were gone, the plane finally was ready to go. The lady let us on the plane, but the businessmen in the restroom missed the plane! It pays to be topside even when things are going wrong.

Yes, you are having a down time, but that is not a good reason to leave God. You can frown at the pastor, but it will not affect his preaching. You can pull your children out of the Christian school during your down time, but the church will not be hurt by your action.

Instead of hurting yourself, realize you are on your way to Heaven, and sit down and enjoy the trip. The blue times will come, but it is what you do during those times that will make the difference for you.

Dr. Bob Gray Sr.

Facing Bad News

2 Kings 19:14-15
“And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into the house of the LORD, and spread it before the LORD. And Hezekiah prayed before the LORD, and said, O LORD God of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth.”

If you’ve ever received bad news, you’ll always remember the place that it came to you. I’m talking about the type of news that is monumental and it changes your life and world. You will probably have a handful of times in your life when you receive this type of news.

When bad news hits you, your first response is, “What do I do?” I imagine that is what Hezekiah felt like when he received word that the king of Assyria was coming to destroy his country. He knew the strength of the Assyrian army. He knew that no country had been successful in their bid to defend their homeland from the armies of the Assyrians. Now, he faces the same army, and the news came through a messenger who stood on his doorstep demanding his surrender. Hezekiah’s response to bad news is exactly how you should respond to bad news when it comes your way.

First, don’t panic. Whenever bad news comes, it is a natural response to panic, but you must find it in yourself to hold back the panic. The initial wave of the bad news can seem detrimental, and the natural response is to panic and run. Whenever bad news comes your way, you must hold your emotions in and not panic.

Second, pray! One of the greatest tools a Christian receives at salvation is the tool of prayer. Hezekiah knew that panic could not help him, but he completely understood that his only hope came through prayer. Likewise, your only hope for any bad news you receive is prayer. God is the only One Who truly knows the gravity of your situation. You must run to Him in prayer and ask for help.

Third, realize the power of God can handle your situation. Hezekiah in his prayer said, “…thou art the God,…” This statement was an acknowledgement of the power of God. He knew that God alone was his only hope. Christian, when bad news comes, you must acknowledge that the power of God is your only hope, and that He alone can help you. Hezekiah understood it was out of his hands, and that it was in the hands of God to deliver them. Likewise, you must pour out your heart to God and ask Him for His power to deliver you from the bad news.

Fourth, wait and trust God. After Hezekiah prayed, he had to wait. I’m sure it seemed like an eternity for God to come through, but God came through. If you have asked God to help you, then you must trust that He will come through. Stop trying to work everything out in your power, and trust God to work it out for you. You simply need to keep doing what you are supposed to do, and you will find that God will come through.

When that monumental news comes that seems to turn your world upside down, you must realize that God is your only hope. Don’t be afraid to pour your heart out to God, for He wants to be your help. I know you may think your world is over, but you must trust God that He has everything under control. Pray and pour your heart out to God, and then go do what you are supposed to do. You will find that your trust in God will put Him into action to deliver you from your bad news.

The Poverty of Pleasure

Proverbs 21:17
“He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich.”

“It’s no fun, do I have to do it?” “I don’t want to do it because it’s not fun.” These are the average statements you hear from the youth of today. If fun is not involved, then they don’t want to do it. We often chide youth for this, but they learned that everything is fun and games from someone. Sadly, many youth departments are geared around having fun. When you look at most church programs, you can see that they are mostly geared around fun and games. If there is no fun involved in an activity, then you find that activity is poorly attended.

God warns us that the love of pleasures and possessions leads to poverty. The word “loveth” indicates that pleasures and possessions are the sole focus. In other words, when a person makes pleasures and possessions their sole focus or purpose, then they are bound for poverty. With this in mind, let me give you several observations that will help you to keep pleasures and possessions in their proper focus.

First, God is not saying that pleasures and possessions are wrong. What God is saying is that focusing on these is what leads to poverty. God wants us to enjoy life, and he wants us to have pleasure in all we do. God is not some ogre Who looks down from Heaven and is upset because we enjoy what we do. In all reality, God created us with the emotion of laughter and enjoyment; therefore, He wants us to have pleasure in what we do.

Second, the focus on pleasure or possessions is what leads to poverty. This is interesting because many relationships and programs are all built upon pleasure. If you build a relationship upon pleasure and possessions, then what are you going to do when there is nothing that is pleasurable to do? Parents must be careful about trying to make everything fun. This is not reality! There are times in life when you must do things that are not fun. Pleasure and possessions should only be the byproduct of doing right and not the focus of why you do something.

Third, you must keep pleasures and possessions in their proper order. What makes these bad is that they become the focus. Work and responsibility always comes before pleasures and possessions. What gets people into debt is they focus on pleasures and possessions before they take care of work and responsibility. God’s proper order is: work, responsibilities, and then pleasures and possessions. Poverty will not come if you keep pleasures and possessions in their proper order.

Fourth, keep a proper balance of God’s order. Some don’t have to worry about pleasures and possessions because all they do is work and responsibilities. You must realize that God wants us to have all of these. Yes, you should work and take care of your responsibilities, but you should also take some time to enjoy life. You will notice that God spent six days working and taking care of responsibilities, but He also took the seventh day to relax and enjoy what He created. Likewise, Jesus worked and took care of His responsibilities while on Earth, but He also took time to rest and enjoy those around Him.

Friend, be careful that you don’t get pleasures and possessions out of their proper order. Don’t make these the focus of your life, but make them a part of your life. Include them in your schedule, but only after work and responsibilities have been accomplished. Pleasures and possessions in their proper order can be enjoyed and will not bring about poverty, because in their proper order they are a byproduct and not the focus.

Tainted Greatness

2 Kings 5:1
“Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper.”

One of the things that I’m glad God did in the Scriptures is that when He tells us about great people and the great acts they accomplished, He also tells us of their weaknesses. God doesn’t tell us their weaknesses so that we can pick them apart, but He tells us their weaknesses so that we can be encouraged that He can use us in spite of our weakness. God simply shows us in the Scriptures that greatness is always tainted by weakness.

In the verse above, Naaman was called a great man. He was great because he was honorable. He was great because he led many campaigns to defeat the enemies of Syria. He was great because of his valour that he showed in times of attack. Yet, with all the attributes of greatness that Naaman displayed, he still had the disease of leprosy. The most feared disease of his day gripped his body and caused Naaman to be crippled.

What I love about this story is that the king of Syria still used Naaman in spite of his disease. The king of Syria didn’t let the disease hinder him from using the greatness of Naaman. The king of Syria could have lost many battles if he had not overlooked the weaknesses of this leper.

There are many good principles we can learn from this story of Naaman. First, let me emphasize that every great person is still tainted by sin. If we are not careful, we will raise great people to the status of a god. We can get so wrapped up in the greatness of an individual that we worship them instead of God. Certainly, we should have great admiration for great people, but don’t let your admiration turn to worship.

Second, don’t focus on the weakness of greatness. Too many times we see the weakness of people and allow their weakness to keep us from seeing the great things that we can learn from them. Just as it is wrong to worship great people, it is also wrong to only focus on the weakness of great people. In fact, you will notice that more emphasis is on the great qualities of Naaman than on his weakness. Don’t be so eager to point out the weaknesses that taint greatness. Only point out the weaknesses so that others can see they can be used. If you destroy a great person because of a weakness, then you will cause others not to learn the great attributes that others can apply to their lives.

Finally, don’t let your weaknesses become so tainted in your eyes that you allow them to keep you from doing the great works for God. Friend, there is nobody who is perfect. There is no doubt that nobody knows our weaknesses better than ourselves. If we are not careful, we will beat ourselves up with our weaknesses to the point that we won’t let God use us. God can use you in spite of your weakness. You must always understand that it is not the person who was great, but it was God who used them in a great way in spite of their weakness. Don’t let your weakness defeat you from serving God.

Yes, everyone is tainted by sin; however, inside of every person is something great that God can use. If all you do is point out the weakness, then that greatness will never be extracted. If all you do is ignore the weakness, then the quality of greatness inside of that person will never reach its potential. Be prudent in your perspective of people and of yourself. Look at people through the eyes of God, and you will find that everyone has a weakness, but God can use them in spite of it.

Training Your Children Through the Word

Training-Your-Children-through-the-Wordby: Sandy Domelle

Psalm 25:4, “Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.”

As a young girl, I often heard stories of mom’s and grandma’s who spent time reading the Old Black Book to their children and grandchildren. I remember having family devotions as a child and learning about key Bible stories, Bible characters and certain character traits. How sad it is today as you talk to families that family devotions are a thing of the past. Families are supposedly so busy that they have little time for it. I’ve learned one thing, if I’m too busy for God then I’m too busy.

It seems parents have left the Biblical training of their children to the Sunday school teacher, junior church workers, bus worker, and the preacher. Somewhere along the line the second and third generation Christians are dropping their standards and thinking it’s less important for things to be taught to their children by the parents. If you don’t teach your children, the likelihood of your children and grandchildren being in church declines.

Deuteronomy 6:5-8 says, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.”

You can’t help read these verses and see that God has given us direction on how we are to train our children. Verse 7 admonishes us to teach them diligently. It doesn’t say everyone else, this command was given to each individual parent. I know many families where the dad works at night, so it’s more difficult to have family devotions, but the mother can still do this with the children. The dad can lead them on the weekends. One thing I have learned and this applies to anything I want, “If there’s a will, there’s a way.” Devotions can be in the morning at breakfast, as soon as the kids are home from school or at bedtime. Just having time to teach your children the things of the Bible is so very important.

What Types Of Things Should You Teach Your Children?

Key Bible Stories You can go through your Bible and read to your children the stories of the Bible. I am amazed at how many of our children don’t know some of the main stories in the Bible. They should know the things of creation, the plagues, the ten commandments, etc. There are some stories that have more interesting facts for children, and some that they may not understand as easily. As the mom, you can make these stories come alive by having your children help read the stories, act them out, quizzing them on them with maybe a prize for their favorite dessert that week, or staying up a little longer before bed, etc.

Bible Characters – This goes hand-in-hand with the Bible stories. There are some people in the Bible who will be great role models whom you can build up to your children to emulate. There are also Bible characters from whom we learn because of the wrong they did or how their life was destroyed due to bad choices. Those stories are also great teaching tools to help your children see the result of sin in our lives. I love learning about Bible characters! I think another help to your children as they learn about these characters is to emphasize the book of the Bible where the story is found. You could quiz your children so that they have a knowledge of where things are in the Bible. Even as adults we know of certain stories, but it’s sad that we can’t find them right away. It takes us getting out a concordance or a Bible search to find them.

Books of the Bible – Teaching takes time, but it’s sad when the older children and teenagers that have grown up in church can’t get the books of the Bible straight anymore. If it’s not reviewed in the Christian school, they seem quite lost when it comes to finding their Scriptures. Family devotions is a great time to work on helping your children learn their books of the Bible. This would be a great time to make a game of knowing their books of the Bible and to make devotion time fun.

Standards and Convictions This is an area that many parents don’t go into with their children. The children then struggles with these areas because they are just doing what they are told to without the Biblical explanation of why. Maybe it’s because your parents never taught you. That should be even more of a reason for you to find a Scripture verse to back the things that you teach your children what is wrong. Why is smoking bad? Why are tattoos bad? Why are drugs bad? Why do we have dress standards? Why is the King James Bible the one we use?

Bible Verses – If your child goes to a Christian school, they probably have Scriptures they learn each week. But, if your child goes to a public school, private school or is homeschooled, be sure that you give them at least one verse a week to learn. I think one of the best things a parent can do is to be sure their child is learning the Bible. Why? Because it will be what helps them get through so many things in life. It will be their source of strength in the hardships they go through, but it will also be their joy as they have victories. It will also help them to do right and live right. The Bible says in Psalm 119:11, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” It will be a guide in their life. Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

Character Traits – The Bible is a great source of teaching our children things that will help them with life. They will deal with jealousy, anger, bitterness, and many other issues that the Scriptures can help them overcome. You can also teach them things of faith, love, forgiveness and the list goes on. When you see your child begin to struggle in an area, give them a verse to look up and read daily as they overcome it. What I love about this principle is that you are teaching your children to run to God’s Word to find the answers in life.

Prayer Time – It’s important to teach our children all the things listed above, but be sure you end it out with prayer time. It doesn’t have to be long. We can read and know the things of the Lord, but our relationship with the Lord grows as we talk to Him. Your children need to see answers to prayer and have a heart to pray for those who need it. They will have tests at school that you can pray with them about and then make it big that God answered and helped them through it.

I truly believe that people have gotten away from family devotions because they feel it’s going to be a long drawn out thing. It doesn’t have to be. You can make it as short as you need, but the principle of sitting together as a family, learning from God’s Word and then praying is one that will help your family grow.

As parents, we desperately need to teach our children from God’s Word. So often you hear young people quote things they hear, but they are just taking an adult at their word. We need to teach them that God has given us principles to guide our lives, and we find every one of those answers in the Bible. It’s not what man says, it is what God says that matters.

Two Words that Destroy Lives

1 Kings 11:1
“But king Solomon loved many strange women, together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites;”

There were two words in Solomon’s life that destroyed the latter years of his life. Solomon was a good king. When you look at the kings that Israel had, he was easily at the top of those who were spiritual. Face it, God used him to pen the Book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Yet, two little words destroyed his life.

The first word is found in 1 Kings 3:3 when it says, “And Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of David his father: only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places.” Notice, he loved the LORD and he obeyed what his father told him to do. If the verse had ended there it would be great, but the verse continues and says, “only.” The word “only” is another word for “unfortunately.” In other words, God was saying he did right, but unfortunately he sacrificed and burnt incenses “in high places.”

The second word is found in the verse above when it says, “But king Solomon loved many strange women,…” Solomon did right, “but.” If that three letter word had not been in Solomon’s life, imagine how different his life would have ended. If that three letter word had not been in his life, he would have never served other gods at the end of his life.

It is amazing that a man who did so much for God was destroyed by the two words, “only” and “but.” Solomon built the temple, “but.” Solomon made a place for God to be worshipped, “but.” Solomon penned two books in the Scriptures, “but.” Solomon was known for how he worshipped God, “only.” The Queen of Sheba was impressed by how Solomon and his servants conducted themselves around the palace and how they served God, “only.”

Friend, these two words will destroy your life as well. There should never be a “but” and “only” in your life. God doesn’t want most of what you do to be right, He wants all of what you do to be right. God doesn’t want you to serve him six days a week, but He wants you to serve Him seven days a week.

Sadly, it can be said about many Christians that they did right, “only.” God doesn’t want you to put away some of your sins, but He wants you to put away all of your sins. God doesn’t want partial obedience, but God wants complete obedience. It doesn’t matter how much good you do, if there is an “only” in your life, then it will eventually destroy you.

Let me ask you, what is the “but” and “only” in your life? Whatever the “but” and “only” is in your life, you need to do your best to remove them. God should never be able to say about you, “but” and “only.” Those two words destroyed Solomon in the latter years of his life, and they will destroy you if you don’t remove them.

Establishing the Throne of Your Life

1 Kings 2:12
“Then sat Solomon upon the throne of David his father; and his kingdom was established greatly.”

When Solomon became king, it was very important for him to properly establish his throne. What he did in those first few years determined the course of his kingdom. If he made foolish mistakes, then his kingdom would be weakened. If he made wise decisions, then his kingdom would be strengthened.

Solomon understood the importance of establishing his throne. Four times in 1 Kings 2, God used the word “established” when talking about Solomon’s kingdom. Solomon knew that he could not rule off the coattails of his dad, and he understood that his kingdom depended upon him making the right decisions that would establish his throne.

Your life is your kingdom. As you sit upon the throne of your kingdom, it is important that you properly establish the throne of your life. Every decision you make in your life will ultimately determine your life’s direction. If you make bad decisions, then the throne of your life will be weakened. If you make wise decisions, then the throne of your life will be strengthened. Solomon made five wise decisions that established his throne, and those five decisions will help to establish the throne of your life.

First, he listened to those before him. Before David died, he sat Solomon down and gave him instructions on running the kingdom, and he also gave him instructions on dealing with different people. Solomon wisely listened to his father’s advice, which ultimately established his kingdom.

If you are going to establish the throne of your life, then you need to listen to those before you. There are people who have been where you are going, and you would be wise to adhere to their advice. Don’t think that you are smarter than those before you. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel and listen to those before you so you can establish the throne of your life.

Second, he got rid of the wrong spirit. Adonijah would have destroyed the spirit of Israel, so he had to get rid of him. The strength of your kingdom will be determined by your spirit. You must daily work on getting rid of the wrong spirit in your life so you can establish the throne of your life. Be sure to get rid of the negative influences in your life.

Third, Solomon got away from the wrong spiritual leaders. You must get the right spiritual leaders in your life if you are going to establish the throne of your life. Make sure the spiritual leaders in your life are scripturally sound. Just because they have a good personality doesn’t make them right, but they must stand strong on the doctrines of God’s Word.

Fourth, he got rid of sin that had been ignored. Joab was that sin that constantly nagged David’s kingdom, and Solomon had him killed for the innocent blood that he shed. If your throne is going to be established, then you must get rid of the hidden sins in your life. They will destroy your kingdom if you allow them to linger.

Fifth, he lived by principle. When Shimei didn’t adhere to Solomon’s order, he had Shimei killed. You must learn to live by principle. Principles, and not feelings, will be what establishes your throne. Living by principle keeps you doing right when you don’t feel like doing right.

Friend, it doesn’t matter how old you are, it is never too late to establish the throne of your life. Take these five areas and apply them to your life. These five things will help establish your throne so that your life will be sound for many years.

What Battles Reveal

2 Samuel 15:14
“And David said unto all his servants that were with him at Jerusalem, Arise, and let us flee; for we shall not else escape from Absalom: make speed to depart, lest he overtake us suddenly, and bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword.”

David faced many battles in his lifetime. One of the reasons he wasn’t allowed to build the temple of God was because of the blood that was shed throughout his battles. Yet, the greatest battle he faced came in the latter years of his life. Yes, this battle with Absalom happened because of his sin with Bathsheba, but it was still unpleasant and notably the greatest battle he faced.

In the battle with Absalom, David had many things revealed to him that he would have never found out without it. Just like David, nobody enjoys battles, but they are a good revelation about many things. Every time I have gone through a battle, I have learned some things about myself, and I have learned some things about others. Let me show you four things that battles will reveal.

First, battles will reveal the rebels who follow you. It’s amazing that the rebellious heart of Absalom was revealed in the battle. You will always find your enemies in the battle. Battles are opportune times for rebels to join with those who are against you. Yes, some people are innocently caught up on the wrong side of a battle, but most of the time you will find those who are fighting against you had something against you in the first place. One thing for which you can be thankful to God about the battles is that they will reveal those who are truly rebels.

Second, the battle reveals your true friends. David found out his true friends were when he left his throne for the wilderness. Ahithophel, who was supposed to be David’s friend, joined the enemy. Ahithophel had been by David’s side for years, yet he left him in the biggest battle of his life. On the other hand, Hushai was faithful to David in the battle. David found out who were his true friends because of the battle.

You will always find out your true friends in the battles. In the heat of the battle, and when you are not popular, you will find that those standing beside you are your true friends. They are your true friends because you can’t do anything for them. True friends are those who stand with you through thick and thin.

Third, the battle reveals the opportunists. In your rise to success, you will find many will jump on the bandwagon to enjoy the success with you, but as soon as there is a flicker of failure, they will quickly jump off the bandwagon. David found this out with Shimei. Battles are a good time for you to find out who was riding on your coattails. The opportunists will leave you when the battles come.

Fourth, the battle will reveal your walk with God. David’s walk with God is what saved his spirit. Read the Book of Psalms and you will find that his walk with God was strong. If you don’t have a strong walk with God, the battle will kill you. On the other hand, if your walk with God is strong, you will find that it will be revealed in the battles. Your walk with God will be the thing from whence you get your strength.

Christian, don’t lament the battles. Certainly, nobody enjoys them, but they reveal pertinent information to us that will help later in life. When the battles come, simply look at the positives of what you learn from them and you will find that you can thank God for the battles.

One Bad Friend

2 Samuel 13:3
“But Amnon had a friend, whose name was Jonadab, the son of Shimeah David’s brother: and Jonadab was a very subtil man.”

The story of Amnon is a very tragic story. Here was a young man who was the king’s son; who had everything going for him that a young person could have. He certainly didn’t lack when it came to positive influences, for David, his father, was called a man after God’s own heart. There is no doubt in my mind that Amnon regularly went to the house of God. He most likely had the best educators to help him get a good education. He most likely had the best clothing and food a young person could have. He even lived on the best side of town. Yet, with everything he had, he ruined his life.

What was it that caused Amnon to go the wrong way? Two words in the verse above show us what destroyed Amnon, and those two words are, “a friend.” It was not the group of friends he had, but it was the one friend he had. It wasn’t that he had many bad friends, but it was that he had one friend who was a bad influence. Most likely, most of Amnon’s friends were good people, but it was the one bad influence in his life that caused him to make a tragic decision that eventually cost him his life.

A while back I talked to a parent whose child had gone wayward, and they told me the tragic story of their child. Their child grew up in church. They had some of the best youth activities a young person could have. This young person heard some of the greatest preachers of his time. Yet, the parents lamented that they allowed one person in their child’s life. They told me that on the whole their child had good friends, but they allowed one person in their child’s life who influenced them for wrong. Today, that child is completely out of church and living a worldly life. It was the one bad influence in that child’s life that destroyed them.

You must never underestimate the influence of one person. You may think that the majority of your friends are good people, and they may be, but if you have one bad influence, then you are highly likely to make one bad decision. Many preachers have gone astray because of one bad friend. Many adults have ruined their life because of one bad friend. Many marriages have been destroyed because of one bad friend. The illustrations and stories could go on and on to tell how people who had so much potential ruined their lives because of one bad friend.

As a Christian, you need to look at your realm of friends. If all of your friends are good Christians but one, then the one needs to be taken out of your realm of friends. It is not the many good friends with whom you should be concerned, it is the one bad friend who will destroy you. You are only as strong as your weakest friend.

Furthermore, every parent should look at the realm of friends their children have. If they find in that realm of friends one bad person, then they need to tell their child not to spend time with that person. Your child may not like you telling them that, and they may fight against you for a while, but in the long run you will be thankful that you pulled them away from the one bad influence.

Friend, it doesn’t matter how many good influences or friends you have in your life, what matters is if you have one bad influence or friend. The one bad influence or friend is influencing you, and they are not influencing you for good. I encourage you today to look at your realm of friends and influences to see if you have one bad friend or influence in your life. If you do, then remove them so your story will not end like Amnon’s, for it will if you don’t remove that bad friend or influence.