Job’s Lessons for Child Rearing

Job’s Lessons for Child Rearing

Job 42:14
“He had also seven sons and three daughters. And he called the name of the first, Jemima; and the name of the second, Kezia; and the name of the third, Kerenhappuch.”

We can learn a lot about child rearing from Job. When reading about this godly man we learn that he reared children who were very good children. Yet, after losing his children and enduring the horrible trials that came his way, he had ten more children. Three of them were girls. I don’t know why the Scriptures don’t give us the names of the sons, but in the names of the daughters you find three valuable lessons in rearing children. Let me show you these lessons.

He named his first daughter “Jemima,” which means “dove.” This is interesting because in the Scriptures the dove represents two things. First it is a symbol of peace. You will recall that Noah released a dove to see if it could find dry land, and when it did he knew that God was at peace with man. It is imperative that you teach your children to be at peace with God. The first way they need to be at peace with God is by accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour. I believe it is very important that you start teaching your children at a young age about salvation and its importance. Every day you should pray with your children that they would understand what salvation is all about and accept Christ at an early age. The second way they need to be a peace with God is by doing His will for their life. Teach them to obey the Scriptures and do what God wants them to do. Whenever they obey God, they will be at peace with Him.

The dove also represents the Holy Spirit. It is highly important that you teach your children the need of being yielded to the Spirit of God. One of the greatest ways to teach them is to be yielded to God’s Holy Spirit yourself. Show them how to regularly pray and yield themselves to Him. This is important if God is going to use them mightily.

Job named his second daughter “Kezia,” which means “cassia.” Cassia was a plant that its leaves were used in medicine and for aromatic oil. Job was showing us the importance of developing your child’s personality. After you get the spiritual right, then you need to work on their personality. Make sure they have a personality that is Christ honoring. They should learn to smile and enjoy life. Of course, they are going to learn their personality from you. If you have a poor personality, then they will develop a poor personality. In all reality, you need to make sure that your personality is right so they have an example to follow. Your children will go further in life if they have a personality that is Christ honoring.

Job name his third daughter “Kerenhappuch,” which means “horn of cosmetic.” Now you will notice this is the last area with which parents should work with their children. Your children need to learn to properly groom themselves. They need to learn to dress properly. They need to learn how to iron their own clothes. They should learn how to properly comb or brush their hair. I know this sounds like the obvious, but sadly most children do not learn proper grooming habits. Many times they don’t learn how to mix and match their clothing. It is important for your child to learn proper grooming.

Let me point out that the order Job named his children is the same order of importance we should place on each of these. Sadly, too many parents are more concerned with the cosmetic side of their children when they need to be concerned with the development of spiritual and their personality. All of these areas are important for your children to be well-rounded in life, but make sure you keep them in their proper order of importance.

Making Your Life a Noise

Making Your Life a Noise

Esther 7:10
“So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king’s wrath pacified.”

One of the worst characters in the Scriptures is Haman. Haman was a man who had so much potential, but whose weaknesses caused his life to be shortened. The name “Haman” means “noise.” Instead of making a mark on life, Haman’s lack of character caused his life to end up being a noise. He could have used his position to make a distinct sound in history, but instead his life is simply part of the noise in life.

Every person should want their life to make a distinct sound. In other words, you should want your life to make an impact in your world. You may never become famous or world renown, but you can make an impact on your world. On the other hand, if your life mimics the life of Haman, your life can quickly become a noise to those around you and to history. If you follow the mistakes of Haman, your life will be like being in a noisy room that will irritate those around you. There were five things that Haman did that made his life a noise.

First, Haman was self-centered. Haman made everything about himself. Your life will quickly become a noise to those around you if you make everything about you. As a spouse, you must be careful that you don’t make everything in your marriage about you. In your home, church or workplace, you must not be self-centered and think everyone should work around you. Self-centered people are people who make a noise in life and help no one.

Second, Haman handled promotion wrong. When reading about Haman, you find that he was more enamored with his position than he was his job. Position has ruined many people. If you are ever blessed to be promoted to a higher position, you must be careful that you don’t become more enamored with your title than you are with doing your job. People who forget that their position was given to them to help others better will only make noise in their life.

Third, Haman was hateful towards groups of people. You must be careful that you don’t see color when you look at people. The pigment of one’s skin should not dictate how you treat them. People who are prejudiced towards groups of people are people who make noise.

Fourth, Haman was inappropriate with the ladies. It is hard to understand how Haman would throw himself in the same bed with Esther when her husband was in the other room. His inappropriateness ended up costing him his life. If you don’t handle yourself properly with the opposite sex, your life will become noise. It will become a noise of rumor, gossip and bad illustrations if you don’t handle yourself properly around the opposite sex.

Fifth, Haman was a man full of pride. The main problem with Haman was Haman. His pride blinded him to the real problems on which he needed to work. If pride grips your heart, it will become your destruction. When nobody can tell you what to do because you already know everything, then your life will quickly become noise. Pride will ruin your life!

Christian, do you find any of these areas in your life? Be honest with yourself. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any of these areas to you so that you may correct them. These five things will make your life a noise to your world. These five things will keep you from making an impact on those around you. Ask God to help you make a distinct noise with your life so that you can better point people to Him.

Enjoying the Blessings of God to Their Fullest

Enjoying the Blessings of God to Their Fullest

Nehemiah 8:10
“Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

There is no doubt God blesses His people for doing right. That is one of the reasons we do right because we enjoy receiving blessings. But, enjoying those blessings to their fullest is rarely realized because we don’t take those blessings and use them the way God wants.

God says in the verse above, “Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared:…” In this statement you will find the formula for enjoying God’s blessings to their fullest. After God blessed the remnant who rebuilt the wall, Nehemiah told them to enjoy those blessings, but to be sure to share them with those who did not receive the blessings. Let me give you a couple of thoughts that will help you to enjoy God’s blessings to their fullest.

First, don’t apologize for God’s blessings. It is sad that most people are embarrassed to talk about what the LORD has done for them out of fear of what jealous people will say. There is no reason to apologize for God’s blessings. If we were to look at the price you paid for those blessings, that price was probably great. Most people don’t understand the price people pay for the blessings of God. The reason people become jealous is because they want what you have without paying the same price. We must always remember that the more blessings that someone experiences from God, the greater the price they had to pay to get them. Never apologize for what God gave you; instead, give God the glory for His goodness.

Second, enjoy what God has given you. God didn’t bless you so that you can’t enjoy them. If God blesses you with a nice home, enjoy it. If God blesses you with a nice car, enjoy it. There is nothing to feel guilty about enjoying the blessings of God. Use those blessings for personal enjoyment. Nehemiah told the people to “eat the fat, and drink the sweet.” He was telling them to enjoy God’s blessings.

Third, share God’s blessings with those who are without. Here is the key to enjoying God’s blessings to their fullest. Notice that Nehemiah said, “…send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared:…” One of the greatest reasons God blesses you is so that you may give of what you have to others. There is nothing better than to help someone who is without. Being able to take what God has blessed you with and share it with someone who is without will make the blessings of God greater. God blessed you in life not so that you can hoard your blessings to yourself, but so that you can share them with others. If you share them with others, you will find that God will keep the faucet of blessings open in your life.

Christian, let me caution you not to criticize those whom God has blessed. You never know what price they had to pay to realize those blessings. On the other hand, if you are the one whom God has blessed, then enjoy your blessings, but be sure to share them with those who are without. This is the key to enjoying God’s blessings to their fullest.

And Next Unto Him

And Next Unto Him

Nehemiah 3:2
“And next unto him builded the men of Jericho. And next to them builded Zaccur the son of Imri.”

The rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem was no small task. When Nehemiah originally planned to build the wall, I’m sure he understood the great work that was ahead. When reading the Book of Nehemiah, we often miss what made this great work happen. We certainly learn about how God used a man who was available to accomplish this great work, but we miss that this man could not do it alone. The verse above says, “And next unto him…” Nehemiah was one of many involved in the rebuilding of this wall. He could not have done it alone. It took every person being in their place to accomplish this great work.

Let me remind you that the church will never be built by one person. It always takes people like you to see a great work accomplished. Just like Nehemiah was one of many, likewise you are one of many in your church. Your church needs you to be involved in building a great work for Jesus Christ. Let me give you some thoughts about this story that I believe will be helpful to you.

First, beside every great man are a great people who build the work with him. I want you to notice that I said, “beside.” Often we say behind every great work are a great group of people, but I tend to disagree with that philosophy because they must be beside the man of God doing their work. Sadly, there are many people behind the man of God watching him as he tries to do the work. No church will ever do anything much for Christ when people are behind the man of God watching. God uses people who are beside the man of God working to accomplish something great for Him. Your church doesn’t need you to get behind the man of God, but it needs you to get beside the man of God and help him do the work God called all of you to do.

Second, everyone has something that they can contribute. You will notice in this story there are people from all backgrounds beside the man of God. Your background is useful to the work of the LORD. It takes people from all walks of life to help build the work of the LORD. We all can’t be the same, for if that were the case the work of the LORD would not be able to reach as many people as it should. It takes people just like you with your background to get beside the man of God, and with God’s help, build the work of the LORD.

Third, when you are not beside the man of God, then there is a gap in the work that cannot be filled. When you go through Nehemiah 3, you see there were many people beside Nehemiah. What if the Scriptures read, “And next unto him a person left their duty, so there was no one to build that section of the wall.” This is sadly the case in most churches. There are only a few people trying to build the work of the LORD leaving gaps that cannot be filled. It is important to the work of the LORD that you are in your place of service doing what you are supposed to do. You don’t want to be guilty of people going to Hell because you were not in your place of service at your church. You may not think people will actually go to Hell, but what you must understand is that everybody working together allows us the greatest possibility of reaching everyone. When one person is gone, it hurts the outreach of God’s work.

Let me ask you, are you next unto your man of God? Are you beside the man of God or behind the man of God? Are you taking your talents and using them for the work of the LORD. God placed you where you are to be an impact to some degree in your church. Don’t be guilty of leaving your place empty.

What If?

What If?

2 Chronicles 26:5
“And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper.”

The verse above says that King Uzziah did right as long as “God made him to prosper.” Yes, the prerequisite to this was that he sought the LORD. But, what if God didn’t make him to prosper? The answer is later found in that he turned away from the LORD. Uzziah was like the average person in that as long as he felt God was good to Him he served the LORD.

There is a problem with this mentality because there are going to be times when you serve the LORD that you are not going to prosper. We live in times when the prosperity preachers make it sound as if everything will be great if you serve the LORD. Certainly God blesses us when we serve Him, but God never tells us how long it will be before the blessing will come.

When you look at the Scriptures, you will find there were many men who didn’t immediately see God’s blessing. Abraham didn’t see God’s blessings immediately, but he kept doing right until his old age. Noah did right for one hundred and twenty years before he saw God’s blessings. Ezekiel preached his whole life and never saw the blessing of results in his ministry. The three Hebrew children had to go through the fiery furnace before they saw the blessings of God. Many of the Old Testament prophets went years before they saw God’s blessings, but they still served the LORD in spite of the lack of prosperity.

A shallow Christianity will only serve the LORD as long as God prospers. What if God didn’t prosper you, would you still serve Him? Christian, you should serve the LORD because it is right and not because you are blessed. If the only reason you serve the LORD is because He is blessing you, then what are you going to do when tough times come? I can tell you what you will do, you will do exactly what Uzziah did and that was he quit serving the LORD. I have watched many Christians over the years who seemed like good Christian people, but when adversity came they stopped serving the LORD. The adversity simply revealed how shallow their Christianity really was.

There needs to come a point in your life when you decide you are going to serve the LORD no matter what. In good times and in bad times you must decide to serve the LORD. Yes, it will take character to continue to do right in adverse times, but you should serve the LORD because it is the right thing to do. You will only be successful at continuing to serve the LORD in adverse times if you stop basing your service off the blessings and place your basis of service on right and wrong. If you decide you are going to serve the LORD because it is right, whether or not you are prosperous is not going to stop you from serving the LORD.

I challenge you today to make a choice whether you are going to serve the LORD. Do you find yourself backing off from your service to the LORD when times are not as good? Then you need to make some changes! Look at God’s way of life and realize it is the best way because it is the right way. If you will stay focused on that, then you have a better chance of serving the LORD when the “What if” in life comes your way.

Shaming Into Silence

by: Allen Domelle

The headline of April 29, 2013, was that NBA veteran, Jason Collins, was setting aside years of worry and silence to announce that he was gay. He is the first active player of the four major professional sports leagues to make his gay lifestyle public. He announced it through an article in Sports Illustrated where he wrote, “I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay.”

The news media was in a frenzy about this news. All over ESPN analysts were praising Collins for his “courage” to come out. Even former President Bill Clinton had to give his input when he called Collins’ announcement “an important moment for professional sports and in the history of the LGBT community.”

Friend, make no mistake about this announcement. For months the news media has been trying to shame us into accepting the gay lifestyle and gay marriage. They know that Collins is at the end of his career and that his current contract is up. So, if he doesn’t get another contract, which is likely because he is at the end of his career, they will certainly try to use this as leverage to continue their push for gay marriage and acceptance of the sodomite lifestyle. They are aware that in July the Supreme Court will make a decision as to whether gay marriage should be considered constitutionally acceptable. For two weeks ESPN has been reporting that four NFL players are going to come out and proclaim they are gay. The liberal media is only using this to try to shame you into accepting this lifestyle as normal.

However, it is interesting that ESPN’s own wording explains that the gay lifestyle is not normal. ESPN wrote in an article that Collins “realized he needed to make his sexual orientation public when his former roommate at Stanford, Massachusetts congressman Joe Kennedy, who is straight, marched in Boston’s Gay Pride Parade last year.” Hold on! If Kennedy is straight, then that would mean Collins’ lifestyle is not straight. That would mean that Collins’ lifestyle is crooked, or should we say sinful.

ESPN analyst, Christ Broussard, commented on a segment of Outside the Lines, “Personally I don’t believe that you can live an openly homosexual lifestyle or an openly premarital sex between heterosexuals,” Broussard said. “If you’re openly living that type of lifestyle, the Bible says you know them by their fruits, it says that’s a sin. If you’re openly living in unrepentant sin, whatever it may be, not just homosexuality, adultery, fornication, premarital sex between heterosexuals, whatever it may be. I think that’s walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ. I would not characterize that person as a Christian because I don’t think the Bible would characterize them as a Christian.” Since he made this statement, he retracted a bit by releasing a statement, “I believe Jason Collins displayed bravery with his announcement today…” One wonders how much pressure ESPN put on him to say this.

Friend, God’s Word is still true, and sodomy is still an abomination against God. Leviticus 18:22 says, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” It doesn’t matter who proclaims they are gay, the lifestyle is still a sin against God. Just like adultery, fornication and any type of sex outside of marriage is a sin, sodomy is also a sin against God.

Don’t just accept that this is an isolated incident that is going to go away. The liberal media will continue to bombard us with these stories to shame us into accepting this lifestyle. It is not an alternative lifestyle, it is a sinful lifestyle. People are not born sodomites; they choose to be sodomites. They want us to stay silent so they can pressure the justices of the Supreme Court into ruling that gay marriage is recognized in the United States.

What should we do? Jude 1:3 says that we should “earnestly contend for the faith.” If you stay silent, then we will have to deal with sodomite marriages the same way we have to deal with abortion. Let your beliefs be known! Don’t cower to the pressure of the liberal media. Preachers should not be silent on this issue. For a preacher to be silent on this issue is simply compromise. I’m tired of preachers saying they don’t want to be political. This has nothing to do with politics, this has to do with the Word of God. If you’re a preacher who won’t strongly take a stand on this issue, then hand in your ordination papers and go get another job. These are not times to be silent, these are times when we need to take a strong and vocal stand. If we are silent, then proponents of gay marriage and the gay lifestyle will win. By the way, it is not a matter of winning or losing, it is a matter of right or wrong, having God’s blessings or His judgment.

As a Christian you should write your political representatives and let them know you believe they should stand behind marriage as only between a man and woman. You should commit this to prayer on a daily basis and ask God to intervene in the heart of the Justices of the Supreme Court to make a decision against gay marriage that would support what God’s Word teaches. Finally, you should pray that those who practice this wicked lifestyle would get saved and have their life changed. Only God can change a person who lives this lifestyle. Violence is not the answer, but neither is silence. Make your belief known and stand strong. Don’t let your voice be shamed to silence.

The Devil’s Dirty Little Secret

by: Johnny Esposito

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

“To preach the gospel in the regions beyond…” (2 Corinthians 10:16)

After nearly thirty years of ministry here in the United States, my wife and I have surrendered to go to the mission field. We have surrendered to go to a “restricted” nation, which means we cannot get a visa as missionaries; we have to find creative ways to get into the country. We will be leaving America, our five children, our nine grandchildren for the other side of the world on March, 14, 2013!

Why would we do this?

As a Bible-believing people, we all recognize – or should – that God has called each of us to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission. It was the great William Booth who once said, “’Not called!’ did you say? ’Not heard the call,’ I think you should say. Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of Hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father’s house and bid their brothers and sisters, and servants and masters not to come there. And then look Christ in the face, whose mercy you have professed to obey, and tell him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish his mercy to the world.”

Of course, that call to fulfill the Great Commission begins in our Jerusalem, and it extends “unto the uttermost part of the earth.” We must not, and we cannot, stop in our Jerusalem! We must not, and we cannot, stop in our Judea! We must not, and we cannot, stop in our Samaria! Unfortunately, whether we admit it or not, in many ways we have!

The great Baptist missionary, William Carey has been quoted often throughout the years. Such statements as, “Is not the commission of our Lord still binding upon us? Can we not do more than now we are doing?” or “Expect great things from God and attempt great things for God” have inspired many through the ages.  One of Carey’s quotes, which is not quite as well known as the others, are his words, “To know the will of God, we need an open Bible and an open map.” I think William Carey was basically saying to us, “Do you want to know the will of God for your life? If so, search the Scriptures to see the heart of God, and search for the neediest areas of the world.”

This is why my wife and I have chosen to leave America!

Far too often, this is NOT what we do! I am afraid in far too many cases, we do quite the opposite. Did you know that 95% of the Christian workers worldwide are serving 5% of the people? CAN THAT POSSIBLY BE GOD’S PURPOSE? As I have been on deputation now for a year, I am always amazed – possibly alarmed, at how many churches, often good churches are found within just a few miles of one another.

Talking about needy areas, one matter that I am continually asked about at nearly every church that I have been in is the 10/40 Window. To be honest with you, I have often been somewhat surprised at the lack of knowledge of so many concerning this very needy part of our world by those of us who call ourselves New Testament Christians with a heart for the Great Commission.

Then again, this should not surprise us. Dr. Charles Keen of First Bible International has written, “I find our average church member and his pastor still without a working knowledge of its location, demographics, origin and reason for its existence in its present religious state. This is not to be a criticism, for two or three years ago most had NO KNOWLEDGE of even the existence of the Window.”  Here are a few simple tidbits about the 10/40 Window:

  • While America has one full-time Christian worker for every 250 people, the 10/40 Window has one for every one-million people, and in some parts of the 10/40 Window the disparity is even much greater.
  • Less than $.05 out of every $100 spent on missions is directed towards the 10/40 Window.
  • The 10/40 Window is the imaginary rectangular box that extends 10 degrees to 40 degrees North of the equator.
  • The 10/40 Window constitutes one-third of the Earth’s total land mass, and over half (4.5 billion people) of the world’s population.
  • The 10/40 Window is often referred to as the Resistance Belt and includes the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Communists.
  • There are 66 different nations found in the 10/40 Window, and 45 of these are on the list of top 50 nations where persecution of Christians is most prevalent.
  • The vast majority of the world’s least evangelized countries and major cities are found in the 10/40 Window.
  • The top 50 least evangelized mega-cities are all located in the 10/40 Window.
  • The 10/40 Window includes 97% of the over 6,000 unreached people groups of the world.
  • Over 2.4 billion of the world’s poorest people (40% of the world’s population) live in the 10/40 Window.
  • Hunger, disease, lack of drinkable water, child prostitution, and the abuse of women and children and other social ills are rampant in the 10/40 Window.
  • Of the more than 6,000 languages and dialects in the world, less than 400 of these have the entire Bible translated and published in their language. The majority of the people groups that do not have the Bible available can be found in the 10/40 Window.

Yes, for far too long the 10/40 Window has been the Devil’s little secret. It is high time that we awake from our sleep and recognize the heart of God for these “regions beyond.” As New Testament Christians, committed to the Great Commission with a heart for the harvest, we must be concerned with the 10/40 Window. Our concern must become compassion, for it is compassion that makes a difference (Jude 22). We must all be willing to pray for, give to, and many of us should be willing to go if God would so allow.

Are you looking for somewhere to go? Are you looking for somewhere to bring the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ? If so, open up your Bible, see the heart of God, and get out a map. You might be surprised to see where God leads if you are willing!

Pray for the 10/40 Window

Johnny and Denise Esposito will be going to one of the “closed countries” that is found in the 10/40 Window. For security purposes the country will not be named. This country is one of the 66 countries found in the 10/40 Window. It ranks in the top ten countries in the world in persecution of Christians, and also one of the poorest countries in the world with an average income of UNDER $1,000.00 per year (less than three dollars per day). The population of this country is just under seven million people, consisting of 148 different people groups of which 132 of them are considered UNREACHED people groups. Depending on what statistics you read, only 1 to 3 percent of the people of this country profess any form of Christianity. At the present time there are only four independent (one man and three women) Baptist missionaries from the United States of America in this country, and only one independent Baptist church that is made up of the nationals in the entire country. These people are desperately in need of the Gospel message.

Johnny and Denise Esposito: Missionaries to the 10/40 Window sent out of Pacific Baptist Church in Long Beach, CA. You may contact them at or on Bro. Esposito’s cell 562-209-2110.

Liberty or Legalism?

Liberty-or-LegalismLIBERTY OR LEGALISM?
by: Dr. Bob Gray Sr.

Psalm 119:45, “And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.”

The Psalmist is saying I will walk in liberty because I keep thy commandments. This is a strange statement to me for it seems to me that the opposite would be true. It seems like one would walk in liberty if one did not keep commandments. However, verse 45 is amazing for God says that those who keep his precepts or his commandments will walk in liberty. I will walk in liberty because I keep God’s commandments!

In our fundamental churches, schools, and colleges we have some rules, regulations, and standards. We have rules about dating, dress, haircuts on the males, makeup on the females, hairstyles, clothing, smoking, dancing, bad music, Hollywood movies, speech, respect for authority, proper conduct, etc.

Immediately the accusations begin to come when such a stand is taken. The cry is always the same, and the charge is always the same. “Why, that is nothing but legalism with all those rules, standards, and regulations for they are nothing but promoting legalism!”

The truth of the matter is, when you associate legalism with rules, regulations and standards, people with neo-evangelical hearts who masquerade make such statements in fundamental Baptist clothing. Sometimes they are made by people who were real fundamental Baptist at one time, and yet have become weary of the battle and long to return to the onions, watermelons, leaks, cucumbers, and garlic of acceptance. Also, this cry of legalism often comes from the desks of colleges and seminaries built on fundamental foundations with walls of compromise and a leaking roof of pseudo liberty.

We have grown to desire that our truth be accredited by worldly educated error. We want a license from wrong to do right! My I remind all of us of that fundamental world we believed in and practiced before we had teenagers, home-schoolers, liberal fundamental colleges, Bill Gothard, Oral Roberts University, Benny Hinn, his girlfriend Evangelist Paula White, amusement parks, and before Jerry Falwell slid down a charismatic water slide!

May I push what Dr. Jack Hyles used to call that little “reset button” to return us back to the old-fashioned fundamental Baptist convictions. I’m speaking of when we believed in separating ourselves from the world and building walls to protect the next generation from being sucker punched by Satan and his crowd.

Since when did it hurt to not smoke? I would suggest that separation is not bad but good for the next generation. No one can sow wild oats and then pray for no crop failure with success! Each institution must decide themselves what is going to be good or bad for those following them. I am talking of old-fashioned standards our fathers use to have for us.

Faith of our fathers living still

In spite of dungeon fire and sword

This generation must not listen to the prophets of compromise who are silently bridging fundamentalism to a liberal Southern Baptist Convention in order to garner the crowds. No one is legalistic who insists on standards. When someone adds anything to salvation, other than the shed and applied blood of Jesus Christ, is by definition a legalist.

When you conveniently compromise you are not only betraying Billy Sunday, Sam Jones, Bob Jones Sr., Mordecai Ham, John Wesley, John R. Rice, Curtis Hutson, Lester Roloff, Lee Roberson, Tom Malone, and Jack Hyles, but you are betraying your own standards of just a few years back.

If we cannot have our padded pews with hell-fire and brimstone preaching, then let us go back to the sawdust trail and the store front buildings while sitting on wooden benches.

If we cannot have organs with trained choirs without the seven-fold Amens and the crusty anthems, then let us go back to the “pie-anar” and tuning fork.

If we cannot have a marriage of proper grammar and the mourner’s bench with preaching on Hell, Heaven, the rapture, the second coming, and separation, then let us go back to split infinitives, dangling participles, and hung gerunds.

If tiled restrooms and chandeliers are not conducive to the old-time religion, then let us mark off a path and build an outhouse. Let us screw a 60-watt light bulb in it and order a Sears & Roebuck catalogue for the outhouse and get right with God.

If we have to include Kierkegaard, Brunner, and Niebuhr in our required reading in order to be intellectual theologically, then let us go back to the Blue-black Speller, the ABC’s, the alphabet, and the simple preaching of thus saith the Lord God! We have listened too much to psychologists in the pulpit and not enough to leather lunged Baptist preachers. We have listened too much to philosophers and not enough to old-fashioned prophets of God. We have listened too much to so-called Christian TV and radio and not enough to men of God.

Ladies and gentlemen, common shoes have historically shod the beautiful feet of those who preach the Gospel of peace. The hands that have wielded the sword of the Spirit have been old and calloused ones. The eyes that have looked through the helmet of salvation have been tear stained ones. The bodies that have been protected by the shield of faith have been pure and separated ones.

It is sad to say, but there are those inside the walls of a local independent Baptist church who would have their man of God forsake his standards simply because their daughter does not like them. It is sad to say, but there are those outside the walls of the local church who would have you forsake your standards or as they refer to as “legalism.”

Standards do not make nor keep you right with God, but they do keep you from wrecking your life with one stupid stunt. No man of God is attempting to run anyone’s life, but he must do his best to use his influence to warn. I hate to say this, but there are more people in fundamentalism who want us to lower our standards than who want to raise the standards. These are the ones who cry “legalism.”

Legalism has nothing to do with living right, talking right, or walking right. Legalism is adding to faith something else required for salvation other than just faith in Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.

Dr. Bill Rice, the late Evangelist, was a half-brother to Dr. John R. Rice. He was preaching a revival camp meeting when a deacon jumped him about being so negative with his preaching. One night Dr. Bill preached against dancing, then the next night against movies, then the next night against smoking, then the next night against teen petting and necking.

The deacon told Dr. Bill that he would have to preach something positive or he would see to it that the meeting was closed down. Dr. Bill agreed to do so. The next night Dr. Bill stood up behind the pulpit and announced that a deacon had asked him to preach a positive message. So he told them he was going to do that very thing. He said tonight my sermon is “If you don’t get saved, you are positively going to Hell!”

Legalism is salvation by faith plus works! It is salvation plus baptism, plus church membership, plus keeping the law, plus communion, plus confession.

The Seventh Day Adventist doctrine, Church of Christ doctrine, Catholic doctrine, Armenian doctrine, Armstrong World-Wide Church of God doctrine, the Mormon doctrine, and the Jehovah (False) Witness doctrine are legalism.

Legalism is not a godly mother who insists that her daughter dress modestly. Legalism is not parents enrolling their children in a Christian school that believes as they do about separation from the world. Legalism is not a dedicated aged godly dad who takes his son to the barbershop instead of a beauty shop every two weeks.

Legalism is not a faithful youth director who insists his teenagers dress appropriately. Legalism is not a hard working pastor who insists that his Sunday school teachers not smoke, not drink alcohol, no tobacco use, no movies, they visit absentees, and go soul winning.

Legalism is not the careful godly educator who forbids his students to dance or listen to bad music. Legalism is not the man of God who cries aloud against mixed swimming, in essence mixed nudity, against vampire lipstick promoting drugs, and young males with their Billy Idol bleached porky pine spiked chili bowl hair do!

Right has not changed and wrong has not changed just because you enter into a different century. Black is still black and white is still white. Good is still good and bad is still bad. Legalism is not the faithful man of God who cries aloud against sin.

Was Paul a legalist when he told men not to have long hair in 1 Corinthians chapter 11? Was Paul a legalist when he told the ladies not to have short hair in the same chapter? Sit still and read the rest of the article before you become mad!

Was Moses a legalist when he said, “Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt not steal,” or when he said, “Thou shalt not commit adultery?” Was Paul a legalist when he said in 1 Timothy chapter 3 that the deacon should not be double tongued, or when he said a deacon should be the husband of one wife, or should be honest, or should be temperate?

Was Paul a legalist in 1 Timothy chapter 3 when he said the pastor should be sober, or the husband of one wife, or not greedy of filthy lucre? Was Titus a legalist if he obeyed the Apostle Paul in Titus chapter 2 when he told the aged men to be sober, grave, temperate, sound, loving, patient and the aged women to be holy and temperate? Was he a legalist when the told the young ladies to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, obedient to their husband, and the young men to be sober and of sound speech?

Most of the Scriptures are about rules on how Christians ought to live! I challenge you to take Genesis and try to show unsaved people how to be saved or redeemed from going to Hell. Now you will find types of salvation, but you will have a tough time finding the plan of salvation in Genesis.

Ok, after that go to Exodus. You will find the Passover, and it is a type of salvation, but the plan of salvation is not listed there. Try Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and you will have a tough time finding the plan of salvation.

That is why in Acts when the Ethiopian Eunuch was reading Isaiah, the best chapter on salvation in the Old Testament and the best part of that chapter on salvation, he said, “How can I understand unless some man should guide me.”

You will find how to live in Genesis and rules in Exodus, standards in Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, and in Nehemiah. The truth is if you do not believe in standards and rules you will have to neglect most of the Scriptures.

These pussyfooters dote in 2 Corinthians 3:17, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” The truth is that verse is not talking about where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty for the child of God to do what he wants to do.  It is not saying that where the Spirit of the Lord is the deacons can drink liquor or the Sunday school teachers can smoke. He is saying where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty for the Holy Spirit to work among his people.


Psalm 119:45 is saying, “I will walk in liberty because I keep thy commandments” or “I will walk in liberty because I walk within the walls of the city.” Let us suppose that your church building is a city. Suppose your pastor were the mayor. Suppose outside the walls the enemy lurks with his weapons of warfare. Now are you at liberty outside the walls or inside the walls of the church auditorium?

Where is the freedom inside or outside the walls? I will walk in liberty if I keep thy commandments and the commandments of God are walls built around us to give us a little area where we can walk in liberty and not be enslaved with the captor outside of the walls. The enemy is outside and he cannot reach those inside of the walls.

God’s people have a choice! You can be free inside of the walls or you can be enslaved outside the walls. It bothers me when I hear God’s people using liberty as a license to sin. Liberty is inside of the Laws of God and not outside of the Laws of God. Every commandment, rule, or standard of God has been given for one purpose, and that is to build walls around his people especially the young people.

Liquor, dope, elicit sex, Hollywood, cigarettes, bad music, etc., enslaves and is addictive. God’s do’s and don’ts builds walls of protection for his people!

If fundamentalism is not careful we will lose everything that is near and dear to us! Being a fundamentalist is more than believing salvation by grace, verbal inspiration, plenary inspiration, preserved inspiration, virgin birth, sinless life of Christ, security of the believer, and vicarious death of Christ. Being a fundamentalist also includes having some rules and standards to live by so we can be free.

Those rules are bricks in a mighty wall that has been built by our founding fathers so that we might have a place of freedom in this world of slavery. Rules and standards have never enslaved, for the truth is they liberate, for all that enslaves has been placed outside the wall.

We know cigarettes enslave so we put nicotine warnings on the outside of the packages so why shouldn’t God’s people put them outside the wall. The same is true of marijuana, liquor, and dope.

Rationalize with me as I ask you a question. “Thou shalt not kill” is a law, but you say I want my freedom. So, who is free, the man who does not kill or the man who does kill?

I’m free, and if I want to go outside the walls of God’s Laws for dope I’ll do it! Yes, and you will find out when you arrived outside those walls that you will be a slave on the outside and that you left your freedom inside of those walls from which you escaped. Where is the freedom in, “I am free to drink liquor?” Where is the freedom in, “I am free to use dope?” Where is the freedom?

Love is not breaking down the walls, for love is the building up of the walls! Love is not freedom to go to the captor, for love is freedom from the captor!

Elvis Presley thought was free, and yet ended his life enslaved to dope. The same is true of Jimmy Hendricks, Janis Joplin, and hundreds of rock stars. The youth director who breaks down those walls loves himself more than he does his youth. The truth is he loves their love and not them.

The preacher who breaks down those walls does not love you, for he loves your love. The principal who breaks down those walls does not love his students, for he loves their love. The preacher, youth director and principal that loves will build up the wall of standards and rules to keep the ones they love from that which enslaves them.

  •  There is dope outside those walls.
  •  There is liquor outside those walls.
  •  There is addiction outside those walls.
  •  There is indecency outside those walls.
  •  There is heartache outside those walls.
  •  There is heartbreak outside those walls.
  •  There is disease outside those walls.
  •  There is divorce outside those walls.
  • There is wife beating outside those walls.
  • There is child abuse outside those walls.
  • There is enslavement outside those walls.

The Psalmist said he would walk in liberty because he kept God’s commandments and not because he broke them. God has built for his people a wall where He can protect His people. This gives freedom to His people from those enemies outside of that wall who would enslave them.


If I unplug the microphone from a pulpit because the microphone cries and pleads to be free, that does not give freedom to the microphone. The microphone was made for one purpose and that purpose is to be attached to the source of power.

Here is a piece of steel or iron in the ground. It is held captive by Earth. A man takes a pick and shovel. He digs, digs, digs, and digs! He reaches down into the ground and retrieves that piece of steel or iron. That piece of steel or iron is detached but not free because that piece of steel or iron is meant to be apart of a great machine somewhere. It is not free because it is detached! It is free only when it is being used for what it was intended to be used.

When you go to servitude that is a higher servitude from a lower servitude you are free. It is not leaving a purpose, but arriving at a greater service, that is true freedom. Jesus pleaded, “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden. I will give you rest…” However, He did not stop there for he continued, “…take my yoke upon you and learn of me for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

He is saying come unto me and I will free you, not to be detached, but so you can be attached! That is why the Scriptures speak of “the law of liberty.”

Here is a piece of coal held captive by the Earth, and the Earth says, “I’ll hold you.” The piece of coal says, “I want to be free!” A miner comes to that Kentucky mine and he goes down into that mine. He breaks free that piece of coal from its captor. He puts that piece of coal from that mine on the ground outside the mine. That piece of coal is not free it is just detached! That coal was not made to just be detached and to lie there on the ground. That coal was meant to give warmth, blessing, energy, or comfort to human beings by its usage somewhere!

Jeremiah puts it this way, “Thou hast broken the yokes of wood but thou shalt make for them yokes of iron.” A young person says, “I’m tired of rules and slavery of my Christian school. Let me be free!” So he or she runs from the yoke of wood of the rules of their school and so the yoke of dope overtakes him or her. “I’m free to drink liquor if I want too!” He or she breaks away from the yoke of wood of the rules and the yoke of liquor captures him or her.

God is saying to the government, parents, schools, colleges, and churches, free the young people by building walls of standards and rules around them so they will be safe from the captors outside of the walls.

That is what Romans 8:2 means when it says, “For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” A law made me free from a law! Freedom is when you are liberated from a bad law by a good law.

King David said, “I’ll be free to court Bathsheba.” He went outside the wall that he thought enslaved him and found slavery was outside the wall. He ultimately discovered he was really free on the inside of the wall.

Samson said, “I’ll be free! If I want Delilah’s head in my lap, or if I want to live in sin with Delilah, I’ll be free to do so!” He later found out he was really free on the inside. While on the outside of those walls they put out his eyes. They bound him to the mill. Blind and bound while grinding around and around and around on that giant grinding wheel!

I do not hear him saying how much he loves this freedom now! Samson you are a slave!

Leaders must take this seriously and quit massaging their egos by being like Aaron and allowing the people to do what they want to do and start speaking for God to man. Leaders must quit bringing God down to man and start bringing man up to God. We are made in his image! God is not made in our image! We conform to Him not He to us!

Leaders, please keep the people free with walls of standards, rules, and protection so that the enemy from without will not capture those whom God loves and we love!

I thank God every day for an old-fashioned wall-building mama, teachers, and preachers! Thank God for wall-building schools, colleges, churches, Bible conferences, and leaders who stand firm inside the walls. This is not legalism, but rather it is liberty!

We need the walls to remain strong so that our young people can stay innocent and remain fearful of an enemy that lurks on the outside of the walls of protection where there is the bondage of compromise. Give me liberty inside of the walls.

The rules must be consistent between the pulpit, parent, and peer pressures. If all three are going in the same direction and provide the same consistency, the odds are in favor of the follower being allowed to make right decisions! Liberty or legalism?


  • Rules do not make rebels, they merely expose rebels.
  • Obeying the rules does not make one spiritual.
  • Rules keep you from that which will scar for a lifetime.
  • Rules will keep one innocent.
  • It is the responsibility of leaders to provide standards and rules.
  • Rules cannot be established by a novice.
  • Rules come from the Scriptures.
  • Rules come from seniority that has dealt with destructive behavior.


Dr. Bob Gray Sr.
Pastor Emeritus
Longview Baptist Temple
Longview, TX

Tried for Gold

Tried-for-GoldTRIED FOR GOLD
by: Dr. Steve Heidenreich

Job 23:10

I have been serving the Lord for over 40 years. Those years have been full of blessings, and I would not trade Him for anything. I wish everyone could experience what God has done for us in serving Him. Have all of these years been easy years? No; but they have been years of getting to know my Saviour which I wouldn’t trade for anything.

Have you ever been doing the best that you can to serve the Lord, then one day out of the blue comes a very difficult trial? You say, “Lord, I’m trying to serve you and doing the best I can, why is this happening to me?”

While my family and I were on deputation, we experienced one of these trials. There were times on deputation when there were some open weeks of not having meetings. Sometimes the summer months can be a little harder to get meetings because people are on vacation in many churches, and those churches do not schedule missionaries. One summer we had a few weeks open when we needed financing to keep us going. We had opportunity to work in the cornfields detasseling corn. We had to get up early in the morning and be on the road by 4 o’clock to travel to the cornfields. We then spent the next 14 hours working in the cornfields. Of course, during the summer months it is very hot and humid. I always joked if you want to get a great suntan just come and work in the cornfield.

On one Wednesday, as I was working with a group of young people from our church, I was asked, “Are you going to church tonight?” I told them that I always try my best never to miss a church service.

I did not realize on that Wednesday night that my faith would be tried with a great testing. While I was driving to church that night, I happened to see a drunken man come out between 2 cars along the street and quickly disappear. As I got closer to that area the drunken man came running out into the street. I did everything I could not to hit that man. I swerved completely to the left into the other lane, but he kept running towards the car. He ran into the car on the passenger side of the door. I hit him pretty hard and sent him flying in the air. He came down in the middle of the street. I knew he was seriously hurt. I was scared to death that I had killed this man.

When this first happened to me I could not understand why. I asked the Lord, “Why are you letting this happen to me? Wasn’t I trying to set the right example for our young people?”

Scared and confused because of what just happened, I began to look for an answer as to why God let this happen to me. I was on deputation as a missionary to the Philippines and doing my best to provide for my family. I tried to reason with God and thought I was in His will. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out why He lets things like this happen.

The ambulance came and rushed him off to the hospital. Needless to say, I was very shaken and my faith in God was tested that night.

When I got out of the car, I could see the man was seriously hurt. As the man lay on the street, his body all broken up and blood rushing from his head, I got to my knees and begged the Lord to help me. I prayed, “Lord, if you do not intervene this man might not live.”

The first car to pull up behind the accident was an off-duty paramedic. The driver of the car that pulled up from the other direction of the accident was a registered nurse.

As I waited at the hospital to see if the man was going to live, I asked God to show me why this happened. There will be times when difficulties come in our life, and God will choose to test our faith. God was very gracious and showed me from His Word that He was trying to make me stronger by growing my faith in Him. I always ask God to show me the answer from the Word of God. That night He took Job 23:10 and explained it to me like I’ve never seen it before. Please let me share with you some lessons that I learned that night from Job 23.

First, God never leaves us nor forsakes us. God is always there, no matter what we are going through; and God is always there even when it seems He has left. In verse 3, I could relate with this verse, “Oh that I knew where I might find him!” Then again in verses 8 and 9, the Bible says, “Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him: on the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hides himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him:”

Second, there are appointments God has for us that will strengthen us for the future. Nothing takes God by surprise. I learned in verse 14 that He has times like these that are appointed for me. This is one of those times when I had an appointment to have my faith tested that I may grow stronger. God had called our family to be missionaries to the Philippines, and He knew there would be dangerous times ahead. Most missionaries will learn that there will be times in their lives when they will feel that they’re all alone. They will go through trials, and their parents, home church and supporting churches will not be able to help them at that time. But, they learned through past appointments with God that they can solely trust Him. Our first 5 years in the Philippines it seemed like the Devil threw everything at us but the kitchen sink, and it probably went by and we didn’t see it. When we first arrived, there was a revolution going on because of the election of the president. Shortly after that was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, and then our families went through a series of medical operations. A year later we got the news that my father had passed away and had already been buried before I found out. Shortly after that my wife’s father passed away. Within the next year, my wife had a serious case of typhoid fever and nearly died. I believe that we were able to handle all this because of past appointments with the trials God had for us back on deputation.

Third, we see in verse 10 that God knows the way that we take. When He hath tried us, we shall come forth as gold. If we will stay faithful and trust Him during the times of trials, He will make sure that they will be used to make us more valuable for Him.

When we go through tough times in our lives, we must be faithful and keep our trust in God. We must realize that faith is very important to God! Remember that trials can challenge your faith, but don’t let trials change your faith. Many times challenges will cause some people to decrease in their faith, but we must remember that trials can end in triumphs.

Dr. Steve Heidenreich

Let’s Grow Old Together

Let's-Grow-Old-TogetherLET’S GROW OLD TOGETHER
by: Sandy Domelle

How often do we see pictures of an older couple walking hand in hand down the road or sitting snuggled together on a park bench and just have to smile? Or, have you seen some of the sweetest older couples sitting so happy together in church? In our minds, when we see couples like this, we are thinking we also want to grow old with our husband. I see warmth, security and love in these older couples. That’s what part of a marriage is about.

My husband’s grandparents were married for over 70 years when his grandmother passed away. When you hear how many years the older generations stayed married, it gives us hope that even in a day and age where we hear of a high divorce rate, people who have been married 3 or more times, or people who only want to live together and not marry, that we CAN have a long and successful marriage.

I desire deeply to have a close relationship with my husband and to grow old with him.  Because I desire this, I am more apt to do all I can to make it successful. Does it mean that we won’t have times when we disagree on a topic or situation. No, we are human! But, in my Bible reading this year I’ve focused on Scripture that helps to keep me going as a wife. Let me share a few thoughts on which I’ve been thinking.

 1. If your relationship with the Lord isn’t strong, your marriage won’t be as strong as it can be.

The key to every relationship is having a strong relationship with the Lord. Psalm 127:1 says, “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” God should be the foundation upon which every relationship is built. This is why it’s important to have a daily time when you read your Bible and pray. When you’re right with God, you will be right with your spouse.

 2. I work daily on being the submissive wife I am commanded to be.

Ephesians 5:22 says, ‘Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” The world wants to make submission a bigger issue than what it should be. If I live my life desiring to be what God created me to be, I will want to please my husband. In pleasing my husband I will be submissive and it won’t be a huge issue. In fact, you really won’t even think about it. God placed my husband as the head of the home, and I am very willing to follow. Why can I say that? Because I have purposely decided I will submit myself to the Lord and my husband. When we make huge decisions in our home, we talk about them together, but I always leave that final decision to my husband. In doing so, I am submitting and following the role in the home that I should have. I’ve seen too many working women who feel that since they bring home the money that they should have control of what goes on in the home and how the money is spent. I’ve also seen where they knock the submission role, yet they are more than willing to submit to their authorities at work.

 3. I strive to keep my focus on daily meeting my hubby’s needs.

Genesis 2:18 says, “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” God created Eve to be a help meet. My purpose as a wife is to help my husband. He may need clean clothes, a clean house, his bed made, etc. Those are things that I feel are my job in helping to care for my husband. They make him happy, and in return it makes me happy that I am helping him. I talked to a lady who told me I needed a real job, a career job, because I was nothing more than a glorified maid. That may be how she looks at it, and I know I wasn’t about to change her mind, but I know that God made me for the specific purpose of being a help meet. It doesn’t matter what the world may think, it matters to me that I am serving the Lord by doing what He made me to do, and in return I have a very happy hubby! That’s my goal!

 4. Spend time together.

When your husband is home, be home for him. Don’t be out with your friends because you were trapped at home all day or had to work and are stressed out. My most favorite person to spend time with is my husband. When he is home we will run errands together, work on things for the Lord’s work together, work on the yard together and so much more. I enjoy spending time with him.

 5. Have fun together.

No matter how many years you’ve been married, date times should be often and fun. I enjoy hearing my husband laugh, and I enjoy having fun with him. Having fun doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money. You can do so many things that don’t require spending a dime, and yet the memories you make are lasting ones. I can’t tell you how many times my parents talk about how they’d live for the weekends when they were first married when they would go to the creek to go fishing. My dad has the funniest stories that keep my mom and the rest of us laughing to this day.

6. Be as close as you can be to each other.

By this I mean, some women feel so close to a specific friend that they have to call them about everything, tell them about everything and can’t wait to always go do something with them. There is no person in my life that I want to be with more than my husband, for he is my best friend. I love being with him. He is the first one I want to call when I’m excited about something.

7. Be a good listener.

I listen for things that I feel will make my husband happy. It may be the little things of sewing the button back on his shirt that just popped off, but it can also be knowing he’s had a long busy week and knowing that if I can accomplish a few extra things for him, he will have more time to spend with us as a family. If he knows he has to mow the lawn when he gets home, that is something very simple that I can do for him so that he doesn’t need to do it when he gets home. If you would learn to listen to your husband, you would find that he will unintentionally mention things you can do to make him happy.

8. Pray for your husband.

I have a list of general things I pray for my husband, but I have some specific things for which I also pray. Nothing knits two hearts together like prayer. I know he prays for me daily, and if I know I’m praying for him, then I know God has the ability to hear us and keep our marriage strong. I pray for many things for him; his relationship with the Lord, his leadership, wisdom, his role as a husband and father, his preaching, his travels, his health, protection from Satan, our marriage and so much more.

All of these things are ways that I will grow old together with my husband. I work at things on a daily basis to keep myself in check. It can be the little things that tear a marriage apart. I pray earnestly for the Lord to help me always be aware of Satan’s attack against our marriage. I want our children and grandchildren to have the chance to have a strong Christian marriage!