Who Are You Serving?

Exodus 1:17
“But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.”

As a Christian, you must never lose sight of Whom you are serving. We often hear how we are to be loyal to authority, and I agree to this to an extent, but we must determine to which authority we are to be loyal. If we follow the wrong authority, then we could easily find ourselves following them into compromise or sin.

One of the best stories to show us which authority to follow is the story of the midwives. The midwives worked directly for Pharaoh. Because the children of Israel were growing so rapidly in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh called the midwives in and told them that every time a male child was born that they were to kill the baby. You must understand that these midwives probably had worked for Pharaoh for many years. They had developed a loyalty to this man. Yet, he asked them to do something that was against God’s Word. Because Pharaoh asked them to do something that was against God’s Word, they “did not as the king of Egypt commanded them.” This disobedience to the king of Egypt put their lives in jeopardy, but they feared God more than they feared Pharaoh. They realized that God was their highest authority, and they must serve the higher authority. This action resulted in God blessing the midwives.

Christian, you must determine whom you are serving. I know we often say that we are serving God, but are we? I hear Christians often say they are serving God, but I watch them follow people straight into compromise or sin. I’ve watched people sit and listen to preachers preach heresy, and never change churches. I’ve watched people stay in a church that has compromised hoping to save the church. Though it’s been years since the church started their compromise, these Christians have stayed in the midst of compromise and are still trying to change it.

Friend, keep your eyes on God, for it is He Whom we are to serve. When any authority asks you to do something different than what God’s Word teaches, then you ought to obey God. Your loyalty should never be to a man or an institution, for you are not supposed to be serving them, but you are to be serving God.

One may ask, “How long do we stay in a place that is compromising?” When you hear a preacher preach something that is in direct contradiction to the Word of God, then you must go to him with a right attitude and discuss his position. If he made a misstatement, then allow him to be human. However, if he explains it’s a misstatement but continues to teach or preach something that contradicts God’s Word, then you must leave. These midwives did not wait to see if Pharaoh would change his stance, they immediately did right. Likewise, your action to truth should be an immediate action. You should never allow yourself to linger in a place of compromise.

If you are going to successfully live the Christian life, then you must determine to truly make Christ the One Whom you serve. Yes, you should follow and obey authority, but you must let your loyalty be to God and not man. Loyalty to man will always lead to compromise; whereas, loyalty to God will keep your eyes focused on the truths of the Word of God. God’s blessings on your life will only continue if you serve Him no matter what the cost may be.