Fatal Attraction

Fatal-Attractionby: Dr. Bob Gray Sr.

Genesis 3:1-4, “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

“And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:”

“But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.”

“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:”

In verse 1 it says, “the serpent said” and in verse 3 it says, “God hath said” and in verse 4 it says, “And the serpent said.” Now we see the battle for man’s soul!

God made Adam and from his wounded side he took the rib and made his wife Eve. God had prepared wonderfully for Adam. God had given Adam and Eve taste and then provided delicious food for Adam and Eve to eat. God never creates an appetite in man without giving him the fulfillment of that appetite. No matter where around the world you may go, mankind is always talking about a Heaven of some kind or a supreme being. If God has placed in man a desire for a Heaven, then God must also provide a Heaven for man to choose to go.

God had given Adam and Eve sight while providing beauty for them to see with that sight. God gave them hearing while providing the singing of the birds for their hearing pleasure. God gave them love and provide someone to love. God gave them a desire to love and then gave them His love with the love of a mate as well. He gave them thirst while providing refreshing waters for them. He gave them speech while providing someone to whom they could converse.

bristoria-baptist_crawfordGod provided the sun, moon, stars, lakes, rivers, streams, the rose, the lilac, the magnolia, the daffodil, the palm trees, the orange, the apple, the pear, the corn, wheat, barley, the Earth, heavens, and the seas. All of these things God provided for man, and by the way, all of these things were there when man arrived on the scene. All of these preparations God had performed for man. God gave man dominion over it all. God put all things under man’s feet. God made man a little lower than the angels. All of these things our great God did for man along with many other things.

I have just listed three types of water, three types of flowers, three types of trees, three types of fruit, and three of each. God had provided all of these marvelous things for man.

God put all things under man’s feet. God made Adam and Eve a little lower than the angels. God gave them fellowship with Himself.

The lion and the bear obeyed man. The deer and the peacock entertained them. The nightingale serenaded them. It was a wondrous Eden splendor. All of this God made just for Adam and Eve.

Every tree was pleasant to their eyes. Rivers flowed peaceably in verdant valleys. Every sound was a melody. Every scene was a delight. There was no war to disturb the heart, sickness to cause the fear of death, no leaf ever withered, no wind ever chilled, no perspiration ever moistened the brow.

WOW, isn’t God wonderful to man! All of these things God prepared for man. There was no profanity to curse the ear, no weariness, no heat, no sleet storms, no cold, no blossoms were smitten by a tempest, no withering frost chilled the rose, no sorrow of guilt clouded the mind, and no need to weep or sigh.

It was wonderful! These were just some of the preparations God made and did for man. Please note this carefully, for suddenly another appears. He was attractive but he had done nothing for man but talk! NOTHING! Not one single thing did he do for man! He was just attractive and that was all. He had not done one single thing for man. Adam and Eve now find themselves having to choose. They have a choice of whom to listen to and follow.

Genesis 1:1-4 it says, “the serpent said,” then it says, “And God said…” Once again we see where it records again “the serpent said…” with a follow up of “God said.”

Man has a choice to believe the one who has done nothing for them or the One Who had done everything for them. One who had not given them one bit of enjoyment or pleasure verses the One Who had provided the sun, the moon, the stars, the fruit, the vegetables, the lakes, the hills, the mountains, and all of these wonderful things that man enjoys. All of this was placed for the pleasure of man, and all of them under man’s feet, by a great Omnipotent, Eternal God, Who had done every thing for man.

Then enters this attractive personage who had done nothing for man. They choose to believe and obey the one who had done not one blooming’ thing! All he has is his attractiveness! Adam and Eve, what is your answer to whom you will follow?

They chose the one who had never given them a drop of water, or air to breathe, or the sun by day, or the moon by night, or the stars to light the sky. They chose the one who had never done one single thing over the One Who had done everything for them. This is unbelievable, unthinkable, and irrational.

It has been 6,000 years since that day, and not much has been changed. The same thing happens in the homes of America every day.


A woman can suffer for nine months, enter into the jaws of death for you, travail to give life, clean your house for a life-time, wash your clothes, iron your clothes, cook your meals, can feed you from her own breasts, feed you when you could not feed yourself, teach you to eat, buy your clothes, change your dirty diapers, bathe your body, carry you in her arms, teach you how to walk, teach you how to talk, sit by your bed side, feel your fevered brow, and give you medicine to keep you alive. That woman can teach you how to bathe yourself, shop for your groceries, and you believe in someone who has done nothing for you over that mother who has done everything for you? Ridiculous!

Perhaps an attractive professor whose done nothing for you, and you will believe him before you will believe your own mother? Perhaps another young person whose done nothing for you, but just because they are attractive you will follow them before you will believe and follow your own mother. Maybe it’s a pretty face or a pretty form? Perhaps it’s a handsome or a big physique, and you will choose to follow some young peer before you will believe your own mother?

It just does not make sense to me. It doesn’t make sense that man would be the recipient of all that God did for him and then follow a dirty creature like the Devil just because he is attractive. The Devil has done nothing for man! It does not make sense for young people to follow a bunch of children who have done nothing for them while turning their backs on their mothers who have done everything for you!


6,000 years has passed and not much has changed. A man suffers for a lifetime providing food, working to make the house payments, pay your utility bills, light bills, heat bills, water bills, work hard to buy food for you to eat, the bed in which you sleep, the chair in which you seat, the table where you eat, the lamp that gives you light, the tub in which you bathe, the water you drink, the tuition that sends you to school, the car that transports you, gasoline that fuels that car, the roof that keeps you dry, the cabinet that holds your food, the food in the cabinet, and the refrigerator that keeps the food fresh.

By the time a child is 15 years of age their dad has gotten up 3,150 times to go to work to keep their houses, clothes, food, and yet that young person can choose to turn their backs on their own dad whom they begin to call the old man, then on top of that choose someone who has done nothing for them all because this someone is attractive!

Please tell me what a liberal Baptist preacher has ever done for you? Please tell me what the liberal independent Baptist preacher who denies preserved inspiration of the King James Bible for the English speaking peoples has done for you other than being very attractive?

Would you please tell me what the bartender has ever done for you? Would you please tell me what the rebel at school has ever done for you? Would someone please tell me what the rock star has ever done for you? Would someone please tell me what the Hollywood Charlie Sheen’s, whores, and whoremongers have ever done for you? Would someone please tell me what the young temptress has ever done for you? Would someone please tell me what the young lose boy has ever done for you? Would someone please tell me what the worldly neighbor kids have ever done for you? Would someone please tell me what the dope peddler, worldly hero, Michael Jackson’s, famous athletes, schoolmates, boyfriend, or girlfriend, the rebel, rebel-bleached blonde, or the mini-skirt wearer female has ever done for you?

It just does not make sense for Adam and Eve to be the recipients of all that God made, all of God’s preparations, and here comes a suave, tempting, attractive, well spoken personage, then turn their back on God, and follow the attractive one. However, it makes as much sense as it does for you to believe someone who’s never done anything for you instead of your mom and dad. It bothers me when we send our young people off to college believing and trusting that they believe as we do at home then all of a sudden we find out the pastor there does not believe the same. All the sudden he says the King James Bible does not have preserved inspiration! WHAT? Where did this come from? Then because he wears $1,000 suits, sparkling cuff links, Jesse Jackson tie bar, an orator, and has a big church that all of that attractiveness overwhelms the investment of mom, dad, and pastor back home!


Please allow me to ask the question? Would you please tell me how a pastor could give his life for a lifetime and members flippantly turn their back on their man of God? Let me ask this question please, where did those buildings come from that your church enjoys? Where did the gymnasium come from that your church uses? Did it just drop out of the sky? Where did all of the ministries come from? Did you just wake up one day and all of a sudden there they were? Who was used to raise literally millions of dollars over a lifetime? Who was used to keep the doors of the church open for all of these years?

Who was it that literally taught thousands of Bible studies for you and your family? Who was the one who counseled with thousands of people for three decades? Who led you in adding missionaries to help reach the world with the Gospel? Who was used of God to lead in the building of your classrooms? Who walked around the ministries making sure they were kept from deteriorating. Who organized the Sunday schools, wrote Sunday school lessons, oversaw a staff, preached thousands of sermons, and who was it that kept the work going? Yet, you grow up, being taught character, work ethics, to dress right, pay your debts, say, “yes sir” or “no sir,” cut your hair if you are a male, to dress modestly, to stay pure, and chaste.

You then grow up, marry, then choose some young attractive pastor, and leave the man who’s given you his life. You are doing the same thing that Adam and Eve were doing in the Garden of Eden. If you grow up in your church and receive what your church has given you, then you owe a debt to that church. Please forgive me for writing this, but you owe a debt to your pastor, your mom, your dad, your Sunday school teacher, your school teacher, your principal, your youth director, the deacons, and you will go somewhere else simply because you want a new start with a pastor who has done not a solitary thing for you.

How about your youth director who gives his life for you? He gives his life for you, and what you do is simply walk away following someone who is more attractive, who has done nothing but are simply more attractive? Young people follow some worldly attractive personality over a man whose gives his life as your youth pastor. You end up following the attractive flashy lights of the world sometimes disguised as a church.

You who do such things are no different than Adam and Eve who had received all that God did and followed someone who had never done one solitary thing for you.

  • Adam you owe a debt.
  • Eve you owe a debt.
  • Son you owe a debt.
  • Daughter you owe a debt.
  • Church member you owe a debt.
  • Teenager you owe a debt.
  • Parents you owe a debt.
  • Staff member you owe a debt.

Hard to believe and understand how we are so blind to our debts. How about Sunday school teachers who have loved you? How about the countless others whom have sacrificed for you?

Adam? Eve? Did it ever dawn on you where that sun came from that is up there in the sky? Did it ever dawn on you where the river of life came from? Did it ever dawn on you where the tree of life came, those peaceful animals, and those stars came from?

Yet, here comes an attractive, beautiful, suave, and subtle personage who in reality is a dirty, stinking, thief, and liar! I’m writing to young folks who are attracted to attractiveness while being deceived into believing someone who has never done a cotton-picking thing for you. After all that God Almighty has done for you then you just simply turn your back on God in favor of attractiveness. No student knows as much as the teacher knows!


The One Who left Heaven and came to Earth. The One Who was born in Bethlehem’s manger of Nazareth. The One who’s coming was announced to Mary and Joseph. Angels announced the One who’s coming as they sang to the shepherds watching their flocks by night. The One Who was here for 33 years away from Heaven. The One Who said goodbye to His Heavenly Father and for 33 homesick years spent His life on Earth.

Foxes have their holes, birds had their nests, and the Son of man had no place to lay His head. While others slept on their pillows in their homes, the Son of man used the rocks of the Mount of Olives for a pillow and the Mount for a bed.

Hated by His own generation, rejected by His own people, excommunicated by His own synagogue, expelled from His own city, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. Wait a minute! He could have been in Heaven, being served by 10,000 angels, but He chose to come to Earth to suffer in your place and mine.

After 33 years He was wrongly indicted, tried, convicted, beaten beyond recognition, nailed to a cross, dipped his own soul into Hell, paid your penalty, and you follow the Devil simply because he is attractive? Did the Devil ever suffer for you? Did he go to the cross for you? Did he leave Heaven for you? Did he come to Earth to die for you?

What in the world has the Devil ever done for you? The Devil has not done one single thing for you except to try to allure you away from the One Who did everything for you!


Dr. Bob Gray Sr.

Mercy and Grace at Work

Psalm 103:8
“The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.”

Two of the greatest attributes of God are mercy and grace. If God were not merciful and gracious towards us, we would be in a heap of trouble. It is only God’s mercy that keeps us from burning in Hell, and it is His grace that offered us salvation. Yet, the mercy and grace of God does not stop at salvation. When studying Psalm 103, you see that mercy and grace are constantly at work in our lives. Let me show you how they work and how you can use them in your personal life with others.

First, mercy and grace cause God to be “slow to anger.” Imagine how angry God would be with us if His mercy and grace didn’t cause him to be “slow to anger.” You need to be sure that you let mercy and grace help you not to be quickly angered with others. If married couples are going to keep their marriage strong with a happy atmosphere, then they need to let mercy and grace cause them to be slow to anger. Don’t be quick to jump on your spouse when they do wrong. Parents, don’t be so quick to be angry with your children. Pastors, be slow to anger with Christians who are not growing as fast as you would like. Leaders, let mercy and grace curb your anger when your followers do wrong. Every individual, no matter what category of life they fall in, needs to practice mercy and grace when others do them wrong.

Second, mercy and grace causes the punishment to end. Verse 9 says, “He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.” Aren’t you glad that God ends the penalty when we do wrong? Likewise, you need to be sure to end the penalty with others when they do wrong. It is not good to continually hold something over the head of someone when they have done wrong. The penalty has to end at some point. To continually punish someone because they did something five or ten years ago is simply not allowing mercy and grace to work. Let the punishment end! Stop holding a grudge against someone because of what they did in the past. Move on and let mercy and grace work in your life.

Third, mercy and grace doesn’t deal with people according to their sins. Verse 10 shows us that God deals with us according to His grace and mercy and not according to our sins. Friend, apply mercy and grace to the individual who has done wrong. In other words, don’t always mistrust someone just because they did wrong. Let your mental attitude towards people be one that you deal with them as if they had never done wrong.

Fourth, mercy and grace allow people to have a bad day. Verse 14 says, “For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.” This is so important to the health of any relationship. You must give people a chance to have a bad day. Don’t be quick to judge and punish someone because they did one thing wrong. Let mercy and grace govern your emotions and help you not to be cross with others all the time. Realize they are human, and humans will have a bad day.

I am not condoning sin, neither am I saying that we should sweep sin under the carpet. I am saying that we need to be merciful and gracious to others so they have a chance to grow. It is the mercy and grace of God that gives us the opportunity to grow. You will never see others grow into a better person without letting mercy and grace work. As you go throughout your day, let mercy and grace govern how you deal with those who make a mistake.

Dealing with False Witnesses

Psalm 35:11
“False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.”

Everyone at some point in their life will be lied or gossiped about. It is never pleasant to be at the bad end of lies or gossip. Maybe you are going through a divorce and the lies being said about you are far from the truth. Maybe you are the recipient of church gossip that has assumed things about you that simply are not true. Maybe at the workplace someone said something about you that has put your job on the line. It really doesn’t matter what the lies may be, they simply are not true and are destroying your name. Your first response is to retaliate and say things about the false witnesses that will expose them.

We don’t know the story behind the psalm above, but one thing we do know is that David was dealing with people who were saying false things about him. When you read about David’s life, you see that most of his life he truly tried to help people. Yes, he went through a small spell when he attacked others, but that was a very small portion of his life; however, his life was filled with instances when people falsely said things about him that just were not true. David shows us by example how to deal with false witnesses.

First, be friendly towards the false witnesses. Verse 14 says, “I behaved myself as though he had been my friend or brother…” Though these false witnesses were not David’s friends, he treated them as if they were. This will be one of the hardest things to do. When I think of treating someone as a friend, there are several things I do for friends. I pray for friends. I am friendly with friends. I protect friends. These are just some of the things you would do for a friend. When you are dealing with false witnesses, pray for them, be friendly when you see them and don’t ever allow false things to be said about them. When they are maligned, you need to tell the truth.

Second, tell God about your situation. In verse 17, David told God everything. Instead of whining to others about his situation, he told it to the One Who could handle it. Though you will be tempted to tell everyone about the attacks, the best way to handle them is to tell God what others are saying about you. God will take care of them if you will tell Him about it.

Third, act as if nothing happened. In verse 18, you see David in the temple thanking and praising God. He went on with his weekly schedule as if nothing happened. This is truly one of the most important things you can do. Don’t change your weekly routines, but keep doing what you have always done. Don’t come to church later, but keep going to church at the same time. Keep going to the same places you have always frequented, and don’t avoid them just because you know they might be there. Staying in your routine will show that the lies are not going to change who you are and what you do.

Fourth, do right! In verse 24, David asked God to judge him. He could do this because he was doing right though others were not. Don’t lower yourself to the character level of the false witnesses, but keep doing right. Your action to do right in spite of the lies be thrown at you will eventually be the thing that vindicates you.

Friend, you can’t deal with false witnesses. The only one who you can change is yourself. If you will take care of what you are supposed to do and do it right, then God will take care of the lies being said about you and will publicly vindicate you. Wait on God, keep doing right and you will see the lies will eventually be exposed.

Creating Family Time

Creating-Family-Timeby: Sandy Domelle

God created the family unit to enjoy spending time with each other. Fellowship is what encourages and helps keep the bonds of life closely knit with each other. I know there are families that cannot exist in the same room with each other very long, if any at all. If you’ve grown up in a home like this, you hopefully want something better for your children and their families. Our goal as parents should be to keep our family bond strong so that our children stay close as they grow older, marry off and move away. Just because their paths in life may go in different directions doesn’t mean that they can’t feel close to their family.

Creating a family unit that enjoys time together starts when they are young. Yes, I had two brothers and a sister, and we didn’t get along all the time. We had our share of moments, but I still have a lot of great memories from the times we shared together.

What is sad is for many families is that most of the time they spend together is sitting down and watching a movie together. There are so many better ways to spend time together. Finding time to spend together doesn’t have to be an all day activity. There are times when you can run quick errand and do something together that creates memories for your children.

With the technology age in which we live, most people find that texting is their form of communication. I’ll admit, I’m thankful for texting because I have a hubby who travels. We text, email and call several times in a day just to stay in touch, but those shouldn’t be the only ways that we communicate as a family just so we can say that we are spending time together. I know people who have said they text their spouse in the other rooms of the house. This isn’t good! I think it’s important that we communicate in person as much as possible. Texting shouldn’t happen unless you are not in the same place. We have to get away from everyone going to their own areas of the house, sitting with their electronics and forgetting that the family exists.

The Bible says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3) Spending time together will help you to get on the same page. Spending time together means you need to plan on doing it. Without spending time together, you will find yourselves going in different directions which has destructive results. How can we spend time as a family? I know some of these ideas will make you feel you are back in the dinosaur age, but none of these are so far fetched that they aren’t realistic.

2014 Teen ConventionPut puzzles together. We do this often, and we make it convenient by setting up a table that throughout the day we can sit and work on it together. If we don’t work on it for a few days, we can still come back to it later. I know for some, having something like this out is an inconvenience or you feel you are cluttering your home. The older our daughter gets, the more I realize our days with her are numbered. I keep a clean house, but I don’t have to have everything in its place at every moment of the day. I don’t live in a museum, I live in a home. It should be place to enjoy family, relax and feel at home.

Play board games and electronic games together. Yes, I mean, get out those board games and play them. There is so much fun sitting as a family and trying to out smart each other as you play. We own a Wii, and we have games on there that we enjoy playing. I think sometimes we laugh more at the way the game is being played than anything else.

Go for walks together. You know the best thing I love about a walk? It creates a great atmosphere to talk! Whenever we walk together it’s amazing to me how many things we talk about and how many topics we cover on even a short walk.

Do a bonfire together. Fall nights are great for roasting hot dogs and marshmallows outside, but even if you have a fire pit in your yard it can be used year round.

Run errands together. There’s no reason why the family can’t jump in the car for quick errands to the bank, post office, dropping things off or a quick trip to the grocery store. We have a Rottie named, Tydy (Tidy for Roll Tide), that we take at times in the car to run errands. She’s just as much part of the family, so we try to include her when we can.

Go to the park together. The park is a great way to get energy out of the kids, get exercise as you walk around, and we take Tydy so she can play frisbee or ball. By the time we are done we’ve had fun together and are usually worn out!

Read the Bible and pray together. One of the best things you can do together is have devotions together. It’s a great way to talk about things you want your children to learn. If you are having a problem in a certain area, you can look up Bible verses on that topic and read them together and discuss them as a family. It’s one thing to tell your children something is wrong, but the best option is to show them why the Bible says it is wrong.

Sit down together at meals. As busy as life can be with everyone running to and from jobs, school, sports, appointments, etc., having one time a day to sit and catch up with each other is so important. I love sitting at the table and just chatting. Sure we eat, but this is a great time that everyone can just talk about the events of their day. It’s a great time for parents to know what is happening in their children’s lives.

Do projects together. Maybe clean out the garage, yard work, etc., but make it fun! We have timed projects to make it more challenging and fun, and we’ve also had projects that benefited the family so we were excited to jump in and get it done so that we could enjoy what we did. Just because a project involves work doesn’t mean it has to be something dreaded.

Take a family vacation together. It’s so much fun to get away from the regular things of life for a couple days or even a week. I find when we travel we have more talking time, and the memories we create on vacation are usually ones we don’t forget. Sometimes those memories are really fun things we have done, some are crazy things we have done and there have been a few occasions where the memories were how things didn’t quite go as planned.

The things I listed above are just a few basic things you can do as a family. You have many things you probably thought of as you read through the list. I do love to talk about spending time together as a family because you see so many families that are falling apart. My husband and I hear of so many people in the ministry who were married for many years but end up divorced. This doesn’t have to happen! To keep our family unit strong, we need to stay on the same page, spend time together and love each other every day.

Walking in Integrity

Psalm 26:11
“But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me.”

One of the most needed traits today is integrity. When you look at political leaders who say one thing on the campaign trail but do another thing once they are elected, you can see the need for integrity. When you see Christians who act and say one thing at church but are completely different when you see them out in the world, you can see the need for integrity. When you see our spiritual leaders say one thing from the pulpit but see their private life revealed in a negative manner, you can see the need for integrity.

Integrity is being honest and having strong moral principles in spite of what is going on around you. David said in the verse above, “I will walk in mine integrity…” When others around David did wrong, he did right. When others around him tried to get him to change, he did right and did not change. So, what does it mean to walk in integrity?

First, walking in integrity means doing right when you are all alone. David said in verse 2, “Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.” David understood that his private life was right. He knew what he thought when he was alone. He knew what he did when he was alone. That is why he told the LORD to examine him and prove him.

Would you want the LORD to examine what you do when your alone? That is the measure of your integrity. Nobody may know your thought life, but you know it and so does God. It doesn’t matter what facade you put on in front of others, it is what you do in private and what your thought life is like that is the true measure of your integrity.

Second, walking in integrity means doing right when you are attacked. Job 27:5 says, “God forbid that I should justify you: till I die I will not remove mine integrity from me.” Job was under the attack of his friends, yet he would not change who he was. The measure of a person’s integrity is how you respond to attack. When others do you wrong, integrity will continue to do right towards them. Integrity does not retaliate, rather it continues to treat the attackers as though they have not attacked. This is not easy, but this is the true measure of integrity.

Third, walking in integrity means to stand alone when others around you do not stand. Daniel 3:18 says, “But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” This is the story of the three Hebrew children who were given another chance to bow down, but they would not bow even though everyone around them did and though they faced the fire of the furnace. The measure of one’s integrity is truly defined when they must stand alone, and that stand will cost them everything. Too many people today have their finger to the wind trying to discern what the crowd is doing when they need to stand with the Scriptures. It doesn’t matter what others do, the only thing that matters is doing right.

The benefit of walking in integrity is found in Psalm 41:12 that says, “And as for me, thou upholds me in mine integrity, and wettest me before thy face for ever.” The benefit of walking in integrity is that it will carry you through all of these situations. It is what the LORD uses to help you through tough times.

Friend, let me encourage you to do right at all times. Don’t let circumstances dictate your integrity, but do right when your attacked and alone. You may be the only one who stands, but you must realize that as you stand there is a God Who will stand with you. Your integrity is what brings you through your hard times. Be like Job who said, “I will not remove mine integrity from me.”

The Door of Death

Proverbs 5:8
“Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:”

If I told you that behind a certain door was death, I would imagine you would do everything in your power to avoid that door. If death were behind a certain door, you would avoid it, set up danger signs around that door and warn every person not to get near that door. It would not matter how pretty the door would be for you would understand that death will occur if you open that door.

The father in the Book of Proverbs warns his son of such a door. He said in the verse above, “…come not nigh the door of her house:” This father was warning his son about the door of the strange woman. He warned his son that the door of the strange woman was dangerous. He said in verse 5, “Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.” This father was warning his son that though the strange woman would try to lure him that he was to avoid going through the door to her house, because behind her door were the steps to death.

Friend, this warning is still true today. The door of the strange woman still leads to death. It is sad that we know this to be true, but many open that door only to find the death this father warned about. Though the warning of this door has been trumpeted for hundreds of years, many never learn the lesson and the danger of entering this door.

If the door of the strange woman is so deadly, then who is this strange woman? The word “strange” means foreigner. When God used this word, he is warning us that any person who is not your spouse is strange. Of course, this was a father talking to his son, and that is why he used the phrase “strange woman,” but for the lady any man who is not her husband is a strange man. This “strange” person is not a person of the streets, but it is anyone to whom you are not married.

You must be very careful about how you conduct yourself with the opposite gender. Most people do not commit adultery or fornication with someone they do not know, but it is with someone they know that they commit these wicked sins. It is the person with whom you work or go to church of whom you must be careful. It is the person whom you call your friend of whom you must be careful. It is the person with whom you are closely associated of whom you must be careful. Always be polite and courteous to the opposite gender, but be careful to keep your distance.

The warnings God gives are grave. He says, “her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword.” The bitterness this act will bring on your life is great. The pain it brings to you will be hard to heal. The honor you once had will be forever tarnished. The labors over which you toiled will all be in vain.

Friend, don’t be the next casualty! Be careful with your interactions with the opposite gender. Certainly, you can interact, but don’t cross the line and live a life of regret. God gives us the final warning of the door of death in the final two verses of this chapter when He says, “His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins. He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.” Don’t be so foolish to think that you can handle the door of death. Avoid it with all of your being!

Absalom’s Place

2 Samuel 18:18
“Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and reared up for himself a pillar, which is in the king’s dale: for he said, I have no son to keep my name in remembrance: and he called the pillar after his own name: and it is called unto this day, Absalom’s place.”

The name “Absalom” never brings positive thoughts to one’s mind. Absalom was the son of King David. Here was a young man who had much potential, but many wrong attitudes and actions ruined that potential.

During the time when Absalom had thrust his father from the kingdom, he reared up a pillar so that all would remember him. It’s sad that he thought a pillar would cause people to remember him in a pleasant light. Most likely Absalom knew in his heart that he had done wrong, and he wanted to be sure to turn that thinking around. So, he reared up a pillar and called it “Absalom’s place.”

That pillar certainly did become a memorial for Absalom, but not in a positive manner. Dr. Eremete Pierrotti, a French scientist, architect, and engineer, as an unsaved man journeyed through Palestine with the intention of disproving the Word of God. While visiting the heap of stones over Absalom’s grave, an Arab woman came by with her little child, which she held by the hand. In passing, she threw a stone upon the heap marking the tomb of Absalom, and bade the child do the same. Dr. Pierrotti asked, “What do you do that for?” The Arab woman replied, “Because it was the grave of a wicked son who disobeyed his father.” Dr. Pierrotti asked, “And who was he?” “The son of David,” she replied. What Absalom tried to change he could not change, and that pillar which he erected still reminds people today of what he did.

Absalom’s place reminds me of many things. First, Absalom’s place reminds me of lost potential. Is there something in your life that is causing you to lose your potential? Absalom’s pride was the thing that stole his potential, and it will steal yours. You must not allow a pillar of pride in your heart steal your potential as it did Absalom’s.

Second, Absalom’s place reminds me of vanity. Absalom was known for his long flowing hair. He was the pretty boy. Yes, I’m afraid we must be careful about allowing vanity to destroy us. Don’t be so vain that you always have to have everything in place. If you are one who is always looking in a mirror, then you have allowed Absalom’s place of vanity to control your life. You are who you are, and trying to portray yourself to be something you are not is only hurting you. Be careful that you don’t allow vanity to destroy you.

Third, Absalom’s place reminds me of rebellion. This is no doubt what Absalom is remembered for the most. There was so much rebellion in his heart that he actually tried to have his own father killed so he could have the throne. Is there a part of rebellion in you? You should never pride yourself with having a little rebellion, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” (1 Samuel 15:23)

Do you find Absalom’s place in your life? Friend, Absalom’s place will destroy you. Just like the Arab woman knew what Absalom was about and taught her son to throw a stone upon his grave, you also should avoid having that pillar in your life. Don’t allow the sins of pride, vanity and rebellion destroy you. If you have just a little of these things in your heart, remove them so that you will not be remembered as Absalom’s place.

A Little Too Late

Psalm 51:2
“Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.”

It is easy to pass over the time frame from David’s sin with Bathsheba to the time when the Prophet Nathan approached him. Close to a year had passed from the time that David committed adultery to the time his sin was revealed, and in that one year sin had taken a toll on David. This is why David said, “Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.” David knew the affect of sin on his life, and he wanted them completely removed.

What is more troubling to me is that after one year David saw sin’s affect, yet many Christians have gone years in their sin. Imagine what sin has done to their lives. Just like cancer eats away at an individuals health, sin also eats away at the Christianity of many Christians. Psalm 51 shows us the affect that sin has on a Christian’s life.

First, sin leaves a person guilt ridden. Verse 3 says, “For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.” I truly believe one of the reasons many Christians do not have a good spirit is because they are carrying the guilt of sin. When Nathan approached David about the story of a man taking the lamb of a poor man, David’s guilt got the best of him when he declared the penalty. A Christian cannot commit sin and guilt not take their heart. I seriously doubt the salvation of a person who commits sin and feels no guilt. Sin grieves the Holy Spirit, and because the Holy Spirit indwells the believer, His grieving will bring guilt upon the Christian.

Second, sin causes a person to make bad decisions. David said in verse 10, “Create in me a clean heart…” The heart is the source of all decisions. Proverbs 4:23 reminds us of this when it says, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Sin always affects your decision-maker. This is why a person who sins often makes more bad decisions. Sin affected their heart, the source of their decisions.

Third, sin affects the spirit of a person. In verse 10, David acknowledged that his spirit had been affected. You will always find that a person’s spirit is not what it used to be when they are in sin. People who once used to be patient will become short with others. People who once used to be loving will become hateful. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to avoid it, sin always affects your spirit.

Fourth, sin robs your joy. David asked God to restore his joy. Christian, God wants you to live a joyful life, but sin will rob you of that joy. Sin will make the things of the Christian life seem like a prison sentence. It is always amazing watching people who get right with God begin to enjoy the things of God again. Sin’s affect on your joy is tremendous, and you will never enjoy serving God as long as sin is in your life.

Finally, sin takes your security of freedom in Christ away. David begged God, “uphold me with they free spirit.” What happened? Sin caused David to feel that God no longer loved him. Friend, that security you have in knowing that God loves you will be removed if you let sin reign in your life. This is why many people who are living in sin doubt their salvation. Sin took their security away.

We can never be reminded enough of the importance of quickly dealing with our sin. It is a little too late to avoid these affects of sin when you let sin roam free in your life. Deal with your sin immediately and you will find these affects will flee away. To the person who has allowed sin to reign in their life for a long time, God can still cleanse you and the affects of sin, but you must go to Him and confess them before He starts removing them from your life.

Who Is Your Hero?

Who-is-Your-Heroby: Jonathan Painter

I am not a huge major league baseball fan, but I do know enough about the sport and the league to know that many young players once looked up to Alex Rodriguez as a player that they would like to be like someday. In many young men’s minds he was an icon, but now he is facing charges from the Major League Baseball Association and is being accused of cheating. Some say that Alex Rodriguez will never play again, so what are all the onlookers to do? What will happen to all those who wanted to be just like him? Will they quit playing baseball since their hero has fallen? I dare say not, they will continue to swing the bat and field the ball. They must simply move on.

Undoubtedly you have, or have had people in your life who you would consider to be a hero in your world. Is it okay to have such people in our lives? Many Christians would call this “idol-worship” to have a hero; however, if your hero, or role model, is held in proper perspective, then I feel there is no problem with having one.

The first thing to keep in mind is that your hero is human. Humans make mistakes. Oftentimes a young man feels that God has called him to preach, when this happens he will generally begin to look-up to a more experienced and seasoned preacher. This preacher becomes his hero. Unfortunately, if his hero falls by the wayside, what will the young man do? If he idolizes the preacher, then he too will fall away, but if he is secure enough in his own call and beliefs, then he will continue down the path God has set for him. DO NOT IDOLIZE YOUR HEROES! Focus on their strengths, but realize they do have weaknesses. Do not assume that everything they do is one hundred percent the way it must be done. If your hero falls down, you must keep on going.

Reidsville Baptist ChurchWhen you have a role-model or a hero, focus on their strengths and begin to develop those strengths in your own life. For example, one of my heroes is Dr. Hyles. One thing that was a great strength of Dr. Hyles was discipline. As I try to mold my own character as a young man, I have tried to add a great deal of discipline to my life. Where did I get the desire to have great discipline? I got the desire to have discipline by watching the affect it had on Dr. Hyles’ life.

Never forget, that it is a good thing to have heroes; yet, pick heroes whose strength is found in loving God, His Book and His Son. Realize that they too are human and that they will make mistakes. While observing your heroes in action, focus on their strengths and do not adopt their weaknesses in your own life. A hero is a good thing, when held in proper perspective. So, you must face the question, “Who is your Hero?”

Jonathan Painter
Youth Pastor
Lincoln Baptist Church
Lincoln, NE

The Weakness of Strength

2 Samuel 3:30
“So Joab and Abishai his brother slew Abner, because he had slain their brother Asahel at Gibeon in the battle.”

One of the amazing things about David’s reign is the men who helped him. Joab was one of those men who I’m sure that David would have considered a right-hand man. Joab was involved in David’s life from the beginning. The Scriptures do not make it clear whether David and Joab were friends in their childhood, but it would not surprise me if they were.

Joab was certainly a strength to David’s reign. Joab was the man who led in the ascension to the throne of Israel. When the house of David and Saul were battling each other, it was Joab who led David’s troops. It was Joab who was the general of David’s troops through most of his life. Many of God’s enemies were conquered because of Joab’s strength to lead.

Yet, though Joab was a strong leader, he also had many weaknesses that at times were a hindrance to David. Very early in David’s reign you will see the bitterness of Joab when his brother was slain by Abner. In an action of deceit, Joab slew Abner which weakened David’s ascension to the throne. It was Joab who craftily brought Absalom back after he slew his half-brother.

Though Joab had many strengths, he also had many weaknesses. What I love about David is that he was able to overlook and overcome Joab’s weaknesses by using his strengths for God’s advantage. Instead of throwing away a man whom most would not have put up with, David found a way to let Joab’s strengths be used.

Leaders should learn from David’s example of using the strengths of individuals to further the cause of Christ. If a leader is not careful, they will not use anyone because they see the weakness of every follower. Great leaders are ones who learn how to take the strengths from an individual and use them for God’s glory. It may take some creativity to find a way to use them, but leaders are supposed to be creative. As a leader you would be wise to find a way to use a person’s strength in spite of their weaknesses because that is the only way they are going to grow.

Moreover, Christians need to learn to overlook the weaknesses of others and learn from their strengths. We live in a gossip society that loves to destroy leaders and people. It is not hard to find weaknesses in any person, for all people are sinners. Instead of spending your time focusing on the weaknesses of others, you would be wise to learn from their strengths. Don’t let the weaknesses of individuals rob you from the lessons of their strengths. When you discover the weakness of someone, move on and continue to see their strengths.

Furthermore, every individual needs to be careful not to let their weakness keep them from using their strengths. We all know our own weaknesses. If we are not careful, we will allow our personal weakness to keep us from using the strengths we do have. Friend, you are not the only one who has a weakness. Yes, you should try to correct your weakness, but while you’re working on correcting it don’t let your strength go to waste. Take the strengths you do have and use them for the LORD.

Every strength has a weakness. You can either let the weakness rob you of the help and lessons that strength can give, or you can overlook the weakness and use the strength for God’s glory. Don’t let strength’s weakness rob you from using it. As David found a way to use Joab in spite of his weakness, you need to find a way to learn from strength and let the strength help you become a better Christian.